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add video playlist With around 18% of the votes counted in Iran's presidential election the more moderate of the six... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
With around 18% of the votes counted in Iran\'s presidential election the more moderate of the six... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
Ro­hani ahead in Ira­ni­an pres­i­den­tial poll
NOT FOR BROADCAST. Raw footage of Fast Unit 53\'s (Chance Coldiron & Justin Cox) coverage of the Moore tornado that was used by KOCO5 during the event on May ...
The first 10 min­utes of the Moore EF5 Tor­na­do (5/20/2013)
10:38 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Turkey\'s main opposition party, the Republican People\'s Party (AKP), of mani...
Turkey PM Er­do­gan is­sues warn­ing to Re­pub­li­can op­po­si­tion
The Obama administration is saying little about how it will provide military support to the Syrian opposition. The US has decided to arm rebels after saying ...
Syria's war: US to give mil­i­tary sup­port to rebels as 'red line' crossed
The Middle East is about to blow! Egypt may attack Ethiopia over The Dam also Turkey might crush it\'s people for protesting...
Turkey "Chill­ing Warn­ing" Er­do­gan "Protest Must stop 24 Hours"
Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential D...
Pres­i­den­tial De­bate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Mon­azere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
Russia and the US reiterated their commitment to bringing the sides of the Syrian conflict to the negotiating table, and have announced an international conf...
Rus­sia & US to pres­sure both sides in Syria to find peace deal - Lavrov
Ron Paul on Obama's Syria WMD Claim
Will Iran and the US get down to serious negotiations? Who\'s more overconfident? From Tehran\'s perspective, it must \'surrender\' to Washington before negotiations even begin. Does Iran have a point? What\'s driving Washington\'s hostility towards Iran? And is there a possible win-win scenario both sides could live with? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Majid Rafizadeh and Gareth Porter.

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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
CrossTalk: US-Iran Nu­cle­ar Talks
06/13/2013 - The Turkish government is open to holding a referendum over an Istanbul development plan that has had a central role in nearly two weeks of mass...
Turkey protests: a ref­er­en­dum on Gezi Park or on Er­do­gan's gov­ern­ment?
06/09/2013 Edward Snowden, the source behind the Guardian\'s NSA files talks to Glenn Greenwald in Hong Kong about his motives for the biggest intelligence le...
Meet Ed­ward Snow­den: NSA PRISM Whistle­blow­er
The Syrian government has vehemently denied US claims its army has resorted to chemical weapons, describing American accusations as a \'caravan of lies\'. Whil...
Moscow slams US claims of Assad chem­i­cal weapon use
Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential D...
Pres­i­den­tial De­bate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Mon­azere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
White House \
White House - US to Give "Mil­i­tary Aid" to Free­dom Fight­ers as Assad Uses Chem Weapons 6-13-13
Zimbabwe is heading towards new elections, with growing concern that President Robert Mugabe may seek to prevent a free and fair vote, following the imprisonment of supporters of the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai.

It is four years since Mr Mugabe was forced into a power-sharing deal after a violent, disputed election campaign.

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The 'Men­ac­ing Cloud' Over Zim­bab­we Elec­tions

