Cicada Singing [HD]
The sound of summer. A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhynch...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: weedmill
Cicada Singing [HD]
Cicada Singing [HD]
The sound of summer. A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the ...- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 492
- author: weedmill
Zikade am Baum II (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
More: http://reisen-und-urlaub.info/
published: 27 Sep 2013
Zikade am Baum II (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
Zikade am Baum II (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
More: http://reisen-und-urlaub.info/ http://www.pension-grueneinsel.de/- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 6
Survival food, Zikaden, Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha)
Insekten als Notnahrung, die Wiesenschaum - Zikade....
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: Waldhandwerk
Survival food, Zikaden, Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha)
Survival food, Zikaden, Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha)
Insekten als Notnahrung, die Wiesenschaum - Zikade.- published: 21 Jun 2010
- views: 815
- author: Waldhandwerk
Kaskaan sirkutusta Hanialla, Kreetalla / Singing of Auchenorrhyncha @ Chania, Crete
Rasittava ääni ihan oikeesti. :D....
published: 18 Oct 2009
author: McMursu91
Kaskaan sirkutusta Hanialla, Kreetalla / Singing of Auchenorrhyncha @ Chania, Crete
Kaskaan sirkutusta Hanialla, Kreetalla / Singing of Auchenorrhyncha @ Chania, Crete
Rasittava ääni ihan oikeesti. :D.- published: 18 Oct 2009
- views: 1847
- author: McMursu91
Zikade am Baum I (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
More: http://reisen-und-urlaub.info/...
published: 27 Sep 2013
Zikade am Baum I (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
Zikade am Baum I (Auchenorrhyncha // Cicadinea) - Stridulation
More: http://reisen-und-urlaub.info/- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 1
FROM ENGLISH TO FRENCH = Auchenorrhyncha
published: 15 Oct 2011
FROM ENGLISH TO FRENCH = Auchenorrhyncha
Crikey, it's the rare Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Cicadoidea!!!
a little bit clearer shot of the cicada....
published: 31 Aug 2008
author: Marthastuff
Crikey, it's the rare Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Cicadoidea!!!
Crikey, it's the rare Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Cicadoidea!!!
a little bit clearer shot of the cicada.- published: 31 Aug 2008
- views: 728
- author: Marthastuff
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: YTenglish2spanish
Was wir dort hoeren sind Singzikaden, auf japanisch "SEMI". Die sind wirklich ueberall und...
published: 05 Aug 2010
author: feal9123Japan
Was wir dort hoeren sind Singzikaden, auf japanisch "SEMI". Die sind wirklich ueberall und an diesem Ortbesonders laut. Das interessante ist, dass es verschi...- published: 05 Aug 2010
- views: 402
- author: feal9123Japan
Japanese Semi, cicade (Japanische Sing-Zikade) 01
Ein Semi ist: - Ein allgegenwärtiges und ohrenbetäubend lautes Zeichen, dass es in Japan S...
published: 07 Aug 2013
author: Mathias Sager
Japanese Semi, cicade (Japanische Sing-Zikade) 01
Japanese Semi, cicade (Japanische Sing-Zikade) 01
Ein Semi ist: - Ein allgegenwärtiges und ohrenbetäubend lautes Zeichen, dass es in Japan Sommer ist - 7 Jahre im Boden - Ein sich häutendes Insekt - Eine Woc...- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 11
- author: Mathias Sager
Youtube results:
Cicada Saved From Bird Attack
Being an adult Cicada is a very dangerous life. There are many hazards to avoid from the t...
