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The ARab Revolts

The Arab Revolts Against Neoliberalism

In and Out of Crisis

Ideas for the Struggle
by Marta Harnecker

 What’s New 

Bullet #839: Illusions and Realities Surrounding Iran's Presidential Elections

by Saeed Rahnema | June 20, 2013

A salient message from among numerous satirical dispatches from Iran resonated well with last week's presidential elections. It said, "in other countries people go to the poll booths to elect their favourite candidate, in Iran we line up to vote in order to prevent a particular candidate from winning." This indeed reflects Iranians' attitude and reaction to an 'engineered' electoral process.

What's New: I am Bradley Manning

| June 19, 2013

While Pfc. Bradley Manning stands trial at Ft. Meade, MD, pop-culture celebrities declare their support for the Army whistleblower, in a five-minute advocacy video released late yesterday. More than 20 Hollywood actors, musicians, and other well-known leaders appear in the new video, titled "I am Bradley Manning."

What's New: The Free Fare struggle rises up

by Sean Purdy | June 19, 2013

São Paulo was a war zone the night of June 13 as riot police viciously attacked a peaceful demonstration of the Free Fare movement, which is protesting hikes in bus and subway fares. Despite massive police repression and the intransigence of the city and state governments, there are have been four large demonstrations in the last two weeks by the Free Fare movement in São Paulo, South America's largest city.

What's New: Sao Paulo Is Burning

by Débora Lopes | June 18, 2013

During the Brazilian National Free Fare Fight Day in 2012, a mass demonstration against the rising cost of public transportation, the Movement for the Free Pass (MPL) in São Paulo warned that if public transport fares went up, they would bring the city to a halt. Well, the fare went up 0.20 Brazian real (about $0.08) on June 1st of this year, so MLP called for a protest as promised. Since the first protest on June 6th, Sao Paulo's main streets have played host to numerous violent clashes between police and students.

Bullet #838: What's Next After Blockupy Frankfurt?

by Catarina Principe and Anton Thun | June 18, 2013

Thousands of German activists converged on Frankfurt, one of Europe's most important financial centers on May 31 and June 1. Their slogan "Blockupy Frankfurt!" was the rallying cry for a protest of the German and European Union (EU) governments' ongoing austerity policies.

What's New: Self-Defense for Workers, Against Market Tyranny

| June 17, 2013

Carlo Fanelli interviews Michael Perelman on his new book The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism. Your early work pays a great deal of attention to the classical political economists, with later writings engaging with economic luminaries such as Alfred Marshal and John Maynard Keynes. Could you briefly discuss how this research has influenced your thinking about economics? And in what ways has this motivated your present explorations?

What's New: Is there an alternative to the neoliberal regime?

by John Warnock | June 17, 2013

We are now into the fifth year of The Great Recession. In all of the advanced capitalist countries economic growth rates lag and real unemployment remains high. Inequality of income and wealth steadily increases. This is the fallout from the neoliberal model of the free market and free trade. Margaret Thatcher insisted that There Is No Alternative (TINA). Is that true?

What's New archive: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

 In The News 

JP Morgan: 'Get rid of your pinko, anti-fascist constitutions' June 20, 2013

Indonesia is seeing a new corporate colonialism June 20, 2013

Nearly half of our millionaires are immigrants June 19, 2013

The closure of ERT is a litmus test for the Greek left June 19, 2013

Edward Snowden: Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped June 19, 2013

Turkish Unions Strike Again June 19, 2013

Portugal's main union calls general strike for June 27 June 19, 2013

Strike Sweeps Turkey as Gov't Vows Military Force June 19, 2013

Brazil protests spread in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio June 18, 2013

Turning Japanese: The Global Economic Trajectory? June 18, 2013

La Via Campesina celebrates 20 years of standing up for food sovereignty June 18, 2013

Transport fee hikes and police repression inspire protests across Brazil June 18, 2013

Is NYC really the city of the 1 Per Cent? June 18, 2013

Remake unions for the future of labour say activists June 18, 2013

In The News archive:
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Continental Crucible:
Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America

Empire's Ally:
Canada and the War in Afghanistan

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Socialist Register 2013:
The Question of Strategy

 Events Listings 

3:30pm, Sunday June 23, 2013
Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham Street, Toronto.

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twinkle starForum: #Chapuling in Turkey

#Chapuling in Turkey
Occupy Gezi and Reflections from the Turkish Left

Since the end of May, Turkey has seen the rise of a social movement that has serious implications, both for freedom and democracy within the Turkish state as well as broader geopolitical ramifications. The movement and its protests have galvanized Turkish society and is notable for the inclusion of Kurdish activists. It has been met with horrible repression and staged violence by agents provocateurs. Even in the face of international condemnation, whether from powerful governments or international social movements, the Tayip Erdogan regime continues to repress the movement, which grows stronger by the day.

