The Wayback Machine -
3T - Anything
LIMJA DHE TIMJA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
3T;Michael Jackson - Why
3T - I Need You
HELMUTI - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
MERHABA KOJSHI - SYRI RENË - Humor nga emisioni 3T
3T &  Tito Jackson -  The Jacksons a Family Dynasty
OJ NAUSE UNË E BONA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
SI MATET BANDERJA ? - Humor nga emisioni 3T
FEMRA E ZDRAUME - Humor nga emisioni 3T
SHPERBLIMI NGA POLICIA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
PEDERAT - Humor nga Emisioni 3T


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3T - Anything
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:18
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2009

3T - Anything

Music video by 3T performing Anything. (C) 1995 MJJ Music
  • published: 25 Oct 2009
  • views: 1915639 - Anything
LIMJA DHE TIMJA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:34
  • Updated: 16 Nov 2013

LIMJA DHE TIMJA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T

Publishing: Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 16 Nov 2013
  • views: 28839 DHE TIMJA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
3T;Michael Jackson - Why
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:34
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

3T;Michael Jackson - Why

Music video by 3T;Michael Jackson performing Why. (C) 1995 MJJ Music.;Michael Jackson - Why
3T - I Need You
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

3T - I Need You

Music video by 3T performing I Need You. (C) 1995 MJJ Music.
  • published: 21 Oct 2010
  • views: 603948
  • author: 3TVEVO - I Need You
HELMUTI - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 10 Sep 2013

HELMUTI - Humor nga Emisioni 3T

Publishing : Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 10 Sep 2013
  • views: 9398 - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
MERHABA KOJSHI - SYRI RENË - Humor nga emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:32
  • Updated: 01 Jan 2014

MERHABA KOJSHI - SYRI RENË - Humor nga emisioni 3T

Publishing: Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 9410 KOJSHI - SYRI RENË - Humor nga emisioni 3T
3T &  Tito Jackson -  The Jacksons a Family Dynasty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

3T & Tito Jackson - The Jacksons a Family Dynasty

3T & Tito together in in the Studio, snippet from the Jackson TV Series 2010/2011. & Tito Jackson - The Jacksons a Family Dynasty
OJ NAUSE UNË E BONA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Updated: 07 Sep 2013

OJ NAUSE UNË E BONA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T

Publishing : Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 07 Sep 2013
  • views: 5817 NAUSE UNË E BONA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
SI MATET BANDERJA ? - Humor nga emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Updated: 14 Dec 2013

SI MATET BANDERJA ? - Humor nga emisioni 3T

Publishing: Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 14 Dec 2013
  • views: 6250 MATET BANDERJA ? - Humor nga emisioni 3T
FEMRA E ZDRAUME - Humor nga emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 01 Jan 2014

FEMRA E ZDRAUME - Humor nga emisioni 3T

Publishing: Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 7178 E ZDRAUME - Humor nga emisioni 3T
SHPERBLIMI NGA POLICIA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 05 Nov 2013

SHPERBLIMI NGA POLICIA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T

Publishing: Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 05 Nov 2013
  • views: 24288 NGA POLICIA - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
PEDERAT - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013

PEDERAT - Humor nga Emisioni 3T

Publishing : Televizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Televizioni Koha - Tetovë
  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 7317 - Humor nga Emisioni 3T
3T - Stuck On You
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:28
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

3T - Stuck On You - Stuck On You
3T - Anything Lyrics
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:02
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

3T - Anything Lyrics

Here's an oldie but goodie. Michael Jackson's nephews, Tito Jackson's sons in the group called 3T. Like it / Hate it / Whatever Pls Rate / Comment / Subscrib... - Anything Lyrics

3T - Anything

Music video by 3T performing Anything. (C) 1995 MJJ Music
  • published: 25 Oct 2009
  • views: 1915639

3T - Any­thing
Music video by 3T per­form­ing Any­thing. (C) 1995 MJJ Music...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2009
LIMJA DHE TIMJA - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2013
3T;Michael Jack­son - Why
Music video by 3T;Michael Jack­son per­form­ing Why. (C) 1995 MJJ Music....
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2009
3T - I Need You
Music video by 3T per­form­ing I Need You. (C) 1995 MJJ Music....
pub­lished: 21 Oct 2010
au­thor: 3TVE­VO
HEL­MU­TI - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing : Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Te...
pub­lished: 10 Sep 2013
MER­HA­BA KO­JSHI - SYRI RENË - Humor nga emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
3T & Tito Jack­son - The Jack­sons a Fam­i­ly Dy­nasty
3T & Tito to­geth­er in in the Stu­dio, snip­pet from the Jack­son TV Se­ries 2010/2011....
pub­lished: 13 Oct 2012
OJ NAUSE UNË E BONA - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing : Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Te...
pub­lished: 07 Sep 2013
SI MATET BAN­DER­JA ? - Humor nga emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2013
FEMRA E ZDRAUME - Humor nga emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
SH­PERBLI­MI NGA POLI­CIA - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2013
PED­ER­AT - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing : Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Te...
pub­lished: 12 Sep 2013
3T - Stuck On You
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2008
3T - Any­thing Lyrics
Here's an oldie but good­ie. Michael Jack­son's nephews, Tito Jack­son's sons in the group ca...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2010
Youtube results:
MUTEN­ZI - Humor nga Emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing : Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Te...
pub­lished: 05 Sep 2013
3T - 24/7
Music video by 3T per­form­ing 24/7. (C) 1995 MJJ Music....
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2009
au­thor: 3TVE­VO
ÇELSI I BANESËS - Humor nga emi­sioni 3T
Pub­lish­ing: Tele­vizioni Koha - Tetovë All Rights Re­served (P) & (C) Tele­vizioni Koha - Tet...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
3T at The Big Re­union 2014 - 1st part of the se­ries - 2014 Febru­ary 6th.
Spe­cial Thanks to all who made the big re­union 2014 pos­si­ble. The spon­sors, the man­age­ment...
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2014
photo: AP/Robert E. Klein
 The Rolling Stones vocalist Mick Jagger performs with the band at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass., on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006 as they kick off the second half of the "A Bigger Bang Tour" in the United States. (AP Photo/Robert E. Klein)
Edit TMZ
17 Mar 2014
L'Wren Scott, the fashion designer who was dating rocker Mick Jagger, was found hanging in her Manhattan apartment today. She was 47. According to police, the body was found by her assistant this morning around 10.00 AM. There was no suicide note found and right now police say they do not suspect foul play. Story developing ... Get TMZ Breaking News alerts to your inbox. Yes! Also send me. "The Week's Best Stuff". Read our privacy policy > ... ....(size: 7.5Kb)
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E
A woman walks past a banner filled with signatures and well wishes for all involved with the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner MH370 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sunday, March 16, 2014 in Sepang, Malaysia.
Edit The Australian
16 Mar 2014
DISBELIEF and disgust. A state-of-the art airliner, 74m x 70m, goes missing, at the hands of terrorist-pirates, or terrorist-pilots, with 239 people aboard. It could be, we are told, anywhere from Kazakhstan, just below central Russia, to the southern Indian Ocean, somewhere west of Perth ... Distraught relatives of MH370 passengers. A person or persons have taken the controls of the jet. They are not amateurs ... The Suspects ... Play video ...  ....(size: 29.0Kb)
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez
A student from the Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino High School looks at a mural depicting the missing Malaysia Airlines plane Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at their campus at Makati city, east of Manila, Philippines. Officials revealed a new timeline Monday suggesting the final voice transmission from the cockpit of the missing Malaysian plane may have occurred before any of its communications systems were disabled, adding more uncertainty about who aboard might have been to blame.
18 Mar 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 (Xinhua) -- China has started search and rescue operation in the Chinese territory of the northern corridor area for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, said Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang Tuesday.   Related stories. No sign missing Malaysian jet on 9/11 type attack ... Editor.Zhang Dan .Source. Xinhua. Text.A A AEmail .. Topics. - Crash. Malaysia Airlines fly lost contact. - Festival ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
photo: UN / Jean-Marc Ferre
So Se Pyong, Permanent Representative of the DPRK UN Office at Geneva, addresses the Council, 17 March, 2014, the report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Edit CNN
18 Mar 2014
March 18, 2014 -- Updated 0659 GMT (1459 HKT). Warning. Graphic. In these chilling drawings released to the United Nations, former North Korean prisoner Kim Kwang-Il details torture methods he witnessed during his time in captivity. In this position, called "pigeon torture," Kim says he was beaten on the chest until he vomited blood. Text. "Scale, airplane, motorcycle." ... (CNN) -- China and North Korea have slammed a U.N ... N Korea elections ... 0 ... ....(size: 11.7Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Scottdoesntknow
Courtney Love posts 'suspected crash' pics of missing Malaysian jet on Facebook
Edit Newstrack India
18 Mar 2014
Tweet. London, Mar. 18 (ANI). Singer Courtney Love has reportedly posted satellite images on Facebook, claiming to have found the ill-fated Malaysian Airline plane ... (ANI). Post comments.. ) .. ).. Comments.. HOME . . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.1Kb)

