Saturday Night Social: You're Living In The Past, Jo!

We celebrate the 50th birthday of Our Lady Helen Hunt — or, as my mom knows her, "Is that Jodie Foster? Where are my glasses?" — by paying tribute to her greatest role, tornado-hunter Jo in the pretty fucking godawful Twister. Here is her most dramatic scene opposite Bill Paxton, who does not have his "cool guy" Titanic…


Menopause: An Evolutionary Response To Men Chasing Younger Women?

Clearly the First Wives Club was onto something. They can't tell us what to do, they can't tell us what to say, but they may have dried us up at 50 because they started going for the young ladies. Cool.

Father's Day Miscellany For Those Of Us With Deadbeat Dads

I used to work at a popular women's magazine where I once pitched a guide to brides with dads who weren't dead but weren't around — I'd never seen anything like that before, and I figured there had to be a lot of women (myself among them) who were confused about the etiquette. Do you ask some 50-something dude you've had weird lunch with like three times to walk you down the aisle just because you share genetic material? Can you ask a male friend to do the father/daughter dance? Can you just invite your dad but not have him in the wedding? Is that weird?


Keep your guinea pig protected with a rodent-sized suit of armor

If your guinea pig routinely dashes off into armed combat (or just likes the look of scale mail), you might want to outfit him or her in this handsome suit of armor, perfect for rolly-polly rodents.

What I'd Like for Father's Day: An Open Letter to My Daughter

No ties, please. No cufflinks or gift certificates. No presents at all, really.

Kid, if you're struggling for some last-minute token for Father's Day, here's what I'd really like — this year and for years to come:

I want you to know there's no end game. The sports you play, the colleges you get into, the accolades you pile up, sure, yes, of course, I'll always cheer the loudest and you'll be like, "I don't know that guy," and I'll be all, "THAT'S MY GIRL!" and you may not speak to me until you're 30, but you should always know you're good enough no matter what.

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