
Archive for December, 2012

Détention de Réza Shahabi / Demande de Transfert dans un Hôpital Civil Hors du Milieu Carcéral

Five French trade unions (CFDT, CGT, FSU, Solidaires, Unsa) have issued a joint statement on the health of Reza Shahabi, calling for his immediate release.  The statement reads as follows:   Paris, le 20 décembre 2012 Son Excellence Sadegh Larijani, Chef de la magistrature Téhéran République islamique d’Iran   Objet : Détention de Réza Shahabi [...]


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Campaign for Iranian Painter

The following is a reprint from UNITY, the official journal of CFMEU, the Australian Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. Get active Call the Iranian Embassy in Canberra on 6290 7000 and ask for Zamani to be released. Email the Iranian Embassy at consular@ and protest the government’s attack on workers’ rights and those [...]


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Concerns Grow Over Tehran Bus Union Treasurer Shahabi

The following statement was released by International Transport Workers’ Federation on the condition of Reza Shahabi, the incarcerated Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate Treasurer. 20 December 2012 The ITF has expressed its ongoing concern at the continued imprisonment of sick Iranian prisoner Reza Shahabi, treasurer of the ITF’s affiliate the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and [...]


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Petitions to the Ministry of Labor Attracts 10,000 More Signatures

On December 18, the organizers of the workers’ petition to the Ministry of Labor ( from the Free Union of Iranian Workers) delivered an additional 10,000 signatures on top of the previous 20,000 already handed in. They also held a sit-in by the Iranian parliament to make their point. The workers’ petition calling for immediate [...]


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2000 Signatures of Bus Workers to the Minister of Labor and Speaker of the Parliament

Along with a petition of 10,000 workers to the Minister of Labor, another separate 2000 signatures were delivered to the minister and the speaker of the Iranian parliament by the Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Workers who were protesting the new amendments to the Labor Law and the Social Security Law. The letter accompanying the [...]


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8 Miners Perishing at an Explosion

An explosion in Yal-e-Shomali NORTHERN RIDGE coal mine in Tabas 150 meters deep underground on December 18 took the lives of 8 miners. The explosion happened at 4:00 a.m. in the days work shift when 13 miners had entered the mine. Five of the miners were able to exit in timer and survived. 8 who [...]


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Amirkabir Petrochemical Work Stoppage

A worker activist talking to Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) reported of work stoppage at Amirkabir Petrochemical Complex in protest to the employment status, wages, and benefits at the complex. According to the activist, Mehrzad Mehrani, 430 workers at the repairs unit of the Amirkabir complex in Mahshahr, stopped work on the grounds of article [...]


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Economic Toll by Numbers

The economic slowdown and the recession gripping Iran is hitting the working classes particularly hard. Fathollah Bayat, head of the National Union of Temporary and Contracting Workers, talking with Rahe Daneshjoo, talked about 1,000,000 contracting workers having lost their jobs since the March of this year. According to Bayat, there are 8 million contracting workers [...]


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Ahvaz Sugar Factory Workers Stage Protest

On December 2, Ahvaz Sugar Factory workers staged protests with their families for 22 months of back wages and bonuses by the state offices. The workers staged three days of protest. One of the workers talking with Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA), said, “often after our gatherings, our families await good news on alleviation of [...]


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Amendment to Labor Law Sent to the Parliament for Debate

On December 4, the administration bill to amend the Labor Law was sent to the parliament for debate. While, the text of the amendment was not made public, on the basis of available leaks, it was found to be extremely limiting of some workers’ rights. Workers have raised their opposition to the changes from independent [...]


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