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Wash. State Rep. Matthew Shea (R), posted a link to a freedom foundation article Wednesay, that informed government employees of how to expose corruption and dishonesty at the state level. “How to legally be protected as a whistleblower is clearly becoming an important issue with scandal after...
(Washington Times) White House reporters sometimes poke fun at press secretary Jay Carney’s penchant for using the phrase “I appreciate the question” during briefings — especially when it’s clear he likely does...
Each side has come up with the plan that they believe will help handle the influx of immigrants and deal with those all ready in the U.S. The current plan out on the floor is becoming known as the “Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill”. The history behind this bill goes back to January 2013. Jeffery Flake...
ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo looked more like Gov. No-Go as he watched major agenda items derailed in the final hours of the legislative session last night — chief among them a provision to strengthen New York’s abortion law....
Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota says it’s time to pull the mic on Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Lhota yesterday called for the embattled Silver to relinquish his leadership role for his “cover-up” in the Vito Lopez sexual-harassment scandal. Lhota said Silver’s...