(19 min, 1935)
A professor bets that he can turn the stooges into gentlemen. After many attempts to teach them etiquette, he brings them to a fancy society party. The stooges new found manners don't last very long, and the party quickly degenerates.
rudy dan

3 Stooges rudy dan, jav77, mearns. April 1996
ska [ skä ]
Popular music originating in Jamaica during the 1960s, having elements of rhythm and blues, jazz, and calypso. Marked by a fast tempo and a strongly accented offbeat.
A precursor to Reggae.
zine also 'zine [ zeen ]
Any inexpensively produced, self-published, underground publication.
[abbrev. of magazine]

This site intended for those involved, those yet to inquire, and for those who never even cared.

#1, 1/96
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#4, 6/97
#5, 3/98
#006, 6/99
#7, 11/01
#8, 8/03

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