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Lecture 4 - Judaism in the First Century
Islam and Judaism JewU 198 Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
JEWS, GENES, NUKES, WHITES - Rerevisionist - April 2014
Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11
The People, the Land and the Future of Israel - Traditional Jewish Expectati
Recent Christian Theologies of Judaism: A Jewish Response
Jewish History - Jewish Diaspora 2
Part 1: Defining the Antichrist - John S. Torell
Part 3: The Snare of the Antichrist - John S. Torell
Part 4: Living in the Past - John S. Torell
Part 15: The Thirteenth Tribe - John S. Torell
God's Messianic Covenant with our Jewish People - Baleston
Institute of Jewish Studies - Prof. dr. Moshe Halbertal - 9 October 2013
Overview Of the four kingdoms that arose after Alexander's death, those of the Seleucids and the Ptolemies are most pertinent to an understanding of the New ...
Compare and contrast-basic outline.
Jews and the modern world. Their behavior; is it genetic? Is science fraud a Jewish trait? What of white future under Jewish-promoted destruction? Is there a...
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the commentary civil. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @raoulmeyer @crashcoursestan @saysdanica @thoughtbubbler Like us! Follow us again! Support CrashCourse on Subbable:
The People, the Land and the Future of Israel - Traditional Jewish Expectatio The People, the Land and the Future of Israel - Traditional Jewish Expectatio The People, the Land and the Future of Israel - Traditional Jewish ... The People, the Land and the Future of Israel Dr. Michael L. Brown - The People, the Land and the Future of Israel ... Schedule - Chosen People Ministries : The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel: Israel ... Book Review: The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel ... Christianity | Jewish Virtual Library Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah The New Testament expectation: Jerusalem the centre ... - Why Israel? Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A land without a people for a people without a land - Wikipedia, the ... The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish pseudo-Messiah - the messianic banquet and the eschatology of matthew's gospel Messianic Expectations in 1st Century Judaism - A Christian Thinktank Hebrews, History Of Judaism - International World History Project Hebrew4Christians Forum • View topic - Messianic Expectations ... A Portrait Of Jesus' World - Jews And The Roman Empire | From ... Chapter 3. Exodus: Deliverance and Covenant here - UMJC The Jewish Concepts of the Coming of the Messiah What Does Judaism Say about [the Land of] Israel? - University of ... Israel as a Jewish State - Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs The Family in Judaism Past, Present and Future, Fears and Hopes What is the Abrahamic Covenant? - For The Land and The Lord: Chapter 1 Judaism as a Religious Tradition - Israel & Judaism Studies How Jesus Fulfilled first century Jewish expectations of Messiah Israel and the Future of Zionism | Pew Research Center's Religion ... The Jewish Press » » Israel's Post-Redeployment Expectations The Jewish Messiah: A Historical Perspective Was Luther Wrong About Modern-Day Israel? - The American Vision The Arab Minority in Israel - American Jewish Committee The unrequited love affair between liberal Jews and an illiberal Israel The Prophet Jeremiah - Jewish History - Who Are The Jews? A Brief History of the Jewish People - AskMusa ... Mashiach: The Messiah / Torah 101 / Mechon Mamre Prophecy Past and Future: An Example - Koinonia House Is Jesus the Messiah? An Outline on Jewish Messianism ... Israeli Scholar Disputes Founding Myth | Consortiumnews Is There a Jewish Political Tradition? » Mosaic - Mosaic Magazine Jesus, the Messianic Banquet, and the Kingdom of ... - Dr. Scott Hahn Policies and Exp
Why do Jews and Christians imagine different concepts when the new theologies speak of opening up the Trinity to Israel's covenant? Rabbi Brill will explore ...