updated 06 Jun 2013; published 06 Jun 2013
North Korea of­fers talks to South to re­open Kaesong
BBC News 07 Jun 2013, North Korea says it will restore a key hotline with South Korea, as the two Koreas discuss where to hold talks on a jointly-run industrial zone. Pyongyang said it would reopen a Red Cross hotline which it cut in March. It also invited officials to come to Kaesong for talks on Sunday on restarting operations at the factory zone, after the two sides...
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updated 14 Jun 2013; published 10 Jun 2013
Ed­ward Snow­den says NSA's PRISM spy­ing on Amer­i­cans NOW!
Al Jazeera 07 Jun 2013, The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading US Internet companies, The Washington Post has reported. , this has allowed investigators to examine e-mails, photos and other documents of tens of millions of Americans that can be used...
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updated 14 Jun 2013; published 13 Jun 2013
Turkey "Chill­ing Warn­ing" Er­do­gan "Protest Must stop 24 Hours"
New Straits/Business Times 07 Jun 2013, ISTANBUL : Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for an immediate end to mass protests against his rule Friday, but urged supporters to “go home” after they staged a major show of strength welcoming him back from an overseas trip. Waving Turkish flags and chanting “We will die for you, Erdogan” and “Let us go crush them all”,...
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updated 06 Jun 2013; published 06 Jun 2013
New Pales­tini­an Gov­ern­ment Sworn In By Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Abbas
The New York Times 07 Jun 2013, Rami Hamdallah was sworn in on Thursday as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority in a ceremony in the West Bank city of Ramallah, replacing Salam Fayyad, the internationally respected economist who resigned in April. Mr. Hamdallah, 54, a professor of linguistics, served as the president of a large West Bank university for the past 15 years...
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updated 06 Jun 2013; published 06 Jun 2013
Rus­sian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin an­nounces di­vorce
Wall Street Journal 07 Jun 2013, By GREGORY L. WHITE and PAUL SONNE MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife said Thursday they are separating after nearly three decades of marriage, setting the stage for the first divorce of a Russian leader since Peter the Great and bringing an end to years of speculation about the state of the couple's union. Enlarge Image Close "It...
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updated 06 Jun 2013; published 06 Jun 2013
North Korea of­fers talks to South to re­open Kaesong
Zeenews 06 Jun 2013, Zee Media Bureau Seoul: In what seems to bring calmness over Korean peninsula, the two Koreas have agreed to hold talks on the joint Kaesong industrial zone, weeks after Pyongyang pulled its workers from the factory, shutting it down. The season of harsh rhetoric by North Korea seems to come to an end after Pyongyang proposed talks to Seoul on...
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updated 20 Feb 2012; published 20 Feb 2012
Greece spe­cial re­port
Al Jazeera 06 Jun 2013, The International Monetary Fund has said that it lowered its normal standards for debt sustainability to bail out Greece and its projections for the Greek economy may have been overly optimistic. The IMF was one of a trio of international lenders that in 2010 stepped in to keep the euro zone country from defaulting on its debt and departing the...
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updated 06 Jun 2013; published 06 Jun 2013
Syria con­flict US con­demns siege of Qu­sair 3
Huffington Post 06 Jun 2013, WASHINGTON, June 5 (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday condemned the assault on the Syrian border town of Qusair by Syrian government forces, who worked with Lebanese Hezbollah allies to take control from rebel fighters. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the Assad regime's assault on Qusair, which has killed untold...
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updated 07 Jun 2013; published 07 Jun 2013
Syr­i­an Army De­clares Vic­to­ry in the Bat­tle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 05 Jun 2013, BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Syrian government forces and their allies in Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, seized most of the strategic crossroads town of Qusayr early on Wednesday, a painful defeat for outgunned Syria rebels and an advance for President Bashar al-Assad. If it sticks, the military gain could infuse his forces with momentum and...
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updated 08 Jun 2013; published 05 Jun 2013
Fears grow for record flood lev­els in cen­tral Eu­rope
Wall Street Journal 05 Jun 2013, By LAURA STEVENS in Frankfurt, LEOS ROUSEK in Prague and MARGIT FEHER in Budapest Flooding in Central Europe spread Wednesday as swollen waters moved further east along the Danube River, threatening towns in eastern Austria and Slovakia's capital, Bratislava, while the rising Elbe River flooded outlying parts of Dresden in Germany. So far, the...
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updated 02 Jun 2013; published 02 Jun 2013
Major floods hit cen­tral Eu­rope
Herald Tribune 05 Jun 2013, BERLIN - Rising river levels are still threatening vast parts of eastern and southern Germany and hundreds of people were being evacuated in Dresden. A city spokeswoman told German news agency dpa on Wednesday some 600 people needed to leave their homes and electricity was turned off in some parts of the eastern city that was flooded by the Elbe...
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updated 20 May 2013; published 20 May 2013
18+ Brave Syria Rebels De­fend Qu­sair from Hezbol­lah and Assad Regime In­vaders 5-19-13 Homs
BBC News 05 Jun 2013, Syrian pro-government forces have taken full control of the strategic town of Qusair, state TV and the rebels say. The town, near the Lebanese border, has been the centre of fighting for more than two weeks between rebels and Syrian troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Syrian state TV said a large number of...
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updated 14 Jun 2013; published 13 Jun 2013
Turkey "Chill­ing Warn­ing" Er­do­gan "Protest Must stop 24 Hours"
The Independent 05 Jun 2013, Protests have continued across Turkey for a fifth night despite the country’s Deputy Prime Minister apologising only hours earlier for the use of “excessive violence” by police. Last night, police again used tear gas and water cannon to subdue the protests, which began on Friday to voice opposition to the destruction of trees in Istanbul’s Gezi...
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updated 15 Jun 2013; published 15 Jun 2013
Ro­hani ahead in Ira­ni­an pres­i­den­tial poll
The Hindu 15 Jun 2013, Reformist Hassan Rouhani has won Iran’s presidential election with more than 50 per cent of the vote, the Interior Ministry announced on Saturday. Mr. Rouhani, 64, is a former chief nuclear...
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North Korea to reopen hotline with South
Full Article BBC News
07 Jun 2013

North Korea says it will restore a key hotline with South Korea, as the two Koreas discuss where to hold talks on a jointly-run industrial zone. Pyongyang said it would reopen a Red Cross hotline which it cut in March. It also invited officials to come to Kaesong for talks on Sunday on restarting operations at the factory zone, after the two sides... Korea Korea
A member of the Inter-Korean Transit Office walks by gateways to North Korea at the Inter-Korean Transit Office in Paju near North Korea's border city of Kaesong, South Korea, Sunday, March 15, 2009.
photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon

Servers of internet firms 'monitored' by US
Full Article Al Jazeera
07 Jun 2013

The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading US Internet companies, The Washington Post has reported. , this has allowed investigators to examine e-mails, photos and other documents of tens of millions of Americans that can be used... Security
A server rack seen from the rear
photo: Creative Commons

Turkey PM urges end to protests, tells supporters to 'go home'
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
07 Jun 2013

ISTANBUL : Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for an immediate end to mass protests against his rule Friday, but urged supporters to “go home” after they staged a major show of strength welcoming him back from an overseas trip. Waving Turkish flags and chanting “We will die for you, Erdogan” and “Let us go crush them all”,...
Turkey PM urges end to protests, tells supporters to 'go home'
photo: AP / Burhan Ozbilici

West Bank: Palestinian Authority Swears In Its New Prime Minister
Full Article The New York Times
07 Jun 2013

Rami Hamdallah was sworn in on Thursday as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority in a ceremony in the West Bank city of Ramallah, replacing Salam Fayyad, the internationally respected economist who resigned in April. Mr. Hamdallah, 54, a professor of linguistics, served as the president of a large West Bank university for the past 15 years... Hamdallah
Palestinian Prime Minister elect Rami Hamdallah, right, takes the oath of office in front of the President Mahmoud Abbas as he forms the new government in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Thursday , June 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Majdi Mohammed

Putin, Wife Announce Marriage Is Over
Full Article Wall Street Journal
07 Jun 2013

