Category Archives: Environment & Local Communities

NO TAV against fascism!

Last Friday 9th March, a small number of militants from the neofascist group Forza Nuova (“New Force”) protested outside the offices of the newspaper Il Giornale in Milan. The protest was held in solidarity with the NO TAV movement, and Il Giornale was targeted in particular for its bitter criminalisation of the movement. The protesters distributed leaflets and hung a banner saying “Your progress has killed the sky” (Pretentious, banal and empty: way to go, guys!). According to the group, what’s at stake in the Susa Valley is “an entire social model”: Continue reading

NO TAV Women’s Day: Reclaim Dissent!

Responding to a call out made by women within the movement a few days ago, today around 100 NO TAV women met up in Susa to “have a chat” with the local Mayor (a woman herself). The protesters bumped into the Mayor just outside the Council House and informed her they would “make a visit” to the meeting that had been planned in the morning. Continue reading

Val di Susa in every city! NO TAV updates

The last 10 days or so have seen a massive shift in the NO TAV struggle, with the state now trying to repress the movement more openly than ever: evictions, police beatings, and the government’s terror propaganda. Here’s a look at recent events: Continue reading

Ongoing solidarity with the NO TAV arrestees

Accomplices of any Resistance. Participants in any Conflict. (Solidarity materials from Tunisia)

Over the last few weeks solidarity actions and initiatives with the NO TAV arrestees have kept multiplying: dozens of pickets and demonstrations in various parts of Italy, messages of support from all over Italy and other countries (such as the Basque Country, where people have been fighting the same battle for years, and Tunisia), fundraising and benefit gigs. A few days after the arrests a big benefit gig was held outside Turin’s main prison where most of the local NO TAV activists were being held. Continue reading

You can’t arrest the whole Valley – support the NO TAV arrestees

You can't arrest the whole Valley! Freedom for all NO TAV activists!

If you’ve read my previous article, you’ll know more than twenty NO TAV activists were arrested a few days ago all over Italy; if you haven’t, read it before you carry on here! To keep up-to-date with the NO TAV defendants’ solidarity campaign, you can either follow the Facebook page or the NO TAV’s main website if you understand Italian. Or keep reading my blog otherwise ;-)

Also, if one of your New Year resolutions was to be more active, then grab a pen and paper and write to the NO TAV activists in prison (if you’ve never done it before and don’t know how to start, have a read here beforehand). Have a look at the end of this article for some general greeting and phrases in Italian. Everything is better with friends, so why not start a NO TAV letter writing night? Email me if you want me to publicise it on my blog. Continue reading