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  • Al-Nakba - Episode 1...47:25
  • The European Flood Awareness System...8:05
  • 'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey...5:06
  • Watch President Obama on Syria, Closing Guantanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins...47:59
  • Death Toll Rises in Midwest Storms...1:05
  • Syria Assad and Hezbollah Attack Rebel Stronghold Qusair Heavy Fighting...4:22
  • Role of US-led allies in Iraq violence...24:50
  • Iran holds first presidential debate...2:08
  • Hagel warns China on cyberattacks [Slide Show]...0:26
  • 5/19/2013 Deadly Oklahoma Extreme Tornado Video...3:38
  • Seconds From Disaster - Fukushima [Documentary] -
add video playlist "The Nakba did not begin in 1948. Its origins lie over two centuries ago...." So begins this four-part series on the 'nakba', meaning the 'catastrophe', about the history of the Palestinian exodus that led to the first Arab-Israeli War in 1948 and the establishment of the state of Israel. This sweeping history starts back in 1799 with Napoleon's attempted advance into Palestine to check British expansion and his appeal to the Jews of the world to reclaim their land in league with France. The narrative moves through the 19th century and into the 20th century with the British Mandate in Palestine and comes right up to date in the 21st century and the ongoing 'nakba' on the ground. Arab, Israeli and Western intellectuals, historians and eye-witnesses provide the central narrative which is accompanied by archive material and documents, many only recently released for the first time.
Al-Nak­ba - Episode 1
The disastrous floods in Elbe and Danube rivers confronted in 2002 the European Commission with non-coherent flood warning information from different sources and of variable quality, making planning and organization of aid difficult. Thus, the Commission initiated the development of a European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) which is now going operational. EFAS has been developed and tested at the Joint Research Centre, the Commission\'s in house science service, in close collaboration with the National hydrological and meteorological services, European Civil Protection and other research institutes.
For more info visit: or
The Eu­ro­pean Flood Aware­ness Sys­tem
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it\'s grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey\'s Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
President Barack Obama suggested Tuesday he\'d consider military action against Syria if it can be confirmed that President Bashar Assad\'s government used chemical weapons in the two-year-old civil war. At a White House news conference, the president also defended the FBI\'s work in monitoring the activities in recent years of one of the men accused in the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon. In addition he took questions on health care, the closing of Guantanamo Bay detention center and immigration and also commented on the strength of NBA center Jason Collins for coming out as the first gay athlete in a major U.S. men\'s sports league.
Watch Pres­i­dent Obama on Syria, Clos­ing Guan­tanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins
Emergency officials set out Saturday morning to see how much damage a violent burst of thunderstorms and tornadoes caused as it swept across the Midwest overnight, killing at least nine and injuring dozens. (June 1)
Death Toll Rises in Mid­west Storms
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it\'s grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey\'s Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
Disclaimer: This section is a section to document events that occur in Syria, and not to encourage violence.18+ Adults Only - Warning -  Contains Graphic Images and language. Some images in this video may be disturbing for some viewers. - Not for Shock - This video is for educational purposes and documents Crimes Against Humanity committed by Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad
 Regime and his forces Syrian Arab Army and Shabiha Militia. And historical events of Syrian Civil War against dictator Bashar al Assad. Video is not to shock our viewers or to encourage violence;  just want to document what is happening in Syria.

Qusair 5-19-13 Homs القصير قصف عنيف جدا بالطيران الحربي وبكافة انواع الاسلحة الصواريخ

Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and Syrian soldiers, backed by air strikes and artillery, renewed an offensive aimed at driving Syrian rebels from the town of Qusair near the Lebanese border on Tuesday, opposition activists said. They said fighting was raging in Qusair, as well as in areas to the east where several army bases are located, and in the Hezbollah-held southern and western approaches to the town. One activist, Tareq Murei said rebel brigades in the north and west of Qusair were trying to repel the latest attacks, in which three residents had been killed, bringing the number of rebel and civilian deaths in the last 48 hours to more than 100.
Syria Assad and Hezbol­lah At­tack Rebel Stronghold Qu­sair Heavy Fight­ing
The body count keeps rising: More than 500 people have been killed in May. And April: the deadliest month since June 2008, the death toll at more than 700. T...
Role of US-led al­lies in Iraq vi­o­lence
Days after two high-profile politicians were excluded from Iran\'s Presidential election, the eight remaining candidates have faced off against each other in a televised debate.    For more than two hours the men discussed their ailing economy and how they would deal with UN sanctions.   The vote itself will be on June 14th.   Al Jazeera\'s Dominic Kane reports.
Iran holds first pres­i­den­tial de­bate
Hagel warns China on cyberattacks
Hagel warns China on cy­ber­at­tacks [Slide Show]
Brandon Sullivan and his crew documented multiple strong to deadly violent tornadoes today across central Oklahoma. 

The first shot is approx 2 miles west of Shawnee, OK.. Brandon said this was some of the most violent motion he has ever witnessed and you could hear the roaring motion as the tornado tears across the land.. This tornado then went on to cause significant damage in Shawnee, Oklahoma.. 

The second clip is from approximately 4 miles west of Shawnee, Oklahoma and is a powerful multi vortex/wedge tornado.... 

The third and fourth clips are from near Luther, Oklahoma.. This storm produced the tornado near Edmond, OK earlier in the day.. 

The final clip is the cone tornado near Edmond, OK earlier in the day.
5/19/2013 Dead­ly Ok­la­homa Ex­treme Tor­na­do Video
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it\'s grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey\'s Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
Obama an­nounces 2014 NATO sum­mit on Afghanistan
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (Fukushima Dai-ichi ( pronunciation) genshiryoku hatsudensho jiko?) was a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011.[5][6] It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, and only the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.[7]

The plant comprises six separate boiling water reactors originally designed by General Electric (GE), and maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). At the time of the quake, Reactor 4 had been de-fueled while 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance.[8] Immediately after the earthquake, the remaining reactors 1-3 shut down automatically, and emergency generators came online to power electronics and coolant systems. However the tsunami following the earthquake quickly flooded the low-lying rooms in which the emergency generators were housed. The flooded generators failed, cutting power to the critical pumps that must continuously circulate coolant water through a nuclear reactor for several days in order to keep it from melting down after being shut down. As the pumps stopped, the reactors overheated due to the normal high radioactive decay heat produced in the first few days after nuclear reactor shutdown (smaller amounts of this heat normally continue to be released for years, but are not enough to cause fuel melting).