By GREGORY L. WHITE and PAUL SONNE MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife said Thursday they are separating after nearly three decades of marriage, setting the stage for the first divorce of a Russian leader since Peter the Great and bringing an end to years of speculation about the state of the couple's union. Enlarge Image Close "It... Putina Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila attend a service in the Annunciation Cathedral after his inauguration in the Kremlin in Moscow, Monday, May 7, 2012.
photo: AP / Alexei Nikolsky

North Korea, South Korea agree to talk on Kaesong zone
Full Article Zeenews
06 Jun 2013

Zee Media Bureau Seoul: In what seems to bring calmness over Korean peninsula, the two Koreas have agreed to hold talks on the joint Kaesong industrial zone, weeks after Pyongyang pulled its workers from the factory, shutting it down. The season of harsh rhetoric by North Korea seems to come to an end after Pyongyang proposed talks to Seoul on... Korea Korea
A South Korean owner who runs a factory in the stalled South Korea and North Korea's joint Kaesong Industrial Complex, stands just outside of military barricades set up on Unification Bridge near the border village of Panmunjom, which has separated the two Koreas since the Korean War, in Paju, north of Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, May 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man

IMF admits mistakes made in Greece bailout
Full Article Al Jazeera
06 Jun 2013

The International Monetary Fund has said that it lowered its normal standards for debt sustainability to bail out Greece and its projections for the Greek economy may have been overly optimistic. The IMF was one of a trio of international lenders that in 2010 stepped in to keep the euro zone country from defaulting on its debt and departing the...
File - Pensioners shout slogans during a protest in central Athens, Friday, April 19, 2013.
photo: AP / Dimitri Messinis

White House Condemns Qusair Assault By Syrian Regime
Full Article Huffington Post
06 Jun 2013

WASHINGTON, June 5 (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday condemned the assault on the Syrian border town of Qusair by Syrian government forces, who worked with Lebanese Hezbollah allies to take control from rebel fighters. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the Assad regime's assault on Qusair, which has killed untold... Qusayr Battle War
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is seen during the daily news briefing at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March, 1, 2011.
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Syrian Forces Claim Victory in Battle for Strategic Town
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
05 Jun 2013

BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Syrian government forces and their allies in Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, seized most of the strategic crossroads town of Qusayr early on Wednesday, a painful defeat for outgunned Syria rebels and an advance for President Bashar al-Assad. If it sticks, the military gain could infuse his forces with momentum and... Qusayr Battle War Rebels
This photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows Syrian army troops hold up national flags in the town of Qusair, near the Lebanon border, Homs province, Syria, Wednesday, June 5, 2013.
photo: AP / SANA

Central Europe Floods Threaten Hungary, Slovakia
Full Article Wall Street Journal
05 Jun 2013

By LAURA STEVENS in Frankfurt, LEOS ROUSEK in Prague and MARGIT FEHER in Budapest Flooding in Central Europe spread Wednesday as swollen waters moved further east along the Danube River, threatening towns in eastern Austria and Slovakia's capital, Bratislava, while the rising Elbe River flooded outlying parts of Dresden in Germany. So far, the...
The flood in Nový Knín 2013-06-02 - Tyrš street
photo: Creative Commons / Miloš Hlávka

Germany's Dresden expects peak in flooding
Full Article Herald Tribune
05 Jun 2013

BERLIN - Rising river levels are still threatening vast parts of eastern and southern Germany and hundreds of people were being evacuated in Dresden. A city spokeswoman told German news agency dpa on Wednesday some 600 people needed to leave their homes and electricity was turned off in some parts of the eastern city that was flooded by the Elbe...
Rudolf (11) crosses the flooded market place of the city of Wehlen at river Elbe, Germany, Tuesday, June 4, 2013. After heavy rainfalls, swollen rivers flooded areas in Germany, Austria , Switzerland and Czech Republic.
photo: AP / Markus Schreiber

Syrian army retakes key town of Qusair from rebels
Full Article BBC News
05 Jun 2013

Syrian pro-government forces have taken full control of the strategic town of Qusair, state TV and the rebels say. The town, near the Lebanese border, has been the centre of fighting for more than two weeks between rebels and Syrian troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Syrian state TV said a large number of...
Syrian army retakes key town of Qusair from rebels
photo: AP / Turkpix

Turkey protests continue despite Deputy Prime Minister's apology over police's 'excessive violence'
Full Article The Independent
05 Jun 2013

Protests have continued across Turkey for a fifth night despite the country’s Deputy Prime Minister apologising only hours earlier for the use of “excessive violence” by police. Last night, police again used tear gas and water cannon to subdue the protests, which began on Friday to voice opposition to the destruction of trees in Istanbul’s Gezi...
Police operate against protesters as a tear gas canister explodes at a park during clashes for fifth day in Istanbul, early Wednesday, June 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Thanassis Stavrakis

Hassan Rouhani wins Iran presidency
Full Article The Hindu
15 Jun 2013

Reformist Hassan Rouhani has won Iran’s presidential election with more than 50 per cent of the vote, the Interior Ministry announced on Saturday. Mr. Rouhani, 64, is a former chief nuclear...
Iranian presidential candidate Hasan Rowhani, the country's former top nuclear negotiator, casts his ballot in the presidential election at a polling station in downtown Tehran, Iran, Friday, June 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Vahid Salemi

NBA finals: Wade says Game 5 could be best
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
15 Jun 2013

