
Fischer Ádám, Nol Presszó
A Nol Presszóban kiderül melyik országban érzi otthon magát Fischer Ádám karmester, mirol ...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: noltv
Fischer Ádám, Nol Presszó
Fischer Ádám, Nol Presszó
A Nol Presszóban kiderül melyik országban érzi otthon magát Fischer Ádám karmester, mirol levelezik Tarlós Istvánnal, mit tart irigylésre méltónak Magyarorsz...- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 168
- author: noltv

© Mozart Symfoni 41 (Jupiter)- DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
Mozart Symfoni 41 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer KV 551
1 Allegro...
published: 24 Feb 2014
© Mozart Symfoni 41 (Jupiter)- DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
© Mozart Symfoni 41 (Jupiter)- DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
Mozart Symfoni 41 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer KV 551 1 Allegro vivace; 2 Andante cantabile; 3 Menuetto: Allegretto; 4 Trio, Molto allegro; © Danmarks Radio False and disputed claim: Denmark, February 25. 2014 At viewcount 0 and in order to prevent that various claimants can benefit from my video by just referring to the same piece of music that is actually performed by a different artist, I hereby file this dispute to the claim/claims to this recording. To further ensure the handling time to the maximum of 10 business days according to the youtube rules agreed by me in 2008, I will also send this dispute via e-mail to a representative within your company. As I do NOT allow ANY ads or commercials on my channel, I will furthermore change the status of the video to 'private' until the fraudulent claim is released! The infringing claim from the YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION is done with reference to "Il Est N� Le Divin Enfant", a recording or ? that has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with this Danish produced, administered and owned performance titled ''© Mozart Symfoni 41 (Jupiter)- DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009'': In fact the performance which sound work (recording or composition) that YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION by only providing insufficient information are participating in giving the uploader the impression that you administer ALL the concerts with this name or small parts of other similar content and therefore falsely claims to administer my video... which you do NOT: In short: 1. By NEGLECTING to read the information in and around the video and furthermore: 2. By referring to only incomplete reference to the claim: 3. By NOT providing the proof of ownership to the registration ID that is connected to a copyright ownership. The ONLY way of prooving ownership to the copyright is by providing this DETAILED documentation. Otherwise the claim is ILLEGAL and is in a court of law to consider 'attempt to commit fraud' ! YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION are therefore in several ways NOT fulfilling the basic information needs and demands as to inform all important details such as the copyright ID, all necessary names, previous copyright holder, dates etc. when claiming a third persons work as its/their/your property. Please note www. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/506.The skillful examiner would -by just reading the title of the video- instead of relying on the outcom of a -in respect to classical music- totally useless ID-recognition YouTube tool/program, immediately have interrupted any further examination of the video at this point, as the video / text atached clearly shows all there is a 'legal need to know' about the video:© Mozart Symfoni 41 (Jupiter)- DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009. I urge YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION to release the false claim within 2 business days. I must further underline: DO NOT EXTEND THE PERIOD to the -by me agreed- 10 business days before releasing the claim, BUT DO IT NOW! The YouTube copyright and DMCA tream tell me, that a claimed video -before, during or after the dispute process- does not generate any revenue, and you may therefore release your false claim(s) instantly without any loss! Note also my logfile that maybe is exposing your company name together with the fraudulent claim-attempts being published in the description field below the video! Find also a way to compare the text in the upload that is NOT matching your false claim, and then refrain from claiming further. Or alternatively: do as some of the other usual claimants have chosen to do: Whitelist my account, as the status of all claimed videos rapidly will be changed by me to 'PRIVATE' until all false claims are released. Mugge62- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 545

Add hozzá a hangod a változáshoz Fischer Ádám beszéde és a kórus
published: 20 May 2013
author: Ádám Csillag
Add hozzá a hangod a változáshoz Fischer Ádám beszéde és a kórus
Add hozzá a hangod a változáshoz Fischer Ádám beszéde és a kórus
- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 40
- author: Ádám Csillag

