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- Duration: 5:18
- Published: 2009-11-01
- Uploaded: 2010-12-07
- Author: EnglishwithJohn
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The future perfect is used to describe an event that is expected or planned to happen before another event in the future. It is a grammatical combination of the future tense, or other marking of future time, and the perfect, itself a combination of tense and aspect.
| subject || + || shall,
will || + || have || +
| past participle
|- style="font-style: italic;"
| I || || shall || || have || || gone."
This is sometimes shortened with the contraction of 'll for shall or will: I'll have been hit, you'll have been paid, etc. To make this form negative, one simply adds not between will or shall and have. For the contracted form, will not becomes won't and shall not becomes shan't: I won't have been speaking, you shan't have been speaking, etc.
The English future perfect places the action relative only to the absolute future reference point but provides no information on location in time relative to the present : for example, If it rains tomorrow, we will have worked in vain yesterday.
The time of perspective of the English future perfect can be shifted from the present to the past by replacing will with its past tense form would, thus effectively creating a "past of the future of the past" construction in which the indicated event or situation occurs before a time that occurs after the past time of perspective (but the event or situation must occur after the time of perspective): In 1982, I knew that by 1986 I would have already graduated from college.
Unlike the English present perfect, the future perfect permits the use of a specific time marker for the action: I will have done it on the previous Tuesday is correct, while the present perfect formulation I have done it last Tuesday is incorrect.
| subject || + || future of
|| + || past participle
|- style="font-style: italic;"
| yo || || habré || || hablado
| I || || will have || || spoken
The future of haber is formed by the future stem haber + the endings -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án. The past participle of a verb is formed by adding the endings -ado and -ido to ar and er/ir verbs, respectively. However, there are a few irregular participles, some of the more common ones listed here:
abrir: abierto
cubrir: cubierto
decir: dicho
escribir: escrito
freír: frito
hacer: hecho
morir: muerto
poner: puesto
ver: visto
volver: vuelto
Be aware that verbs within verbs also have the same participle, for example, predecir ("to predict') would be predicho; suponer ("to suppose") would be supuesto. Also, satisfacer ("to satisfy") is close to hacer ("to do") in that the past participle is satisfecho.
To make the tense negative, one simply adds no before the form of haber: yo no habré hablado. For use with reflexive verbs, one puts the reflexive pronoun before the form of haber: from bañarse ("to take a bath"), yo me habré bañado; negative: yo no me habré bañado.
| subject || + || present of
avoir or être || + || past participle
|- style="font-style: italic;"
| j' || || aurai || || parlé
| I || || will have || || spoken
Verbs that use être in the past ("House of Être" verbs, reflexive verbs) also use être in forming the present perfect. For example, je serai venu(e) uses the future of être because of the action verb, venir (to come), which uses être in the past.
To form the future form of the auxiliary verbs, one uses the future stem and adds the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Both avoir and être have irregular future stems; while, with the exception of -re verbs, most verbs use the infinitive as the future stem (e.g. je parler ai, I will speak), the future stem of avoir "is" aur, and that of être is ser.
To form the past participle in French, one usually adds -é, -i, and -u to the roots of -er, -ir, and -re verbs, respectively. However, there are many exceptions to this rule, including these commonly used ones (and all of their related verbs):
Verbs related to mettre ("to put"): promettre ("to promise"); to ouvrir: offrir ("to offer"), souffrir ("to suffer"); to prendre ("to take"): apprendre ("to learn"), comprendre ("to understand"); to venir ("to come"): revenir ("to come again"), devenir ("to become").
When using être as the auxiliary verb, one must make sure that the past participle agrees with the subject: je serai venu ("I [masc.] will have come"), je serai venue ("I [fem.] will have come"); nous serons venus ("We [masc. or mixed] will have come"), nous serons venues ('We [fem.] will have come"). Verbs using avoir do not need agreement.
To make this form negative, one simply adds ne (n' if before vowel) before the auxiliary verb and pas after it: je n'aurai pas parlé; je ne serai pas venu. For reflexive verbs, one puts the reflexive pronoun before the auxiliary verb: from se baigner ("to take a bath"), je me serai baigné; negative: je ne me serai pas baigné.
::*Ich werde etwas geschrieben haben. :::"I will have written something." ::*Morgen um diese Uhrzeit werden wir bereits die Mathe-Prüfung gehabt haben. :::"Tomorrow at the same time we already will have had the math exam." ::*Es wird ihm gelungen sein :::"He will have succeeded." ::*Wir werden angekommen sein :::"We will have arrived."
*"I will be hired by then"
The future perfect active is formed thus:
{| style="text-align: center;"
| perfect stem || + || future perfect
suffix || + || thematic
vowel || + || person and
|- style="font-style: italic;"
| dix- || || -er- || || -i- || || -mus
| colspan="7" | I shall have spoken
The future perfect passive is formed thus:
| perfect passive participle || + || future of
|- style="font-style: italic;"
| amātus || || erō
| have been loved || || I will
Io avrò mangiato ("I will have eaten")
Io sarò andato/a ("I will have gone")
It is used for the Italian deduction in the past as the same meaning of "must"clarification needed; also for the English expression "By the time/When I have done this, you will have done that" Italian uses the double future : "By the time/When I avrò fatto this, you avrai fatto that".
Kad budem jeo/pojeo ("When I will have eaten")
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