San Antonio: Dwyane Wade has never gone the distance in three previous NBA Finals trips. His first two appearances, a win and a loss, both went six games. The Miami Heat needed only five to finish off Oklahoma City last year, when LeBron James won his first title. Wade talks now as if he expects this series with the San Antonio Spurs to reach a...
Ricardo Guadalupe, Dwyane Wade and Beatrice De Quervain attend celebration as Dwyane Wade joined Hublot luxury Swiss watch brand to celebrate the opening of the new Bal Harbour Boutique and Wade's new King Power limited edition at Viceroy Hotel at Bal Harbour Shops in Miami, Florida - November 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

NBA Won’t Get Rid Of Flopping, Says Dirk Nowitzki
Full Article The Inquisitr
15 Jun 2013

Posted: June 15, 2013 The NBA has been making an attempt to eradicate flopping from the game, but Dirk Nowitzki said it’s unlikely the league will will be able to get rid of it entirely. The league this year instituted retroactive fines for players caught embellishing contact in order to draw a foul. It was used sparingly during the year but...
Dirk Nowitzki  Washington Wizards v/s Dallas Mavericks October 9, 2009 at Verizon Center in Washington, D.C.
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Nets stun NBA with hiring of Jason Kidd as coach
Full Article Boston Herald
15 Jun 2013

Coaches are now competing with Dwight Howard in the category of Best NBA Drama. You know there's some sort of bizarre occurrences.... When Jason Kidd becomes the Brooklyn Nets coach only days after shedding his Knicks jersey while coach of the year George Karl is looking for work. When Lionel Hollins and Vinny Del Negro are jobless after...
Jason Kidd of USA men's basketball team for the Beijing 2008 Olympics (5) passes the ball
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Mickelson, Horschel lead after 2nd rd at US Open
Full Article Kansas City Star
15 Jun 2013

ARDMORE, Pa. — The second round has been completed at the U.S. Open, with Phil Mickelson and Billy Horschel still in the lead. Order Reprints Morry Gash | AP Photo Phil Mickelson reacts after his birdie putt on the 18th hole during the second round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Friday, June 14, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa....
Phil Mickelson blast from a greenside bunker on the par-5 sixth hole of the South Course at Torrey Pines during the third round of the Farmers Insurance Open golf tournament in San Diego, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011.
photo: AP / Gregory Bull

Watch Carl Pettersson react to his golf ball getting hit [Video]
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
15 Jun 2013

It’s not very often that golf qualifies as a contact sport, but Carl Pettersson had one of those rare moments at the U.S. Open at Merion Golf Club on Friday. Finishing his rain-delayed first round, Pettersson was playing an iron from the No. 5 fairway when in the midst of his backswing an ill-struck shot from an adjacent hole bounded toward...
Carl Pettersson, of Sweden, tees off on the 16th hole during the second round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational golf tournament in Orlando, Fla., Friday, March 16, 2007.
photo: AP / Phelan M. Ebenhack

Lakers trainer Gary Vitti: Kobe Bryant progresses, return unclear
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
15 Jun 2013

Kobe Bryant is progressing from his Achilles' tendon surgery on April 13, but Lakers trainer Gary Vitti still doesn't have a specific return date for the All-Star guard. "We don't know yet. Kobe looks exactly the way he's supposed to look at this point in time," said Vitti in an enlightening interview with Mike Trudell at . "Kobe makes you look...
Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant (24) against the New Orleans Hornets in the second half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The Lakers won, 104-96. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
photo: AP / Reed Saxon

Aubameyang open to Monaco switch
Full Article Goal
15 Jun 2013

The forward's father has revealed that there is a great deal of interest in his son following a wonderful year in France, but that the Stade Louis II is his preferred destination Pierre Emerick Aubeyang could be set to join the likes of Radamel Falcao and James Rodriguez to create a formidable attacking trident at Monaco, according to his father....
Paris Saint Germain's Zlatan Ibrahimovic of Sweden, left, challenges for the ball with Saint-Etienne's Pierre Emerick Aubameyang, right, during their French League Cup soccer match in Saint-Etienne, central France, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012.
photo: AP / Laurent Cipriani

Dunga: Confederations Cup will help Brazil mature
Full Article Goal
15 Jun 2013

The Selecao legend believes that the competition could turn Felip Scolari's young side into a top international outfit - with Neymar leading from the front Dunga has claimed that the upcoming Confederations Cup could prove vital to Brazil's hopes of winning the 2014 World Cup on home soil next year. The former Selecao coach believes that the...
Brazil head coach Dunga waits prior to the World Cup quarterfinal soccer match between the Netherlands and Brazil at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Friday, July 2, 2010.
photo: AP / Andre Penner

Chris Brown's New Song To Include Gay-Friendly Message In Connection With Singer's 'Unity Campaign'
Full Article Huffington Post
15 Jun 2013

Chris Brown used to be prone to homophobic slurs. Now he's singing a different tune: one that's decidedly pro-gay. Brown issued a series of tweets Friday that revealed he will release a new single on Monday in conjunction with what he calls his "Unity Campaign." The move feels unprecedented for a singer who's known for his physical and verbal...
 ag2  Chris Brown performing at the Bank Atlantic Center in Sunrise Florida during the Jingle Ball Concert
photo: WN / aruna

Unique school attracts passionate students
Full Article Jakarta Post
15 Jun 2013

Paper Edition | Page: 9 Sita, 17, sang a classical song while her classmate Dareen, 16, passionately played the piano at vocational music school SMK Musik Perguruan Cikini on Jl. PLN Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. “I love playing the piano and feel highly satisfied as I have managed to compose a classical piece,” said Dareen, who grew up listening to...
children study in the class room
photo: WN / Jamal Penjweny

Exclusive: Carly Rae Jepsen covers 'The Little Mermaid's 'Part of Your World'
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Jun 2013