At this point, only prompt flooding of the reactors with seawater could have cooled the reactors quickly enough to prevent meltdown. Salt water flooding was delayed because it would ruin the costly reactors permanently. Flooding with seawater was finally commenced only after the government ordered that seawater be used, and at this point it was already too late to prevent meltdown.[9]

As the water boiled away in the reactors and the water levels in the fuel rod pools dropped, the reactor fuel rods began to overheat severely, and to melt down. In the hours and days that followed, Reactors 1, 2 and 3 experienced full meltdown.[10][11]
In the intense heat and pressure of the melting reactors, a reaction between the nuclear fuel metal cladding and the remaining water surrounding them produced explosive hydrogen gas. As workers struggled to cool and shut down the reactors, several hydrogen-air chemical explosions occurred.[12][13]

Concerns about the repeated small explosions, the atmospheric venting of radioactive gasses, and the possibility of larger explosions led to a 20 km (12 mi)-radius evacuation around the plant. During the early days of the accident workers were temporarily evacuated at various times for radiation safety reasons. At the same time, sea water that had been exposed to the melting rods was returned to the sea[citation needed] heated and radioactive in large volumes[citation needed] for several months until recirculating units could be put in place to repeatedly cool and re-use a limited quantity of water for cooling. The earthquake damage and flooding in the wake of the tsunami hindered external assistance. Electrical power was slowly restored for some of the reactors, allowing for automated cooling.[14]

Japanese officials initially assessed the accident as Level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) despite the views of other international agencies that it should be higher. The level was later raised to 5 and eventually to 7, the maximum scale value.[15][16] The Japanese government and TEPCO have been criticized in the foreign press for poor communication with the public and improvised cleanup efforts.[17][18][19] On 20 March, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced that the plant would be decommissioned once the crisis was over.

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Sec­onds From Dis­as­ter - Fukushi­ma [Doc­u­men­tary] - NuclearAdvisor.​com
This Video with English Subtitles: More Videos of Syria on My Channel! Like us on FB :
Syr­i­an Army In Front-Line Scenes At­tack­ing FSA Rebels | Syria War 2013 HD

updated 08 May 2013; published 08 May 2013
Al-Nak­ba - Episode 1 03 Jun 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Geography is usually vengeful towards conquerors and oppressors. Israel's geography, rather than a cushion, has become a prison from which there is no escape.(1) At the same time, there are frequent reminders of how the Jewish State treated historical Palestine and Palestinians, such as the one just...
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updated 26 Jun 2012; published 26 Jun 2012
The Eu­ro­pean Flood Aware­ness Sys­tem
Deutsche Welle 02 Jun 2013, Flood alarms have been raised in southern and eastern Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria after unseasonal summer downpours. People have gone missing at several locations. Riverside festivals have been cut short. Authorities in central Europe are erecting anti-flood barriers and have begun evacuations amid fears that major...
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updated 01 Jun 2013; published 01 Jun 2013
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
Huffington Post 02 Jun 2013, Despite the astonishing, far-reaching changes that Turkey has undergone in recent years, clouds of anxiety are gathering over the country. The apprehension has little to do with the economy. The negative energy emanating from Syria has a partial impact. The jitters in public sentiment stem essentially from increasingly pronounced links between...
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updated 30 Apr 2013; published 30 Apr 2013
Watch Pres­i­dent Obama on Syria, Clos­ing Guan­tanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins 02 Jun 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Americans should be forewarned that an item on President Barack Obama's wish list is another slippery slope. This time he wants the Pentagon to draw up a no-fly zone plan over Syria and its volatile, ongoing civil war.(1) In political terms, a slippery slope is a metaphor for accepting laws and...
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updated 01 Jun 2013; published 01 Jun 2013
Death Toll Rises in Mid­west Storms
BBC News 02 Jun 2013, Thousands of homes remain without power in the US Midwest after a huge storm system swept through, killing at least 12 people. Nine people died in Oklahoma City and its suburbs and three more in Missouri. Hundreds of people were injured, many of them on roads as they tried to flee tornadoes. Heavy rain has also left many areas flooded. Two weeks...
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updated 01 Jun 2013; published 01 Jun 2013
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
Al Jazeera 02 Jun 2013, Turkey was braced for a third day of anti-government demonstrations following two days of battles between police and protesters, with unrest spreading to 48 cities. Riot police pulled back on Saturday after being accused of heavyhanded tactics, but there were fresh clashes near the offices of the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the...
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updated 23 May 2013; published 23 May 2013
Syria Assad and Hezbol­lah At­tack Rebel Stronghold Qu­sair Heavy Fight­ing
BBC News 02 Jun 2013, The Red Cross has expressed alarm over the situation in the besieged Syrian town of Qusair, and has appealed for immediate access to deliver aid. Thousands of civilians are believed to be trapped in the town, which lies close to the border with Lebanon. The battle for control between pro-government forces and rebel fighters has made medical...
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updated 31 May 2013; published 31 May 2013
Role of US-led al­lies in Iraq vi­o­lence
The Times of India 01 Jun 2013, BAGHDAD: More than 1,000 people were killed in violence in Iraq in May, making it the deadliest month since the sectarian slaughter of 2006-07, the United Nations reported on Saturday, stoking fears of a return to civil war. Nearly 2,000 people have been killed in the last two months as al Qaeda and Sunni Islamist insurgents, invigorated by the...
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updated 31 May 2013; published 31 May 2013
Iran holds first pres­i­den­tial de­bate
Wall Street Journal 01 Jun 2013, By FARNAZ FASSIHI BEIRUT—The economy and foreign policy emerged as the top issues in Iran's June 14 presidential election with the eight candidates dedicating their first live televised debate on Friday to economic woes. The four-hour discussion exposed in a highly publicized way just how much Iran's economy has deteriorated under international...
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updated 01 Jun 2013; published 01 Jun 2013
Hagel warns China on cy­ber­at­tacks [Slide Show]
The New York Times 01 Jun 2013, SINGAPORE — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel delivered a two-pronged message to Beijing — holding out hope for a slowly improving military relationship with the Asian giant while issuing a stern warning on cyberattacks coming from that country. But he was met with immediate skepticism from the Chinese delegation in the audience, who questioned...
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updated 20 May 2013; published 20 May 2013
5/19/2013 Dead­ly Ok­la­homa Ex­treme Tor­na­do Video
CNN 01 Jun 2013, June 1, 2013 -- Updated 0618 GMT (1418 HKT) Are you there? Stay safe and send iReport your photos and video. (CNN) -- The full scale of the destruction wrought by new tornadoes that plowed through Oklahoma will only be apparent when the sun comes up Saturday morning. A handful of fresh twisters killed at least five people Friday, less than two...
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updated 01 Jun 2013; published 01 Jun 2013
'Most vi­o­lent in years': Is­tan­bul protests spread across Turkey
France24 01 Jun 2013, Anti-government demonstrators took to the streets in cities across Turkey after a sit-in at a park in Istanbul over plans for a construction project turned violent on Friday, with police using tear gas and water cannon to break up protesters. By Nicolas Baker (video) News Wires (text) Turkish riot police used tear gas and water cannon Friday...
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updated 31 May 2013; published 31 May 2013
Obama an­nounces 2014 NATO sum­mit on Afghanistan
Independent online (SA) 31 May 2013, WASHINGTON - NATO countries will hold a summit next year to discuss troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, US President Barack Obama said on Friday after a meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The United States and its 28 NATO allies have been working...
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updated 15 Feb 2013; published 15 Feb 2013
Sec­onds From Dis­as­ter - Fukushi­ma [Doc­u­men­tary] - NuclearAdvisor.​com
BBC News 31 May 2013, Cancer rates are not expected to rise as a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, UN scientists say. The evacuation of thousands of people shortly after the accident in 2011 sharply lowered their exposure to radiation, a draft report...
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Palestinian Nakbas and Revenge of Geography
Full Article
03 Jun 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Geography is usually vengeful towards conquerors and oppressors. Israel's geography, rather than a cushion, has become a prison from which there is no escape.(1) At the same time, there are frequent reminders of how the Jewish State treated historical Palestine and Palestinians, such as the one just... rights
Palestinians cross back into the southern Gaza Strip through the Rafah border terminal with Egypt, on May 22, 2013.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Flood warnings grip central Europe
Full Article Deutsche Welle
02 Jun 2013