Edit San Francisco Chronicle
15 Mar 2014
At the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna last week, Mindray launched the M9, its premium level portable ultrasound system ... (PRWEB UK) 14 March 2014 ... Furthermore Mindray’s patented 3T technology is now more powerful than ever in the M9 thanks to a single crystal which enables deeper penetration and enhances the diagnostic experience.” ... For the original version on PRWeb visit....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
15 Mar 2014
At the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna last week, Mindray launched the M9, its premium level portable ultrasound system ... (PRWEB UK) 14 March 2014 ... Furthermore Mindray’s patented 3T technology is now more powerful than ever in the M9 thanks to a single crystal which enables deeper penetration and enhances the diagnostic experience.” ... For the original version on PRWeb visit....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit Sun Sentinel
12 Mar 2014
ATLANTIC 11, OLYMPIC HEIGHTS 8Atlantic2000531 — 11127Heights1101032 — 8124. Pitching. W — Maloney. L — Perez, 4-7. Key performers — OH. Friend 3-4, RBI, R; A. Frey 2-4, 2B, BB, 3 R. Records — A 4-9, OH 7-8. LINCOLN PARK 16, GLADES CENTRAL 1Glades 0010 — 1xxL. Park(14)011 — 16110. Pitching. W — Comer, 2-0 ... Pitching. W — Ralston ... TREASURE COAST 6, BENJAMIN 3T ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
12 Mar 2014
Download image. Research and Markets Logo. DUBLIN, March 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ...      (Logo ... 3D Systems 3T Rpd Arcam Ab Autodesk Concept Laser Envisiontec Gmbh Eos Esma Exone Gpi Prototype& Manufacturing Services Inc Hoganas Ab Layerwise Luxexcel Materialise Nv Mcor Technologies Ltd Microtec Gesellschaft Für Mikrotechnologie Mbh Optomec Inc Organovo Holdings Ponoko Stratasys, Inc Voxeljet Ag ...   ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Mar 2014
(Source. Purdue University). March 10, 2013 Purdue installs powerful MRI system for research, training ... The system was installed in the Bindley Bioscience Center in February and is expected to be operational later this month ... "The acquisition of the new 7T MRI complements the 3T MRI," said Richard Buckius, Purdue's vice president for research ... Three Tesla (3T) is equivalent to 60,000 times the Earth's magnetic field....(size: 4.3Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Mar 2014
(Source. Siemens Ltd China). Beijing, China, March 10, 2014. • Siemens was recognized for its contribution to research, innovation and China's sustainable development ... • Four new patents registered every working day by Siemens in China ... In November 2013, Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., (SSMR) launched the new 3T MRI MAGNETOM Spectra, one of the most advanced and powerful MR products that were researched and developed in China....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
06 Mar 2014
DUBLIN, Ireland, March 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ...      (Logo ... Key Topics Covered. ... 3T Systems Acropolis Technology Group Aios Solutions Alcatel-Lucent Aricent At&T Cisco Clearpointe Cybera Dell EMC Ericsson Fujitsu Glowpoint, Inc Hewlett-Packard (HP) IBM Imimobile Lockheed Martin Microsoft Nokia Rackspace Sify Technologies Limited Syniverse Technologies Valley Network Solutions (VNS) Verizon Communications ZTE ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Mar 2014
(Source. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority). Metrobus service to resume normal routing starting at 1 p.m. NOTE. Information below was accurate at the time this news release was issued.  For updated information, please refer to the service advisory ... today ... A4, A6, A8, D12, P12, R12, S80, E6, 3A and 3T ... distributed by ... (noodl....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Stuff
05 Mar 2014
It combines proposals for more than US$1.1 trillion (NZ$1.3t) in tax increases on the wealthy with an array of modest initiatives such as job training funds, money to rehabilitate national parks and funding for early childhood education. "Our budget is about choices ... Ad Feedback ... Overall, the 2015 budget projects a US$250 billion (NZ$300b) increase in spending over the record $3.65 trillion (NZ$4.3t) expected for the current year ... - AP. ....(size: 8.2Kb)
Edit Dayton Daily News
03 Mar 2014
Mike Pettine didn't employ many base fronts in 2013, but when he did there were three of them. In my last article, I covered the main base front in Mike Pettine's 2013 Buffalo Bills defense (his "Under" front). Here, I'll cover the other two.Other base fronts ... If the offense wants to pull a guard using the Power O play, for example, the center must block all the way down on a 3t DT, sometimes needing to cross the face of the NT ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit Independent online (SA)
03 Mar 2014
Cape Town - Most of us pick leaves of our favourite herbs and neglect the flowers, which keen herbalists have been using for centuries. Look around your garden – you will probably find flowers that can add flavour, colour, and health-giving properties to your baking, salad dressings and suppers, while some can be dried and find their way into your medicine cupboard ... The sub-title sums up the contents ... ... ... 3T powdered gelatine ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
03 Mar 2014
NEW YORK, March 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.. 3D Printing for Healthcare. R&D, Industry and Market 2014-2024. http.// Report Details ... And save time ... • Japan ... 5.2.7 3T RPD Ltd ... 3T RPD ... ....(size: 30.6Kb)
Edit noodls
28 Feb 2014
The university's implementation of or participation in various sessions during the 3T, ISEC, and STEM conferences, and continued application of the CEEMS program, is evidence of UC's solid role in STEM education ... Teachers are now implementing units (learned via the CEEMS Summer Institute) in their classrooms, and they are utilizing the upcoming 3T and ISEC conferences to talk about what they're doing....(size: 9.3Kb)

3T is an American band.

3T may also refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. Often referred to as the King of Pop, or by his initials MJ, Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contribution to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene along with his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5 in 1964, and began his solo career in 1971.

In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music. The music videos for his songs, including those of "Beat It", "Billie Jean", and "Thriller", were credited with transforming the medium into an art form and a promotional tool, and the popularity of these videos helped to bring the relatively new television channel MTV to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made him a staple on MTV in the 1990s. Through stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk, to which he gave the name. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced numerous hip hop, post-disco, contemporary R&B, pop and rock artists.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Toriano Adaryll "Tito" Jackson (born October 15, 1953) is an American singer and lead guitarist and original member of The Jackson 5, which later changed their name to The Jacksons, who rose to fame in the late 1960s with the Motown label, later finding success under the Epic label in the 1970s and 1980s.

Jackson was the third eldest of the nine Jackson siblings and was raised in Gary, Indiana. His father, Joe worked with a band called the Falcons at the time of Jackson's birth but eventually quit after the length of his family expanded. Jackson's early career aspirations began when his father was often away at work at U.S. Steel, playing with his father's guitar, which had been forbidden to be used.