Carly Rae Jepsen will cover The Little Mermaid's 'Part of Your World' for the Disney movie's forthcoming 'Diamond Edition' Blu-ray and DVD release. The 'Call Me Maybe' singer offered up a hint at the song last year when she posted an Instagram picture with a flame-headed fan, saying: "Loving her red hair…. Might have to dye mine someday...
Carly Rae Jepsen at Red River Ex, 2012
photo: Public Domain / Bzuk

Actress Sandra Bullock In Talks To Join 'Annie' Movie
Full Article Vibe Magazine
14 Jun 2013

The Heat star has kept her sweetheart reputation strong for much of her career, but now it seems the Academy award winning actress wants to shake things up. After signing up to join Steve Carrell's minions in a spinoff...
FILE - Sandra Bullock, arrives at the 82nd Academy Awards in this March 7, 2010 file photo taken in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. In a story posted Wednesday April 28, 2010 on People magazine's website, Sandra Bullock says she has filed for divorce from her husband, Jesse James. The Oscar-winning actress also reveals that she is adopting 3 1/2-month-old boy, Louis Bardo Bullock as a single parent.
photo: AP / Amy Sancetta

Keith Richards And Drugs: Rolling Stones Guitarist Slams Rehab And Has No Regrets
Full Article Huffington Post
14 Jun 2013

Keith Richards, Rolling Stones guitarist and perennial "pirate-junkie" has no regrets, going so far as to defend his heroin use by claiming that he "got something out of it," while slamming the idea of rehab. The legendary rocker has talked candidly about his excessive drug use in his 2010 tell-all autobiography, "Life," but he elaborated on it in...
Keith Richards Acoustic
photo: Creative Commons / Christopher

Amjad Ali Khan joins 'Do Right' campaign for a cause (With Image)
Full Article Newstrack India
14 Jun 2013

Tweet New Delhi, June 14 (IANS) Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan has joined the Do Right campaign, which emphasises the importance of inculcating right values in children, and will soon feature in its television commercial. An initiative of Tata Capital Limited, the financial services arm of the Tata Group, Do Right campaign spreads...
Eminent Sarod Player Ustad Amzad Ali Khan (L) And Poet Joy Goswami  (R) On occasion of New Name of various road in Kolkata at town hall on 30.April 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

The Jonas Brothers premiere new single 'First Time' - listen
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Jun 2013

The Jonas Brothers have premiered their new single. The band have revealed 'First Time' as the second cut to be lifted from their forthcoming fifth studio album. The track will serve as the follow-up to their previous single 'Pom Poms', which was released earlier this year. Nick Jonas recently told Digital Spy that the group's new collection will... Time Jonas Brothers
The Jonas Brothers at the NAIA Terminal 3 in Manila, Philippines
photo: WN / RTayco

Alicia Keys: the other first lady
Full Article London Evening Standard
14 Jun 2013

It’s fair to say she’s used to a higher class of catering, especially when dining with her Washington associates. Keys counts Barack and Michelle as friends (she played at last year’s presidential inauguration, changing the chorus of her recent smash ‘Girl on Fire’ to ‘Obama’s on fire!’), their connection forged by a shared interest in... Keys
Alicia Keys
photo: Creative Commons / Jose Goulao

An affordable affair
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
15 Jun 2013

Five or six years ago filmmaking was an expensive business. But not any more. Today, anyone can make a movie within a budget of Rs 80,000 say industry experts. “Renting cameras and other equipment from studios can cost up to Rs 40,000 a day! Production cost can be minimised by using cameras like 7D or 5D and high-end handycams that give...
Cameraman - Video - Shooting Film
photo: WN / Emico Silalahi

Salman refuses love-making scene with Jacqueline
Full Article IMDb
14 Jun 2013

Salman Khan who is a man of strict principle and said no to kissing or intimate scene when he first...
Bollywood star Salman Khan speaks during the launch of Being Human's first flagship store in Mumbai, India, Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Rafiq Maqbool

'Mad Men' Elisabeth Moss: 'Peggy is destined to be a cat lady'
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Jun 2013

Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss has joked that her character Peggy Olson is destined to become "a cat lady". Moss quipped to Access Hollywood that she identified with the newly single Peggy deciding to buy a cat out of fear, after finding a loose rodent in her apartment. © AMC / Frank Ockenfels Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson in 'Mad Men' "She's...
"Mad Men" cast member Elisabeth Moss blows a kiss to photographers at the Season Two premiere of the AMC television series in Los Angeles
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Producers & directors are ok even if Salman comes late: Prabhu Deva
Full Article The Times of India
14 Jun 2013

Prabhu Deva, who directed Salman Khan in Wanted and took his career to new heights claims that producers and directors have no issues even if Salman Khan comes late...
Film Actor, Shri Prabhu Deva.
photo: PIB of India

Joe Manganiello Takes 'A Streetcar Named Desire'
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
14 Jun 2013

0 0 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Getty Images Joe Manganiello The 'True Blood' star will play the iconic role of Stanley Kowalski at Yale Rep in Tennessee Williams' 1947 classic. NEW YORK -- Stellaaagggrrrrr!!!our editor recommends Joe Manganiello to Release Fitness Book Joe Manganiello, the actor best known...
True Blood cast members Lindsay Pulsipher and Joe Manganiello hold a meet and greet with fans at the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek in Coconut Creek, FL October 16, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Actress Johansson sues over French book
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
14 Jun 2013

PARIS: Actress Scarlett Johansson is suing a French publishing house over a novel that uses her name and image and explores the challenges of being beautiful. The JC Lattes publishing house said Friday that a lawsuit was filed last week about Gregoire Delacourt’s book...
U.S. actress Scarlett Johansson is seen on stage at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo Thursday Dec. 11, 2008.
photo: AP / Heiko Junge, SCANPIX