Flood alarms have been raised in southern and eastern Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria after unseasonal summer downpours. People have gone missing at several locations. Riverside festivals have been cut short. Authorities in central Europe are erecting anti-flood barriers and have begun evacuations amid fears that major...
A woman walkjs with a barrow in the flooded area by river Sprotte in Saara, central Germany, Sunday, June 2, 2013. The village is enclosed by the floods.
photo: AP / Jens Meyer

Turkey's Urban Revolt Signals a Critical Phase in Turkish Politics
Full Article Huffington Post
02 Jun 2013

Despite the astonishing, far-reaching changes that Turkey has undergone in recent years, clouds of anxiety are gathering over the country. The apprehension has little to do with the economy. The negative energy emanating from Syria has a partial impact. The jitters in public sentiment stem essentially from increasingly pronounced links between...
In this photo taken late Saturday, June 1, 2013, Turkish protesters clash with riot police near the former Ottoman palace, Dolmabahce, where Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan maintains an office in Istanbul, Turkey.
photo: AP

No-Fly Zones and Slippery Slopes
Full Article
02 Jun 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Americans should be forewarned that an item on President Barack Obama's wish list is another slippery slope. This time he wants the Pentagon to draw up a no-fly zone plan over Syria and its volatile, ongoing civil war.(1) In political terms, a slippery slope is a metaphor for accepting laws and...
This citizen journalism image provided by Qusair Lens, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a Syrian man checking his destroyed house that was damaged by a Syrian forces air strike in the town of Qusair, near the Lebanon border, Homs province, Syria, Tuesday, May 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Qusair Lens

US counts cost of deadly Midwest storms
Full Article BBC News
02 Jun 2013

Thousands of homes remain without power in the US Midwest after a huge storm system swept through, killing at least 12 people. Nine people died in Oklahoma City and its suburbs and three more in Missouri. Hundreds of people were injured, many of them on roads as they tried to flee tornadoes. Heavy rain has also left many areas flooded. Two weeks...
Rescue personnel stand near overturned trucks in an industrial park after strong storms moved through the area Friday, May 31, 2013, in St. Louis.
photo: AP / Jeff Roberson

Turkey braces for third day of protests
Full Article Al Jazeera
02 Jun 2013

Turkey was braced for a third day of anti-government demonstrations following two days of battles between police and protesters, with unrest spreading to 48 cities. Riot police pulled back on Saturday after being accused of heavyhanded tactics, but there were fresh clashes near the offices of the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the...
A protester stands atop of a destroyed car during a rally at the Taskim square in Istanbul early Sunday, June 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Thanassis Stavrakis

Syria conflict: Red Cross 'alarmed' over Qusair
Full Article BBC News
02 Jun 2013

The Red Cross has expressed alarm over the situation in the besieged Syrian town of Qusair, and has appealed for immediate access to deliver aid. Thousands of civilians are believed to be trapped in the town, which lies close to the border with Lebanon. The battle for control between pro-government forces and rebel fighters has made medical...
Red Cross 'alarmed' over Qusair
photo: AP

More than 1,000 killed in Iraq violence in May
Full Article The Times of India
01 Jun 2013

BAGHDAD: More than 1,000 people were killed in violence in Iraq in May, making it the deadliest month since the sectarian slaughter of 2006-07, the United Nations reported on Saturday, stoking fears of a return to civil war. Nearly 2,000 people have been killed in the last two months as al Qaeda and Sunni Islamist insurgents, invigorated by the... nations
Security forces inspect the scene of a car bomb attack in the commercial area of Karradah in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, May 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Hadi Mizban

Candidates Air Grim Views of Iran's Economy
Full Article Wall Street Journal
01 Jun 2013

By FARNAZ FASSIHI BEIRUT—The economy and foreign policy emerged as the top issues in Iran's June 14 presidential election with the eight candidates dedicating their first live televised debate on Friday to economic woes. The four-hour discussion exposed in a highly publicized way just how much Iran's economy has deteriorated under international...
In this photo released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting on Friday, May 31, 2013, presidential candidates from left, Mohammad Gharazi, Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, Ali Akbar Velayati, Saeed Jalili, Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, Mohammad Reza Aref, Mohsen Rezaei, Hasan Rowhani, attend a TV debate in a state-run TV studio, in Tehran, Iran.
photo: AP / Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Mehdi Dehghan