Jackson broke one of his father's guitar strings while his father worked night hours. When his father discovered that his string had broke, he ordered Jackson to play for him to avoid discipline. Upon playing the guitar, an impressed Joe Jackson later bought the eight-year-old Jackson his own guitar. Within a year, he discovered that Tito and his brothers Jackie and Jermaine could also hold notes and his father built a group around them simply calling them The Jackson Brothers. Younger brothers Marlon and Michael later became backing musicians.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

[Lil' Mo]
Tupac and Lil' Mo, hmm, how gangsta is that?
Hehe.. ooooh-oooh, ooooh-oooh, ooooh-oooh
[Mo keeps harmonizing in the background]
One two.. to a nigga nature, haha..
No need to cry now, go wipe your tears, be a woman
Why you actin surprised? You saw the bullshit
Comin fake hair, fake nails, fake eyes too
So why you, bound to fuck wit fake guys too
Aint nothin' hard about it why you lookin sad? Shoulda though about it
Say you learned, I truly doubt it
I guess you got a problem with affection, kinda loose with the love
Gettin freaky with the thug niggaz up in the club
Ask to buy you a drink, you holla Dom Perignon
Knowin I'm a cash getter still I, remain calm
Let you chill with me; plus you was smilin 'til the bill miss me
That's what you get for tryin to dick me
Missed me with that "Buy me this, buy me that" syndrome shit
Bitch get a job if you wanna be rich
Gettin mad cause I cursed and I scream I hate'cha
Introduced you to a nigga nature, feel me?
[Chorus: Lil' Mo]
Kissed the girls, made them cry
Thuggin life, and gettin high
Why you gangsta, all the time?
That's a thug's nature
Though sometimes, I can deal with it
I realize, that I'm feelin it
It's a love and hate relationship
but that's a thug's nature
[add to line four of Chorus first time:] "That's a nigga nature"
I'm probably too nice at first, I let you kiss me where it hurts
Me and you gettin busy, slingin dick in the dirt
Met you at a pool party it was cool to kick it
See us, tounge-kissin, you was truly with it
Little ecstacy, Hennesey, mix with me
Picture me pay for pussy when the dick's for free
Hey now, where my niggaz at? Tell these hoes
Before I pay; I jerk off, word to Moses
Visions of you sittin there sweaty and wet
Pointin to the places that you want me to hit
Give me room all up in the womb, call the cops
Nigga, hittin walls 'til them bastard drop
Label me Makaveli - thug nigga with bite
Livin life like a rock star's Friday night
Make money, get pussy, always keep a pager
Cell phone in the ride to complete my nature now!
Haha.. started as a seed from the semen; straight outta papa's nuts
Lustin for creamin - bitches with big butts
Curves make a nigga cry, tits and shit
When I'm locked down beggin you for porno flicks
Sneak weed in, help a nigga pass the time
Put my name tattoo'd so that ass is mine
Tell everybody; 'Pac put it down for good
A local legend through the whole hood, follow me
I got a gun on me, goin for none on the run baby
You know a nigga need some, is my son crazy?
Why I cry, when I be thuggin til I die
Picture a nigga in heaven, high off weed I fly
Got me missin dead homies wishin phonies would die
Hit the weed and hope it get me high; dear God
Understand my ways, livin major
Blessed with a thug's heart.. and a real live nigga nature
[add to line four of Chorus:] "That's a nigga nature"
[add to line eight of Chorus:] "Cause that's a nigga nature"
[add to line four of Chorus:] "Hey, just be a nigga nature"
[add to line eight of Chorus:] "Cause that's a nigga nature"
[2Pac] It ain't my fault
[Lil' Mo] Hehe, Q.D., where you be? Ahh
[2Pac] Don't blame me blame my momma, a nigga nature
[Lil' Mo]
QDIII, and Lil' Mo
Tupac, puttin it down fo' sho' ("Cause that's a nigga nature")
I realize, that I'm feelin it
Cause that's a thug nature
Though sometimes I can deal with it
I realize, I'm feelin it
Love and hate, relationship
Cause that's a thug's nature ("Cause that's a nigga nature")
Yeah yeah yeah.. yeah yeah yeah..
Yeahhh yeah.. and that's a thug's nature
Where you at? Holla

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
First time I saw you
I knew inside
By the way you looked at me
I can make you mine
And it feels so good to be with a girl so you need
No matter what they say we've got all we need
I promise I will love you for life
And make your dreams come true every night
Girl you don't have to worry for as long as I'm alive
I will be there for you, I'll take care of you
Just trust in me, in time you'll see I'm right
They say we'll never make it
I say that it's is meant to be (I say that this is meant to be)
They say that we're mistaken
But I don't think it's plain to see
Tell me why why why why
They say our love is weak
Yet here we are growing strong
They say we'll never last
But I know we can prove them wrong
Baby baby baby won't you tell me why?
Why you listen to the words they say when you know they're lies?
They'll never understand what we have is true
So never let them get between me and you
I promise I will love you for life
And make your dreams come true every night
Girl you don't have to worry for as long as I'm alive
I will be there for you, I'll take care of you
Just trust in me, in time you'll see I'm right
They say we'll never make it
I say that it's is meant to be (I say that this is meant to be)
They say that we're mistaken
But i don't think it's plain to see
Tell me why why why why
They say our love is weak
Yet here we are growing strong
They say we'll never last
But I know we can prove them wrong
As long as we both believe (if we believe)
You and me
Nothing else will break us apart
Girl, open your eyes (open up your eyes)
Can't you see they're trying to take our love away
Just stay with me, in time you'll see that I'm right
They can say there's no way we will make it
They can say what they want, that I'm taken
Right away they know they're mistaken
They can say what they want we'll still make it
They say we'll never make it
(They can say there's no way we will make it)
I say that this is meant to be(I say that it's meant to be)
They say that we're mistaken
(they can say what they want, that I'm taken)
But I don't think it's plain to see
(Tell me why why why why)
They say our love is weak
(Right away they know they're mistaken)
Yet here we are growing strong(here we are growing strong)
They say we'll never last
(They can say what they want we'll still make it)
But I know we can proof them wrong
They say we'll never make it
I say that it's is meant to be
They say our love is weak
Yet here we are growing strong
They say we'll never last
But I know we can prove them wrong

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
Baby I’ve been being cool with you for quite a while
Trying to pick and choose my fights 'cause girl that is more my style
But lately I’ve been so confused
The way you acted just ain’t you
What am I supposed to do
You know that it’s not fair whenever
You say ,you’re giving me all that you can
When you say you wanna find another man
Well I’m not gonna be a fool
Telling you what I’m through with you
Your constantly breaking the rules
And I refuse to play your silly game
It’s a shame that you’re never gonna change
I can see that you’ll always be the same
What you do ain’t what you say
You just sit, whine and complain
And it’s a shame,babe,that you’re never ever gonna change your ways
Girl you act like you are perfect
Well guess what,you’re not
Who was there for you when you were down,yet you forgot
The time and love I gave to you
What’s up with your attitude
Your middlename it should be ‘’rude’’
Still I don’t really care when you say you never wanna speak again
When you say I’m not a gentleman (ha!is that right)
Well baby I’ve got news for you
I’m packing up and leaving you
You ain’t gonna see my face again
'Cause I can’t take your stubberant ways
It’s a shame that you’re never gonna change
I can see that you’ll always be the same
What you do ain’t what you say
You just sit, whine and complain
And it’s a shame babe that you’re never ever gonna change your ways
Even if we tried our best to work it out
You’d find something else in two weeks to complain about
You never smile
You just focus on the negative
And that’s not the way you ought to live
So you say you want another man
Well baby understand
He’s not gonna want your stubborn ways
And girl you know that it’s a shame
It’s a shame that you’re never gonna change
I can see that you’ll always be the same
What you do ain’t what you say
You just sit, whine and complain
And it’s a shame babe that you’re never ever gonna change your ways
It’s a shame that you’re never gonna change
I can see that you’ll always be the same
What you do ain’t what you say
You just sit, whine and complain
And it’s a shame babe that you’re never ever gonna change your ways

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
Girl, look what you've done to me
This pain that I feel goes deep
And I'm lonely,I can't eat,can't sleep
It hurts so much 'cause I thought you would be
Someone to love
Someone that cares
Someone who'd always be there
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry with
Someone to spend my whole life with
I thought you'd be the only one I could call my own
But I have no choice I gotta let you go
I really need someone
I thought you'd be the one
Someone for me
Love I guess was not meant to be
It nearly took us six years you see
But it's only best for you and me
Still it hurts so much ,cause I truly believed you were
Someone to love
Someone that cares
Someone who'd always be there
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry with
Someone to spend my whole life with
I thought you'd be the only one I could call my own
But I have no choice I gotta let you go
I really need someone
I thought you'd be the one
Someone for me
Baby, down the road we we're weak
Time apart is all that we need
Girl if it's meant to be
Then in time we will see
Who knows, maybe you'll still become
Someone to love
Someone to love
Someone that cares
Someone who'd always be there(someone to be there)
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry with(don't cry)
Someone to spend my whole life with
I thought you'd be the only one I could call my own
But I have no choice I gotta let you go
I really need someone
I thought you'd be the one
Someone for me
Someone to love
Someone that cares
Someone who'll always be there
Someone to laugh with
Someone to cry with
Someone to spend my whole life with
I thought you'd be the only one I could call my own
But I have no choice I gotta let you go
I really need someone
I thought you'd be the one
Someone for me
You were someone to love
Someone for me babe