History of Israel - Documentary on Israeli Jewish history and the Jewish diaspora in Europe and the Middle East part 2 This documentary explains of the Jewish diaspora from ancient Israel that later formed the Ashkenazi Jews of Western and Eastern Europe and the Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews of Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the commentary civil. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @raoulmeyer @crashcoursestan @saysdanica @thoughtbubbler Like us! Follow us again! Support CrashCourse on Subbable: Rabbi Abraham is a Historian from Israel. He gave a talk in Turkey About Similarities Between Islam & Judaism, . He agrees that muslim God is the same as jewish God . The jewish where called Muslims and Judaism where called Islam . The second part of the vidoe you will watch Abdulraheem Green talking about the Rabbi of Maddina at the time of the Prophet peace be up to him and half of them converted to Islam . The end of the vidoe proof of the prophet Muhamed mentioned by name in Hebrow scriptures in songs of songs , the verse was reading by a rabbi . --From Judaism's Holy Tanakh:Book of Psalms,Chapters 46-66 (In Hebrew). Episode: 1554, Air Date: 16 December 2010Part 1- Satya Interview of Spiritual Judaism- One People World United for studies at a University in Malaysia. In the Spring, we were contacted by Satya. Satya is a University student in Malaysia. He asked if we knew any Jewish people in Malaysia to interview for a University project on different religions. We did not know of Jewish people in Malaysia but asked if he would like to interview us. He graciously agreed and did a skype interview that he recorded and sent to us. After the interview Satya sent us this beautiful message: "hey sir im so so so happy that we actualy got to interview...ure so far away... at first we were so heart broken that we couldnt find any jewish people in we are so happy....and im very sure that malaysian people's view on jewish people will change..u shared a really great wisdom on oneness which is the base for every humans in this world..for people to feel the life energy around them...thank you alot pesach XD for making our day personally you inspired me a lot in my search for the truth or spirituality in just few minitues of this so sorry because i was so nervous to talk to you.. but u seem to be so freindly...i can really feel the love and connect with it in your presence.. bye pesach and i'l surely ask you more on oneness..days to come...we will edit the video and post on your FB wall by this week LOVE EVER HURT NEVER TC" We are very grateful to Satya and to his University in Malaysia for conducting this interview.Why do Jews and Christians imagine different concepts when the new theologies speak of opening up the Trinity to Israel's covenant? Rabbi Brill will explore the question of how the two religions think differently about theology. He will seek to steer the discussion beyond attempting to create sameness or difference and will outline the changes on both sides from perceiving differences between the faiths to perceiving commonality. But then ask: how much are these new theologies still operating on Christian terms? Rabbi Brill will answer with how Jewish theology would respond Welcome to Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus called his disciples to be salt and light. Salt is a preservative but it is also something that adds savor and enjoyment to our daily food. Light is a symbol of truth; it is comforting, penetrating, guiding and exposes darkness. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness. Watch the webcast ABOUT THE VIDEO The purpose of this series is to share what the Bible teaches concerning the Christian church, Judaism and the coming Antichrist system because there is a trend within Christianity to adopt rituals and holidays from Judaism and messianic rabbis are often quoted with authority, almost as if they have special insight to God that Christians filled with the Holy Spirit do not possess. Jesus was the "Anointed One" or the "Messiah of Israel" who was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life and died on the cross for our sins. He was resurrected on the third day and is now seated in heaven as the King of kings and Lord of lords. When the apostle John refers to the Man of Sin as the "Antichrist," he is essentially calling him the "reverse messiah." He is the anti-messiah that will deceive much of the world. Jesus tried to gather the Jews 2,000 years ago but He was rejected by the Jewish leadership because they were interested in the kingdom of Israel and wanted an earthly messiah that would restore Israel to its former glory. This is precisely what the Antichrist will do; he will set up an earthly kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital but it won't be with God's blessing. SERMON OUTLINE Welcome to Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus called his disciples to be salt and light. Salt is a preservative but it is also something that adds savor and enjoyment to our daily food. Light is a symbol of truth; it is comforting, penetrating, guiding and exposes darkness. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness. Watch the webcast ABOUT THE VIDEO Most Christians have a special love for Jewish people because they are responsible for preserving the Old Testament and being in the lineage of Jesus. It is out of sentimentality that many Christians mix Judaism with their faith in Christ. The trend to integrate Jewish customs and holy days is actually an abomination because it negates the work that Jesus did on the cross. Christians will become ensnared when they adopt defunct feast days and rituals that have nothing to do with the Second Covenant. Believers in Christ that choose to participate in these First Covenant feast days are essentially turning their backs on Jesus. The First Covenant does not exist anymore and will never be revived and the purpose of the feast days was to point people to the Messiah. So when a Christian embraces Judaism, they are being conditioned to join the Jewish people in waiting for a false messiah that will save the Jews as a nation and set up the kingdom of Israel again. Jesus becomes less important and the focus is directed to the political state of Israel and the temple that will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. There must be a separation between Judaism and Christianity; it is impossible for them to exist together. SERMON OUTLINE Welcome to Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus called his disciples to be salt and light. Salt is a preservative but it is also something that adds savor and enjoyment to our daily food. Light is a symbol of truth; it is comforting, penetrating, guiding and exposes darkness. We seek to preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world that is consumed by darkness. Watch the webcast ABOUT THE VIDEO There is a recent trend by many pastors and messianic rabbis to integrate Jewish customs and holy days into Christianity and to usher believers in Christ back into Judaism. This is ironic because Jesus and the apostles deliberately moved away from the First Covenant and the church in Galatia was rebuked for going back to the old ways. Some Christians want to blend Jewish traditions and holy days with their faith even though Jesus and the apostles never advocated such an action. In doing so, they unwittingly turn back from Christ and return to a dead religion. God instituted feast days like the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Passover to point the way to the Messiah. What is the point of trying to keep First Covenant feast days when we live in the Second Covenant? The simple truth is that anyone who chooses to observe a First Covenant feast day is deliberately living in the past and ignoring the fact that the Messiah arrived 2,000 years ago. It grieves the Lord when Christians observe defunct holy days; choosing to live in the First Covenant is actually an abomination because it negates the work that Jesus did on the cross! SERMON OUTLINE
Welcome to Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ without com...
Our Jewish People will survive because of God's Covenant Promise to send Messiah. Mottel Baleston was born into a Jewish home in Brooklyn. He is a teacher in...
Inaugural Lecture 2013-2014 Prof. dr. Moshe Halbertal - Hebrew University of Jerusalem The lecture will attempt to analyze the different trends and pressures...
Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship be...
This is the first in an 8 part seminar series, in which Onieu ben David, a convert from Christianity to Orthodox Essene Judaism (an ancient religion he is trying to restore), seeks to teach others about the religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Essenes, which is also his religion, and he seeks to prove conclusively that the Essene religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the one true religion of the Bible, and that the Nazarene Jews/Christians were themselves Essenes, and that Jesus/Yeshua was also an Essene, and that the religion that Yeshua taught his followers was a reformed version of Essene Judaism. These seminars are intended as an attempt to bolster support from others towards Onieu ben David's goal of reconstructing the ancient religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Essene Judaism.
How to Convert to Judaism, Consider Judaism... Starring Rabbi Asher Meza.
Jewish History - The Story of The Jewish People in The 20th Century. History of Judaism. for more info: upload by: http://www.simple...
Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152) Luke and Acts, a two-volume work, are structured very carefully by the author to outline the ministry of Jesus and t...
In this video, Lauren Cooper, a UC Berkeley Undergraduate Research Apprentice at The Magnes, showcases her research and documentation regarding an incoming gift for the Collection. The tools and methodologies deployed by Lauren outline the circular movement encompassing analog objects and the digital humanities that characterizes research about cultural heritage. This work is part of "The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age," a new project of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life that includes an installation, exhibition, and digital research lab in which museum professionals, scholars, students, and the public, discuss the meaning of memory and the many facets of digital history. More at --- The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life The Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley
Outline of religion and sociology.
G. K. Chesterton - The Apostle of Common Sense: The Outline of Sanity Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) In this episode, Dale Ahlquist talks about Chester...
More historical context on the Jewish belief in resurrection, the Jewish concept of "eternal life," and how these go hand in hand. Eternal life entails the blessings of God, ultimately through relationship with God (Jn. 17:3), and Jesus has brought into this age, the life of the age to come. Books quoted:;=1407309967&sr;=8-2&keywords;=theology+of+the+New+Testament;=1407310048&sr;=8-1&keywords;=Paul+the+Jewish+theologian N.T Wright's Outline:
Romans 1-3:20 - What does the Bible really say about our religious attempts make ourselves good enough to satisfy God? Are we basicially good inside?
This five-part documentary explores 4000 years of Jewish history, starting with the origins of the Jewish people in the Middle East right through to present...
