Center for a Stateless Society
A Left Market Anarchist Think Tank & Media Center
Last Wednesday I gave a talk titled “Which Way Forward for the LGBTQ Movement” in which I argued that LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) rights are undermined by the state and capitalism, and that anarchism is the solution. Topics discussed include the Stonewall Riots, police violence, prisons, HRC, Jane Marquardt, Israeli pinkwashing,…...
The Only Thing Dumber Than Libertarianism’s Critics ar...
In a recent piece that got lots of replay from the online liberal commentariat, Michael Lind (“The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer,” Salon, June 4) posed what he considered an unanswerable question to libertarians: “Why are there no libertarian countries?… If libertarianism was a good idea, wouldn’t at least one country have tried it?” If anything, Lind’s…
The Pervasive and Grotesque Logic of Victim Blaming
Edward Snowden and the Wolf Who Cried Plant
Public Enemy Number One: The Public
It’s Not About Privacy
The collective responses to the dramatic revelations of NSA mass surveillance feel like the well-worn plot of a classic movie. The story reminds me of the government’s admission a few years back that Iraq did not, after all, have weapons of mass destruction. By the time it was admitted, everybody had already figured out the emperor…
The Third Industrial Revolution: Not As Easy to Co-opt as the Second.
Time for Humanity to Achieve Greatness
True Justice Must Be Served For Guantanamo Detainees
Move over Karl, Anarchism Is Back!
Anarchists tend to look embarrassed when the subject of economics comes up. Or we mumble something about Proudhon and then sheepishly borrow ideas from Karl Marx. It has always struck me as ironic that anarchism began largely as an economic theory, think only of Josiah Warren, Proudhon and Tucker, but then abandoned the field to…
A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell
The Mind of the Market by Michael Shermer
Kevin Carson’s “Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” Now Available in Polish Translation
New Tech as a Force Multiplier and Equalizer: Bootstrapping ...
The generation of energy, whether it be the gas you pump into your tank or the coal burned to produce electricity to power your computer, is estimated to contribute upwards of 82% of all greenhouse gas emission. To add insult to injury, many of these firms have long been associated with the more deleterious impacts of neoliberal development. Of course we all know about BP’s destruction of the entire Gulf region…
Energy and Transportation Issues: A Libertarian Analysis
Communal Property: A Libertarian Analysis
Legibility & Control: Themes in the Work of James C. Scott