Written by Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson, and TJ Jackson
Verse 1
Girl, I love your sex appeal
And it's driving me wild baby
You got me hooked in everyway
There's just somehting 'bout the way that you move
Now I know I worked it well
So there's no use in fighting it babe
And you knpw you liked it too
Let's get together and do it again, come on girl
I love your sex appeal
When you shake it I can't take it no more
I love the way it feels
I gotta have it....your sex appeal
Verse 2
You turn me on, no doubt about it
Every time I rub against you babe
I lose control thinkin' about it
You make me wanna go and do some thangz
To you babe
Now I know I worked it well
So why you wanna fight it with me
When you know you want it too
So tell me what you wanna do
Come on baby
I love your sex appeal
When you shake it I can't take it no more
I love the way it feels
I gotta have it....your sex appeal
Girl, you got me in this situation
Sex me up and set my body free now
I'm feelin' for some sexual attention
Come on girl and put it down on me
Just bring your body to me
I don't understand the reason
Why you're playing hard to get girl
Why don't you just give it up
To me babe
Hook out

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
Everybody's headed for the dancefloor
See there's a party going on tonight
Place is here and the time is now
So come on groove bring your friends and let's all get down
Now don't be shy just go with the flow
Let your body groove to the tempo
Side to side back and forth to the beat
Everybody get on up and dance with me
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you baby
(Tonight)I just wanna groove with you honey
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you girl
Feel the music and clap your hands
Don't worry 'bout a thing just enjoy the jam
(Everybody get on down everybody get on down)
Move your body all around
There's no rules it's all you just do what you like
Now if you'd excuse me there's some girls I gotta meet tonight
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you baby
(Tonight)I just wanna groove with you honey
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you girl
Give me your hand,just do me a favor and say you'll dance with me
Play my favorite songs for you all night long
Come on and party with me
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you baby
(Tonight)I just wanna groove with you honey
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you girl
Come on now come on now(I just wanna dance)
Won't you dance dance dance dance baby(I just wanna groove)
Yeaheaheaheahea(I just wanna dance )
Please dance dance(with you girl)
Dance with me baby!
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you baby(All night... long)
(Tonight)I just wanna groove with you honey(Dance with me baby!)
(Tonight)I just wanna dance with you girl( Girl)
Come on and break it down
(Dance)You know you want this
(Groove) I wanna see her (Dance)
(I just wanna dance)Dance!Yea
I just wanna dance with you girl
One more time for me
(Dance)I like the way you groove
Come on and dance(with you girl)

(Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
I was afraid
That you would hurt me this way
Girl, I thought that you said
That it would be okay
But now you are gone (you've gone away)
And I'm feeling lonely again
Don't know how, why or when
You decided to leave me
What am I supposed to do?
There's no way I'll survive
I really need to turn to you
But you're not by my side
'Cause you just disappeared
Walked away from me
And left me all alone
Without a reason why
Didn't even say goodbye
You just disappeared
Walked away from me
And left me all alone
When you know I need you girl (ooh ooh)
You just disappeared from my life (hmm mmm)
I don't understand
Why it all had to end
You were like my best friend
I just can't believe it (just can't believe it girl)
Where did it go (where did it go?)
Was it something I said?
Or could it be it was just too much too soon?
Was I too in love with you?
What am I supposed to do?
There's no way I'll survive
No I need to talk to you
But you're not by my side
'Cause you just disappeared
Walked away from me
And left me all alone (left me all alone)
Without a reason why
You didn't even say goodbye
You just disappeared (you just...)
Walked away from me
And left me all alone
When you know I need you girl (ooh hoo ooh)
You just disappeared
Why did you think it's cool to play with my heart
I give my love and my life to you
So many things that we planned to do
I keep on wishing that one day you'll be back (one day you'll be back)
And rescue me from this hurt and this pain
You just disappeared
Walked away from me
And left me all alone (you left me all alone)
Without a reason why
Didn't even say goodbye
You just disappeared (you just disappeared)
Walked away from me
And left me all alone
When you know I need you girl (ooh hoo ooh)
You just disappeared from my life (you just...)
Walked away from me
And left me all alone (left me all alone)
Without a reason why
You didn't even say goodbye
You just disappeared (disappeared)
Walked away from me (oh girl)
And left me all alone
When you know I need you girl (ooh hoo ooh)
You just disappeared

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
After everything we've been through
You're gonna question me
After all that I've done for you
Tell me how
That you forget to stop and think
Or even talk about it with me
I can't believe you're accusing me
You let me down
Didn't do it
I'm innocent
Baby you know this
Stop listening to what they say
Baby just focus
Because the truth it ain't hard to find
And you know that I wouldn't lie
But I'm telling you one more time
Baby I'm innocent
Everyone's blaiming and accusing me
Girl I know what it looks like but it wasn't me
I swear
Girl you're gotta stay by my side
They're just trying to confuse your mind
If you want you can call me guilty
But I'm guilty of loving you
I'm just guilty of loving you
I'll be guilty of loving you
I'm just guilty of loving you
Guilty of loving you
What makes you think that I would go around and hurt you
You say you love me and you trust me so now show it baby
Didn't do it
I'm innocent
Baby you know this
Stop listening to what they say
Baby just focus
'Cause they're trying to confuse your mind
And you know that I wouldn't lie
So I'm telling you one more time
Baby I'm innocent
Everyone's blaiming and accusing me
Girl I know what it looks like but it wasn't me
I swear
And it slowly gonna all unfold
And when it does you will finally know
If you want you can call me guilty
But I'm guilty of loving you
I'm just guilty of loving you
Call me guilty of loving you
I'm just guilty of loving you
Guilty of loving you
Girl I know what it looks like
But you fail to realize
That I don't care 'bout no one else
And it hurts that you would think
That I could do this to you
Girl, I love you and you know it
(So maybe I'm guilty of )I'm just guilty of loving you
(spoken words)
Who you gonna trust,me or them?
You can't be serious about this
You know me better than that
It wasn't me
I swear
(spoken words)
Now I know what it looks like
But you gotta trust me on this one
(If you want you can call me guilty)
But I'm just guilty of loving you
Didn't do it
I'm innocent
Baby you know this (start listening)
Stop listening to what they say
Baby just focus
'Cause they're trying to confuse your mind
But I'm telling you one last time
If you want you can call me guilty (But I'm innocent)
I'm just guilty of loving you
I'll be guilty of loving you
Call me guilty of loving you
Guilty of loving you
Girl you gotta stay by my side
They're just trying to confuse your mind
If you want you can call me guilty

I'll give you love, the things you want
Ooh ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
1-I would do anything for you
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, girl, anything for you
Sitting at home another lonely night
Wish you were here so I could hold you tight
Pain in my heart because I'm all alone
Why did you leave, why did your love have to go?
When I would do anything for you, I would
Thinking of ways that I can win your heart
But, I'm so confused I don't know where to start
Visions of love forever in my mind
I wait for the day when I could say that girl's mine
2-Cuz I would do anything for you, yes, I would
I'll give you love, the things you want
Baby there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
(Repeat 1)
So what can I do to prove I need your love?
What will it take because I won't give up
Open your heart and let your feelings show
Cuz deep down inside my heart just won't let you go
(rpt 2, 1)
So if there ever comes a time
When it's true love you hope to find
Just call out my name
And girl I swear I would do anything
I'll give you love, oh I'll give you love girl...
I'll give you love, oh I'll give you love girl...
I'll give you love, oh I'll give you love girl...
I'll give you love, oh I'll give you love girl...
I would do anything for you
(ask and I will do this)
I would do anything for you
(anything for you babe)
I would do anything
(anything girl anything for you)
I said i'll give you love babe
I'll give you love, oh, love.....(ad lib to fade)

