Posts tagged USD

Daily Briefing—27th Aug 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: ACLU, Afghanistan, Andrew Bacevich, Ben Bernanke, CIA, civil liberites, climate change, drug patents, economic crisis, FEMA, Gaza, Hamid Karzai, Hurricane Katrina, India, Iraq War, Johann Hari, Kashmir, Mahmoud Abbas, mortgage crisis, Netanyahu, Obama Administration, PA, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, prison rape, protectionism, Robert Gates, Scott Horton, South Africa, torture, Troy Davis, USD, World Bank

Evening Briefing—24 Aug 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: ACLU, Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, Allison Kilkenny, ANA, anarchism, ASF, Ban Ki-moon, Carol Rosenberg, Catholicism, China, CIA, civilian casualties, corporatism, Darian Worden, David Petraeus, DEA, Death Penalty, domestic surveillance, drug war, ebonics, FBI, financial crisis, Fred Branfman, Gary Shteyngart, ghettoization, Guantanamo Bay, Gulf oil spill, Hamid Karzai, Hezbollah, India, Iraq, Iraq election, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iyad Allwai, Jack Hunter, Jacob Zuma, Jonathon Capehart, JPY, Kevin Carson, land grabbing, Lebanon, New York, Northern Ireland, Nouri al-Maliki, NY Times, racism, Robert Naiman, sliced bagel tax, social networking, South Africa, Steve Jobs, Switzerland, Troy Davis, UK, USD, USDEUR, USDJPY, Vatican, Venezuela, Warfare and Conflict, Wilson Boozer, yen

Daily Briefing—18th Aug 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, ANP, Austrian Economics, Big Pharma, China, Colombia, Cordoba House, David Petraeus, dot com bubble, DR Congo, economic crisis, France, free press, government transparency, Ground Zero Mosque, Haiti, ICC, Iceland, illegal immigration, Illinois, Iran, Iraq, Iraq War, Israel, Jonathan Cook, Justin Raimondo, Keynesianism, Kyrgyzstan, Latin America, M. Junaid Levesque-Alam, Madagascar, media, Milburn Line, mortgage crisis, Nancy Pelosi, New York, Obama Administration, odious debt, OIC, Osama bin Laden, Pakistan, PSCs, public opinion, Rod Blagojevich, Rohit Chopra, Secure Communities, South Africa, South Korea, Spencer Ackerman, Timothy Geithner, United States, USD, Vincent Fernando, war crimes, Warfare and Conflict, Wikileaks, Yousaf Raza Gilani, Zionism

Daily Briefing—11th Aug 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: 14th Amendment, Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, ANC, ANP, Blackwater, Bush tax cuts, Calfornia, China, civil liberties, climate change, COIN, Colombia, counterinsurgency, Czech Republic, DPRK, economic crisis, FARC, fascism, Federal Reserve, fiat money, Flynt Leverett, free press, Freedom Flotilla, Gareth Porter, Gaza, Gaza blockade, global warming, Greenland, Guantanamo Bay, Hillary Mann Leverett, home foreclosures, HUD, humanitarian aid, IDF, illegal immigration, imperialism, India, Iran, Iraq, Iraq War, Israel, Ivan Eland, Japan, Jeff Stein, Jeffrey Goldberg, journalism, Justice Department, Kashmir, labor unions, Lebanon, Lew Rockwell, Manmohan Singh, Mavi Marmara, Mehdi Karroubi, national debt, North Korea, Obama Administration, Omar Khadr, Pakistan, PCHR, private military contractors, right to strike, Ron Paul, solar energy, South Africa, State Department, Tim Arango, trade deficit, US citizenship, USD, Venezuela, War, War on Terror, West Bank, yen

Daily Briefing—10th Aug 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: ACLU, Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, Ahmed Moor, AMISOM, BP, Carol Rosenberg, CCR, Chicago, civil liberties, civilian casualties, climate, climate change, criminal justice, democracy, DNA, drug war, EUR, euro, Federal Reserve, George Donnelly, global warming, Gulf oil spill, ICE, India, Iran, Israel, Kashmir, Leslie Lefkow, Los Angeles, Maria Burnett, marijuana, Mel Frykberg, Mexico, Netanyahu, Omar Khadr, protectionism, Robert Gates, sales tax, Sharia Law, Somalia, Taliban, Uganda, USD, war spending, Wikileaks, Zionism