EU Himnusz Fischer Ádám vezényletével a Szabadság téren.
A történelemhamisító "emlékmű" elleni szabadságtéri tiltakozás 75. napján a szervezők /Zol...
published: 23 Jun 2014
EU Himnusz Fischer Ádám vezényletével a Szabadság téren.
EU Himnusz Fischer Ádám vezényletével a Szabadság téren.
A történelemhamisító "emlékmű" elleni szabadságtéri tiltakozás 75. napján a szervezők /Zoltai Andrea, és Magyar Fruzsina/ felkérték Fischer Ádám világhírű karmestert, hogy 2014. június 21.-én az ott összegyűlő polgárság, megmozdulásában előadott EU Himnuszt segítsen betanulni, majd az ő vezényletével elénekelni. A budapesti Szabadság téren a nagy közös Szabadság-kórus, /legalább 500 polgár/, és Fischer Ádám felejthetetlen élményt produkált. Fischer Ádám közvetlensége, humora, embersége, és természetesen nem utolsósorban szakmai hozzáértése, és kedvessége azt hiszem az összes résztvevő szívét meghódította. Bájos, feledhetetlen este...- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 155

Richard Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20, TrV 156, Conductor: Ádám Fischer (Adam Fischer)
理查‧史特勞斯 唐璜 Strauss, Richard ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Don ...
published: 02 Feb 2013
author: chia79210
Richard Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20, TrV 156, Conductor: Ádám Fischer (Adam Fischer)
Richard Strauss: Don Juan, Op. 20, TrV 156, Conductor: Ádám Fischer (Adam Fischer)
理查‧史特勞斯 唐璜 Strauss, Richard ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Don Juan, Op. 20, TrV 156 Conductor: Ádám Fischer (Adam Fischer) 指揮: 亞當...- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 500
- author: chia79210

Örömóda a Csillagos Házak napján - Fischer Ádám és a Szabadság téri demokrata kórus előadásában :)
(jobb hangminőség)...
published: 21 Jun 2014
Örömóda a Csillagos Házak napján - Fischer Ádám és a Szabadság téri demokrata kórus előadásában :)
Örömóda a Csillagos Házak napján - Fischer Ádám és a Szabadság téri demokrata kórus előadásában :)
(jobb hangminőség)- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 6633

Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
00:00 - Symphony No.1 13:31 - Symphony No.2 23:08 - Symphony No.3 40:45 - Symphony No.4 58...
published: 31 May 2012
author: qaqaqa353
Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
00:00 - Symphony No.1 13:31 - Symphony No.2 23:08 - Symphony No.3 40:45 - Symphony No.4 58:24 - Symphony No.5.- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 19822
- author: qaqaqa353

© Mozart - Symfoni nr. 31 (Paris) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
Mozart - Symfoni nr. 31 (Paris) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer © Danmarks Rad...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: mugge62
© Mozart - Symfoni nr. 31 (Paris) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
© Mozart - Symfoni nr. 31 (Paris) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
Mozart - Symfoni nr. 31 (Paris) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer © Danmarks Radio 1. Allegro assai.............. 0;27 2. Andante.....................- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 693
- author: mugge62