Jennie Garth Embraces Being A Single Mom
Full Article The Inquisitr
14 Jun 2013

Posted: June 14, 2013 Jennie Garth just finalized her divorce from actor Peter Facinelli this week, but the 40-year-old actress is already jumping into her role as a single mom. Shortly after completing the terms of the split, Jennie was off to celebrate graduation day for her daughters. The couple has three girls together — Luca, 15, Lola,...
Jennie Garth
photo: AP / Dan Steinberg

Akshay Kumar to attend India v Pakistan cricket match at Edgbaston
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Jun 2013

Akshay Kumar is heading to Birmingham for the India-Pakistan ICC Championship match. Kumar is attending the match at Edgbaston Stadium on June 15, as part of the promotion for Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai Dobara, in which he portrays a mafia don who influences a cricket match. Confirming the news, Tanuj Garg, CEO of Balaji Motion Pictures, said: "As...
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, left, talks to co-actor Bobby Deol during the music launch of the Hindi film Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Sathiyo in New Delhi, India, Monday, Sept. 20, 2004. The film is based on the concept of anti-terrorism, and is an effort for better ties with India and Pakistan.
photo: AP /

Sen. Mary Landrieu and "Stuck"
Full Article The Examiner
16 Jun 2013

Tweet 0 Email Report Photo 1 of 3 Senator Landrieu and Both Ends Burning Founder and STUCK executive producer Craig Juntunen at the kick-off celebration for the tour last week in Washington, D.C. Documentary cover photoSenator Landrieu surrounded by children and young adultsMore >You might also like Orleans Parish Prison 5 Photos Asteroid-impact...
Louisiana Sen. May Landrieu speaks with attendees of the 2011 National Guard Family Program National Volunteer Workshop, July 25, 2011.
photo: USAF / Tech. Sgt. John Orrell

Kansas Gov. Brownback signs 2-year budget, vetoes some corrections cuts
Full Article The Wichita Eagle
16 Jun 2013

TOPEKA, Kan.Republican Gov. Sam Brownback on Saturday showed his frustration with part of the state budget passed by the GOP-dominated Kansas Legislature by vetoing the entire Department of Corrections allotment for fiscal year 2015. Brownback signed the bill containing a budget of more than $14 billion for each of the next two fiscal...
 Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., speaks to reporters during a news conference, Saturday, March 17, 2007, in Des Moines, Iowa. Brownback eschews talk of his accomplishments and criticism of his better-known rivals. Instead, he e
photo: AP/Charlie Neibergall

Iran's next president called 'diplomat sheik' by supporters
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
16 Jun 2013

TEHRAN — A week ago, many observers viewed Iran's presidential election as a horse-race among conservative hard-liners hostile to reform. Then came an unexpected surge in support for Hassan Rowhani, a soft-spoken, bespectacled and bearded cleric who is now improbably positioned to become the next president of the Islamic Republic. Many of...
Iranian presidential candidate Hasan Rowhani, a former top nuclear negotiator, attends a rally in Tehran, Iran, Saturday, June 1, 2013. The 11th presidential election after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, will be held on June 14.
photo: AP / Ebrahim Noroozi

Sen. Rand Paul voted yes for the $650 billion 2013 NDAA
Full Article The Examiner
16 Jun 2013

Somewhere, in the midst of the $650 billion funding bill, mixed in with $88.5 billion for ongoing wars and $60 billion for the Navy’s F-18 fighter program, remains the indefinite detention clause that had many so upset in 2012. An amendment to the 2013 NDAA included the right to trial for “citizens and permanent legal residents”, despite the fact...
Rand Paul speaking at LPAC 2011 in Reno, Nevada.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

George Osborne set to show off his comic timing on banks
Full Article The Observer
16 Jun 2013

Osborne: keeping a straight face before last year's Mansion House speech. Photograph: Paul Hackett/Reuters Last year, as George Osborne arrived to deliver his Mansion House speech, he was greeted by a BBC comedy presenter, who handed him a GCSE maths text book. The chancellor might have justifiably retorted with a study guide on delivering gags –...
Britain's Treasury chief George Osborne leaves 11 Downing Street in London, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

The Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Tarun Gogoi
photo: PIB of India / Photo Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India.

Czech president adds to pressure on PM to quit
Full Article The Star
15 Jun 2013

LIDICE, Czech Republic (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman added to pressure on Saturday on the prime minister to quit over a scandal centred on allegations a close aide abused her powers and...
Milos Zeman, the leading candidate for presidency in Czech Republic, smiles during a rally at the Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013. Czech Republic holds the first round of the Presidential election on Jan. 11-12th, 2013.
photo: AP / Petr David Josek

Airbus debuts new wide-body
Full Article The News Tribune
15 Jun 2013

PARIS — Airbus sent a new wide-body plane into the skies Friday that sets the stage for intensifying competition with U.S. rival Boeing, with consequences for jobs, airlines’ investments and the planemakers’ reputations. After years of...
The Airbus A350 made a pass over the airport during its maiden flight at Blagnac airport near Toulouse, southwestern France, Friday, June 14, 2013. The Airbus A350 has taken off on its maiden flight, setting the stage for intensifying competition with U.S. rival Boeing in the long-haul wide-body aircraft market.
photo: AP / Bob Edme

Rohani ahead in Iranian presidential poll
Rohani ahead in Iranian presidential poll
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
With around 18% of the votes counted in Iran's presidential election the more moderate of the six... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
  • published: 15 Jun 2013
  • views: 147
  • author: Euronews

