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Time to move on: IMC London signing off

The Indymedia London collective has taken a decision to close.

Collectively we have racked up almost 100 years of involvement with the Indymedia project; from the beginnings of Indymedia in 1999 and the launch of Indymedia UK in 2000 as a manual website and evolution to a content management site, to the creation of local indymedia groups in 2003, and then the launch of the current IMC Londo…

Follow Globalnoise Live


Follow GlobalNoise [2,3,4] live here:

and here: and

and here:

Remember, Remember: Shift Magazine


Shift’s semi-regular ‘Remember, Remem­ber’ feature was conceived as a chance for reappraisals of past political events, proj­ects and social movements. In our last is­sue we want to use this space to take a look back at our own project, evaluate our own successes and failures and ex­plain some of the reasoning behind our decision to end the project for now.

Intruders at the Investment Banking Awards


The Investment Banking Awards are the Oscars of the financial world. Dished out for so-called 'innovation', some of the world's richest bankers gather together to congratulate each other on devising ever more creative ways to make obscene sums of money. See the film of the awards.

Cuts Cafe - first impressions and pics


On the same day that George Osbourne announced an even greater round of welfare cuts to add to those already previously announced... The Cuts Cafe opened in Southwark in central London yesterday evening. It is intended as a meeting place for people opposed to the government's austerity programme in the run-up to the TUC demonstration on the 20th October.

Extradition: Judiciary Aborts British Civil Rights


On 5th October 2012, Human Rights campaigners gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, awaiting the final verdict, on the extensive legal battle challenging the extraditions of British Citizens to the U.S. A short film documenting the public solidarity stand can be viewed here -

Cuts Cafe second building open


Cuts Cafe: 1 Stamford Street, SE1 9NT. Doors are open - see full list of events in the run up to Oct20 TUC protests.

This is the second building the Cuts Cafe has had. The first one was lost due to obstruction and eviction by security and the threat of arrest by police. The Cuts Café aims to provide a radical space in Central London to build resistance to the devastating cuts being imposed by …

Haringey activists stage letting agents inspection


Haringey Housing Action Group and other housing activists held an inspection of local letting agents to draw attention to high rents, short-term tenancies, discrimination against housing benefit claimants and high administration fees.

Excitement grows for Cuts Cafe


Monday Update: Building is at 1 Stamford St, SE1 9NT, see first impressions and pics. People needed to help sort space out!

The Cuts Cafe held it first public meeting on October the 1st to to "give everyone – groups and individuals – the chance to find out more about the project and how to get involved."  The location will be a squatted space opened for the two weeks leading up to the T…

Reconnect Space + #Globalnoise Prep Today (sat)

Reconnect - bringing our community back together!

203 High Holborn

A celebration of local creativity, we've acquired a HUGE space this weekend with space for hundreds of artists, performers, etc to come and express themselves. 

the building has been empty for 9 years due to corporate waste and mismanagement of resources, the venue has 10 galleries each the size of football pitches and we are hop…

#29S London Solidarity Spanish Embassy 6pm


Gather with us around the Spanish Embassy (SW1X 8SB) at 6pm to show solidartiy to the people surrounding the Congress in Madrid.

As the protests spread to other countries and cities, join us in london

Fund supporting systemic change and social justice

Edge Fund supports communities, campaign groups and activists organising for social, economic and environmental justice and is run by a membership of donors, activist and communities facing injustice.

Heygate Pop-Up Cinema Celebrates Opening Night


Around 50 people attended the opening night of the Heygate cinema on Saturday 22nd. The event was hosted by the (provisional) Heygate Residents Association which screened the film ‘Doreen’ made by film-makers David Reeve & Patrick Steel. In the film, Doreen Gee - former Chair of the Tenants & Residents Association - reminisces about the culture of the estate and what went wrong with the re…

Cuts Cafe #Oct20 organising space: 1st Public Mtg


As you probably know, for the two weeks leading up to the Trade Union Congress (TUC) demonstration on October 20th, Cuts Café will provide a radical reclaimed space in London to build resistance to the cuts, and to explore real alternatives to austerity.

We’re holding a public meeting, to give everyone – groups and individuals – the chance to find out more about the project and how to get i…

Radical anti-capitalist Call for #Oct20 TUC demo

#Oct20. Cut the crap. The problem is Capitalism.

CALL OUT: for a radical anti-capitalist presence on October 20th

Some contradictions at the squatted library



North London’s squatted library has made some headlines. An element of novelty helps no doubt – a new take on opposition to the cuts.