Hagel Warns China on Cyberattacks
Full Article The New York Times
01 Jun 2013

SINGAPORE — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel delivered a two-pronged message to Beijing — holding out hope for a slowly improving military relationship with the Asian giant while issuing a stern warning on cyberattacks coming from that country. But he was met with immediate skepticism from the Chinese delegation in the audience, who questioned... Hagel
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, Friday, March 15, 2013, to announce that the Obama administration will add 14 interceptors to a West Coast-based U.S.-based missile defense system reflecting concern about North Korea's focus on developing nuclear weapons and its advances in long-range missile technology.
photo: AP / Cliff Owen

'There's just no rest' as new twisters kill 5 in tornado-traumatized Oklahoma
Full Article CNN
01 Jun 2013

June 1, 2013 -- Updated 0618 GMT (1418 HKT) Are you there? Stay safe and send iReport your photos and video. (CNN) -- The full scale of the destruction wrought by new tornadoes that plowed through Oklahoma will only be apparent when the sun comes up Saturday morning. A handful of fresh twisters killed at least five people Friday, less than two...
Parts of Oklahoma City experience extreme flooding after multiple tornado's passed through Central Okla. on Friday May 31, 2013 in Oklahoma City.
photo: AP / Nick Oxford

Turkey protests spread as Istanbul sit-in turns violent
Full Article France24
01 Jun 2013

Anti-government demonstrators took to the streets in cities across Turkey after a sit-in at a park in Istanbul over plans for a construction project turned violent on Friday, with police using tear gas and water cannon to break up protesters. By Nicolas Baker (video) News Wires (text) Turkish riot police used tear gas and water cannon Friday...
Riot police clash with demonstrators after they used tear gas and pressurized water in a dawn raid Friday to rout a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in to prevent the uprooting of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey, Friday, May 31, 2013.
photo: AP

NATO plans 2014 Afghan summit
Full Article Independent online (SA)
31 May 2013

WASHINGTON - NATO countries will hold a summit next year to discuss troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, US President Barack Obama said on Friday after a meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The United States and its 28 NATO allies have been working... Obama
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen answers questions to the media during a joint press conference with Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer, unseen, at the government's headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic Friday, March 5, 2010
photo: AP / Petr David Josek

No rise in cancer rates after Fukushima disaster - UN
Full Article BBC News
31 May 2013

Cancer rates are not expected to rise as a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, UN scientists say. The evacuation of thousands of people shortly after the accident in 2011 sharply lowered their exposure to radiation, a draft report...
A group of workers wearing protective suits and masks stand next to the No. 4 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)'s tsunami-crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima prefecture Wednesday, March 6, 2013, ahead of the second anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
photo: AP / Issei Kato

Scolari believes England are a "complete team"
Full Article Goal
03 Jun 2013

The former Chelsea boss praised his the Three Lions following the draw in Rio on Sunday Brazil boss Luiz Felipe Scolari has labelled England a "complete team" after the 2-2 draw between the sides at the Maracana. The Selecao dominated the first half and though they took the lead through Fred in the second period, the Three Lions grew into the game...
Brazil's soccer coach Luiz Felipe Scolari attends a press conference to announce his list of players for upcoming friendly soccer matches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tuesday, March 5, 2013. Brazil will face Italy on March 21, and Russia on March 25.
photo: AP / Felipe Dana

Neymar: Brazil will get better
Full Article Goal
03 Jun 2013

The forward insists the Selecao's performances will improve despite the draw with England extending their poor run of form to just one win in eight games Neymar insists Brazil will get better in the weeks and months ahead after Luiz Felipe Scolari’s side battled to a 2-2 draw against England at the Maracana. In a game that sparked into life...
Brazil's Neymar, center, runs with the ball past England's Glen Johnson, left, and Theo Walcott, right, during an international soccer friendly at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, June 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Victor R. Caivano

Hodgson full of praise for England goalscorer Oxlade-Chamberlain
Full Article Goal
03 Jun 2013

The England boss was delighted with the Arsenal attacker's performance off the bench against Luiz Felipe Scolari's side, as the Three Lions battled to a 2-2 draw in Rio de Janeiro Roy Hodgson has praised the contribution of second-half substitute Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in England's 2-2 draw against Brazil, though admitted he was disappointed to...
England's manager Roy Hodgson inspects the pitch before their World Cup 2014 qualifying group H soccer match against Poland in Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012. On Tuesday the organizers failed to close the roof of the stadium which caused the cancellation of the match due to heavy rainfall.
photo: AP / Czarek Sokolowski

Official: Allegri set to stay at Milan
Full Article Goal
03 Jun 2013

The 45-year-old's future with the Rossoneri was finally clarified as the coach emerged unscathed from discussions with the club's hierarchy AC Milan boss Massimiliano Allegri will remain in charge at San Siro after holding crunch-talks with club president Silvio...
AC Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri calls out to his players during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Udinese at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Villa tight-lipped over future
Full Article Goal
02 Jun 2013

The 31-year-old has refused to comment on rumours linking him with a move to England Barcelona striker David Villa has moved to distance himself from speculation regarding his future amid reports he has agreed to join Arsenal....
Barcelona's forward David Villa reacts after scoring his side's third goal during the Champions League round of 16 second leg soccer match between FC Barcelona and AC Milan at Camp Nou stadium, in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, March 12, 2013.
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

'Neymar will shine at Confederations Cup'
Full Article Goal
02 Jun 2013

The Fifa president has backed Barcelona's latest recruit to "flourish" in the tournament, which begins on June 15 Sepp Blatter has described Brazil striker Neymar as an "exceptional player" whose talent will come to the fore...
FILE - In this Wednesday, June 1, 2011 file photo Swiss FIFA President Sepp Blatter reacts during a press conference after the 61st FIFA Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. Sepp Blatter said Friday Nov. 18, 2011 he is "sorry' for offending anyone by his comments on racism in football but will not resign as FIFA president. Blatter told the BBC in an interview in Zurich that he "deeply regretted" using "unfortunate words" earlier this week, when he said any racist abuse on the football field could be settled by a handshake at the end of the match.
photo: AP / Michael Probst

Manchester United's manager Alex Ferguson, left, stands alongside former player Bryan Robson as the team train at Carrington training ground one day ahead of their Champion's League Group C soccer match against Basel, Manchester, England, Monday Sept. 26, 2011.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Brazil 2-2 England: Oxlade-Chamberlain & Rooney on target at the Maracana
Full Article Goal
02 Jun 2013