published: 06 Jan 2014
Cicada Saved From Bird Attack
Cicada Saved From Bird Attack
Being an adult Cicada is a very dangerous life. There are many hazards to avoid from the time they come out of their long underground nymph stage. I often see Cicadas who have escaped a bird attack, sometimes they have a limb missing or damaged wings. The way Cicadas get around the constant threat of bird attack is by having huge populations so they outnumber their prey. But one short flight to freedom can spell the end of a life. Nature seems so cruel, but a bird needs to eat as well. Cicadas alternatively spelled as Cicala or Cicale, are insects in the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha (which was formerly included in the now invalid suborder Homoptera). Cicadas are in the superfamily Cicadoidea. Their eyes are prominent, though not especially large, and set wide apart on the anterior lateral corners of the frons. The wings are well-developed, with conspicuous veins; in some species the wing membranes are wholly transparent, whereas in many others the proximal parts of the wings are clouded or opaque and some have no significantly clear areas on their wings at all. About 2,500 species of cicada have been described, and many remain to be described. Cicadas live in temperate-to-tropical climates where they are among the most-widely recognised of all insects, mainly due to their large size and unique sound. Cicadas are often colloquially called locusts, although they are unrelated to true locusts, which are various species of swarming grasshopper. Cicadas are related to leafhoppers and spittlebugs. Cicadas are benign to humans under normal circumstances and do not bite or sting in a true sense, but may mistake a person's arm or other part of their body for a tree or plant limb and attempt to feed. Cicadas have a long proboscis, under their head, which they insert into plant stems in order to feed on sap. It can be painful if they attempt to pierce a person's skin with it, but it is unlikely to cause other harm. It is unlikely to be a defensive reaction and is a rare occurrence. It usually only happens when they are allowed to rest on a person's body for an extended amount of time. Cicadas live underground as nymphs for most of their lives, at depths ranging from about 30 centimetres (0.98 ft) down to 2.5 metres (8.2 ft). The nymphs feed on root juice and have strong front legs for digging. In the final nymphal instar, they construct an exit tunnel to the surface and emerge. They then molt (shed their skins) on a nearby plant for the last time and emerge as adults. The exuvia, or abandoned exoskeleton, remains, still clinging to the bark of trees. After mating, the female cuts slits into the bark of a twig, and into these she deposits her eggs. She may do so repeatedly, until she has laid several hundred eggs. When the eggs hatch, the newly hatched nymphs drop to the ground, where they burrow. Most cicadas go through a life cycle that lasts from two to five years. Some species have much longer life cycles, such as the North American genus, Magicicada, which has a number of distinct "broods" that go through either a 17-year or, in some parts of the world, a 13-year life cycle. These long life cycles perhaps developed as a response to predators, such as the cicada killer wasp and praying mantis. A predator with a shorter life cycle of at least two years could not reliably prey upon the cicadas. Web Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodical_cicadas Below is a link to a must watch short film about a Cicadas life cycle Return of the Cicadas : http://vimeo.com/66688653 The video Return of the Cicadas is a film produced by Samuel Orr, he's a natural history film maker who has a very special interest in time lapse photography. He's perfectly suited to studying a Cicadas life cycle. http://returnofthecicadas.com/- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 2931
HOMOPTERA Los homópteros (Homoptera, gr. "alas uniformes") son un antiguo orden (o suborde...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: Pedro Benito
HOMOPTERA Los homópteros (Homoptera, gr. "alas uniformes") son un antiguo orden (o suborden, según la clasificación) de insectos que incluyen todos los hemíp...- published: 12 Jun 2011
- views: 1305
- author: Pedro Benito
Zikaden vor dem Wohnheim
Die Geräusche kommen von Zikaden, anfangs dachte ich, es wären defekte Klimaanlagen. :P....
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: ni8ke8zai8zhong8guo
Zikaden vor dem Wohnheim
Zikaden vor dem Wohnheim
Die Geräusche kommen von Zikaden, anfangs dachte ich, es wären defekte Klimaanlagen. :P.- published: 12 Sep 2008
- views: 1687
- author: ni8ke8zai8zhong8guo
Rhynchomitra microrhina Planthopper (Fulgoroidea)
Rhynchomitra microrhina Planthopper (Fulgoroidea) saltadora de planta, Dictyopharid Planth...
published: 05 Mar 2014
Rhynchomitra microrhina Planthopper (Fulgoroidea)
Rhynchomitra microrhina Planthopper (Fulgoroidea)
Rhynchomitra microrhina Planthopper (Fulgoroidea) saltadora de planta, Dictyopharid Planthoppers, Dictyopharidae, Dictyopharinae, Nersiini, fulgoromorfos, Fulgoromorpha, Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Mechanical gears in jumping insects planthoppers generally walk very slowly so as not to attract attention. original videos filmings, 3D modelings, arts animations created and directed by Diego da Cruz Pereira (DiegoDCvids)- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 120