It sounds like there has been a fine and determined campaign to save the library from Barnet Council’s axe, including a sit-in on the day of closure and regular pop-up li…

ABC Prisoner Art Tour Arrives In London


A Prisoner Art Exhibition, collected and co-ordinated by Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) groups and allies, has now arrived at Colorama #2 (or C2), South London, as it begins a year-long tour visiting over a dozen venues across England, Wales and Ireland.

Opposite the old Colorama Cinema, C2 is fast becoming a hub of activity as residents transform the office block and ground level warehouse into a…

#25s and #volvemos26s at Spanish Embassy London


15M London Assembly convened to mobilize on September 25 in front of the Spanish Embassy in London, in support of the protests held in Madrid on the same day and other cities.

We conducted solidarity a moment of silence and discussion (content, action, coordination). Following events and decisions in Madrid we are back today:

Wednesday September 26....  See you back in front of the Spanish Embas…

25s Madrid: We are not afraid - All must go!



Despite attempts to criminalise and repress the movement ahead of the 25s 'surround the parliament' protest, thousands of people followed the call and marched from different points to blockade the Madrid congress for several hours, chanting "we are not afraid". After some pulled at the security cordon fences riot police attacked the crowd with batons and later rubber bullets [video chronicle] …

Seeing the woods from the trees at Runnymede Eco.

If you happened to glance at a recent BBC Surrey news website report entitled: ”Runnymede squatters: National Trust wins eviction order”,  you could be forgiven for thinking that the Digger’s 2012 Runnymede Eco-village was situated on land owned by the National Trust.  We are taking this opportunity to clarify that Runnymede Eco-Village is not situated on land owned by the National Tru…

SlutWalk returns to London and raises its voice


On Saturday hundreds of activists took part in SlutWalk London 2012 to demonstrate against victim-blaming in cases of rape. The protest is part of the global SlutWalk movement and also involves the campaign groups Women Against Rape and Global Womens Strike among others.

The global SlutWalk campaign was formed following the international outcry after a police officer in Toronto, Canada addressin…

Case dismissed for Occupy London’s #M12 five


Five Occupy London supporters viewed as a threat to the reputation of the UK economy have had the cases against them thrown out of court – with every single arrest deemed unlawful by the presiding judge.

District Judge Lachhar at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court in West London dismissed the case this week (19 September) against the M12 five who were arrested by the Royal Exchange, just over the r…

Urgent request for Monday

Urgent request for support for innocent Mexican indigenous political prisoner.




Immigration Detention Centre blockaded


The UK is set to deport dozens of Tamil asylum seekers to Sri Lanka from the UK on 19th September, disregarding clear evidence of torture on return and the outcries of the Tamil community and human rights groups. Injunctions have been granted in the High Court last night, stopping some removals, and others are expected today.

Meanwhile, activists have started a blockade of Colnbrook Immigrati…

Anti-Austerity Protests - Portugal Demos Sept 15


about the police violence over civilians at the 15 Sept anti-austerity demo in Lisbon, Portugal.

please spread the news everywhere.

LoveMusic HateRacism - Racism, Police & Solidarity


London Criminal Barrister, Brian Richardson and a UEL Student, Arnie Joahill, discuss Racism, the IPCC, Stop & Search Policty, Police and solidarity action at love Music Hate Racism Celebrations on 15th September 2012 -

Fightback against stop-and-search begins


With little sign in a reduction of stop-and-search under PACE since the Met's supposed change in approach residents and campaign groups in east London are taking matters into their own hands by educating young people of their rights, encouraging the wider community to stop-and-monitor the police as they conduct their searches and orchestrating a culture of complaining everytime a victim is abused …

Make some Global Noise on October 13th


International activists involved in the Indignato and Occupy movements have begun a campaign to create GlobalNoise, a worldwide cacerolazo, or casserole march, on Saturday, October 13th, 2012. The hope is that local Occupations and Collectives will take up the call to march, using the method of a casserole march to highlight whatever issues are the most important to their community.

Reclaim Community - Friern Barnet Library


Latest: See interviews with the local residents and squatters: Video

On the 5th of September Occupiers and members of the local community in North London reclaimed the Friern Barnet Library after it had its doors closed in April by the council this year due to public sector cuts. The library is now declared liberated, occupied and reopened to the public. Although today the council served an …

Activists 'brick up' Shell HQ as the Arctic melts


Early morning on the 11th September 12 a group of 20 climate change activists calling themselves ‘Ice Bloc’ unloaded nearly two tonnes of ice into the main entrance of Shell HQ. The protest was timed to coincide with this week's impending announcement of the lowest sea-ice coverage ever recorded, a loss of about 50% more ice coverage than the summer ice minimum 30 years ago.  See vi…

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