Roy Hodgson's side came from behind to lead in Rio de Janeiro against the Selecao, but Paulinho's late equaliser meant the shares were spoiled on Sunday evening By Ewan Roberts More On : Brazil, England, Brazil vs England Comments Getty Images England recorded an unlikely draw against Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, as Roy Hodgson's...
England's Wayne Rooney, center, celebrates with teammate Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, right, after scoring against Brazil during an international soccer friendly at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, June 2, 2013. To the right is Brazil's Marcelo.
photo: AP / Victor R. Caivano

Cody Simpson exclusive interview: Entertainer joins fight against child hunger
Full Article The Examiner
31 May 2013

The young entertainer knows the issue of hunger in America may be a concern for young people and he decided to actively get involved. Recently judging a fan contest that allowed winners to donate money to local food banks, the issue is something Simpson wants fans to be a part of too. “1 in 5 kids don’t know where their next meal is coming from,”...
Cody Simpson performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Music festival scores sellout
Full Article The Business Review
30 May 2013

Mark Anderson | Sacramento Business Journal The Sacramento Banjo Band plays at the Sacramento Music Festival. Attendance figures were up for the festival held over Memorial Day weekend in Old Sacramento. One show even sold out. Staff Writer- Sacramento Business Journal | | | The numbers are up for the Sacramento...
Palace of Fine Arts, Sacramento
photo: Creative Commons / PeteBobb

Bon Jovi drops concert fee for crisis-hit Spain
Full Article Denver Post
30 May 2013

Click photo to enlarge FILE - In this May 18, 2013, file photo shows singer Jon Bon Jovi performing on stage as part of his "Because we can" tour in Munich, southern Germany. Bon Jovi are waiving their performance fee for a concert in Madrid as a gesture to their Spanish fans hit hard by the country's severe economic crisis.... Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi in the Netherlands on May 26, 2006
photo: Creative Commons / Artur Bogdanski

Blake Shelton: I don't keep secrets from wife
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 May 2013

Blake Shelton has denied he keeps anything secret from his wife Miranda Lambert. The country stars tied the knot two years ago, but speculation has been rife about their relationship in recent months. Blake has since opened up about his marriage, declaring there are no secrets between them. "[I tell Miranda], 'I have nothing to hide from you,'"...
Blake Shelton performs during the H2O Tour 2 at the Cruzan Amphitheatre West Palm Beach, FL September 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Miley Cyrus and Hemsworth 'definitely over'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 May 2013

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are said to be "definitely over". Rumours have been rife that the young couple's engagement is on the rocks and it's even been claimed Liam cheated on his fiancée with Mad Men star January Jones. According to Us Weekly, the couple have really called it quits. "They are definitely over," a source told the American...
Miley Cyrus Concert
photo: Creative Commons / Mike Schmid

LeAnn Rimes ‘open to surrogacy’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 May 2013

LeAnn Rimes says she would consider surrogacy or adoption to expand her family with husband Eddie Cibrian. The 30-year-old country singer says she would consider all avenues to expand her family with husband Eddie Cibrian. LeAnn is stepmother to Eddie’s sons Mason, nine, and six-year-old Jake from his previous marriage to reality star Brandi...
LeAnn Rimes
photo: Creative Commons / Mike Shadle

Adam Levine enjoys 'casual' romance
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 May 2013

Sources insists Adam Levine and Nina Agdal's romance is a "casual" thing. It was reported earlier this week that the Maroon 5 frontman and Sports Illustrated model were dating, however, sources are now playing down the seriousness of the pair's relationship. Adam - who split from girlfriend Behati Prinsloo in March - is keeping the romance with...
Adam Levine from Maroon 5
photo: Public Domain / High Contrast

Lenny Kravitz and ex-wife Bonet ‘best friends’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 May 2013

Lenny Kravitz heaps praise on his former spouse Lisa Bonet 20 years after their divorce and believes their relationship occurred in order to bring their daughter Zoë Kravitz into the world. The 49-year-old musician and the 45-year-old Cosby Show actress eloped in November 1987 on her 20th birthday. The pair welcomed daughter Zoë Kravitz in 1988...
Lenny Kravitz /Wam2
photo: AP Photo / Michael Caulfield

How Bollywood transformed the face of Indian cinema
Full Article BBC News
01 Jun 2013

This month marks the centenary of Indian cinema. Over the last 100 years Mumbai's Hindi film industry - known as Bollywood - has become the biggest and best known of India's production centres. When the Bollywood actor Amrish Puri played the villainous Mola Ram in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom the director - Steven Spielberg -...

India School Girls Performs Dance at Red Road in Kolkata on 12 October 2011 in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Tatum wants to be ‘male Jennifer Lawrence’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
31 May 2013

Channing Tatum looks up to Jennifer Lawrence so much he “wouldn’t mind” being her male counterpart. The 33-year-old former stripper rose to fame in dance movie Step Up and has carved out an acting career taking on the role of the Hollywood hunk in films like Magic Mike and G.I. Joe: Retaliation. The actor now says he’s interested in pursuing deeper... Tatum Lawrence
Channing Tatum speaking at the 2012 WonderCon in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Johnny Depp leaves Whitey Bulger biopic ‘Black Mass’
Full Article Celebrity Café
30 May 2013

Johnny Depp has one less project on his packed slate today. The actor has reportedly left Barry Levinson’s Whitey Bulger biopic Black Mass over a contract dispute. At first, Deadline reported that his deal to star in the movie appeared to be falling... Mass Depp
U.S actor Johnny Depp poses with fans as he arrives for the European Premiere of The Rum Diary, at a London cinema, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/Joel Ryan)
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

'The East,' Starring Brit Marling And Ellen Page, Is Satisfying Thriller
Full Article Huffington Post
30 May 2013

LOS ANGELES — A social-conscience espionage film that has actually thought about its "eco-terrorism" themes beyond figuring out how to mine them for suspense, "The East" sends a straight-laced overachiever undercover with a violent eco-vigilante group. Zal Batmanglij and cowriter/star Brit Marling deliver a consistently tense, morally alert... Marling Page East
Ellen Page
photo: AP / Michael A. Mariant

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger takes his oath of office as his wife Maria Shriver looks on in Sacramento (Foto vom 05.01.07).
photo: AP / Steve Yeater

Brolin kills for Inherent Vice role
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 May 2013