Many Ethiopian don't hear about reports about Ethiopia by other media outlets. We plan to share this stories with Ethiopians and engage them with the media whether it business, investment or collaborate with police in investigation of missing person, murder cases any other crime related news. For questions and copyright claims email
Claudia Roden collected 800 recipes from around the Jewish Diaspora for her Book of Jewish Food, a monumental work that has rightfully won numerous awards. But as an Amsterdam Jew, raised in a rich Jewish culinary tradition, I can't neglect the fact that not a single Dutch recipe or product is represented in her magnum opus. In 2012 I interviewed Claudia at the request of The Jewish Historical Museum and confronted her with the absence of so many famous Dutch Jewish dishes. The film was screened at the food exhibition 'Lekker Joods' in 2013. The interview took place in the best cookbook shop of the country, De Kookboekhandel, Haarlemmerdijk 133, Amsterdam.
I am one of the producers of the Jewish Sparks TV series that aired on Vision TV in Canada. (It's airing again 2012/2013) I just found out that the shuttle program has been closed by the US government. I felt we should share Col. Ramon's last video interview on earth. He was the Payload Specialist on space shuttle Columbia and the only Israeli to be called an astronaut. As everyone knows, the space shuttle Columbia was destroyed during re-entry on February 1, 2003 - this was one of the saddest days in the history of the United States space program (as well as the Jewish Diaspora worldwide) and I felt that the memory of the crew should be honored.
Author of runaway best seller The Wandering Who? discusses Three Jewish ID Categories: Religious Jew, Born a Jew and Politicized Jew aka Jewishness. Jewishness pertains most. It is a problematic mix of ideology and culture. Atzmon characterized Jewishness as different manifestations of Jewish self-loving. Zionism, he observes, is just one form of Jewishness amongst many. Jewish Left is as exeptionalist and similarly exclusive. Atzmon emphasizes the bane of Political Correctness - politics that allows for no opposition. He submits Political Correctness has been a Jewish Left Project for forty years, the period hearts & minds of The West have been essentially captured. The important questions about Israel, and its supporting Lobby, are not even asked - What Is Jewishness and what are the relationships between Jews, Judaism, Zionism and Jewishness?
My interview with Israeli freelance reporter Ilya Ginzberg, about the Israelites of the African diaspora. Please forgive the glitches on the video. In some places of the interview the wording is off.
Documentary Interview About Pagan Practices in ChristianityLive Streaming Online at: RASTAFARI Order Of SALVATION | Haile Sellassie Amharic Bible Studies | LOJ Society DVD Part 2 | RASTAFARI Order Of SALVATION | Haile Sellassie Amharic Bible Studies | LOJ Society DVD LOJS Lectures & Rasiadonis Lectures - A Documentary Series by Ras Iadonis Tafari -- Debtera: Ras Iadonis Tafari research papers, audio lectures, unpublished manuscripts & selected essays | So-Called "Black Hebrews" In The West Are FALASHAS And Falashim! This Is The Half Of Our Story Or History That Has Been Suppressed For More Than 400 Years... Until Now!!! Live Streaming Online at: | For more FULL VERSIONS | Rastafari & Ethiopian-Hebrew (Beta Israel; Falashas of the Western Hemisphere Lectures SUBSCRIBE Today! Give Thanks! Books, Educational & Homeschooling Materials Available Also Downloadable Books/Documents at Online Members & LOJ Bloggers Log-in: ETHIOPIAN-HEBREW (Exodus Pilgrimage & Repatriation) DIASPORA BLOG: & Order many more RARE & INFORMATIVE DVDs For more general information, contacts & Ethiopian World Federation links: PART 3 | NOKH & Sons of GOD (Elohim-NTR) Mystery Out of Egypt | HAILE SELASSIE I TORAH Studies PART 2 | NOKH, the True ANKH | NOAHIDE Covenant & RASTAFARI | HAILE SELASSIE I Amharic TORAH Studies Kufale Jubilees Little Genesis Enoch sabbath Noah flood deluge NOKH noach beta Israel black hebrew holy senbet Tabot merkeb ark True ANKH tree cross Egypt wisdom Moses mysteries kamite khemit kem EOC Ethiopic NOAHIDE rainbow circle Covenant YHWH Yahwist Elohim seven laws Ethiopia RASTAFARI revelation Rasiadonis iadonis yadon Tafari HAILE SELASSIE I Talmud teachings Abba keddus qidus qiddus Amharic TORAH Orit Holy Bible Studies Qdus Qiddus Keddus Abba AMSU Khem Min HORUS Heruy Ethiopian Orthodox Church Holy Amharic Bible Egypt KMT Kamite Lifter of the Arm1 Ausar Osiris