You are the one I need
You're all that I want, you're my everything
(I can't live without you baby)
No I can't live without you baby
God knows how hard I try
(but I just can't say goodbye)
Oh I'm missing your love oh baby
(still missing your love oh baby)
I don't know just what I should do
(what should I do)
All I know is that I can't live without you
I'm living my life without you girl
(without you baby)
There's an emptiness inside my world
(there's an emptiness inside my world)
And I don't know why I have to live my life (don't know why)
Without you (girl)
I don't wanna carry on this way
I don't feel that I'm that strong
I don't wanna live life without you
You're the one that gives me strength
Without you I feel weak
And by your side is where I belong
I need you here with me
(and everyday I think about you)
Even though you're far away
And no matter what I promise I will
Love you till the end of my life
I'm living my life without you girl
(without you girl)
There's an emptiness inside my world
(there's an emptiness inside my world)
And I don't know why I have to live my life (don't know why)
Without you (girl)
I don't wanna carry on this way (carry on this way)
I don't feel that I'm that strong (I do not feel this strong)
I don't wanna live life without you
There's an emptiness inside my world
Without you
(I don't wanna carry on this way)
(I don't feel that I'm that strong)
I don't wanna live life without you

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
Do you remember the time
When I first met you it was love at first sight
Like a shooting star above
Girl I made a wish hoping we would fall inlove
And here we are today
As we celebrate another year together
I love you more than yesterday and as the time goes by baby I just wanna
say that I appreciate
Everything you do for me
And every time that you are there for me
The fact that you believe in me
Girl I appreciate you loving me
Those moments when my strength was gone
I couldn't quit cause you kept holding on
Today's our anniversary and I appreciate you loving me
To know that you're here by my side
You're so beautiful I cherish you forever
Nothing else would change my mind
Girl I'm stuck on you
Gonna spend my life with you
(Even when the days are dark and cold, girl you always there for me, always
by my side, keeping me warm)
Alone I'll never be again,cause in you I know I got a friend and I appreciate
I want you to know that I appreciate you loving me
So I'm just gonna take this time to say I love you girl
I want you to know that I appreciate you loving me
From the bottom of my heart I love you
And I appreciate
Everything you do for me(Everything you do)
And every time that you are there for me(everytime that you by my side
I thank you girl)
The fact that you believe in me
Girl I appreciate you loving me
Those moments when my strength was gone
(I couldn't quit couldn't quit cause you kept holding on)
Today's our anniversary (I gotta let you know)
and I appreciate you loving me
Everything you do for me (Everything you do)
And every time that you are there for me
The fact that you believe in me (I appreciate appreciate)
Girl I appreciate you loving me (you loving me)
Those moments when my strength was gone
(you keep holding, keep holding on to me girl)
I couldn't quit cause you kept holding on
Today's our anniversary (I'm not afraid to say)
and I appreciate you loving me(oh oh yea)
I thank you for loving me
Don't you know I appreciate you loving me (I appreciate you now)
Those moments when my strength was gone(you keep holding, keep holding on to me girl)
I couldn't quit cause you kept holding on
Today's our anniversary (Not afraid to say)
And I appreciate you loving me

Hold on, babe
Hold on, baby
Wherever you are this ones for you
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be I cry
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be
Then why
Growing up with you by my side
I thought that life would be so easy, yeah
Now that you're gone
And my heart stands all alone
I have realised what it is that I'm missing
Cause it'll not come back
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be I cry (I cry I cry)
Come on baby
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be
Then why (then why)
Isn't gone or
Is it true that I'm just assuming
That our hearts will never beat as one
Cause it's so hard for me to forget
All the plans and thoughts we said
I guess that's why you hurt me when you said
Hold on, be strong
Move on, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
You said
Hold on, be strong
Move on, goodbye
I've tried, I've cried
But goodbye
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be I cry (I cry)
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be
Then why (why my love)
(TAJ spoken):
Hey, it's me again
You know, I'm not much of a talker
But I just wanted to let you know
That I think about you every day
Deep in my heart I still believe
That there'll be a time
When we're together again
I love you and I miss you
Tell me why it hurts
When we still love each other
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be I cry (goodbye goodbye)
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be
Then why
Memories of you and me and
If this way was meant to be I cry
Memories of you and me and
If this way is meant to be
Then goodbye my love

Girl, I love you
And I apologize
Still I don't know the reason
So I, so I can't tell you why
I hurt the one I love
Made you cry
And girl, I know that I messed up
That it hurts me so deep inside
Well, oh I wish I could go back in time
So I could fix up my mistake
Make everything alright
Girl, I know just what is on your mind
Couldn't blame if you hated me
For the rest of my life
Ooh, baby I
Didn't mean to hurt you
To make you cry
Oh girl, you know I really love you
And it hurts me deep inside
To know that the person that just hurt you
And made you cry
Is one who really, really loves you
And it hurts me deep inside
How could I hurt the one I love
Girl, I'm sorry
And I do realize
That things will never be the same
No matter how hard I try
'Cos I
Hurt the one I love
How could I let you down
And there's no other reason
Why you, why you just on the ground
Well, oh I wish I could go back in time
So I could fix up my mistake
Make everything alright
And girl, I know just what is on your mind
Couldn't blame if you hated me
For the rest of my life
Oh, baby I
Didn't mean to hurt you
To make you cry
(to make you cry, girl)
Oh girl, you know I really love you
And it hurts me deep inside
To know that the person that just hurt you
And made you cry
Is one who really, really loves you
(really, really loves you, ooh)
And it hurts me deep inside
Oh, I wish I could go back in time, girl
I would fix up my mistake
Everything would be alright, yeah
And girl I know just what is on your mind
Wouldn't blame if you hated me
For the rest of my life
Didn't mean to hurt you
To make you cry
(to make you cry, girl)
Oh girl, you know I really love you
And it hurts me deep inside
To know that the person that just hurt you
And made you cry
Is one who really, really loves you
(really, really loves you, ooh)
And it hurts me deep inside
I didn't mean to hurt you
(I didn't mean)
To make you cry
(I didn't, I didn't mean to hurt you, girl)
Oh girl, you know I really love you
And it hurts me deep inside
To know that the person that just hurt you
(I didn't mean)
And made you cry
(I didn't mean to hurt you)
(I didn't mean to hurt you, girl)
Is one who really, really loves you
And it hurts me deep inside
Listen -
(didn't mean to hurt you)
You know I love you
Always thinkin' of you
(to make you cry)
Baby want you be my lover
Really didn't mean to hurt you
(oh girl, you know I really love you)
Didn't mean to hurt you

You need a man that satisfies
Someone that cares for you
Someone to hold all through the night
Make your dreams come true
You need a man to treat you right
Who knows just what to do
Heart to heart or else you'll pass him by
Break his heart it two
Don't you know
Pretty baby
You drive me crazy
Fallin' for your love
Life is so good when I'm with you
Just bein' friends is not enough
Say, could one day, maybe
You be my lady
Together we'd be one
I thought you would realize
That I'm savin' all my love
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and lovin' you
Can't get you off my mind
So take my hand
Girl don't be shy
I promise I'll be true
Follow on, just you and I
Share our love that's new
Hold me
Love me
Never let me go
Anything, girl, I'll sacrifice
Just to be with you
Don't you know
Pretty baby
You drive me crazy
Drive me crazy
I'm fallin' for your love
If it's too good to be with you
That's why bein' friends is not enough
Say, could one day, maybe
You be my lady
Be my lady
Together we'd be one
One day, girl, you'll realize
That I'm savin' all my love
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
I think about you all the time
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off mymind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Oh baby
Can't get you off my mind
Oh baby
Can't get you off my mind
Baby, I'm waitin', I'm waitin', I'm waitin', I'm waitin' for you
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout loving you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
I'll be right here waitin' for you
'Cause I want you
Can't get you off my mind
And I need you
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Oh my baby
Can't get you off my mind
I need to have you by my side
On my mind
All the time
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
On my mind
All the time
Thinkin' 'bout loving you
Kissin' and huggin' you
On my mind
All the time
Can't get you off my mind

Why does Monday, come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
It's not like I can explain what's in my heart
It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart
I don't wanna breathe,
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna love
I don't wanna do anything
It's not like I can describe what's going on
It's just I feel I'm not alive
When you're not home
I don't wanna sleep,
I don't wanna be
I just want you here beside me
Without you there's no me
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
It's not like I can escape, what's in my soul
Cause without you inside my heart
Where can I go
I don't wanna see, girl you without me
I can't go through life without you
Without you there's no me
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why do the rivers flow to the sea
In every flow I get your love over me,babe
Why does my heart miss your kiss
To be in love, to fall in love
Why don't I feel complete
Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why
Tell me why Tell me why Tell me why