Josh Brolin is the latest actor to join the star-studded cast of Paul Thomas Anderson's Inherent Vice. The Gangster Squad actor is set to star alongside Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon and Owen Wilson in the big-screen adaptation of Thomas Pynchon's detective novel, reported Deadline. Sean Penn is also considering a part in the film, while...``
Josh Brolin
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2009 file photo, director Steven Soderbergh participates in a news conference for the film "The Informant" during the Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, file)
photo: AP / Evan Agostini, file

Japan's Abe stresses deregulation is priority for growth
Full Article The Guardian
03 Jun 2013

By Kaori Kaneko YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe emphasised on Monday that deregulation is the priority for the nation's growth strategy and aimed to push forward his economic policies. Abe, speaking to reporters after the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) held in the city of Yokohama near...
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, makes a speech at the beginning of Japan-Africa summit meeting on United Nations Security Council reform at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in Yokohama, near Tokyo, Monday, June 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Toru Yamanaka

Mario Draghi defends ECB's bond buying plan
Full Article BBC News
03 Jun 2013

Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), has defended its bond-buying programme. The plan, dubbed Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs), allows the ECB to buy bonds of eurozone member countries to bring down their...
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi answers a question from a participant at the International Monetary Conference in Shanghai, China, Monday, June 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Apple fights US charges over e-book price-fixing
Full Article BBC News
03 Jun 2013

Technology giant Apple is to begin its defence against charges by the US government that it tried to fix the prices of e-books. The iPad-maker is accused of working with publishers in 2009 to set prices in an effort to compete in the e-book market dominated by Amazon. Quotes from Steve Jobs' official...
iPad Camera Connection Kit
photo: Creative Commons / Yutaka Tsutano

Rupert Murdoch is now an old man on a lonely throne at News Corp
Full Article The Guardian
02 Jun 2013

In his 80s, with no clear successor, the media mogul and his spun-off newpaper operation are in a precarious position Rupert Murdoch unveiled his 'new News Corp' last week. Photograph: Ian West/PA Matthew Parris went to the Orwell prizegiving the other day and suddenly saw red. Chris Mullin MP was giving a speech lauding fine investigative...
File - From left, Rupert Murdoch and wife Wendi Deng Murdoch arrive at the 2013 Vanity Fair Oscars Viewing and After Party on Sunday, Feb. 24 2013 at the Sunset Plaza Hotel in West Hollywood, Calif.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Despite series of scandals, China backs Hong Kong leader
Full Article Reuters
02 Jun 2013

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying is facing fresh uncertainty over the political support he has from China after his campaign manager and close ally quit the cabinet last month because of a police investigation into his commodities trading business. It was the latest in a series of scandals to hit Leung since he took office...
Hong Kong's Chief Executive-elect Leung Chun-ying, right, and his wife Regina shake hands with supporters during a flag raising ceremony to mark the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China, Sunday, July 1, 2012, in Hong Kong.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Hagel mixes business and memories in Asia trip
Full Article The Guardian
02 Jun 2013

LOLITA C. BALDOR Associated Press= SINGAPORE (AP) — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's first trip to Asia as Pentagon chief has been a bit of a walk down memory lane for the former infantry soldier. Forty-five years ago, as the Vietnam war raged on, Army Spc. Hagel and Nguyen Tan Dung were on opposite sides of combat...
Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel testifies before the House Armed Services Committee on the fiscal year 2014 National Defense Authorization Budget Request at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C., April 11, 2013. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey and Under Secretary of Defense-Comptroller Robert Hale joined Hagel for the testimony. (DoD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo)(Released)
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Sensex up 56 points during the week
Full Article The Hindu
01 Jun 2013

The S&P BSE benchmark Sensex ended higher by 56 points at 19,760.30 despite fag-end selling from operators in the wake of GDP falling to decade’s low and fading rate cut hopes with the RBI governor Subbarao stating that inflation was still...
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor D. Subbarao adressing a press conference at Grand Place in Srinagar on Thursday 09, May 2013.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

China manufacturing stronger than expected in May
Full Article South China Morning Post
01 Jun 2013

China’s official PMI rose to 50.8 in May from 50.6 in April, data showed on Saturday, beating market expectations and raising optimism that the world’s second-largest economy may be stabilising. Investors will get a fuller picture of the Chinese economy on Monday when the official services PMI is released along with the final HSBC survey that...

A worker looks at a newly built apartment complex in Shanghai, China, Thursday May 11, 2006 .
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Al-Nakba - Episode 1
Al-Nakba - Episode 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:25
  • Updated: 08 May 2013
"The Nakba did not begin in 1948. Its origins lie over two centuries ago...." So begins this four-part series on the 'nakba', meaning the 'catastrophe', about the history of the Palestinian exodus that led to the first Arab-Israeli War in 1948 and the establishment of the state of Israel. This sweeping history starts back in 1799 with Napoleon's attempted advance into Palestine to check British expansion and his appeal to the Jews of the world to reclaim their land in league with France. The narrative moves through the 19th century and into the 20th century with the British Mandate in Palestine and comes right up to date in the 21st century and the ongoing 'nakba' on the ground. Arab, Israeli and Western intellectuals, historians and eye-witnesses provide the central narrative which is accompanied by archive material and documents, many only recently released for the first time.
  • published: 08 May 2013
  • views: 8430

The European Flood Awareness System
The European Flood Awareness System
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:05
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2012
The disastrous floods in Elbe and Danube rivers confronted in 2002 the European Commission with non-coherent flood warning information from different sources and of variable quality, making planning and organization of aid difficult. Thus, the Commission initiated the development of a European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) which is now going operational. EFAS has been developed and tested at the Joint Research Centre, the Commission's in house science service, in close collaboration with the National hydrological and meteorological services, European Civil Protection and other research institutes. For more info visit: or
  • published: 26 Jun 2012
  • views: 663

'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it's grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey's Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 42805'Most_violent_in_years'_Istanbul_protests_spread_across_Turkey

Watch President Obama on Syria, Closing Guantanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins
Watch President Obama on Syria, Closing Guantanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:59
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2013
President Barack Obama suggested Tuesday he'd consider military action against Syria if it can be confirmed that President Bashar Assad's government used chemical weapons in the two-year-old civil war. At a White House news conference, the president also defended the FBI's work in monitoring the activities in recent years of one of the men accused in the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon. In addition he took questions on health care, the closing of Guantanamo Bay detention center and immigration and also commented on the strength of NBA center Jason Collins for coming out as the first gay athlete in a major U.S. men's sports league.
  • published: 30 Apr 2013
  • views: 9663,_Closing_Guantanamo,_Boston,_Health_Care_and_Jason_Collins

