Conrad Murray Trial..Kenny Ortega.. (Part 1)
Conrad Murray Trial..Kenny Ortega.. (Part 1)
Beginning of Kenny Ortega's testimony..
Conrad Murray trial: Cardiologist claims Murray was negligent
Conrad Murray trial: Cardiologist claims Murray was negligent
Dr Alon Steinberg has given evidence in the trial of Dr Conrad Murray charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson assistant testifies at Conrad Murray's trial
Michael Jackson assistant testifies at Conrad Murray's trial
Assistant Michael Amir Williams at Dr. Conrad Murray's trial, claiming the doctor wanted him to return to the singer's house to retrieve a "cream". . Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 5, part 1
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 5, part 1
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 5 - 03.10.2011
Conrad Murray Trial..Opening Statement by Prosecution..Sept. 27, 2011.. (Part 1)
Conrad Murray Trial..Opening Statement by Prosecution..Sept. 27, 2011.. (Part 1)
Opening statement by Prosecution..Sept. 27, 2011.. Conrad Murray Trial..
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23, part 1
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23, part 1
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23 - 03.11.2011 Judge Michael Pastor reading jurors instructions Jurors instructions in written: cnninsession.files.wordpress.com
Michael Jackson trial: Dr Conrad Murray 'did not administer propofol correctly'
Michael Jackson trial: Dr Conrad Murray 'did not administer propofol correctly'
Anaesthetist Dr Shafer tells the court in Los Angeles that Dr Conrad Murray did not administer propofol correctly to the popstar
JACKSON TRIAL: Dr Conrad Murray's answers 'didn't add up'
JACKSON TRIAL: Dr Conrad Murray's answers 'didn't add up'
Paramedic Richard Senneff tells the court of his surprise when Dr Conrad Murray said Michael Jackson did not have any medical issues. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com
Dr. Conrad Murray Trial DAY 3, MJ's personal chef testifies
Dr. Conrad Murray Trial DAY 3, MJ's personal chef testifies
DAY 3 Dr. Conrad Murray Trial Michael Jackson's personal cook testifies. ...testimony continues with cross examination here: www.youtube.com
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 6, part 2
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 6, part 2
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 6 - 04.10.2011
Conrad Murray Trial - Strange Girlfriend
Conrad Murray Trial - Strange Girlfriend
Some 'interesting' testimony from the girlfriend of former Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray is discussed by Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks. The Young Turks on Current TV: current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly
JACKSON TRIAL: Conrad Murray 'violated care'
JACKSON TRIAL: Conrad Murray 'violated care'
Anaesthetist and propofol expert, Dr Steven Shafer tells the court that Conrad Murray committed an egregious violation in his treatment of Michael Jackson. Report by Anna Drury. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com
Conrad Murray Trial 2011: Michael Jackson Family Front Row Seat
Conrad Murray Trial 2011: Michael Jackson Family Front Row Seat
Conrad Murray goes on trial in Los Angeles charged with causing the death of The King of Pop. *Subscribe: bit.ly
Number Theory - Conrad Murray Trial - Michael J Jackson is Alive Part 4
Number Theory - Conrad Murray Trial - Michael J Jackson is Alive Part 4
Number Theory - Dr. Conrad Murray Trial - Michael Jackson Death Hoax - Part 4 Michael Jackson is Alive! - Death hoax If this trial had been 100% real, there is no way those number could have fallen perfectly into place like that. Someone did this by design. Please leave a comment with your thoughts! Happy 111111 Love you! :) Please comment and if you would like to watch my future videos, please subscribe. I love you all! Be God's glow and a force for light like Michael! There is endless symbolism that Michael could have faked his death shown in his work, his hobbies and all aspects of his life. If he did this, I believe it was for a strong purpose which I will try to explain through videos. Non believers are just discovering things about Robert Earl Carter / Dr. Conrad Murray that Believers have known all along. Links to earlier Murray videos: To Kill A Mockingbird- MJ's artistic inspiration with Murray www.youtube.com Conrad Murray's background - Robert Earl Carter www.youtube.com Murray starts in court with preliminary hearing www.youtube.com This video and all of the videos I have made in 2011 are for advanced followers of Michael's death. Please watch my earlier videos first or you will not understand this. Beginners: If you are just getting started, and wondering if Michael faked his death, I would recommend that you watch: JonellStarTV and the first 10-20 videos from PianoGames. If you want to watch MY videos: start with the "Thriller 2" playlist and watch them in <b>...</b>
Conrad Murray-Trial - Day 15-Session 2
Conrad Murray-Trial - Day 15-Session 2
2011.10.21 - Conrad Murray-Trial - Day 15-Session 2 (TMZ) Case againt Conrad Murray, the murderer of Michael Jackson DOWNLOAD Better quality: Original Stream (TMZ): mir.cr
Conrad Murray Trial Analysis-- 6 Reasons That May Confirm a DEATH HOAX
Conrad Murray Trial Analysis-- 6 Reasons That May Confirm a DEATH HOAX
Something was just not right in the case of People VS Conrad Murray. There are six reasons why I believe that the trial confirms that this situation is a DEATH HOAX. Reason 1: WRONG DATES--Why can't the court get any IMPORTANT dates right? Why are there typos and incorrect dates EVERYWHERE in this trial? Reason 2: CORRECT COURT PROCEDURES--What is the correct procedure when it comes to the way a verdict is read? Why did Judge Michael Pastor not follow the procedures done as in other trials? Can a Juror correct a mistake on his/her own? Reason 3: RISING IN COURT--What is common when it comes to reading the verdict in a trial. Isn't the defendant suppossed to STAND UP?!?!? Reason 4: NAMES-What is Michael Jackson's middle name? Is it Joseph or JOE? Well evidence suggests that his middle name is Joe as it is explained in Jermaine Jackson's current book "You Are Not Alone- Through a Brother's Eyes". There is other proof that his middle name is JOE as well. If the court has an incorrection in a trial, the verdict is liable to be tossed out!!! Reason 5: HANDCUFF PROCEDURE--What is the correct procedure when handcuffing a prisoner or convicted felon? Should they be in a seated position or standing? Reason 6: PHOTOSHOPPED AUTOPSY PHOTO--Despite other visual reasons why the autopsy photo is a clear fake, there is also a confirmation from a computer program that the AUTOPSY PHOTO IS A FAKE. Decide for yourselves. I have done extensive research for over a period of two years. Despite <b>...</b>
Conrad Murray Verdict in Michael Jackson Trial -- GUILTY
Conrad Murray Verdict in Michael Jackson Trial -- GUILTY
Dr. Conrad Murray has been found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
Conrad Murray trial. Mr Walgren-closing argument for the people. 03/11/11
Conrad Murray trial. Mr Walgren-closing argument for the people. 03/11/11
MR WALGREN IS ON FIRE! JUSTICE FOR MJ. BEST TRIBUTE TO MJ EVER!!!! video courtesy of abc/fox news