Claiming our Future

Setting Goals for a Better Ireland in a Just World’ A Claiming Our Future Event with Dochas and The Wheel – Consensors Report April 2013 – here …

National Women’s Council of Ireland and Claiming Our Future

Is our Electoral System Working for us?

The Constitutional Convention is set to discuss the Dáil electoral system.  How do we ensure that the electoral system serves values such as equality, participation, accountability, environmental sustainability and solidarity?

Hearing from politicians, academics and citizens this meeting will directly effect the submissions that NWCI and COF present to the convention.

When:    Thursday, 9th May

Time:      6- 8 pm

Where:   NWCI Offices, 2/3 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1.

Places are limited.



Setting Goals for a Better Ireland in a Just World  – More information here

Previous News

Budget Coverage

Letter to the Irish Times 28th November

Dec 5th 2012 prebudget petition hand in – link to Irishtimes on line.

The Guardian – Dec 5th Pre Budget Petition Hand In

Mary Murphy Pre Budget on Vincent Browne

Rory Hearne in Fatima on Vincent Browne

The – Here’s how the budget could have been fairer

Newstalk Sunday Show Mary Murphy

Frontline – Siobhan O Donoghue

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