
Archive for October, 2011

Protests Against Firing of Workers and Closure of Workshops

The following is an article published by Roozonline on the recent strikes in Mahshar. By: Keyvan Bozorgmehr Despite the claims by the Majlis representative from Mahshahr that the workers strikes at the town’s petrochemical complex had ended, news reports indicate that the strikes continue. The executive secretary of the province’s Khane Kargar, a workers organization, [...]


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Islamic Republic’s Labor Policies Slammed

Below are excerpts of the official complaint by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) against the Iranian government for its labor rights violations which were jointly lodged at the International Labor Federation (ILO). You could read the full rext of the complaint on the ILO site pages 198 [...]


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Petrochemical Workers Strike Continues

6500 strong Mahshahr Bandar Imam Petrochemical complex workers began a new round of strikes following their earlier eleven-day-long strike in March. The workers had demanded the elimination of the intermediary subcontracting companies and the signing of collective contracts with the management. Without direct contracts, the workers are denied production and efficiency bonuses as well as [...]


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More Strike Actions Across the Country

The month of September has witnessed growing protest actions by the Iranian workers across the country. On September 5, Zhaveh dam workers in Kurdistan went on strike in protest for nonpayment of back wages going back some six months. The workers indicated that they would continue their strike until they receive due compensation. 200 Pars [...]


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Ahvaz Metro Workers Strike

Workers at Kayson—a subcontracting company located in the southern city of Ahvaz currently building the metro system for that city— went on strike on August 28. They have been protesting non-payment of wages for the last seven months. There are four hundred workers on strike at present. According to the general manager of the Ahvaz [...]


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Subway Construction Workers in Karaj Go on Strike

On September 22, workers at Sabir Company, the subcontractor which is building the metro in the city of Karaj, gathered by the Karaj Urban and Suburban Railway shops in Imam Hossein Square. One of the workers told the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA) that they had not received their wages for seven months and that [...]


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Vahed Activist Summoned to Evin Prison

According to a communique by Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate, Davood Razavi, a member of the board of the directors of Vahed Bus workers Syndicate has been summoned to the branch six of Evin prosecutors office.


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Workers Punished for Protest Actions

In recent weeks, the workers who have participated in labor protest actions have faced retaliations. The following lists certain such retaliations. 17 workers at Sarab Baft in Eastern Azerbaijan were recently fired following a strike action. Sarab textile company established in 1993 faced a serious fire incident back in 1999 which created numerous problems and [...]


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Growing Activism Foretells New developments

The following two statements issued recently in Iran signal new attempts at organizing independent labor organizations in the face of mass repression: Greetings to all workers and activists in the Iranian labor movement! This is the communique of the founding committee for the formation of an all-female workers union at Shoushtar Mehraneh Shoes and Hand [...]


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