- published: 17 Mar 2010
- views: 603691

nipplepeople - Sutra *OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO*
nipplepeople su predstavili spot za singl Sutra, domaći broj 1 na Otvorenom.
Besplatno ga...
published: 17 Mar 2010
nipplepeople - Sutra *OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO*
nipplepeople su predstavili spot za singl Sutra, domaći broj 1 na Otvorenom.
Besplatno ga skinite s:
Za najnovije vijesti vezane uz nipplepeople učlanite se u facebook fan grupu: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=50041118398&ref;=ts
ili nipplepeople myspace stranicu http://www.myspace.com/nipplepeople
Druge ruke nemaju tvoj dar
I mada sve sto mi pricas dobro znam
Tapkam u maraku, u tmini
Sve je drugo u tisini
Moje ime najbolje svira tvoj glas
Druge trazim I ti trazis druge
Nadam se, nadam se
Dok nam samo krivi se nude
Na kraju dana sam ovdje
Ti tamo si sam
Bjeze nam vrijeme I ljudi
Znam da znas
Nazovi da me diras bas
Kad tamo ne briljiras bas
Nikakva carobna jutra
Zaljubit cu se sutra
Druge usne druge su price
Ljubis me, ljubis me
Da ne zelim nikoga vise
Gledam kako grane oblace se liscem
Sama kao uvijek do sada
- published: 17 Mar 2010
- views: 603691

Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra (Mandarin) by Imee Ooi
Heart Sutra (Mandarin)
jie di ...
published: 04 Jun 2007
Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra (Mandarin) by Imee Ooi
Heart Sutra (Mandarin)
jie di jie di bo luo jie di bo luo seng jie di pu ti sa po he (3x)
guan zi zai pu sa xing shen bo re po luo mi duo shi
zhao jian wu yun jie kong du yi qie ku e
she li zi se bu yi kong kong bu yi se
se ji shi kong kong ji shi se
shou xiang xing shi yi fu ru shi
she li zi shi zhu fa kong xiang
bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing bu zeng bu jian
shi gu kong zhong wu se wu shou xiang xing shi
wu yan er bi she shen yi wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa
wu yian jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie
wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin
nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin
wu ku ji mie dao wu zhi yi wu de yi wu suo de gu
pu ti sa duo yi bo re po luo mi duo gu
xin wu gua ai wu gua ai gu wu you kong bu
yuan li dian dao meng xiang jiu jing nie pan
san shi zhu fo yi bo re po luo mi duo gu
de a nou duo luo san miao san pu ti
gu zhi bo re po luo mi duo shi da shen zhou
shi da ming zhou shi wu shang zhou shi wu deng deng zhou
neng chu yi qie ku zhen shi bu xu
gu shuo bo re po luo mi duo zhou ji shuo zhou yue
jie di jie di bo luo jie di bo luo seng jie di pu ti sa po he (3x)
- published: 04 Jun 2007
- views: 2757446

Sutra - Sidi Larbi & Antony Gormley with the Shaolin Monks
Celebrated Flemish/Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui presents a brand new dance ...
published: 23 Jun 2008
Sutra - Sidi Larbi & Antony Gormley with the Shaolin Monks
Celebrated Flemish/Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui presents a brand new dance work inspired by the skill, strength and spirituality of Buddhist Shaolin monks. He has collaborated closely with Turner Prize-winning artist Antony Gormley, who has created a design consisting of 21 wooden boxes which are repositioned to create a striking, ever changing on-stage environment. Polish composer Szymon Brzóska has created a beautiful brand new score for piano, percussion and strings which is played live.
The 17 Monks performing in Sutra are directly from the original Shaolin Temple, situated near Dengfeng City in the Henan Province of China and established in 495AD by monks originating from India. In 1983 the State Council defined the Shaolin Temple as the key national Buddhist Temple. The monks follow a strict Buddhist doctrine, of which Kung fu & Tai Chi martial arts are an integral part of their daily regime. By visiting the Shaolin Temple in China, and working with the Shaolin Monks over several months, Sidi Larbi follows a life-long interest of exploring the philosophy and faith behind the Shaolin tradition, its relationship with Kung-Fu, and its position within a contemporary context.
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Sadler's Wells London
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Antony Gormley
Szymon Brzóska
with monks from the Shaolin Temple
Direction & Choreography: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Visual creation and Design*: Antony Gormley
Music: Szymon Brzóska
A Sadler's Wells Production
Co-produced with Athens Festival, Festival de Barcelona Grec, Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, La Monnaie Brussels, Festival d'Avignon, Fondazione Musica per Roma and Shaolin Cultural Communications Company.
- published: 23 Jun 2008
- views: 172666

