Plenty Plus

Buenos Aires, Argentina

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User Bio

Plenty was born from the merger between Gula and Playful (Mariano Farías and Pablo Alfieri), a bureau of young professionals with a strong passion for graphic design and mothiongraphics.
During the last few months they have worked on several projects in areas such as advertising and TV branding, joining the art direction and motiongraphics of Pablo, Mariano and their group of great talents.
We work with clients like MTV LA, MTV International, VH1, NatGeo, AXN Japan, Schweppes, Gancia One & Pilsen.
Hope you will become our next client!

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  1. Julian Rad
  2. Matt J
  5. Carine Khalife
  6. Joao Rema
  7. Martin Allais
  8. GMUNK
  9. Simon Tibbs
  10. podoboo
  11. TaxFreeFilm
  12. Lucinda Schreiber
  13. Jorge Tereso
  14. CypherAudio
  15. BlackMeal
  16. Tom Rainford
  17. Roof Studio
  18. Persistent Peril

+ See all 618