Mmmm mmm
How you like it now
How you like it now, baby
You need me
You need me too, yeah
I can't hide the things that you do to me
Even though you deny every girl with me
You say we're friends and
Say that I'm here much more
And how can I not know of
What I've been looking for
I can't let you take control of me
I've gotta get you to give you what I need
I need sexual attention baby
I should mention
Is something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too
Oh, sexual attention baby
I should mention
Is something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too, oh
I can't see what you wanna get from me
I give you good love and more, everything
Can you give me one reason
Why we should be apart
If I mean anything to you
Tell it to my heart
I can't let you take control of me, oh no I've gotta get you to give me what I need
I need sexual attention baby
I should mention
Something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too
Oh sexual attention baby
I should mention
Is omething that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too
What I want from you is, sexual
I need from you yeah
What I need for love right now
Me to you to me to you to me to you to me, yeah me yeah
Sexual attention baby
I should mention
Is something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too
Oh, sexual attention baby I should mention
Is something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too
Girl you know I need you to need me
Sexual attention, baby I should mention
Is something that I need from you
I wanna love and I need you to need me too

I need you girl
Couldn't live a day without you
Well I tried to write a special song
A love song just for you
To explain the way you make me feel inside
Though the meaning may be simple
And the words may not be new
I couldn't make it clearer if I tried
I need you
And I couldn't live a day without you
I need you
More than anyone could ever know
I need you
And I wanna build my world around you
I need you
I need you
Well I sang the words and realised
It had all been said before
So I tried a different rhyme that meant the same
But it didn't have the feeling
And the first one said much more
So I guess I'll have to say it once again
I need you
And I couldn't live a day without you
I need you
More than anyone could ever know
(More than anyone could ever know)
Couldn't live a day without you girl
I need you and I wanna build my world around you
Baby I need you
(Repeat Chorus)
ohh I need you
(I need you)
(Repeat Chorus)
(Yeah yeah)
I need you
Well I tried a special song
A love song just for you
I need you

They say in this world
Nothing lasts forever
But I don't believe that's true
'Cause the way that I feel
When we're together
I know that's the way
I'll always feel for you
From now until forever
That's how long i'll be true
I'll make you this vow
And promise you now
Until forever
I'll never stop loving you
And there'll come a day
When the world stops turning
The stars will fall from the sky
But this feeling will last
When the sun stops burning
All I wanna do is love you
'Til the end of time
It's gonna take more than a lifetime
To give you all the love
All the love I feel for you tonight
CHORUS ( 'til fade )

Just another song
Of trying to heal our world
At times I think that's all that this would be
But I must remain strong
Gotta do all I can do
'Cos I know my god hasn't given up on me
And the children
Born so innocent and free
Is the gift of life still the greatest gift of all
And the homeless
With no clothes or food to eat
We've got to do much better
'Cos we're all in this together
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change
What will it take for us to make that change
(what will it take)
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change
What will it take for you to make that change
Just a little more love
And care for our whole world
I think that's just about all that we'll need
But we gotta stay strong (strong)
Gotta give all we can give
And a better place we'll live in guarantee, say
What will it take, what will it take, what will It take
What will it take
What will it take, we've gotta change, let's make that change
For the children
Born so innocent and free
'Cos the gift of life is the greatest gift of all
And the homeless
With no clothes or food to eat
If we'd all just pull together
Then we live in peace forever
What will it take, to make , the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For us to make that change
(what will it take)
What will it take , to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
(we've gotta change)
Have gotta change, what will it take
For you to make that change
What will it take, what will it take, what will It take
What will it take
What will it take, we've gotta change, let's make that change
For the children
Born so innocent and free
'Cos the gift of life is the greatest gift of all
And the homeless
With no clothes or food to eat
If we'd all just pull together
Then we live in peace forever
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For us to make that change
(what will it take)
What will it take, to make , the world
A better place, you and I know that we
(we've gotta change)
Have gotta change, what will it take
For you to make that change
What will it take , to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For us to make that change
(what will it take)
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For you to make that change
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For us to make that change
(what will it take)
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For you to make that change
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For us to make that change
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take
For you to make that change
What will it take, to make, the world
A better place, you and I know that we
Have gotta change, what will it take

You told me you loved me
You told me you cared
You told me you needed me
But I guess those were words
Without meaning
You said I could trust you
You said all was fine
You said that you spoke the truth
But I guess those were words
Without meaning
You told me you loved me
You told me you cared
You said, boy please
Don't worry about a thing
You said together we'd be
For the rest of our lives
You said that you hoped and dreamed
But I guess those were words
Without meaning
I thought that you loved me
I thought that you cared
You lied straight to my eyes
And now I
Realise your words have no meaning
Can't believe
You told me
Words without meaning

Girl it's so unreal
The way you make me feel
I've got to give it up to you
Girl sometimes it seems
What you really need
Is someone who will be right here with you
Oh girl I think I love ya
(It's no mistake)
I am here for you
I came to tell you baby
(Love's here to stay)
So you'll never feel so sad or lonely again
Baby you can call me crazy
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
Girl I wanna spend my life with you
(I wanna be, I wanna be)
Even though you're not my lady
All I wanna really do
(All I wanna do)
Is spend my life and be right here with you
So if you ever need
Baby you know just where to go
'Cause girl it seems to me
To one thing that you really need
Is someone who will be right here with you
Oh girl I know I love ya
(It's no mistake)
I am here for you, only you
I came to tell you baby
(Love's here to stay)
So you'll never feel so sad or lonely again
Again ever need
Baby you know just where to go

It started off when they where little boys
They danced and sang to entertain
Music was their toy
They were to work this music fill their lives
From a talent show they where sure to grow
A group known as the Jackson 5
Girls they sang and danced
They did it too
It was plain to see
They were born to be
A family to live a dream
We must sing
Thanks to Joe and Kate
If it wasn't for you two
This dream could not come true
You work so hard
You gave your best
That's why we can't forget
All the things that you two do
We owe it all to you
(you are the ones)
We wanna thank you
For bringing us good music
For all to hear
And we wanna thank you
(you are the ones)
For never giving up
After all this years
(to achieve an american dream)
You showed us what a family can achieve
Said anything's possible if you just believe

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh girl, you got me thinkin'
(oh baby)
Thinkin' about you baby
(oh baby)
I don't know just what to do
Baby, I'm crazy all about you
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
(all about you)
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
(girl, you're on my mind)
You got me thinkin'
(ooh, yes)
Thinkin' about you baby
All about you
(ooh, yes)
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
(all about)
Ever since the day I met you
Girl, I knew I had to have you
All I do is think about
The day I have you close to me
All I do is dream about you
Every night I sleep without you
You got me thinkin' 'bout you constantly, yeah
Your pretty smile
(your smile)
And your sexy ways
Girl, I just can't get you off my mind
And maybe some day
I'll find me a way
For us to be together
For ever and ever
(all about you)
Girl, I'm thinkin'
You got me thinkin'
(I'm thinkin')
Thinkin' about you baby
(all about you)
You got me thinkin'
All about you
(ooh, yes)
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
(you got me thinkin' baby)
All about you
You got me thinkin'
(ooh, yes)
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
Sometimes I don't know how
I let you walk right by
And I try to make you understand
That I'm the man for you
My friend might call me crazy
'Cause I want just you, my lady
Girl I don't care what people say
I want you anyway
Your pretty smile
(your smile)
And your sexy ways
Girl, I just can't get you off my mind
And maybe some day
I'll find me a way
For us to be together
For ever and ever
(all about you)
Girl, I'm thinkin'
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
(thinkin' 'bout you girl)
All about you
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
(round and round and round)
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
(all I do is thinkin' 'bout you baby)
You got me thinkin
(you got me thinkin')
About you baby
You got me thinkin'
(all I do is think of you)
Thinkin' about you baby
Taryll: You know girl
Girl: Yeah?
Taryll: It's your pretty smile, your sexy ways
Girl: (laughs)
Taryll: Just can't get you off my mind
Girl: Really?
Taryll: Maybe some day, we could be together
Girl: For how long?
Taryll: Forever and ever
Girl: laughs
Taryll: 'Cause I'm thinking about you
Girl: I think about you too
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' about you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
(thinkin' 'bout you girl)
You got me thinkin'
(ooh, baby)
Thinkin' about you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
(ooh, yes)
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
All about you
You got me thinkin'
(I think about you girl)
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
(thinkin' 'bout you girl)
You got me thinkin'
(I think about you girl)
All about you
(think about you girl)
You got me thinkin'
(I'm crazy 'bout you)
Thinkin' 'bout you baby
All about you
(repeat chorus )