Daily Briefing—26th July 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: ACLU, Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, African Union, AFRICOM, AIG, airstrikes, Al Shabaab, Amira Hass, AMISOM, Amnesty International, AU, Boeing, BP, Bradley Manning, Bronwyn Bruton, Charlie Rangel, China, Citigroup, civilian casualties, COIN, Conn Halliman, counterinsurgency, David Goldman, David Kramer, Dennis Kucinich, DHS, drones, Duch, economic sanctions, Egypt, EU, Ezra Klein, Fallujah, Fatah, FinReg, Gaza, Goldman Sachs, Hamas, Horn of Africa, Human Rights Watch, ICC, ICE, ICJ, illegal immigration, India, Iran, ISI, Japan, Johann Hari, Julian Assange, Kashmir, Khmer Rouge, Lehman Brothers, Libya, Lockerbie bomber, Lockheed MArtin, Mike mUlleen, military industrial complex, NATO, Northop Gruman, nuclear weapons, Obama Administration, Pakistan, Patrick Cockburn, payday loans, Rafah, renminbi, Ron Paul, Somalia, TFG, The Hague, Tony Blair, UK, USD, West Bank, Wikileaks, yuan

Evening Briefing–22rd July 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: Al Shabaab, Amnesty International, Andrew Breitbart, AntiWar radio, Anwar al-Awlaki, Bernie Sanders, capital, Chicago Police, China, China oil spill, Chris Floyd, cop killing, corporatism, David Friedman, deficit spending, DHS, DR Congo, DRC, drug war, ER, euro, extrajudicial assassination, failed staes, financial reform, Financial Times, FinReg, FOX News, Freedom Flotilla, Gaza blockade, gold mining, Hillary Clinton, Human Rights Watch, hyperinflation, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iraq War, Israel, Israel lobby, Japan, Jeremy Scahill, John Feffer, Kashmir, Kim Zetter, Kosovo, labor, libertarian, military, NAACP, national debt, Netanyahu, Nick Clegg, NPT, Obama Administration, Pakistan, parenting, police, police brutality, Rachel Maddow, Radley Balko, rape kits, Sarah Tofte, Scott Horton, secession, Shirley Sherrod, Simon Jenkins, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Stefan Molyneux, Stephen Walt, Steven Horowitz, Stonehenge, Top Secret America, torture, UN, UN Security Council, unemployment, UNSC, unschooling, USD, USDA, Wall Street, Wendy McElroy, William Astore, Yemen

Evening Briefing—15th July 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: Afghan Taliban, airstrikes, Al Shabaab, anarchism, Argentina, BP, Cambodia, China, Clarence Thomas, Congo, corporate fraud, Cory Doctorow, debt default, Dian Chu, DIY, Doug Bandow, DRC, drones, economy, EUR, euro, Foxconn, Gareth Porter, gay marriage, GE, Goldman Sachs, Gregory White, Gulf oil spill, Haqqani Network, home foreclosures, Honda, ICC, Iceland, Illinois, India, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Jeffrey Immelt, John Pilger, JPY, Jundallah, Kashmir, labor unions, marijuana, Mark Frauenfelder, Netherlands, Pakistan, Panama, SEC, Sistan-Baluchistan, Somalia, Stefan Molyneux, tasers, terrorism, Tonkin Gulf, UAE, Uganda, UN, unemployment, USD, Vatican City, Vietnam War, Wall Street, war crimes, yen

Evening Briefing—7th July 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: Abu Dhabi, Afghanistan, anarchism, blowback, BP, brainpolice2, Bushehr, China, CIA, corporatism, Costa Rica, Cuba, drug war, economic crisis, economics, espionage, Federal Reserve, Gaza blockade, Germany, Glenn Greenwald, gold, Guantanamo Bay, Gulf oil spill, Henry Kissinger, imperialism, India, Iran, Israel, Kashmir, Manuel Noriega, marijuana, Marjorie Cohn, marketing, NATO, Netanyahu, Nigeria, Nixon Administration, Noah Shachtman, Obama, Obama Administration, oil, political prisoners, politics, pot, PSYOPS, public opinion, RAND Corporation, renminbi, Russia, Spencer Ackerman, Stefan Molyneux, Stephen Walt, Tony Hayward, torture, UAE, US, USD

Evening Briefing—29th June 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: ACLU, Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, airstrikes, Andrew Clark, Avigdor Liberman, BitTorrent, Chicago Police, Colombia, copyright, David Cameron, David Petraeus, DHS, drones, economy, Ecuador, espionage, extrajudicial assassinations, file sharing, FinReg, free press, Gaza, global economic crisis, Homeland Security, human trafficking, Iran, Iraq, Jack Hunter, Jon Burge, Karl Eikenberry, Kashmir, Lond Police, Mitsubishi, National Pork Board, Noam Chomsky, Obama Administration, Pakistan, police brutality, Royal Dutch Shell, Rules of Engagement, Russia, SCOTUS, soft, Susan Antilla, Thalif Deen, The Southern Avenger,, Toronto G20 Summit, Toronto Police, torture, trademark, UN, US dollar, USD, Washington lobbyists, West Bank