CEPR - Center for Economic and Policy Research
United States Still a No-Vacation Nation

The United States is the only advanced economy that does not guarantee its workers any paid vacation time, according to a new review of international labor laws by CEPR. A story in USA Today features quotes from Senior Economist John Schmitt on the report.

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Social Security and Medicare Reports Little Changed from 2012

CEPR Co-Director Dean Baker noted in a recent analysis of the 2013 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report that the Social Security trust fund will remain fully solvent for the next two decades and will be able to pay over 75 percent of full benefits from then on. Baker also pointed out that the projected Medicare shortfall has fallen by almost 70 percent since 2008. For more, see CEPR's latest Social Security Byte.

Statistical Study Shows That First Audit of Venezuelan Election is Decisive

A statistical analysis of the voting machine audit from Venezuela’s April 14 election, done on the day of the election, shows that this audit was decisive. The odds of getting the April 14 audit result if in fact the unaudited machines contained enough errors to reverse the election outcome are far less than one in 25 thousand trillion


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Online Calculators
Compare home ownership vs. rental costs and convert federal budget numbers into per capita or percentage totals. New: Health Care Budget Deficit Calculator.
Data Bytes
CEPR's analysis of government economic data releases (CPI, Jobs, GDP, etc.).
Latest release: Jobs Byte, June 7
thumb_house Housing Bubble
The latest research and analysis on the state of the housing market.
Latest release: Housing Market Monitor, April 30
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Graphic representations of data by CEPR researchers on important economic issues.

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CEPR in the News

Employers Add 175,000 Jobs in May
Los Angeles Times, June 08, 2013

Latvia is Ready to Jump Aboard Euro Zone
IHT Rendezvous, June 04, 2013

Venezuela in the Eye of the Storm
Huffington Post World, June 03, 2013

Retire Greenspan, Trichet’s Pensions? One Economist Votes Yes
MarketWatch, June 03, 2013

Five Ways to Think About the New Social Security Report
Los Angeles Times, May 31, 2013

Promising African Development Fund Collapses
The New York Times, May 30, 2013

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Combined Federal Campaign #79613


Mark Weisbrot,

Dean Baker,


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