Haydn Symphony No 45 F♯ minor Farewell Abschiedssinfonie Ádám Fischer Haydnphilarmonie
Joseph Haydn Symphony No 45 F♯ minor Farewell Abschieds Ádám Fischer Haydn Philharmonie m...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Haydn Symphony No 45 F♯ minor Farewell Abschiedssinfonie Ádám Fischer Haydnphilarmonie
Haydn Symphony No 45 F♯ minor Farewell Abschiedssinfonie Ádám Fischer Haydnphilarmonie
Joseph Haydn Symphony No 45 F♯ minor Farewell Abschieds Ádám Fischer Haydn Philharmonie minor Abschieds (Farewell) Ádám Fischer conducts Österreichisch Ungarische Haydn Philharmonie in Eszterháza palace located in Fertod (Hungary) where the symphony was composed and premiered in 1772 Symphony No. 45 in F-sharp minor, known as the "Farewell" Symphony (in German: Abschieds-Symphonie), was composed by Joseph Haydn in 1772. History It was written for Haydn's patron, Prince Nikolaus Esterházy, while he, Haydn and the court orchestra were at the Prince's summer palace in Eszterháza. The stay there had been longer than expected, and most of the musicians had been forced to leave their wives back at home in Eisenstadt, so in the last movement of the symphony, Haydn subtly hinted to his patron that perhaps he might like to allow the musicians to return home: during the final adagio each musician stops playing, snuffs out the candle on his music stand, and leaves in turn, so that at the end, there are just two muted violins left (played by Haydn himself and the concertmaster, Alois Luigi Tomasini). Esterházy seems to have understood the message: the court returned to Eisenstadt the day following the performance. The first movement of Haydn's Symphony No. 85 includes a reference to this symphony. Movements The piece is written for two oboes, bassoon, two horns, and strings (violins divided into two, violas, cellos and double basses). 1. Allegro assai, 3/4 0:00 2. Adagio, 3/8 5:15 3. Menuet: Allegretto, 3/4 15:50 4. Finale: Presto, 2/2 - Adagio, 3/8 19:43 The first movement of the work is a turbulent affair in F-sharp minor, an extremely unusual key to use at the time of the work. It opens in a manner typical of Haydn's Sturm und Drang period, with descending minor arpeggios in the first violins against syncopated notes in the second violins and held chords in the winds. The movement can be explained structurally in terms of sonata form, but it departs from the standard model in a number of ways (just before the recapitulation, for example, new material is introduced, which might have been used as the second subject in the exposition in a more conventional work). Also, the exposition moves to C-sharp minor, the dominant minor, rather than the more usual relative major. Aside from these departures from the norm, the first movement is "hardly able to be perceived as revolutionary" and "is not at all that adventurous, containing a development that ventures only to the levels of IV, ? II, and VI in addition to the mediant and tonic." The second, slow, movement in A major and 3/8 time is also in sonata form. It begins with a relaxed melody played by muted violins, featuring a repeated "hiccuping" motif. The mood gradually becomes more somber and meditative with an alternation between major and minor modes, resembling many similar passages in the later work of Schubert. There follows a series of dissonant suspensions carried across the bar line, which are extended to extraordinary lengths by Haydn when the same material appears in the recapitulation. James Webster hears this music as programmatic, expressing the yearning for home. The following minuet is in the key of F-sharp major; its main peculiarity is that the final cadence of each section is made very weak (falling on the third beat), creating a sense of incompleteness. The last movement begins as a characteristic Haydn finale in fast tempo and cut time, written in sonata form in the home key of F-sharp minor. The rhythmic intensity is increased at one point through the use of unison bariolage in the first violin part. The music eventually reaches the end of the recapitulation in a passage that sounds very much as if it were the end of the symphony, but suddenly breaks off in a dominant cadence. What follows is a long coda-like section — in essence a second slow movement — which is highly unusual in Classical symphonies and was probably quite surprising to the Prince. This is written in 3/8 time and modulates from A major to F-sharp major, during which time the musicians take their leave. As the number of remaining instruments dwindles, the sound emanating from the orchestra gradually becomes audibly thinner. The ending is a kind of deliberate anticlimax and is usually performed as a very soft pianissimo. This final adagio includes a bit of stage business that may not be obvious to a listener hearing a recorded performance: several of the musicians are given little solos to play just before departing. The order of departure is: first oboe and second horn (solos), bassoon (no solo), second oboe and first horn (solos), double bass (solo), cello (no solo), orchestral violins (solos; first chair players silent), viola (no solo). The first chair violinists remain to complete the work.- published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 17

