Order is frozen chaos.
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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for August, 2004

Simplicity itself…

Weird Mill Road Happenstances:
Sometimes I can’t tell whether Mill Road should be renamed Freak Street or if I’ve just got my goggles set to Weird-O-Vision. I was pounding up towards the road towards the bridge, anxious and stressed as usual, when I passed a little figure dressed all in black, with long jet-black [...]

How I cheated at a Christian pub quiz.

Went to a Christian Festival in Norwich at the weekend and cheated in a pub quiz.
What happened was this. Sam was working at the festival and managed to persuade me to take Syd there for an overnight visit on the Sunday, because she’s so busy at the moment that she’s barely getting to [...]

Pete Um & Damo Suzuki

Diary written 28-7-04
Right then, Damo Suzuki, since everyone’s asking.
So yeah, can’t recall what I’ve said already, but I’m still freaking out on the day of the gig even though he isn’t staying at my house and blah… Fuckit, let me cut to the chase, for once. I get to the [...]

apologies/them’s that feels it knows it

Sorry. I am writing the Damo thing. It isn’t that entertaining but its still taking me a while.
In the meantime can I direct you once again to manfromuranus.com to check out his little MP3 section. I wish I could upload mp3s like he does. There’s a cool one with me doing [...]

Too much coffee…

Sorry people, been very busy. Done a bit of the Damo Suzuki write-up, but there’s not much to get excited about…
Maybe read Man From Uranus’ review of the first third of the Giraffe album in the meantime?
It’s in the “forum” section…