Death Toll Rises in Midwest Storms
Death Toll Rises in Midwest Storms
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:05
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
Emergency officials set out Saturday morning to see how much damage a violent burst of thunderstorms and tornadoes caused as it swept across the Midwest overnight, killing at least nine and injuring dozens. (June 1)
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 1179

'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it's grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey's Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 42805'Most_violent_in_years'_Istanbul_protests_spread_across_Turkey

Syria Assad and Hezbollah Attack Rebel Stronghold Qusair Heavy Fighting
Syria Assad and Hezbollah Attack Rebel Stronghold Qusair Heavy Fighting
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 23 May 2013
Disclaimer: This section is a section to document events that occur in Syria, and not to encourage violence.18+ Adults Only - Warning - Contains Graphic Images and language. Some images in this video may be disturbing for some viewers. - Not for Shock - This video is for educational purposes and documents Crimes Against Humanity committed by Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad
 Regime and his forces Syrian Arab Army and Shabiha Militia. And historical events of Syrian Civil War against dictator Bashar al Assad. Video is not to shock our viewers or to encourage violence; just want to document what is happening in Syria. Qusair 5-19-13 Homs القصير قصف عنيف جدا بالطيران الحربي وبكافة انواع الاسلحة الصواريخ Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and Syrian soldiers, backed by air strikes and artillery, renewed an offensive aimed at driving Syrian rebels from the town of Qusair near the Lebanese border on Tuesday, opposition activists said. They said fighting was raging in Qusair, as well as in areas to the east where several army bases are located, and in the Hezbollah-held southern and western approaches to the town. One activist, Tareq Murei said rebel brigades in the north and west of Qusair were trying to repel the latest attacks, in which three residents had been killed, bringing the number of rebel and civilian deaths in the last 48 hours to more than 100.
  • published: 23 May 2013
  • views: 1887

Role of US-led allies in Iraq violence
Role of US-led allies in Iraq violence
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:50
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
The body count keeps rising: More than 500 people have been killed in May. And April: the deadliest month since June 2008, the death toll at more than 700. T...

Iran holds first presidential debate
Iran holds first presidential debate
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:08
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
Days after two high-profile politicians were excluded from Iran's Presidential election, the eight remaining candidates have faced off against each other in a televised debate. For more than two hours the men discussed their ailing economy and how they would deal with UN sanctions. The vote itself will be on June 14th. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports.
  • published: 31 May 2013
  • views: 3749

Hagel warns China on cyberattacks [Slide Show]
Hagel warns China on cyberattacks [Slide Show]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:26
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
Hagel warns China on cyberattacks
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 4 Slide_Show

5/19/2013 Deadly Oklahoma Extreme Tornado Video
5/19/2013 Deadly Oklahoma Extreme Tornado Video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Updated: 20 May 2013
Brandon Sullivan and his crew documented multiple strong to deadly violent tornadoes today across central Oklahoma. The first shot is approx 2 miles west of Shawnee, OK.. Brandon said this was some of the most violent motion he has ever witnessed and you could hear the roaring motion as the tornado tears across the land.. This tornado then went on to cause significant damage in Shawnee, Oklahoma.. The second clip is from approximately 4 miles west of Shawnee, Oklahoma and is a powerful multi vortex/wedge tornado.... The third and fourth clips are from near Luther, Oklahoma.. This storm produced the tornado near Edmond, OK earlier in the day.. The final clip is the cone tornado near Edmond, OK earlier in the day.
  • published: 20 May 2013
  • views: 1458544

'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
'Most violent in years': Istanbul protests spread across Turkey
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it's grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party. For more RT talks to Denis Er-Gurel - the general secretary of Turkey's Media Association. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: PHOTO GALLERY: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 42805'Most_violent_in_years'_Istanbul_protests_spread_across_Turkey

Obama announces 2014 NATO summit on Afghanistan
Obama announces 2014 NATO summit on Afghanistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:27
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
  • published: 31 May 2013
  • views: 65

Seconds From Disaster - Fukushima [Documentary] -
Seconds From Disaster - Fukushima [Documentary] -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:47
  • Updated: 15 Feb 2013
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (Fukushima Dai-ichi ( pronunciation) genshiryoku hatsudensho jiko?) was a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011.[5][6] It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, and only the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.[7] The plant comprises six separate boiling water reactors originally designed by General Electric (GE), and maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). At the time of the quake, Reactor 4 had been de-fueled while 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance.[8] Immediately after the earthquake, the remaining reactors 1-3 shut down automatically, and emergency generators came online to power electronics and coolant systems. However the tsunami following the earthquake quickly flooded the low-lying rooms in which the emergency generators were housed. The flooded generators failed, cutting power to the critical pumps that must continuously circulate coolant water through a nuclear reactor for several days in order to keep it from melting down after being shut down. As the pumps stopped, the reactors overheated due to the normal high radioactive decay heat produced in the first few days after nuclear reactor shutdown (smaller amounts of this heat normally continue to be released for years, but are not enough to cause fuel melting). At this point, only prompt flooding of the reactors with seawater could have cooled the reactors quickly enough to prevent meltdown. Salt water flooding was delayed because it would ruin the costly reactors permanently. Flooding with seawater was finally commenced only after the government ordered that seawater be used, and at this point it was already too late to prevent meltdown.[9] As the water boiled away in the reactors and the water levels in the fuel rod pools dropped, the reactor fuel rods began to overheat severely, and to melt down. In the hours and days that followed, Reactors 1, 2 and 3 experienced full meltdown.[10][11] In the intense heat and pressure of the melting reactors, a reaction between the nuclear fuel metal cladding and the remaining water surrounding them produced explosive hydrogen gas. As workers struggled to cool and shut down the reactors, several hydrogen-air chemical explosions occurred.[12][13] Concerns about the repeated small explosions, the atmospheric venting of radioactive gasses, and the possibility of larger explosions led to a 20 km (12 mi)-radius evacuation around the plant. During the early days of the accident workers were temporarily evacuated at various times for radiation safety reasons. At the same time, sea water that had been exposed to the melting rods was returned to the sea[citation needed] heated and radioactive in large volumes[citation needed] for several months until recirculating units could be put in place to repeatedly cool and re-use a limited quantity of water for cooling. The earthquake damage and flooding in the wake of the tsunami hindered external assistance. Electrical power was slowly restored for some of the reactors, allowing for automated cooling.[14] Japanese officials initially assessed the accident as Level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) despite the views of other international agencies that it should be higher. The level was later raised to 5 and eventually to 7, the maximum scale value.[15][16] The Japanese government and TEPCO have been criticized in the foreign press for poor communication with the public and improvised cleanup efforts.[17][18][19] On 20 March, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced that the plant would be decommissioned once the crisis was over. All Videos Are Owned By Their Respective Owners. Used Under Fair Use: Fair Use Notice: The material on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of scientific, environmental, economic, social justice and human rights issues etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have an interest in using the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The information on this site does not constitute legal or technical advice.
  • published: 15 Feb 2013
  • views: 14326 Documentary __NuclearAdvisorcom