The Lotus Sutra
Download the free mp3:http://www.bluedomers.com
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - The Lotus Sutra is ...
published: 03 Jul 2007
The Lotus Sutra
Download the free mp3:http://www.bluedomers.com
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - The Lotus Sutra is Buddha's most referred to teaching on "emptiness", it is said to be a central concept and necessary part of enlightenment. It is professed that understanding and experiencing "emptiness" is something that can not be taught; it is said that one can not try to understand it with the mind.
This is the Lotus Sutra memorized, recited, and chanted by some western Buddhist monks. The lotus sutra is widely considered to be the most sacred teaching of the Buddha.
Use of chant in this video authorized by author Nikko Hansen
- published: 03 Jul 2007
- views: 3728569

Gostosa - Sutra [HQ]
Enjoy this track.
Gostosa - Sutra lyrics :
Cool reflection of shimmering light
published: 14 Oct 2009
Gostosa - Sutra [HQ]
Enjoy this track.
Gostosa - Sutra lyrics :
Cool reflection of shimmering light
Wont let me sleep again
Pretty patterns casting far and wide
My minds alive and awake with it
I dream of long empty shores
I hear the crash of the waves
I know this dream is also yours
So lets leave today
Theres something about today
That makes me feel this way
Summer Sutra
Theres something about today
Theres something I should say
Its Summer Sutra
Theres something about today
Theres something I should say
Its Summer Sutra
Theres something about today
Theres something I should say
Its Summer Sutra
Theres something about today
That makes me feel this way
Summer Sutra
Theres something about today
Theres something I should say
Its Summer Sutra
- published: 14 Oct 2009
- views: 206188

Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) Buddhist chanting
a beautiful chant. Peaceful & Relaxing.
This are the same as Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) by I...
published: 31 Dec 2007
Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) Buddhist chanting
a beautiful chant. Peaceful & Relaxing.
This are the same as Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) by Imee Ooi shared by chillout108. Just a different version.
I hope you guys like.
Subscribe me and get the audio from
You can find more links on relax chant in my page.
Heart Sutra - Sanskrit-English
Translated by Zuio H. Inagaki
(If you find a better site/translation, please post it. Thanks)
Namah sarvajnaaya
-Adoration to the Omniscient!
Aaryaavalokiteshvara-bodhisattvo gambhiiraayaam prajnaapaaramitaayaam caryaam caramaano vyavalokayati sma: panca skandhaah; taamshca svabhaava-shuunyaan pashyati sma.
-When Holy Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva performed the deep practice in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, he contemplated that there were five aggregates but observed that they were devoid of essential nature.
Iha Shaariputra ruupam shuunyataa shuunyataiva ruupam, ruupaan na prithak shuunyataa, shuunyataayaa na prithag ruupam, yad ruupam saa shuunyataa, yaa shuunyataa tad ruupam.
-In this case, Shaariputra, form is voidness and voidness is itself form; voidness is not different from form, and form is not different from voidness; that which is form is voidness, and that which is voidness is form.
Evem eva vedanaa-samjnaa-samskaara-vijnaanaani.
-So it is for perception, conception, volition and consciousness.
Iha Shaariputra sarva-dharmaah shuunyataa-lakshanaa, anutpannaa, aniruddhaa, amalaa, na vimalaa, nonaa, na paripuurnaah.
-In this case, Shaariputra, all things have the characteristics of voidness; they neither arise nor perish; they are neither defiled nor pure, neither deficient nor complete.
Tasmaac Chaariputra shuunyaayaam na ruupam na vedanaa na samjnaa na samskaaraa na vijnaanaani.
-Therefore, Shaariputra, within the voidness, there is no form, no perception, no conception, no volition, nor consciousness.
Na cakshuh-shrotra-ghraana-jihvaa-kaaya-man aamsi.
-Neither is there eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind.
Na ruupa-shabda-gandha-rasa-sprashtavya-dha rmaah.
-Neither is there form, sound, smell, taste, touch nor concepts.
Na cakshurdhaatur yaavan na mano-vijnaana-dhaatuh.
-Neither is there realm of sight, etc., until we come to the non-existence of realm of consciousness.
Na vidyaa, naavidyaa, na vidyaa-kshayo, naavidyaa-kshayo, yaavan na jaraa-maranam na jaraamarana-kshayo, na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-maargaa, na jnaanam, na praaptir apraaptitvena.
-Neither is there wisdom, nor ignorance, nor extinction of wisdom, nor extinction of ignorance, etc., until we come to the non-existence of old age and death and the non-extinction of old age and death. Neither is there suffering, cause of suffering, extinction of suffering, nor the path leading to extinction of suffering. Neither is there wisdom nor acquisition because there is no grasping.
Bodhisattvasya prajnaapaaramitaam aashritya viharaty acittaavaranah. Cittaavarana-naastitvaad atrasto, viparyaasaatikraanto nishtha-nirvaanah.
-Depending on the bodhisattva's Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, one dwells without any mental hindrance. Because of the absence of mental hindrance, one is fearless; freed from delusory thoughts, one will reach Nirvana.
Tryadhva-vyavasthitaah sarvabuddhaah prajnaapaaramitaam aashrityaanuttaraam samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhaah.
-All Buddhas dwelling in the three periods realize the highest, perfect enlightenment depending on the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.
Tasmaaj jnaatavyo prajnaapaaramitaa-mahaamantro mahaavidyaa-mantro 'nuttara-mantro 'samasama-mantrah, sarvadukha-prashamanah, satyam amithyatvaat, prajnaapaaramitaayaam ukto mantrah.
-For this reason, know that the Great Mantra of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom is the Great Wisdom Mantra, the Unsurpassed Mantra, and the Unequaled Mantra. It extinguishes all suffering, and is true and real because it is not false. It is the Mantra proclaimed in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.
Tad yathaa gate gate paaragate paarasamgate bodhi svaaha.
-Namely, "Gone, gone, gone to the other shore;
Gone completely to the other shore.
Iti prajnaapaaramitaa-hridayam samaaptam.
-Thus ends the Essence of the Transcendent Wisdom Sutra.
- published: 31 Dec 2007
- views: 614839