Haydn Symphony No 49 F minor 'La Passione' Ádám Fischer Haydnphilamonie
Joseph Haydn Symphony No 49 F minor La Passione
Adam Fischer conducts Österreichisch Unga...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Haydn Symphony No 49 F minor 'La Passione' Ádám Fischer Haydnphilamonie
Haydn Symphony No 49 F minor 'La Passione' Ádám Fischer Haydnphilamonie
Joseph Haydn Symphony No 49 F minor La Passione Adam Fischer conducts Österreichisch Ungarische Haydn Philharmonie in Eszterháza palace located in Fertőd (Hungary) where the symphony was composed and premiered in 1768 The Symphony No. 49 in F minor (Hoboken 1/49) was written in 1768 by Joseph Haydn during his Sturm und Drang period. It is popularly known as La passione (The Passion). The scoring of the symphony is typical of Haydn in this period: two oboes, bassoon, two horns, strings and continuo. Nickname (La passione) As with all the other titles that have become attached to Haydn's symphonies, this did not originate with the composer himself. It was long believed that the nickname "La passione" or The Passion derived from the nature of the music itself: the slow opening movement of the sinfonia da chiesa, its minor key modality and its association with the Sturm und Drang period of Haydn's symphonic output. Drawing from this traditional reading, H.C. Robbins Landon has described it as "dark-hued, somber - even tragic." However, the nickname can be traced back to a single source from a performance given during Holy Week in the Northern German city of Schwerin in 1790, where secular music was banned from performance between 1756 and 1785. This suggests that the name was derived circumstantially and not thematically and that reading the symphony as having a Passion-related motif is post-facto interpretation. As Elaine Sisman has discovered, The traditional view of this symphony is, however, strikingly at odds with the title transmitted in a Viennese source, now at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde: "Il Quakuo [recte quacquero] di bel'humore" - that is, the good-humored, good-natured, or waggish Quaker. The complete inscription reads: "nel suo antusiasmo [sic] il Quakuo di bel'humore. / questa Sinfonia serve di Compagna a quella / del Philosopho Inglese dell' istesso autore."' This suggests that, far from being a passion-related work, the symphony has, in part at least, a theatrical provenance - a fairly common origin for Haydn's symphonic works (See, e.g. Symphonies No. 59 and 60). There was, in fact, a popular play to which this inscription likely refers. Die Quäker was the title under which Chamfort's 1764 comedy La jeune indienne was published in German. It was a popular stage piece in Vienna during the late 1760s and early 1770s. It is possible, therefore, that the "dark hued" reading of the symphony was, in fact, an insouciant characterisation of the earnest Quaker figure from Chamfort. Movements The four movements follow the what was by then archaic Sonata da chiesa pattern: slow-fast-slow (minuet)-fast. It was the last time Haydn was to follow this scheme in a symphony. 1. Adagio, 3/4 0:00 2. Allegro di molto, 4/4 8:20 3. Menuet e Trio, 3/4 13:13 4. Presto, 2/2 17:43 The symphony is homotonal as all the movements are in F minor, although the trio is in F major, providing a glimpse of brightness in the generally pessimistic scene. The two quick movements are notable for their forward drive and relentless energy.- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 4

Joseph Haydn "La Passione" Cond.: Ádám Fischer
Joseph Haydn "La Passione" Cond.: Ádám Fischer....
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: franzhun
Joseph Haydn "La Passione" Cond.: Ádám Fischer
Joseph Haydn "La Passione" Cond.: Ádám Fischer
Joseph Haydn "La Passione" Cond.: Ádám Fischer.- published: 24 Apr 2011
- views: 3943
- author: franzhun
Youtube results:

© Beethoven * Symfoni nr 3 (Eroica) * DR UnderholdningsOrkestret + Adam Fischer
Symfoni nr 3 * Ludwig van Beethoven * Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret & Adam Fische...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: mugge62
© Beethoven * Symfoni nr 3 (Eroica) * DR UnderholdningsOrkestret + Adam Fischer
© Beethoven * Symfoni nr 3 (Eroica) * DR UnderholdningsOrkestret + Adam Fischer
Symfoni nr 3 * Ludwig van Beethoven * Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret & Adam Fischer * © Danmarks Radio 1. Allegro con brio =............................- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 1167
- author: mugge62