The first 10 minutes of the Moore EF5 Tornado (5/20/2013)
The first 10 minutes of the Moore EF5 Tornado (5/20/2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:38
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013
NOT FOR BROADCAST. Raw footage of Fast Unit 53's (Chance Coldiron & Justin Cox) coverage of the Moore tornado that was used by KOCO5 during the event on May ...
  • published: 23 May 2013
  • views: 3019717
  • author: Justin Cox

Turkey PM Erdogan issues warning to Republican opposition
Turkey PM Erdogan issues warning to Republican opposition
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:33
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Turkey's main opposition party, the Republican People's Party (AKP), of mani...
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 8653
  • author: Euronews

Syria's war: US to give military support to rebels as 'red line' crossed
Syria's war: US to give military support to rebels as 'red line' crossed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
The Obama administration is saying little about how it will provide military support to the Syrian opposition. The US has decided to arm rebels after saying ...'s_war_US_to_give_military_support_to_rebels_as_'red_line'_crossed

Turkey "Chilling Warning" Erdogan "Protest Must stop 24 Hours"
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:00
  • Updated: 14 Jun 2013
The Middle East is about to blow! Egypt may attack Ethiopia over The Dam also Turkey might crush it's people for protesting...
  • published: 13 Jun 2013
  • views: 3495
  • author: Paul Begley

Presidential Debate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Monazere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
Presidential Debate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Monazere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
  • Order:
  • Duration: 265:28
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential D...
  • published: 08 Jun 2013
  • views: 36415
  • author: Khabarkeshسومین_مناظره_انتخاباتی_کاندیداهای_ریاست_جمهوری

Russia & US to pressure both sides in Syria to find peace deal - Lavrov
Russia & US to pressure both sides in Syria to find peace deal - Lavrov
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:48
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013
Russia and the US reiterated their commitment to bringing the sides of the Syrian conflict to the negotiating table, and have announced an international conf...
  • published: 07 May 2013
  • views: 10154
  • author: RussiaToday

Ron Paul on Obama's Syria WMD Claim
Ron Paul on Obama's Syria WMD Claim
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:04
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2013's_Syria_WMD_Claim

CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks
CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:57
  • Updated: 13 Feb 2013
Will Iran and the US get down to serious negotiations? Who's more overconfident? From Tehran's perspective, it must 'surrender' to Washington before negotiations even begin. Does Iran have a point? What's driving Washington's hostility towards Iran? And is there a possible win-win scenario both sides could live with? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Majid Rafizadeh and Gareth Porter. Follow Peter Lavelle on Twitter Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (Sep 2009 - Feb 2011) (Mar 2011 - Jul 2012) (Jul 2012 - current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 13 Feb 2013
  • views: 14225

Turkey protests: a referendum on Gezi Park or on Erdogan's government?
Turkey protests: a referendum on Gezi Park or on Erdogan's government?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 14 Jun 2013
06/13/2013 - The Turkish government is open to holding a referendum over an Istanbul development plan that has had a central role in nearly two weeks of mass...'s_government?

Meet Edward Snowden: NSA PRISM Whistleblower
Meet Edward Snowden: NSA PRISM Whistleblower
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:35
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
06/09/2013 Edward Snowden, the source behind the Guardian's NSA files talks to Glenn Greenwald in Hong Kong about his motives for the biggest intelligence le...

Moscow slams US claims of Assad chemical weapon use
Moscow slams US claims of Assad chemical weapon use
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:31
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
The Syrian government has vehemently denied US claims its army has resorted to chemical weapons, describing American accusations as a 'caravan of lies'. Whil...
  • published: 15 Jun 2013
  • views: 301
  • author: RussiaToday

Presidential Debate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Monazere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
Presidential Debate in IRAN (6/7/2013) - Monazere 92 سومین مناظره انتخاباتی کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری
  • Order:
  • Duration: 265:28
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013
Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential Debate in IRAN Monazere 92 - Monazereh 92 - Presidential D...
  • published: 08 Jun 2013
  • views: 36415
  • author: Khabarkeshسومین_مناظره_انتخاباتی_کاندیداهای_ریاست_جمهوری

White House - US to Give
White House - US to Give "Military Aid" to Freedom Fighters as Assad Uses Chem Weapons 6-13-13
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:00
  • Updated: 14 Jun 2013
White House "US to Give some kind of Military Aid to the Syrian Freedom Fighters as Assad Gassing Syrians With Chem Weapons" 6-13-13 it is unclear exactly what the White House is referring to by Military Aid and this help could turn out to be either helpful or insignificant, depending on what is sent to the rebels by the US Published on Jun 13, 2013 The White House says it has evidence Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons against the rebels. President Barack Obama has now decided to provide military support to the rebels. This on the same day the UN said at least 93,000 people have died in the war. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane has more from Washington, DC. For more on this story, click here: Al Jazeera News Report
  • published: 14 Jun 2013
  • views: 115

The 'Menacing Cloud' Over Zimbabwe Elections
The 'Menacing Cloud' Over Zimbabwe Elections
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 14 Oct 2012
Zimbabwe is heading towards new elections, with growing concern that President Robert Mugabe may seek to prevent a free and fair vote, following the imprisonment of supporters of the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai. It is four years since Mr Mugabe was forced into a power-sharing deal after a violent, disputed election campaign. If you like this video please subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this. Also when you click 'Like' please share on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
  • published: 14 Oct 2012
  • views: 4390'Menacing_Cloud'_Over_Zimbabwe_Elections

