- published: 16 Apr 2007
- views: 644517
Isadora Duncan Dancers
Performing Company
Lori Belilove
Jeanne Bresciani
Barbara Kane
Judy Landon
Adrienne Ramm
published: 12 Dec 2009
Isadora Duncan Dancers
Performing Company
Lori Belilove
Jeanne Bresciani
Barbara Kane
Judy Landon
Adrienne Ramm
Theda Rosenbluth
Susan Sparkman
Program Director - Julia Levien
Lighting - Chenault Spense
Stage Manager - Andy Tron
Company Manager - Louise Craig Gerber
- published: 12 Dec 2009
- views: 187281
Glimpses of Isadora Duncan
Many people have posted on Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) on You Tube.
Some, the footage of h...
published: 02 Feb 2010
Glimpses of Isadora Duncan
Many people have posted on Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) on You Tube.
Some, the footage of her rapturously executing the final few steps of an outdoor performance.
Others, photographs of her dancing, images that curiously seem to capture some of the dynamism and modernness of her movement.
There's also film reputedly of Isadora dancing at the Parthenon. Given that the Greek ideal was one of her primary sources of inspiration and that shes been photographed at the site, its not entirely unlikely that she'd have wanted to be filmed there. But it could equally well be a disciple, following in her footsteps.
And theres footage of Isadora on board ship with the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, whom she married in 1922.
Finally and perhaps rather unfortunately I noticed French newsreel footage of the car in which Isadora's children met their deaths.
All these resources are spread about and seem to justify a post putting them all together.
- published: 02 Feb 2010
- views: 42541
Who was Isadora Duncan? Isadora Duncan Dances and Dance Technique
The first of a series of videos that will educate viewers about who Isadora Duncan was and...
published: 29 Mar 2012
Who was Isadora Duncan? Isadora Duncan Dances and Dance Technique
The first of a series of videos that will educate viewers about who Isadora Duncan was and the dances she choreographed. The series will teach about Isadora Duncan's dance technique and demonstrate the themes about which she danced. Isadora Duncan's choreography as danced by isadoraNOW will be used to demonstrate the technique and the inspiration behind Isadora Duncan's work. As it evolves, the series will elaborate on Isadora Duncan's legacy in the modern dances of today and the work that isadoraNOW does to continue that legacy.
Narrated by isadoraNOW director and fifth generation Isadora Duncan dancer, Elyssa Dru Rosenberg.
For more information, visit: www.isadoranow.org
All photographs of Isadora Duncan and music in this video are in the public domain.
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 4413
Elsa Lanchester talks about Isadora Duncan
Elsa wore blue chiffon when she danced in the blue salon. And she wore white chiffon when ...
published: 04 Aug 2008
Elsa Lanchester talks about Isadora Duncan
Elsa wore blue chiffon when she danced in the blue salon. And she wore white chiffon when she danced in the white salon.
- published: 04 Aug 2008
- views: 22390
Who was Isadora Duncan? Episode 2 - Isadora's Loves
Historian, dance educator, and isadoraNOW director, Elyssa Dru Rosenberg, explores how Isa...
published: 07 May 2012
Who was Isadora Duncan? Episode 2 - Isadora's Loves
Historian, dance educator, and isadoraNOW director, Elyssa Dru Rosenberg, explores how Isadora's many loves influenced her dance technique and choreography.
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 1371
Isadora Duncan - Milly Quezada (Homenaje a Celia Cruz)
Quinta parte del DVD Homenaje a Celia Cruz realizado en el año 2003, por grandes celebrida...
published: 08 Jun 2011
Isadora Duncan - Milly Quezada (Homenaje a Celia Cruz)
Quinta parte del DVD Homenaje a Celia Cruz realizado en el año 2003, por grandes celebridades de la música latina. Entre ellos Victor Manuelle, Gilberot Santarosa, Luis Enrique, Olga Tañon, Gloria Estefan, etc. El DVD se titula "Celia Cruz - Azúcar".
- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 56926
Celia Cruz - Isadora Duncan
Merecido homenaje a Isadora Duncan la preculsora de lo que hoy en dia todos conocemos como...
published: 06 Dec 2009
Celia Cruz - Isadora Duncan
Merecido homenaje a Isadora Duncan la preculsora de lo que hoy en dia todos conocemos como la danza moderna, este tema fue compuesto por el gran Tite Curre Alonzo e interpretado por Celia Cruz, grabado en una super produccion del ano 1978 de fania all-stars con Ralf Mercado y Jhonny Pacheco a la cabeza el album se llama Que Pasa?, espero les guste...
- published: 06 Dec 2009
- views: 28291
The timeless and influential vision of Madeleine Vionnet is celebrated in a
short film ...
published: 01 Oct 2012
The timeless and influential vision of Madeleine Vionnet is celebrated in a
short film that also pays tribute to modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan,
who was Vionnet's contemporary in 1920s Paris and a rich source of
inspiration for the legendary designer.
Directed by Alessandro Possati, the film marks Vionnet's 100-year anniversary
and highlights the house's enduring connection to the world of arts. Firmly
established by Madame Vionnet, these cultural associations are continually
reaffirmed in the modern day evolution of the brand.
Set to an original score by acclaimed young composer José Miguel
Maschietto, the film brings Vionnet's timeless collection to life in an elemental
choreography by Jakub Sekuba. Four uniquely beautiful and talented
ballerinas from the esteemed National Theatre in Prague become
embodiments of the free spirit of Vionnet. Their performance is a showcase for
the perfectly engineered dresses displaying Vionnet's signature bias cut and
The dual qualities of form and fluidity—the enduring Vionnet codes—are
evoked with mesmerizing clarity. Architectural dresses become undulating
expressions of lightness, the movement of the fabrics echoing each dancer's
powerful grace. A progression of four acts, the performance begins with an
interpretation of Isadora Duncan's own unrestrained style and culminates in
an explosive pastiche of 21st Century breakdancing and rave.
Madeleine Vionnet liberated women's bodies. Doing away with the
constrictions of corsets and padding she reduced her designs to a purity of
construction that brought the wearer closest to their natural state. Isadora
Duncan, whose own costume was a Grecian tunic and bare feet, eschewed
the rigid poise of traditional ballet and became a pioneer for natural
movement in dance. Both were turn-of-the-century revolutionaries using their
unique artistry to create new modes of expression for the modern woman.
"Homage to Isadora Duncan" will première at Vionnet's 100-year anniversary
dinner in Paris on Sunday September 30th, 2012.
- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 3506
Isadora Duncan on THEATRO TV I
Isadora Duncan, pseudonimo di Dora Angela Duncan (San Francisco, 28 maggio 1878 Nizza, 14 ...
published: 03 Jun 2009
Isadora Duncan on THEATRO TV I
Isadora Duncan, pseudonimo di Dora Angela Duncan (San Francisco, 28 maggio 1878 Nizza, 14 settembre 1927), è stata una danzatrice statunitense. E' considerata una tra le più significative precorritrici della cosiddetta "danza moderna". La vita Ballerina del '900 che instaurò dopo anni di rigide ed essenziali regole della danza classica la danza libera o moderna,nacque in California da madre irlandese e padre scozzese. Trascorse gli anni dell'infanzia tra le note dei brani di musica classica suonati dalla madre, insegnante di pianoforte. Fu educata allo spirito di libertà e indipendenza. Durante la sua esistenza assai movimentata, trascorsa in gran parte sul suolo europeo, i successi artistici si alternarono a delusioni personali ed episodi luttuosi, tra cui la morte prematura dei due figli, ancora bambini. Fu una donna emancipata ed ebbe intense relazioni affettive, tra cui quella con il poeta Sergej Esenin, conosciuto durante la permanenza in Russia. Egli morì suicida tre anni dopo il loro matrimonio. La Duncan morì tragicamente, strangolata dalla sua stessa sciarpa, le cui frange si erano impigliata nelle ruote della Bugatti sulla quale era appena salita, salutando gli amici con una frase che rimarrà famosa: "Addio amici, vado verso la gloria!". La creazione