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
There's no doubt
You're the one, the special girl in my dreams
And hence down you're the best thing that has happened to me
Just like a glove you are there to catch me when I'm falling
You lift me up when I'm down
I will always be there for you
I want you to know that
I'll always be thankful (I'm so thankful that I have you)
With you by my side everyday I am grateful
You give me your love, that's so true and so beautiful
(So true, you're everything I could need)
(Girl I want you to know that) I'll always be thankful for you
All my life, I waited patiently for you
And now that you're finally here
I can prove that dreams come true
(Everytime I'm lost) you help me find the way
(In my darkest hours) girl you're there to lighten up the days
I believe if there's ever been a miracle it's here with me
And now I want to say
I want you to know that (I'll always be thankful for you girl) (ooh I'm so thankful)
With you by my side everyday I am grateful
(Thankful, grateful, thankful that I have you)
You give me your love that's so true and beautiful
(You give me everything I could need)
(So now I want you to know that) I'll always be thankful (for you)
And in my times of need
(You come and rescue me)
You always seem to find a way
Now I believe I can reach for the moon
And I (owe it all to you)
You show me the right when I am wrong
(When I'm weak) yet you'd be strong yea
And when there are problems, you know how to solve it
(Even if no words can show) still I want you to know
I want you to know that I'll always be thankful (girl I will always be, thankful!)
With you by my side everyday I am so grateful (everyday I am so thankful, every single day!)
You give me your love that's so true and beautiful
(So true and so beautiful, so true and so beautiful)
I want you to know that I'll always be thankful
(I'm so thankful that I have you)
So now I want you to know (that I'll always be thankful)
No matter what people say girl (I'll always be thankful)
So for now and always (I'll always be thankful) for you

We can do it nice and slow
Six o'clock it's getting dark
And we're all alone
So dim the lights, lock the door
Baby, come on
Cause I've waited for this moment
For so long
I don't want just anybody
Who wants to get it on
I don't think that I can hold my feelings
Back no more
So baby, please stop
Ooh, it's getting hot
Girl, you better not
Why you always wanna tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
So bring your body close to mine
We can do it nice and slow
And easy
I don't wanna waste no time
So baby, just let it all unwind
Girl, don't tease me
Well, it's time
To let your mind
Blow the horn
Come a little closer baby
Hoping, oh please let me
Show you the way to my love
Come on
Cause I need somebody
To love me all night long
I don't want just anybody
Who wants to get it on
I don't think that I can hold my feelings
Any more
So baby, please stop
Ooh, it's getting hot
Girl, you better not
Why you always wanna tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
Why you wanna tease me, don't tease
We can do it nice and slow
Why you wanna tease me, tease, tease
I don't wanna waste no time
Why you wanna tease, don't tease me
Girl, don't tease me
(Tease me, tease me)
I don't wanna waste of time
So bring your body close to mine
We can do it nice and slow
And easy
I don't wanna waste no time
So baby, just let it all unwind
Girl, don't tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
We can do it nice and slow
I don't wanna waste no time
Girl, don't tease me

If you want to know what's really wrong with Christmas
Here's what I would certainly reply
It just goes by too fast
When you know that it should last
Way passed the 4th of July
So if I can have just one gift this Christmas
I'd wish upon the brightest star above
To send me down an endless Christmas
And fill each day with our unending love
In peace
'cause I want Christmas endlessly
At Christmas time we send out season's greetings
To all our friends and loved ones far and near
Packages to buy and Christmas cards to write
But what about the rest of the year
So I'm making up my mind this December
To remember why the first Christmas was
Try to keep that candle glowing
And fill each day with our unending love
Enjoy (enjoy)
In peace (peace)
'cause I want Christmas endlessly
I'm gonna hang on to that Christmas feeling
I won't let it melt away like winter snow
I'm gonna do my very best to share it
Shower it on every one I know
So when I'm taking down the tinsel and the holly
And I'm packing all my ornaments away
I won't have to miss having Christmas
If I never let the feeling get away
'cause I can having endless Christmas
If I celebrate it each and every day
With love (love)
And peace
And Christmas goes on endlessly
And on and on and on and on
On and on
Christmas endlessly
And on and on and on and on
On and on
I want Christmas endlessly
And on and on and on and on
On and on
Christmas endlessly

I'm stuck on you
I'm stuck on you
I'm stuck on you
Stuck on you
I've got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can't lose
Guess I'm on my way
Needed a friend
And the way I feel now I guess I'll be with you 'til the end
Guess I'm on my way
Mighty glad you stayed
(I'm stuck on you)
I'm stuck on you
I'm stuck on you
Stuck on you
Been a fool too long I guess it's time for me to come on home
Guess I'm on my way (hey baby)
So hard to see
That a woman like you could wait around for a man like me
Guess I'm on my way
I'm mighty glad you stayed
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Stuck on you
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Oh, I'm leaving on that midnight train tomorrow
And I know just where I'm going
I've packed up my troubles and I've thrown them all away
'Cause this time little darling
I'm coming home to stay (ooh)
I'm stuck on you
I've got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can't lose
Guess I'm on my way
I needed a friend
And the way I feel now I guess I'll be with you 'til the end
Guess I'm on my way
I'm mighty glad you stayed
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Stuck on you
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Stuck on you
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Stuck on you
Oh girl, I'm stuck on you
And I can't stop loving you (stuck on you)
I've been a fool for way too long
Guess I'm on my way
I'm mighty glad you stayed

I was wrong
You were right
Now your gone
And I spend all my time here at home
So all alone
I was a fool to have let your love go
Now girl I know
How much I love you and need you
I can't live without you, girl
I'm so alone
Please hurry home
I just can't take it
Girl, my heart won't make it
So, please hurry back
I just can't wait
Time after time
You know I have been praying for love
Waiting for love
As long as you living just know that
I'm needing your love
From my heart
With all my soul
And everything in this world
You deserve
So much can show
How much I love you and need you
I can't live without you, girl
I'm so alone
Please hurry home
I just can't take it
Girl, my heart won't make it
So, please hurry back
I just can't wait
Time after time
You know I have been praying for love
Waiting for love
As long as you living just know that
I'm needing your love
Say it's not over
I'm nothing without you
Can't sleep at night
Without holding you tight
I love you
I need you
I can't live without you, girl
I'm so alone
Please, hurry home
I just can't take it, girl
My heart is aching
So please, hurry back
I just can't wait
I just can't take it
I can't live without you, girl
I'm so alone
Please, hurry home
I just can't take it, girl
My heart is breaking
So please, hurry back
I just can't wait
Time after time
You know I have been praying for love
Waiting for love
As long as you living
Just know that
I'm needing your love
lead vocals: Taryll Jackson
background vocals: Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson, T.J. Jackson

It's gotta be you (Bop ya heads to this)
It's gotta be you
No one else can do all the things you do
I miss the way you feel
Can't believe you're gone for real
I gave it all I had
A lovers paradise gone bad
I see you in the movies
And on the paper
And every face I know
I'm trying to forget you
But I can't girl
True love is not for sure
It's gotta be you
No one else can do all the things you do
It's gotta be you
Give me on more chance to get back to you
It's gotta be you
It's gotta be you
Really what I need
Really what I know
And I really know I really want you back
You got me like a zombie, nymphomaniac
Gettin' none
See ya really miss my little kitty cat
It's gettin' kinda crazy
Ground's gettin' shaky
Got myself a triple and everything is black
Chronic like a bomb
Blow me up
And now you're gone
'Cause your nappy-headed friends
Say I'm bad, that's a fact
I see you in the movies
And on the paper
And every face I know
I'm tryin' to forget you
But I can't girl
True love is not for sure
It's gotta be you
No one else can do all the things you do
It's gotta be you
Give me one more chance to get back to you
It's gotta be you
I need a second chance
I need some time to understand
Is this how it all will end
No explanations in your game
Bop your heads to this, come on y'all
It's gotta be you
I have to say girl
I guess I got you wrong
I hear it on the grape vine
That you're not mine
Now I've gotta let you know
It's gotta be you
No one else can do all the things you do
It's gotta be you
Give me one more chance to get back to you
It's gotta be you (It's gotta be you)
It's gotta be you
(Gotta be you)