This forum, with three activists of Turkish origin, will explore the origins and potentialities of this exciting situation.


* Balca Arda is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her PhD thesis focuses on the artistic performances of Muslim Diaspora on the post-September 11 period in North America. During her undergraduate studies at Bogazici University in Turkey, she co-founded “Davetsiz Misafir” (The Uninvited Guest), an intellectual magazine of science-fiction, cinema and critique, and she became the chief editor and art director of the magazine. She pursued her graduate studies at the University of the Arts London in the field of Digital Arts. From 2008-2010, Balca was a member of the artist residency of Borusan Art Center that selected 10 young Turkish artists to support their artistic works. She pursued another MA in the political science department at Bogazici University, and her thesis was on the Transformation of the Kurdish Oppositional Art in Turkey.

* Ezgi Dogru is a graduate of Middle East Technical University in Ankara, and is currently a PhD student in Political Science at York University studying urban political economy and regional accumulation strategies in Turkey. She has been organizing some of the support demonstrations in Toronto.

* Baris Karaagac went to school in Istanbul and is currently teaching Development Studies at Trent University. He is the editor of Accumulations, Crises, Struggles: Capital and Labour in Contemporary Capitalism.

* Chapuling (Turkish: çapuling) is a neologism originating in the May 2013 protests in Turkey, derived from Prime Minister Erdogan's use of the term "çapulcu" (roughly translated to "looter" or "marauder" ) to describe demonstrators.

Sponsored by: Greater Toronto Workers' Assembly; Socialist Project; Centre for Social Justice | Facebook event | YouTube video
7:00pm, Thursday June 20, 2013
Theatre Centre Pop-Up, 1095 Queen St. West, Toronto.

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Theatre: Socialist Games

Socialist Games
Mammalian Diving Reflex is getting downright jockish this summer with Socialist* Games - an evening of shifting our asses into gear and engaging in some aggressive merriment. And we don't mean sitting around a table sipping cappuccinos and playing some pussy-ass boardgames. Socialist* Games calls on strangers to play with strangers in wave after wave of summer-camp style activities - minus the summer camp, plus awkwardness and double the hotness.

So give your laptop the finger and head over to The Theatre Centre. By the end of the night you will be much more sweaty, much less of a stranger, and a much more of a socialist*.

*Socialist, n. One inclined to seek out and enjoy the company of others.

Venue: The Theatre Centre Pop-Up / 1095 Queen St. West
Dates: June Thursdays 13, 20, 27 @ 7:00 - 9:00

Cost: Sliding scale - From each according to her finances, to each according to his need (Or PWYC: something around $5-10 would be nice). | Facebook event
6:30pm, Thursday June 20, 2013
Human Rights Monument, Lisgar and Elgin streets, Ottawa.

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Rally: Ottawa in Solidarity with Turkey

We will meet in front of the monument to raise awareness and to protest human rights violations going on in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and in all other cities in Turkey. The AKP government must stop the attacks on protesters and honor the duty that physicians and other health professionals have to care for those in need.

Facebook event | CUPE 3903 letter of support
6:00pm, Thursday June 20, 2013
UofT Medical Sciences Building Room #3153, 1 King's College Circle, Toronto.

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Forum: The State and The Future of Democracy in Turkey

In recent years Turkey has been presented as a "model democracy" for the Middle East. In recent weeks, what started out as a protest against the conversion of a park to a shopping centre in Istanbul, has evolved into a national protest movement about democracy and grievances related to neo-liberalism, unfettered urban development, repression of political dissent and free media, state intervention into personal lifestyles, disregard for constitutional rights and freedoms and police brutality. Escalating tensions threaten to deepen the pre-existing divides in the social fabric of Turkey and threaten any possibility of democratization in Turkey.

Please join us to discuss recent developments in Turkey and explore solutions out of this crisis. Panelists:

* Feyzi Baban, International Development Studies, Trent University (from Istanbul via Skype)
* Sabine Dreher, International Studies, York University, Glendon
* Mustafa Koc, Department of Sociology, Ryerson University

Turkey-Canada Platform for Democracy, Toronto Turkish Community | PDF poster
June 10 - June 21, 2013
York University, Toronto.

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Summer School: Radical Food and Hunger Politics in the City

Radical Food and Hunger Politics in the City

Monday June 10 to Friday June 21, 2013
10:00 am - 1:00 pm, Ross S674, York University

Guest Instructor: Nik Heynen - Associate Professor, University of Georgia

Summer School Director: Liette Gilbert - Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies

Since 1991, the annual Summer School investigates one salient issue within the field of international political economy and ecology. A prime objective of the course is to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and between ecology and democracy.

2013 Course Description (ENVS 6275, GEOG 5395, POLS 6282)

Application Information:
The IPEE Summer School invites applications from graduate students, activists and other interested individuals. The application deadline is Monday April 15, 2013 |
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