© Joseph Haydn - Symfoni nr. 45 (Farewell) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
Joseph Haydn - Symfoni nr. 45 (Farewell) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer © Dan...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: mugge62
© Joseph Haydn - Symfoni nr. 45 (Farewell) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
© Joseph Haydn - Symfoni nr. 45 (Farewell) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer
Joseph Haydn - Symfoni nr. 45 (Farewell) - DR UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer © Danmarks Radio 1. Allegro assai.................. 0;50 2. Adagio.........- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 1660
- author: mugge62

Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.34 & 94
00:00 - Haydn Symphony No.34 17:10 - Haydn Symphony No.94 'Surprise'...
published: 31 May 2012
author: qaqaqa353
Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.34 & 94
Ádám Fischer - Haydn Symphony No.34 & 94
00:00 - Haydn Symphony No.34 17:10 - Haydn Symphony No.94 'Surprise'- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 329
- author: qaqaqa353

© Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer KV 200
1 Allegro...
published: 24 Feb 2014
© Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
© Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009
Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer KV 200 1 Allegro spiritoso; 2 Andante; 2 Menuetto; 4 Presto ; © Danmarks Radio False, but disputed claim: Denmark - February 25. 2014. At viewcount 0 and in order to prevent that various claimants can benefit from my video by just referring to the same piece of music that is actually performed by a different artist, I hereby file this dispute to the claim/claims to this recording. To further ensure the handling time to the maximum of 10 business days according to the youtube rules agreed by me in 2008, I will also send this dispute via e-mail to a representative within your company. As I do NOT allow ANY ads or commercials on my channel, I will furthermore change the status of the video to 'private' until the fraudulent claim is released! The infringing claim from The YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION is done with reference to a tempo description:"1. Allegro spiritoso"; Not a recording and therefore something that has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with this Danish produced, administered and owned performance titled ''© Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009'': In fact the performance which sound work (recording or composition) that YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION = (A tempo description) by only providing insufficient information are participating in giving the uploader the impression that you administer ALL the concerts with this name or small parts of other similar content and therefore falsely claims to administer my video... which you do NOT: In short: 1. By NEGLECTING to read the information in and around the video and furthermore: 2. By referring to only incomplete reference to the claim: 3. By NOT providing the proof of ownership to the registration ID that is connected to a copyright ownership. The ONLY way of prooving ownership to the copyright is by providing this DETAILED documentation. Otherwise the claim is ILLEGAL and is in a court of law to consider 'attempt to commit fraud' ! YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION are therefore in several ways NOT fulfilling the basic information needs and demands as to inform all important details such as the copyright ID, all necessary names, previous copyright holder, dates etc. when claiming a third persons work as its/their/your property. Please note www. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/506.The skillful examiner would -by just reading the title of the video- instead of relying on the outcom of a -in respect to classical music- totally useless ID-recognition YouTube tool/program, immediately have interrupted any further examination of the video at this point, as the video / text atached clearly shows all there is a 'legal need to know' about the video:© Mozart Symfoni 28 - Danmarks Radio UnderholdningsOrkestret - Adam Fischer 2009. I urge YouTube advertisment Team = One or more publishing rights societies that by fraud is collecting FALSE and INCOMPLETE INFORMATION to release the false claim within 2 business days. I must further underline: DO NOT EXTEND THE PERIOD to the -by me agreed- 10 business days before releasing the claim, BUT DO IT NOW! The YouTube copyright and DMCA tream tell me, that a claimed video -before, during or after the dispute process- does not generate any revenue, and you may therefore release your false claim(s) instantly without any loss! Note also my logfile that maybe is exposing your company name together with the fraudulent claim-attempts being published in the description field below the video! Find also a way to compare the text in the upload that is NOT matching your false claim, and then refrain from claiming further. Or alternatively: do as some of the other usual claimants have chosen to do: Whitelist my account, as the status of all claimed videos rapidly will be changed by me to 'PRIVATE' until all false claims are released. Mugge62- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 301