President Barack Obama speaks about the Thanksgiving holiday in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. The White House said Tuesday, Nov. 27, that the president plans to make a public case this week for his strategy for dealing with the looming fiscal cliff, traveling to the Philadelphia suburbs Friday as he pressures Republicans to allow tax increases on the wealthy while extending tax cuts for families earning $250,000 or less Real Madrid's President Florentino Perez pauses during a press conference at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Monday May 20, 2013. Vodafone Building Near Victoria Park Child Obesity

AT&T National Practice Round June 26, 2012 Chris Bosh  Washington Wizards v/s Miami Heat December 18, 2010 Russian presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich is seen during the Global Investment & Finance Forum in Moscow, Russia, Monday, March 2, 2009. GUARDSMEN RESPOND TO TORNADO DAMAGE IN OKLAHOMA

Pakistan's former President and military ruler Pervez Musharraf arrives at an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad, Pakistan on Saturday, April 20, 2013. The general who ruled Pakistan for nearly a decade before being forced to step down appeared on Saturday in front of the court in connection with charges linked to his 2007 sacking and detention of a number of judges. Rajasthan Royal Player Owais Shah in action during  the IPL  Cricket Match against Kolkata Knight Rider at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 03 May 2013 Monsoon clouds in the sky in the month of June in India - rainy season Black and white clouds in the sky - climate change - environment

Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni waves to neighbors after leaving her apartment complex where she was under house arrest in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, June 14, 2013. Venezuelan authorities on Friday freed the judge who arrested in 2009 after then-President Hugo Chavez objected to one of her rulings, and who became a cause celebre for the opposition and international human rights groups. Chelsea's Juan Mata, center, celebrates his goal against Portsmouth with teammate Florent Malouda, right, during their English FA Cup third round soccer match at Stamford Bridge, London, Sunday, Jan. 8, 2012. Laptop computer - Facebook - Social media In this Monday Oct. 31, 2011 photo, Venezuelan Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni sits in her apartment while under house arrest in Caracas, Venezuela. Afiuni infuriated President Hugo Chavez when she ordered the release of an imprisoned banker who was charged with flouting the country's currency exchange controls. A day after her arrest nearly two years ago, Chavez demanded on national television that she face 30 years in prison. Now under house arrest, she is barred by a court order from speaking to the news media and instead uses Twitter to air her protests, calling herself a "judge kidnapped by order of Chavez."

UN General Assembly approves Syria resolution  CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer (left), President of US Soccer Dr Robert Contiguglia, OC President Franz Beckenbauer and OC Vice President Wolfgang Niersbach, during the 29th leg of the Welcome Tour on 23 February 2006, in New York´s Gotham Cuba 2008. Travel. Presidential candidate Ollanta Humala, left, talks with reporters at his father's home in Lima, Peru, Monday April 11, 2011. Unofficial results showed Humala won the most votes in Sunday's presidential race and is headed into a runoff against Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of imprisoned former President Alberto Fujimori. Peru will hold a presidential runoff election on June 5.

The Guardian
What with the NSA's Prism programme, ubiquitous CCTV and fashionable nerds sporting Google Glass, it seems there's no escape from prying eyes in the hi-tech modern world. But...
The New York Times
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's top leader has sharp words for U.S. critics of his country's presidential election, which just got under way. "Recently I have heard that a U.S. security...
Denver Post
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is promising to step up assistance to Syrian rebels after concluding Damascus used chemical weapons against opponents of President...

UN chief opposes arming Syria rivals
UN leader Ban Ki-moon has said that arming either side in the Syria conflict “would not be helpful” after the US said it would step up military aid to rebels. “The military path points directly towards the...
photo: UN / UN
In front of a portrait of the late Iranian revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini, presidential candidate Hasan Rowhani, a former top nuclear negotiator, center, gestures to his supporters at a rally in Tehran, Iran, Saturday, June 1, 2013.
Iran's reformist-backed presidential candidate surged to a wide lead in early vote counting on Saturday, a top official said, suggesting a flurry of late support could have swayed a race that once appeared solidly in the hands of Tehran's ruling...
photo: AP / Ebrahim Noroozi
Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega, left, and Chinese businessman Wang Jing hold up a concession agreement for the construction of a multibillion-dollar canal at the Casa de los Pueblos in Managua, Nicaragua, Friday, June 14, 2013.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — President Daniel Ortega and Chinese businessman Wang Jing have signed an agreement giving his company the right to build a shipping channel across Nicaragua that would compete with the Panama Canal. The signing took place...
photo: AP / Esteban Felix
Armed vehicles are seen driving as the sun rises over a desert road leading south out of Misrata, Libya, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011.
Members of the special forces clashed with armed activists in...
photo: AP / Gaia Anderson
Parents leave a staging area after being reunited with their children following a shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., about 60 miles (96 kilometers) northeast of New York City, Friday, Dec. 14, 2012.
NEWTOWN, Conn.Newtown held a moment of silence Friday for the victims of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School at a remembrance event that doubled as a call to action on gun control, with the reading of names of thousands of victims of gun...
photo: AP / Jessica Hill
St. Mark's seen from slightly above .St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Loring Park across I-94 from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. The Dakota people, the original inhabitants of the area where Minneapolis now stands, believed in the Great Spirit and were surprised that not all European settlers were religious.
MINNEAPOLIS — The family of a Minnesota man is disputing a report that he commanded a Nazi SS-led unit in World War II and lied about his wartime past when immigrating to the U.S. A son of Michael Karkoc (KAHR'-kahts) read a statement late Friday...
photo: Creative Commons / Andrew Ciscel
 Hassan Rohani
Very early results from Iran&aposs; presidential election have moderate candidate Hassan Rowhani with the lead. He has the support of reformists in Iran. With fewer than 1 million votes counted several hours after the polls closed, Rowhani has about...
photo: EC