Diamond Sutra 101 - Part 1
Probably the easiest "dialog" on Diamond Sutra. Not intended to be scholarly discussion ab...
published: 27 Dec 2006
Diamond Sutra 101 - Part 1
Probably the easiest "dialog" on Diamond Sutra. Not intended to be scholarly discussion about the subject. Dialogue by 현각 스님(Paul Muenzen) with Korean subtitle. Buddhism.
The rest of the talks are available below:
- published: 27 Dec 2006
- views: 42382

Heart Sutra (Sanskrit)
a musical rendition by Imee Ooi
The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra or Heart Sutra or Es...
published: 22 Feb 2010
Heart Sutra (Sanskrit)
a musical rendition by Imee Ooi
The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra or Heart Sutra or Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya; Chinese: 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經) (the word sutra is not present in known Sanskrit manuscripts[1]) is a well-known Mahāyāna Buddhist sutra that is very popular among Mahayana Buddhists both for its brevity and depth of meaning. Buddhist writer and translator Bill Porter calls the Heart Sutra the best known[2] and most popular of all Buddhist scriptures (wikipedia)
- published: 22 Feb 2010
- views: 47877

Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) by Imee Ooi
Prajna-paramita Hrdaya Sutram by Imee Ooi
published: 04 Jun 2007
Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) by Imee Ooi
Prajna-paramita Hrdaya Sutram by Imee Ooi
Imee Ooi's website
Heart Sutra - Sanskrit-English
Translated by Zuio H. Inagaki
(If you find a better site/translation, please post it. Thanks)
Namah sarvajnaaya
-Adoration to the Omniscient!
Aaryaavalokiteshvara-bodhisattvo gambhiiraayaam prajnaapaaramitaayaam caryaam caramaano vyavalokayati sma: panca skandhaah; taamshca svabhaava-shuunyaan pashyati sma.
-When Holy Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva performed the deep practice in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, he contemplated that there were five aggregates but observed that they were devoid of essential nature.
Iha Shaariputra ruupam shuunyataa shuunyataiva ruupam, ruupaan na prithak shuunyataa, shuunyataayaa na prithag ruupam, yad ruupam saa shuunyataa, yaa shuunyataa tad ruupam.
-In this case, Shaariputra, form is voidness and voidness is itself form; voidness is not different from form, and form is not different from voidness; that which is form is voidness, and that which is voidness is form.
Evem eva vedanaa-samjnaa-samskaara-vijnaanaani.
-So it is for perception, conception, volition and consciousness.
Iha Shaariputra sarva-dharmaah shuunyataa-lakshanaa, anutpannaa, aniruddhaa, amalaa, na vimalaa, nonaa, na paripuurnaah.
-In this case, Shaariputra, all things have the characteristics of voidness; they neither arise nor perish; they are neither defiled nor pure, neither deficient nor complete.
Tasmaac Chaariputra shuunyaayaam na ruupam na vedanaa na samjnaa na samskaaraa na vijnaanaani.
-Therefore, Shaariputra, within the voidness, there is no form, no perception, no conception, no volition, nor consciousness.
Na cakshuh-shrotra-ghraana-jihvaa-kaaya-manaamsi.
-Neither is there eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind.
Na ruupa-shabda-gandha-rasa-sprashtavya-dharmaah.
-Neither is there form, sound, smell, taste, touch nor concepts.
Na cakshurdhaatur yaavan na mano-vijnaana-dhaatuh.
-Neither is there realm of sight, etc., until we come to the non-existence of realm of consciousness.
Na vidyaa, naavidyaa, na vidyaa-kshayo, naavidyaa-kshayo, yaavan na jaraa-maranam na jaraamarana-kshayo, na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-maargaa, na jnaanam, na praaptir apraaptitvena.