Amenta Djed Tat Qedamawi Haile Sellassie Selassie I Churchill Isaiah prophecy mythology Moses wisdom Egyptian Mysteries Hebrew mystery Ethiopic Illuminati masonry school arm adonai adoni LORD YHWH Yahweh Nissi Elohim Neter Rasiadonis tafari Rastafarian mp4 "conspiracy theory" religion spirituality history educational economy philosophy healing Qdus Qiddus Keddus Abba 2012 lalibela stargate map AMSU Khem Min HORUS Heruy Ethiopian Orthodox Church Holy Amharic Bible Egypt KMT Kamite Lifter of the Arm1 Ausar Osiris Amenta Djed Tat Qedamawi Haile Sellassie Selassie I Churchill Isaiah prophecy mythology Moses wisdom Egyptian Mysteries Hebrew mystery Ethiopic Illuminati masonry school arm adonai adoni LORD YHWH Yahweh Nissi Elohim Neter Rasiadonis tafari Rastafarian mp4 "conspiracy theory" religion spirituality history educationalWeekly Torah portion with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger. The rabbi is the head of the Jewish Studies Initiative of North Texas. His vision is of a community enriched by deep, pluralistic Jewish wisdom, passionately studied by Jews and disseminated among people of many faiths.Weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger. The rabbi is the head of the Jewish Studies Initiative of North Texas. His vision is of a community enriched by deep, pluralistic Jewish wisdom, passionately studied by Jews and disseminated among people of many faiths.Learn more by calling 1-866-867-2488 or by going online to live Torah Studies class was given at the Intown Jewish Academy in Atlanta, GA on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 exploring the Torah portion of Behaalotecha. Is religion about conforming, or about discovering your own inner connection? This lesson unravels a puzzling discussion between Moses and G-d about the heart of ou In this second excerpt from Dr. David Neiman's lecture series, "The Church and The Jews, Dr. Neiman discusses the early Jewish ...
►My channel: ►SUBSCRIBE: ►Google+: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: This 1979 animated documentary film is the story of the Jewish people from the Biblical times until the 1980's. It shows us the foundation of the modern State of Israel, the beginning of the Arab--Israeli conflict and the everyday life in Israel. Israel - Story of the Jewish People | 1979 Animated Documentary | Jewish History and State of Israel
From meeting organised by the Jewish Chronicle 10 July 2013. For the full meeting see here UKIP Leader Nigel Farage Speaks at Jewish Chronicle event at Hasmonean School Hendon 10 July 2013 The night and biker that play on Mah wii. Subscribe for Latest World News Updates 2013 World News Today Disillusio... UKIP Leader Nigel Farage answers questi... UKIP Leader Nigel Farage answers questions from Stephen Pollard and the public at Jewish Chronicle event at Hasmonean School Hendon 10 July 2013 Mitxvah Day 2010 will take place on November 21. UKIP Leader Nigel Farage answers questions from Stephen Pollard and the public at Jewish Chronicle event at ... Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle newspaper, interviews Nigel Farage, The Jewish Chronicle interviews Nigel Farage of UKIP (Full) The Jewish Chronicle interviews Nigel Farage of UKIP (Full)
Hon. James David Manning, PhD to teaches chapter 38 of the Book of Ezekiel. Recorded on 8 April 2011. Go to and
This week we present a companion piece to the national program "The Story of the Jews," which airs beginning March 25th. This segment features an interview w...
"The Jewish diaspora and Israel: a case of long distance nationalism" Given by Alain Dieckhoff (, Direc...
Many Ethiopian don't hear about reports about Ethiopia by other media outlets. We plan to share this stories with Ethiopians and engage them with the media whether it business, investment or collaborate with police in investigation of missing person, murder cases any other crime related news. For questions and copyright claims email Does a new poll suggest Netanyahu could face a real challenge in the upcoming Israeli elections? Steven I. Weiss breaks it down. Christian Niedan reports on a new documentary, "A Universal Language," which uses comedy to break down barriers in Israel-Diaspora cultural relations, and Meredith Ganzman profiles Kurt Deutsch, producer of the new movie musical "The Last Five Years," in a preview from the upcoming episode of our theater show, Row J. Plus, a peek at our Up Close interview with Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, author of "Changing Lives, Making History: Congregation Beit Simchat Torah."