Syrian Army In Front-Line Scenes Attacking FSA Rebels |  Syria War 2013 HD
Syrian Army In Front-Line Scenes Attacking FSA Rebels | Syria War 2013 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:32
  • Updated: 02 Jun 2013
This Video with English Subtitles: More Videos of Syria on My Channel! Like us on FB :|__Syria_War_2013_HD

An Iraqi policeman and civilians inspect the site of a car bomb attack in Basra, Iraq, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Iraqi authorities say two car bombs have killed several people and wounded scores of others in the country's south. Two police officials said that the first blast took place near a parking lot near the Tax Department in the center of Basra. Fifteen minutes later, a second bomb went off near an outdoor market in another part of the oil-rich city. Indiana Pacers Roy Hibbert protects the ball from an oncoming defender during the Pacers round one playoff game against the Atlanta Hawks on April 29, 2013 at the Philips Arena. Wheat food grain - crop - agricultural product Fresh coconut or 'buco' juice vendors have push carts filled with coconuts.

farmers working for wheat crop threshing in a farm field - India Indian Crickter Sachin Tendulekar Celebrates his 40th Birthday with his wife Anjali Tendulkar at Kolkata on Wednesday 23 April 2013 Soil in the farm field - soil fertility Plastic pouches of gutka ( tobacco) on the hand cart in the city of India

Ivan Marquez, center, chief negotiator for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, is accompanied by fellow members of his team, from left, Marco Leon Calarca, Ricardo Tellez, Pablo Catatumbo, Tanja Nijmeijer and Jesus Santrich, during the peace talks with Colombia's government in Havana, Cuba, Sunday, May 26, 2013. Lazio German forward Miroslav Klose walks on the pitch during a Serie A soccer match between Lazio and Genoa at Rome's Olympic stadium, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. Laptop computer - Facebook - Social media View of rainforest from top - dense trees - environment

UN General Assembly approves Syria resolution  CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer (left), President of US Soccer Dr Robert Contiguglia, OC President Franz Beckenbauer and OC Vice President Wolfgang Niersbach, during the 29th leg of the Welcome Tour on 23 February 2006, in New York´s Gotham Airbus A319-131 - British Airways Peru's former President Alberto Fujimori enters the courtroom for his trial at a police base in Lima, Monday, Dec. 17, 2007.

The Prime Minister of Australia, Ms. Julia Gillard. Samantha Stosur at the 2010 US Open.  KLps1 - May 07 - Perth,Australia - Hay Street - Shopping Street - Shoppers - Booming Economy - Tourism - City Shopping. (ps1)  Instant coffee
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Now, as we all know, good often proceeds from apparent evil, and the reverse." -Nasrudin Unlike the British and French military...
The Independent
Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, did not mince her words. The deadly Sars-like virus that has spread in recent months from the Middle East to...

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seen during a funeral ceremony for Serafettin Elci, a prominent Turkish Kurdish politician and a former minister, at the parliament in Ankara
Turkey’s Prime Minister has rejected claims from protesters, who have taken to the streets across the country over the past two days, that he is an authoritarian leader, as thousands of people marched and reoccupied the centre of Istanbul. Protesters...
photo: AP / Burhan Ozbilici
A red cross worker pulls a boat through the flooded centre of Passau, southern Germany, Monday, June 3, 2013.
Officials across central Europe issued disaster warnings and scrambled to reinforce flood defences as rivers swelled by days of heavy rain threatened to burst their banks. Several people have died or are missing in the floods in Germany, the Czech...
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader
Smoke rises from the remains of a destroyed home in Lake Hughes, Calif., on Sunday, June 2, 2013.
REED SAXON Associated Press= LOS ANGELES (AP) — A wildfire that destroyed at least six homes, damaged 15 others and threatened hundreds more grew quickly Sunday as it triggered evacuations for nearly 3,000 people and burned dangerously close to...
photo: AP / Reed Saxon
Free Syrian Army fighter carry the body of their comrade away from the front line during clashes against Syrian Army in Aleppo, Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012.
VOA News Syrian rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad appear to have fought a rare battle inside Lebanon, exchanging fire with members of pro-Assad Lebanese group Hezbollah. Lebanese security sources said the fighting happened early Sunday near...
photo: AP / Manu Brabo
Sanmin Rd. Sec. 3,Taichung City,Taiwan
A strong earthquake jolted Taiwan on Sunday, killing one person and injuring at least 18 others and causing panicked shoppers to rush out of a shaking multi-storey department store, officials said. Another earthquake jolted the southern Philippines...
photo: Creative Commons / Howard61313 at zh.wikipedia
In this Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 photo made available on Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012, Britain's Prince Harry examines the cockpit of an Apache attack helicopter with an unidentified member of his squadron, at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, where he starts his tour of duty as a co-pilot gunner.
LONDONBritish police say a homeless man has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Prince Harry. The Metropolitan Police said Sunday that 30-year-old Ashraf Islam, of no fixed address, was charged May 25 with threatening kill the prince "contrary...
photo: AP / John Stillwell
FILE - In this Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 file photo, riot police form a cordon as several thousand supporters of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi surround the Supreme Constitutional Court to prevent the judges from entering and ruling on the legitimacy of the nation's Islamist-dominated constituent assembly. Egypt's highest court ruled on Sunday, June 2, 2013
CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court has ruled that the nation's Islamist-dominated legislature and constitutional panel were illegally elected. Sunday's ruling by the Supreme Constitutional Court also said that the legislature must be dissolved when...
photo: AP / Ahmad Hammad