-Neither is there wisdom, nor ignorance, nor extinction of wisdom, nor extinction of ignorance, etc., until we come to the non-existence of old age and death and the non-extinction of old age and death. Neither is there suffering, cause of suffering, extinction of suffering, nor the path leading to extinction of suffering. Neither is there wisdom nor acquisition because there is no grasping.
Bodhisattvasya prajnaapaaramitaam aashritya viharaty acittaavaranah. Cittaavarana-naastitvaad atrasto, viparyaasaatikraanto nishtha-nirvaanah.
-Depending on the bodhisattva's Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, one dwells without any mental hindrance. Because of the absence of mental hindrance, one is fearless; freed from delusory thoughts, one will reach Nirvana.
Tryadhva-vyavasthitaah sarvabuddhaah prajnaapaaramitaam aashrityaanuttaraam samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhaah.
-All Buddhas dwelling in the three periods realize the highest, perfect enlightenment depending on the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.
Tasmaaj jnaatavyo prajnaapaaramitaa-mahaamantro mahaavidyaa-mantro 'nuttara-mantro 'samasama-mantrah, sarvadukha-prashamanah, satyam amithyatvaat, prajnaapaaramitaayaam ukto mantrah.
-For this reason, know that the Great Mantra of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom is the Great Wisdom Mantra, the Unsurpassed Mantra, and the Unequaled Mantra. It extinguishes all suffering, and is true and real because it is not false. It is the Mantra proclaimed in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.
Tad yathaa gate gate paaragate paarasamgate bodhi svaaha.
-Namely, "Gone, gone, gone to the other shore;
Gone completely to the other shore.
Iti prajnaapaaramitaa-hridayam samaaptam.
-Thus ends the Essence of the Transcendent Wisdom Sutra.
- published: 04 Jun 2007
- views: 3345086

Moto sutra - Sex position on different types of bike
There are many different kinds of motorcycles and each one has its own position for the ri...
published: 04 Dec 2012
Moto sutra - Sex position on different types of bike
There are many different kinds of motorcycles and each one has its own position for the rider to assume. Watch as this hot chick assumes the positions.
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 131409

Tibetan Chant - Heart Sutra
Tibetan Master Chants - Lama Tashi
Heart of Wisdom Sutra - Enlightenment
published: 20 Apr 2010
Tibetan Chant - Heart Sutra
Tibetan Master Chants - Lama Tashi
Heart of Wisdom Sutra - Enlightenment
- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 225918
Youtube results:

Sutra Sagrada com Canto Evocativo de Deus
Sutra Sagrada Chuva de Néctar da Verdade com o
"Kami Yobi Utá" (Canto Evocativo de Deus ...
published: 06 Jan 2012
Sutra Sagrada com Canto Evocativo de Deus
Sutra Sagrada Chuva de Néctar da Verdade com o
"Kami Yobi Utá" (Canto Evocativo de Deus entoado por Masaharu Taniguchi).
Kami Yobi Utá não é uma entonação em japonês e sim um Verdadeiro Mantra.
Inscreva-se no nosso Blog e Receba Grátis 7 Segredos para uma Vida Feliz: http://www.blog.sotemriqueza.com
- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 55028

Kasia Grzesiek (Sistars - Sutra) Must be the music FINAŁ
https://www.facebook.com/grzesiek.kasia :)
Must be the music 4 - Finał 4.11.2012...
published: 05 Nov 2012
Kasia Grzesiek (Sistars - Sutra) Must be the music FINAŁ
https://www.facebook.com/grzesiek.kasia :)
Must be the music 4 - Finał 4.11.2012
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 26548

Prajna-paramita Hrdaya Sutram (The Heart Sutra) 般若心経
The sacred and famous mantra, the heart sitra now comes in MV with many faces of the godde...
published: 22 Jul 2007
Prajna-paramita Hrdaya Sutram (The Heart Sutra) 般若心経
The sacred and famous mantra, the heart sitra now comes in MV with many faces of the goddess of mercy. Presented in Sanskrit, it's not only the mantra of all, but also the mantra for all. Enjoy.
- published: 22 Jul 2007
- views: 857827