Veronica Keen of the Montague Keen Foundation, interviews Gilad Atzmon about his popular new book, The Wandering Who? (A Study of Jewish Identity Politics) Veronica Keen is the wife of the late Montague Keen, a prominent academic and researcher with the Society for Psychical Research in London, England. The interview, in two parts, was recorded in November 2011.
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THE G-MAN INTERVIEWS: DAVID OST Award-Winning Author/Scholar Explains Why Breaking Up the Country May Be the Only Viable Option for Peace and Stability **FAIR USE NOTICE** These Videos May Contain Copyrighted (©) Material. The Use of Which Has Not Always Been Specifically Authorized by The Copyright Owner. Such Material is Made Available to Advance Understanding of Ecological, Political, Human Rights, Economic, Democracy, Scientific, Moral, Ethical, Social Justice Issues, Teaching, and Research. It is believed that this Constitutes a ''Fair Use'' of Any Such Copyrighted Material as Provided For in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In Accordance With Title - 17 U.S.C. Section 107, This Material is Distributed Without PROFIT to Those Who Have Expressed a Prior General Interest in Receiving Similar Information For Research and Educational Purposes. For More Information: CORRECTION: This episode states that George (Eliyahu) Zilberbordfrom, a Jewish community leader, was killed by Russian troops. He was actually killed by pro-Russian rebels in Kiev. Welcome. David Ost is the Joseph DiGangi Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, and frequent visiting professor in eastern Europe, particularly Poland. He is an internationally known scholar in the field of east European studies, with a focus on labor and politics. His books include Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics, one of the most often-cited works on the collapse of the communist system in eastern Europe; Workers After Workers' States (2001), a standard reference for research on labor in postcommunist society; and The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics in Postcommunist Society (2005), which won the Ed Hewett award for the Best Book in Political Economy. The Defeat of Solidarity, which traces the rise of the political right to the decline of the labor movement, was published in Polish translation in 2007 to considerable acclaim, and soon figured prominently in the country’s political debates. Ost is now a frequent lecturer in Poland, and a highly sought-out commentator for many Polish publications. He has published in a number of scholarly and popular journals, such as Politics and Society, European Journal of Social Theory, Theory and Society, East European Politics and Society, European Journal of Industrial Relations, The Nation, Dissent, and Telos. He is currently on the editorial boards of Politics and Society, East European Politics and Societies, Polish Sociological Review, and Studie Socjologiczne Professor Ost joins us for a discussion on the rise of anti-Semitism in sections of Europe, the situation in Ukraine, and an in-depth analysis of Russian president Vladimir Putin. The Skype interview was conducted on September 26, 2014. Photos of Professor Ost courtesy of Anna Kaczmarz. Information pertaining to this episode is available at the following: Jewish community leader killed by pro-Russian insurgents: Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics Workers After Workers' States (2001) The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics in Postcommunist Society (2005)
This is an interview of Mrs. Bati Kawooya who is the head of the Diaspora Unit based in Kampala, Uganda. She talks about the value of the Diaspora Unit and w... Addressing Kenyans who live in Atlanta and its environs, Kenya's ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Mr Macharia Kamau has said th...