There were times when I just wanted
To get the passion started
But I had to wait till you were mine
Every time we got together
I could tell that you were better
Than all the other girls in my life
Now that you're with me
I can see clearly, no doubt
It's worth all my time
Whenever I need
You always seem to know
How to make it all right, baby
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give me all of you
You make me feel so good inside
You know just what to do
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give me all of you
If you give me all your lovin', girl
I'll give my all to you
Just so happy you're my girl
Let me show how much I care
When you need me, baby I'll be there
Wanna hold you in my arms
Wanna keep you close to me
Cause I know
Our love was meant to be
Now that you're with me
Everyone can see, no doubt
You're the love of my life
If forever be, we'll be
Two hearts that beat as one
Till the end of time
(till the end of time, baby)
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give me all of you
You make me feel so good inside
You know just what to do
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give me all of you
If you give me all your lovin', girl
I'll give my all to you
(I want)
Give me all your lovin', girl
(I need)
Give me all of you
(Your love, baby)
Cause I want
Give me all your lovin', girl
(I need)
Give me all of you
Your love, baby
Give me all to you
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give me, give me
Give me all your lovin', girl
Give it to me baby
All your lovin', all your lovin'
All your lovin', all my lovin'
All of it

(Taj Jackson/ Taryll Jackson/ TJ Jackson)
Nothing can hold me back
I'm stronger than before
You tried to knock me out
But I'm coming back for more
You and your selfish ways
You tried to hold me down
You bet that I would lose
But it's you who's losing now
Cause I'm on the detour
I've been fortunate to take the detour
There's no thrifin' partner on the detour
I've been fortunate to take the detour
They smile up in my face
Than stab me in the back
You didn't soul me out
You have to live with that
Turn on the TV screen
Flip on the radio
You can't get rid of me
My things unstoppable
Cause I take the detour
I've been fortunate to take the detour
You can't stop me on the detour
I've been fortunate to take the detour
Should've believed in me
Should've never pulled me out
Said I would never be
I don't need you and your doubts
Didn't wanna see
Didn't wanna see me reach my destiny
Should've never pulled me out
I don't need you and your doubts
Didn't wanna see me reach my destiny
There's no thrifin' partner
I've been fortunate - Detour

You told me you loved me
You told me you cared
You told me you needed me
But I guess those were
Words without meaning
Tu m'as dit fais moi confiance
Tu mentais si bien
J' avais foi en ta parole
Plus que tout, je voulais
Croire en ces mots
Tu m'as dit je t'aime tant
Tu l'as dit souvent
You said boy please
Toi et moi, c'est pour la vie
You said together we'll be
For the rest of our lives
You said that you hoped and dreamed
But I guess those were
Words without meaning
Souviens - toi de tes promesses
Souviens - toi d'hier
Tu me disais n'aies pas peur
Plus que tout, je voulais
Encore Croire en ces mots
Jusqu'au bout, je voulais
Croire en ces mots

United we stand
Divided we fall
That's how it is in the brotherhood
In the brotherhood, brotherhood
Forever we'll stay
Together and strong
Growin' up in the brotherhood
In the brotherhood, brotherhood
Brothers are your best friends
By your side until the end
Always there to lend a hand
All do all they can
See, brothers stand tall
All for one and one for all
I'll do all that a brother could
To make it good in my brotherhood
I'll be there for them
Whenever they're in need
We share a common band
See I learned it from a brother and I
Taught it to my younger
I realise that life is hard
And it has it's ups and downs
There's no need to worry 'bout a thing
'Cause I know all is good in my brotherhood
That special bond
That holds us three as one
Makes me feel so good inside
It makes me feel so strong
I'll never turn my back on them
As long as I live
Whenever I have a problem
I know to rely on my brotherhood

Solo otra vez, sentado en mi sofa
Lo que desseo es poderte abrazar
No se porque tu amor se me escapo
Siento tu aliento sobre mi corazon
Si lo que tu quieres yo te lo quiero dar
Ando buscando nueva direccion
Donde empezar con tanta confusion
Tengo visiones de tu amor en mi
Estoy esperando el dia en que estes aqui
Si lo que tu quieres yo te lo quiero dar
I'll give you love (I'll give you love)
The things you want (the things you want)
Baby there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
I would do anything for you,
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, girl anything for you
Y que puedo hacer mostrar, que te necesito
Y nunca cambiara, abre tu alma quiero descubrir
La profundidad que no me deja vivir
Si lo que tu quieres quiero dar es asi
I'll give you love (I'll give you love)
The things you want (the things you want)
Baby there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
I would do anything for you,
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, girl anything for you
Si alguna vez encuentras que, necesitas un alma fiel
Llamame ya a mi te juro que hare lo imposible por
Darte todo mi amor
I'll give you love
Oh, i'll give you love girl (repeat 4 times)
I would do anything for you
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
Girl, anything for you
I'll give you love (I'll give you love)
The things you want

Sitting at home
Another lonely night
Wish you were here
So we can make it right
Pain in my heart
And up in my soul
Why did you leave me, baby
Leave me all alone
When I would do
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
Thinkin' of ways
What can I do to steel your heart
I'm so confused now, baby
Where do I start
Baby, you're always
On my mind
I wait for the day
When I can say your mine
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
What do I do
I need your love
What else can I say
It's you I want
Open your heart
And let it all flow
Deeper and deeper
We can go
What you want, baby....
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything for you
Lead vocals by Taryll Jackson, T.J. Jackson and Taj Jackson
Background vocals by 3T

You need a man that satisfies
Someone that cares for you
Someone to hold all through the night
Make your dreams come true
You need a man to treat you right
Who knows just what to do
Heart to heart or else you'll pass him by
Break his heart it two
Don't you know
Pretty baby
You drive me crazy
Fallin' for your love
Life is so good when I'm with you
Just bein' friends is not enough
Say, could one day, maybe
You be my lady
Together we'd be one I thought you would realize
That I'm savin' all my love
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and lovin' you
Can't get you off my mind
So take my hand
Girl don't be shy
I promise I'll be true
Follow on, just you and I
Share our love that's new
Hold me
Love me
Never let me go
Anything, girl, I'll sacrifice
Just to be with you
Don't you know
Pretty baby
You drive me crazy
Drive me crazy
I'm fallin' for your love
If it's too good to be with you
That's why bein' friends is not enough
Say, could one day, maybe
You be my lady
Be my lady
Together we'd be one
One day, girl, you'll realize
That I'm savin' all my love
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
I think about you all the time
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off mymind
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Oh baby
Can't get you off my mind
Oh baby
Can't get you off my mind
Baby, I'm waitin', I'm waitin', I'm waitin', I'm waitin' for you
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
Thinkin' 'bout loving you
Kissin' and huggin' you
Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind
I'll be right here waitin' for you
'Cause I want you
Can't get you off my mind
And I need you
Thinkin' 'bout lovin' you
Oh my baby
Can't get you off my mind
I need to have you by my side
On my mind
All the time
I'll be right here waitin' for you
Can't get you off my mind
On my mind
All the time
Thinkin' 'bout loving you
Kissin' and huggin' you
On my mind
All the time
Can't get you off my mind

Oh, oh
They say in this world nothing last for ever,
But I don’t believe that’s true,
Cause the way that I feel
When we’re together I know that’s the way I’ll always feel for you,
From now until forever, that’s long I’ll be true,
I’ll make you this vowel and promise you from now until forever,
I’ll never stop loving you,
They’ll come a day when the world stops turning,
The stars will fall from the sky,
But this feeling will last when the sun stops burning,
All I want to do is love ya till the end of time,
From now until forever, that’s long I’ll be true,
I’ll make you this vowel and promise you from now until forever,
I’ll never stop, never stop, I’ll never stop loving you,
It’s gonna take more then a life time,
To give you all the love, all the love I feel for you,
From now until forever, that’s long I’ll be true,
I’ll make you this vowel and promise you from now until forever,
I’ll never stop, never stop, I’ll never stop loving you,
From now till (oh, oh)
(Repeat till song ends)
