Which classic science fiction novel still holds up today?

Sometimes you revisit a classic science fiction book that rocked your world years ago... and the letdown is like falling off a space elevator. Some beloved books just don't hold up. But sometimes? You read an old favorite, and it's even better than you remember. Which novels are just as great today as when they were…


What Classical myth do you want John Hodgman and Adam Savage to bust?

Tomorrow night in San Francisco, Mythbusters' Adam Savage is appearing live on stage with That Is All author John Hodgman. And we're giving away a free pair of tickets! All you have to do is answer one question: What ancient mythology do you want Savage and Hodgman to bust? (e.g., "You can't give birth through your…


What movie did you love -- until your friends convinced you it sucked?

We've all been there. You walk out of a movie thinking you had a pretty good time. And then, you find out you're on your own. Worse yet, your friends raise such strong points, you wind up agreeing with them. What movie did your crew talk you into hating?


Concept Art Writing Prompt: Aliens Encounter the Cavepeople

While most stories about alien encounters set our first meeting with extraterrestrials in the future, some plant those early encounters firmly in the distant past. What happens when early humans come face-to-space-helmet with beings from another world?


Will your job still exist a generation from now?

We all currently live in a system where we get paid for our labor and exchange that payment for goods and bits of information. But what sort of economic system are we going to have in another 20 years, after more improvements in computers and robotics? Will your current job even still exist?


Which comics supervillain really deserves a shot on the big screen?

Not only do we keep getting the same few superheroes starring in movies over and over — but they always face the same villains. Superman fights Luthor and Zod. Batman meets the Joker and Catwoman. But which supervillain would you like to see in a big movie?


What's the stupidest-looking alien of all time?

Back in the days of yore, TV series and movie were often forced to imagine extra-terrestrials with low-tech special effects and limited budgets. Nowadays, thanks to the wonders of computer VFX, we can create anything — and sometimes aliens still look like crap.


Which science fiction TV show do you wish you could personally reboot?

The history of science fiction television is full of shows that have a lot of wonderful stuff... but you just know they could be even more awesome if someone seized their raw potential with both hands. Which classic TV show do you wish you could personally make a new version of?

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