One of the world’s finest thinkers and writers, the incomparable Amos Oz, delivers the 2011 Monash Israel Oration at Melbourne Town Hall, under the title ‘Israel: Peace, War and Storytelling’. The oration is followed by an on-stage interview with Mark Baker. Through his portrait of modern Israel and its conflicts, the much-loved author and celebrated peace activist demonstrates his rare compassion, wisdom and conviction. Oz is introduced by his daughter Fania Oz-Salzberger, Professor to the Leon Liberman Chair of Modern Israel Studies at the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation. A civilisation of doubt & argument Opening his oration, he explores the birth of Israel, which “was born out of a dream, and everything - everything at all - that is born out of a dream is destined to feel like a slight disappointment… Israel has a certain air of disappointment about it, but this disappointment is not in the nature of Israel. It is in the nature of dreams.” According to Oz, the “contradictory or even mutually exclusive” aspirations of Israel’s founders set the foundation of a society vibrating with diversity, rife with conflicting opinions and such an entrenched love of arguing that even God is not spared. Revealing complex and ambivalent feelings about his country, he offers that “Israel is neither a nation nor a country; rather, it is a fiery collection of arguments”. But while he notes some diaspora Jews beckoning his Israeli compatriots to pipe down, he proves a defender of the great pleasure of open disagreement: “This is freedom, for me”. Oz argues that disagreements are at the “heart and soul of the Jewish tradition. It is a civilisation of doubt and argument.” It’s a tradition that creates an ideal climate for creativity, invention, renewal and culture. He challenges the media’s retelling of that civilisation’s modern story - particularly the suggestion that Israel is a nation primarily peopled by “fundamentalist ultra-religious West Bank settlers”. Instead, he explains, Israel is “very Mediterranean” and “secular to the bone”. Of course, religious and political clashes do occur, as do philosophical ones. Oz acknowledges deep divisions in Israeli society where “everyone knows better”. He tells a story of his time as a reservist on the eve of the Six Day War in 1967, where his unit’s strategising turned into a heated mid-battle argument about the particulars of Tolstoy and war. Oz declares himself a great believer in compromise, which he takes up later in talking about Palestinian-Israeli relations. Acknowledging the negative connotations of the word “in the ears of young idealists”, he nonetheless holds that “the opposite of compromise is fanaticism and death”. Israel & Palestine The writer’s solution for Israel and Palestine is based on two preconditions: the termination of Israeli West Bank occupation and the negotiation of a liveable compromise between both parties. His appraisal of the situation as “a tragic clash between right and right” acknowledges that both sides are making just claims for a peaceful and secure homeland. Rather than a holy war, he sees the conflict as essentially a real estate dispute. The vast majority of both states know there will be two neighbouring states, Oz says, adding that the region will eventually be something like a semi-detached house. In the light of his expectation that Palestine will unilaterally declare statehood later this year, Oz urges Israel to become the first state to officially recognise Palestine. The writer’s hope is that Israel can retreat from the front page of newspapers and into a cultural renaissance. Elsewhere As part of his writing process, Oz employs two pens, black and blue. He explains the human need to hear stories and to tell stories - the task reserved for one of those pens. The other pen the author reserves “to tell the government to go to Hell!” Asked by an audience member where the Palestinian Amos Oz is, he refers to his counterparts across the disputed borders, but also urges a realistic approach: enemies won’t become best friends overnight. The aim, he says, is to “make peace, not love”. Oz also responds to what’s become known as the Arab Spring, discussing Egypt, the fragmentary aspects of the uprisings, and the importance of including women in the aims of liberation. The Monash Israel Oration is presented in partnership between the Wheeler Centre and Monash University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation, and under the auspices of the Leon Liberman Chair in Modern Israel Studies.
Contemporary Jewish Cultural Creativity Thursday, 04 January 2007 Session 5 - Contemporary Jewish Cultural Creativity in Israel and the English-Speaking Dias...
For an outline of this Seminar, please see This is the first in an 8 part seminar series, in which Onieu ben David, a convert from Christianity to Orthodox Essene Judaism (an ancient religion he is trying to restore), seeks to teach others about the religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Essenes, which is also his religion, and he seeks to prove conclusively that the Essene religion of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the one true religion of the Bible, and that the Nazarene Jews/Christians were themselves Essenes, and that Jesus/Yeshua was also an Essene, and that the religion that Yeshua taught his followers was a reformed version of Essene Judaism.
Thank you for taking the time to view the full video presentation by Dr. Brant Pitre on "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist". In this presentation, ...
Romans 9:1-5 | This exposition examines Paul's deep burden for his unbelieving kinsmen and Israel's unchanging advantages as God's chosen people.
