Available Feeds

Action alerts - a list of very short, infrequent updates of important happenings in the city.
Latest articles - lists latest articles which have been published on the site.
en, feeds, index, latest_zines - en, feeds, index, latest_zines_explanation
Upcoming events - lists the next events upcoming from the calendar.
Upcoming events by tag Allows you to get a feed of events for a specific tag, listed by when they were published. So if you want to see everything tagged with "foo" on the site as it gets published, you'd type "foo" into this search box and subscribe to the resulting feed:

Upcoming events by place Allows you to get a feed of events for a specific place, listed by when they were published. So if you want to see all events tagged with the place 'Brixton' on the site as it gets published, you'd type 'Brixton' into this search box and subscribe to the resulting feed:

Latest videos Miro Video Player

This will allow you to download Miro, which takes care of feed-reading, Bittorrent and video-playing software in one easy to use package. You can find out more about its features at the Miro site. Once you've installed Miro, you can subscribe to our video feed to automatically receive all of our latest videos.