artistica Le sue prime esibizioni si svolsero negli Stati Uniti alla fine del 1800, ma non furono molto apprezzate. Nel 1900 danzò a Londra. Fu la prima di una lunga serie di esibizioni nel continente europeo, dove ottenne l'ammirazione di molti artisti ed intellettuali dell'epoca. Ella fu artefice di una radicale rottura nei confronti della danza accademica: abolì nei propri spettacoli le scarpette a punta, che considerava innaturali, e gli artificiosi costumi indossati dalle ballerine dell'XIX secolo, preferendo indossare abiti semplici e leggeri, che ricordavano il peplo dell'antica Grecia, e danzando a piedi nudi. Tali scelte si coniugavano con l'esigenza di favorire la libertà e l'espressività dei movimenti. Le sue danze libere furono interpretazioni emotive, impressionistiche, di composizioni di celebri musicisti come Chopin, Beethoven, Gluck, nelle quali il suo corpo dolce ed espressivo suppliva alla povertà di mezzi tecnici. La Duncan desiderava fortemente creare la danza del futuro ispirandosi alla plasticità dell'arte greca, basandosi sul sentimento e sulla passione dettati dalla natura e dalla forza della musica. La sua importanza nella storia della danza è grande, sia per l'interesse che seppe suscitare nelle platee di tutto il mondo, sia perché le sue idee furono rivoluzionarie per la sua epoca e costituirono per i suoi successori l'impulso per la creazione di nuove tecniche diverse da quella accademica e per una nuova concezione della danza teatrale. Anche la compagnia dei Balletti Russi di Sergej Djaghilev ne fu influenzata notevolmente. Sergej Djagilev e Mikhail Fokin infatti la videro ballare per la prima volta a Pietroburgo nel 1905 e ne rimasero molto colpiti. Per la Duncan quello era un periodo di grandi successi internazionali. In seguito tornò in Russia per aprire una scuola di danza a Mosca su invito di Lenin.
- published: 03 Jun 2009
- views: 37928
A dança de Isadora Duncan e Martha Graham - Parte 1: Isadora Duncan
Pequeno documentário sobre a vida e a dança de Isadora Duncan e Martha Graham.
Parte 2:...
published: 30 Mar 2009
A dança de Isadora Duncan e Martha Graham - Parte 1: Isadora Duncan
Pequeno documentário sobre a vida e a dança de Isadora Duncan e Martha Graham.
Parte 2: Martha Graham:
Imagens retiradas da internet, cenas do filme "Isadora Duncan, the Biggest Dancer in the World" produzido pela BBC TV em 1966 e vídeos das companhia de dança de Isadora Duncan e Martha Graham.
Trilha Sonora: Tori Amos.
Produção, edição e narração: Alan Villela.
Trabalho feito ao cumprimento da disciplina "Expressão Corporal III" do curso de Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto pelo aluno Alan Villela.
- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 18488
Youtube results:
Isadora Duncan
A Clip from the movie Isadora (1969) Isadora is played by the great actress Vanessa Redgra...
published: 26 Aug 2010
Isadora Duncan
A Clip from the movie Isadora (1969) Isadora is played by the great actress Vanessa Redgrave !
If any one knows what is the music played, would you be so kind as to tell me ? ^^ Thanks !
Dance Danse libre Loie Fuller greek theater opera festival de Cannes belle époque
- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 21057
Isadora Duncan Dance Technique & Repertory Screener
Screener for Isadora Duncan Dance Technique & Repertory DVD available online from http://w...
published: 13 Jun 2009
Isadora Duncan Dance Technique & Repertory Screener
Screener for Isadora Duncan Dance Technique & Repertory DVD available online from http://www.artfilms.com.au.
The technique and repertory perfected by Duncan are demonstrated by the Isadora Duncan Ensemble in this video. It contains the complete works: Under the Scarf, Slow Mazurka, Dance of the Blessed Spirit and Dubinushka, as well as a number of excerpts from other works.
- published: 13 Jun 2009
- views: 40922
Isadora Duncan Dancers
Performing Company
Lori Belilove
Jeanne Bresciani
Barbara Kane
Judy Landon
Adrienne Ramm
published: 12 Dec 2009
Isadora Duncan Dancers
Performing Company
Lori Belilove
Jeanne Bresciani
Barbara Kane
Judy Landon
Adrienne Ramm
Theda Rosenbluth
Susan Sparkman
Program Director - Julia Levien
Lighting - Chenault Spense
Stage Manager - Andy Tron
Company Manager - Louise Craig Gerber
- published: 12 Dec 2009
- views: 54490