How do people go from faith to atheism? In this video I present an overview of my research into deconversion using my own deconversion as a case study. I introduce the concepts of paradigm shifts, intellectual renaissance and world collapse to map the outline of paths that lead a believer to atheism. Thanks to my subscribers for inspiring this video. I had intended to present this rough outline of my research this month and clearing 200 subscribers seemed the perfect reason. I have been hinting at this research in several videos. It is now in a state that allows me to present a general overview of the structures I have observed in over 100 deconversion stories. You can compare this with the claims in the Psychology of Atheism video I posted previously if you'd like. I kick his ass. On every point. Pnwd! If you have Reddit karma please share on Reddit! Thanks. Follow me on Twitter: 43Alley How I Gave Up Religion: Evid3nc3 Overview
For more resources visit: To download an outline of Doctrine of Salvation:
"Author Joe Kutchera will outline his 5-step marketing process for reaching the next generation of Internet users in the booming markets of Latin America. Se...
Jack H. Silvers, MD the author of Biopsies of the Bible elucidates misguided rabbinic notions that have resulted in wars and blockage of embryonic stem cell ...
From Confucius to Oprah, people have preached compassion for centuries. But how often is it actually put into practice? We may know that we should "treat others the way we wish to be treated", but the reality -- particular in the face of a perceived injustice -- just isn't that easy. Compassion is hardwired into our brains, yet is constantly pushed back by our more primitive instincts for selfishness and survival. Provocative religious thinker, Karen Armstrong, knows this and calls for us to cultivate and expand our capacity for compassion. Drawing on material ranging from the spiritual character of the world religions to the findings of contemporary neuroscience, she'll outline concrete ways of enhancing our compassion and putting it into action in our everyday lives. Karen Armstrong is a British author and commentator who is the author of twelve books on comparative religion. A former nun, she went from a conservative to a more liberal and mystical faith. Armstrong first rose to prominence in 1993 with her book, A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, an international best seller that is now required reading in many theology courses. She won the TED Prize in 2008 which helped to launch her Charter for Compassion, a document around which religious leaders can work together for people. Her new book, '12 Steps to A Compassionate Life' was published in 2011 This secular sermon took place at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London on Sunday 20 November 2011
It matters," said Rabbi Rick Jacobs, head of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, the synagogue arm ...
U~T San Diego 2015-04-18... of major religious groups around the world ... per cent of the US population in 2050, up from 0.9
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-18... and Brentford Community Stadium project team to outline proposals for redevelopment of Griffin Park.
noodls 2015-04-18The words that concern me are the words of support ... She wanted a copy of my "speech." ... had an outline.
Fresno Bee 2015-04-18Ahead of its spring meeting this year in Washington, the World Bank has outlined an action plan with ...
Dawn 2015-04-18Ahead of his visit with Fox News, he sat down with reporters and outlined a potential campaign, as ...
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-04-18... Ball Guide has been sharply criticised after it appeared to outline the raping of a student.
Big News Network 2015-04-18Here, BEN ROOTH outlines the .
Big News Network 2015-04-18... in how the state spends money, outlining a plan that would shift taxpayer refunds in the next .
Big News Network 2015-04-18Food and nutrition security, climate change and soils are among the main topics outlined for the ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18One local, Michael Collins, outlined to .
Big News Network 2015-04-18JUNEAU -- With three days left in the session, the Senate Finance Committee outlined its plan for a ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18... in prison for leaking a top Communist Party document that outlined the leadership’s resolve to .
Big News Network 2015-04-18The Jewish diaspora (or simply the Diaspora) is the English term used to describe the Galut גלות (Yiddish: 'Golus'), or 'exile', of the Jews from the region of the Kingdom of Judah and Roman Judaea and later emigration from wider Eretz Israel.
The diaspora began with the 6th century BCE conquest of the ancient Kingdom of Judah, the destruction of the First Temple (c. 586 BCE), and the expulsion of the population, as recorded in the Bible. The Babylonian ruler, Nebuchadnezzar allowed them to remain in a unified community in Babylon. Another group of Jews fled to Egypt, where they settled in the Nile delta. From 597 BCE onwards, there were three distinct groups of Hebrews: a group in Babylon and other parts of the Middle East, a group in Judaea, and another group in Egypt. While Cyrus the Persian allowed the Jews to return to their homeland in 538 BCE, most chose to remain in Babylon. A large number of Jews in Egypt became mercenaries in Upper Egypt on an island called the Elephantine. All of these Jews retained their religion, identity, and social customs; both under the Persians and the Greeks, they were allowed to conduct their lives according to their own laws.