Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Anti-War/Peace : Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Military, Weapons : Police/Legal/Prisons

Bradley Manning Solidarity march forces Ft Meade lockdown

On the First of June, a massive march demanding that Bradley Manning be freed forced Ft Meade to lock their gates and police to block off MD Rt 175.
Video of the Bradley Manning Solidarity March


News :: Local News/Neighborhoods

Large Retailer Accountability Act PASSES Committee Markup vote

The DC bill to require retailers whose coporate parent has at least $1 billion in revenue to pay a living wage has passed its committee markup vote 4-0, with Yvette Alexander abstaining.

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News :: Environment/Food/Health

March Against Monsanto descends on Monsanto's lobbying office

On the 25th of May, there were March against Monsanto events all over Turtle Island and elsewhere. One of them was here in DC, a march from the White House to Monsanto, to the Washinton Post, and back. The march stretched for three blocks in the streets, it was the largest protest ever in DC against GMO foods.
Video of DC's March on Monsanto event


News :: Civil Liberties/Constitution : Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Human Rights

Code Pink Activist Speaks Out During Obama's Speech on Drones and Gitmo

Washington, DC—While President Obama was delivering remarks about American foreign policy pertaining to the administration's drone program and practices of indefinite detention at Guantanamo bay, CODEPINK Co-founder, Medea Benjamin, stood up and spoke out several times. She called on the President to use his power as Commander-In-Chief to close Guantanamo prison, release the 86 Guantanamo prisoners who have been cleared for release, and stop the killer drone program that is causing the deaths of innocent civilians, violating international law, and making us less safe here in America. The President responded to her comments by remarking, “the voice of that woman is worth paying attention to.”

Hunger Strike Song

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News :: Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Labor/Economics/Business

Foreclosure protesters storm Covington and Burling

On the 22nd of May, the same protesters who have been hammering Eric Holder and the Department of Justice all week over "too big to fail" banks stormed the DC office of Holder's former law firm, Covington and Burling LLP.
Video of this 3ed day of anti-foreclosure protests


News :: Labor/Economics/Business

Contract workers picket Union Station, Smithsonians, Reagan Builidng

On the 21st of May, striking contracter employees at Union Station and their supporters picketed outside several times-and once marched through the station-to demand a living wage. All the Smithsonian buildings, the Ronald Reagan Building, and the Old Post Office saw walk-outs and pickets.

Short video of the picket

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News :: Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods

Arrests and Tasings as foreclosure opponents take over DOJ entrance, set up tents

DOJ_Early_Thumb.jpgOn the 20th of May, hundreds of opponents of foreclosures marched on the Department of Justice demanding that the "too big to fail" bankers be jailed and foreclosures be ended. Many were arrested and two were Tasered, but at the end of the day the police had left and protesters remained, tents pitched to stay the night.
Video of the Taser incident
Video covering the high points of the action
"Organzer X" Youtube video of civil disobediance, Taser audible at end

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