- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 133873
- author: engineerguyvideo

How a lead-acid battery works
Bill explains the essential principles of a lead-acid battery. He shows the inside of moto...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: engineerguyvideo
How a lead-acid battery works
How a lead-acid battery works
Bill explains the essential principles of a lead-acid battery. He shows the inside of motorcycle lead-acid battery, removes the lead and lead-oxide plates an...- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 133873
- author: engineerguyvideo

Repair Lead Acid Battery with Epsom Salt
i forgot i had this little Sealed Lead Acid Battery (Absorbed Glass Mat) and just found it...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: Rinoa Super-Genius
Repair Lead Acid Battery with Epsom Salt
Repair Lead Acid Battery with Epsom Salt
i forgot i had this little Sealed Lead Acid Battery (Absorbed Glass Mat) and just found it today. i decided to test out epsom salt on it since i've heard it ...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 317
- author: Rinoa Super-Genius

Sealed Lead Acid Battery Recovery
http://screwdecaf.cx/da_pimp.html Mikey shows how to clean, open, refill, desulfate and te...
published: 03 Feb 2013
author: Mikey Sklar
Sealed Lead Acid Battery Recovery
Sealed Lead Acid Battery Recovery
http://screwdecaf.cx/da_pimp.html Mikey shows how to clean, open, refill, desulfate and test a totally dead sealed lead acid battery. - UPS (Uninterruptible ...- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 54733
- author: Mikey Sklar

Working Principle of Lead Acid Battery
This video of Working Principle of Lead Acid Battery is uploaded by www.electrical4u.com....
published: 09 May 2013
author: S Ghosh
Working Principle of Lead Acid Battery
Working Principle of Lead Acid Battery
This video of Working Principle of Lead Acid Battery is uploaded by www.electrical4u.com.- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 1558
- author: S Ghosh

how to restore/repair a lead acid battery
this is how you repair a lead acid battery....
published: 15 Nov 2010
author: ils360
how to restore/repair a lead acid battery
how to restore/repair a lead acid battery
this is how you repair a lead acid battery.- published: 15 Nov 2010
- views: 216339
- author: ils360

How lead acid battery works. ✔
More details visit: http://www.techtrixinfo.com/ Plz Join Our Face Book Page. http://www.f...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: HowStuffWorks @Techtrixinfo.com
How lead acid battery works. ✔
How lead acid battery works. ✔
More details visit: http://www.techtrixinfo.com/ Plz Join Our Face Book Page. http://www.facebook.com/pages/TechTrixInfo/271447906234307.- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 8163
- author: HowStuffWorks @Techtrixinfo.com

How Lead Batteries are Made
Find out how lead batteries are made as we take a trip to the Superior Battery Manufacturi...
published: 20 Feb 2009
author: HowStuffWorks
How Lead Batteries are Made
How Lead Batteries are Made
Find out how lead batteries are made as we take a trip to the Superior Battery Manufacturing Company on Discovery Channel's "HowStuffWorks" show.- published: 20 Feb 2009
- views: 108482
- author: HowStuffWorks

DIY: Restoring Sealed Lead Acid Battery
this battery was very stubborn but its very stable now, so it was worth it. it was at 0.2 ...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: Rinoa Super-Genius
DIY: Restoring Sealed Lead Acid Battery
DIY: Restoring Sealed Lead Acid Battery
this battery was very stubborn but its very stable now, so it was worth it. it was at 0.2 volts when i first got it. if your wanting to baby your battery, us...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 21214
- author: Rinoa Super-Genius

The Secrets To Servicing Sealed Lead Acid Batteries with hidden service plugs by Walt Barrett
A free and full course on the proper servicing of the so called maintenance free sealed au...
published: 27 Aug 2011
author: Walt Barrett
The Secrets To Servicing Sealed Lead Acid Batteries with hidden service plugs by Walt Barrett
The Secrets To Servicing Sealed Lead Acid Batteries with hidden service plugs by Walt Barrett
A free and full course on the proper servicing of the so called maintenance free sealed automotive lead acid batteries. We can put you in business for free w...- published: 27 Aug 2011
- views: 37548
- author: Walt Barrett

Restoring a sealed lead acid battery
attempting to restore a sealed lead acid battery 5/11/13 doesn't look so good for this bat...
published: 08 May 2013
author: bam6972
Restoring a sealed lead acid battery
Restoring a sealed lead acid battery
attempting to restore a sealed lead acid battery 5/11/13 doesn't look so good for this battery. only holds about 9 volts and no capacity. might try charging ...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 558
- author: bam6972

Lead Battery Recycling
Find out how lead acid batteries are recycled and prepared for reuse in this clip from Dis...
published: 20 Feb 2009
author: HowStuffWorks
Lead Battery Recycling
Lead Battery Recycling
Find out how lead acid batteries are recycled and prepared for reuse in this clip from Discovery Channel's "HowStuffWorks" show.- published: 20 Feb 2009
- views: 131270
- author: HowStuffWorks

DIY Fixing Lead Acid Batteries
Previous battery repair video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJdPTLZees0
well here is an ...
published: 29 Oct 2013
DIY Fixing Lead Acid Batteries
DIY Fixing Lead Acid Batteries
Previous battery repair video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJdPTLZees0 well here is an abnormally long video detailing my process of restoring lead acid batteries. i may follow this up with a part two where i add epsom salt to the desulfated battery and see if the chemistry improves. first song and third song are from Jersey Devil for Playstation 1. 2nd song is from Ty The Tasmanian Tiger for the Playstation 2.- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 242

How To Add Water To Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
In this video I talk about how to extend the useful life of your sealed lead acid batterie...
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: Iain Portalupi
How To Add Water To Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
How To Add Water To Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
In this video I talk about how to extend the useful life of your sealed lead acid batteries by adding water to them. The biggest killer of sealed lead acid b...- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 5845
- author: Iain Portalupi

Battery Repair Bring your old Lead acid batteries back to l
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: rebecca hason
Battery Repair Bring your old Lead acid batteries back to l
Battery Repair Bring your old Lead acid batteries back to l
- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 1779
- author: rebecca hason
Youtube results:

Inside view of lead acid battery before and after desulfator
Here is a quick video that will show you what the lead plates look like in a typical sulfa...
published: 03 May 2012
author: njsharkracer
Inside view of lead acid battery before and after desulfator
Inside view of lead acid battery before and after desulfator
Here is a quick video that will show you what the lead plates look like in a typical sulfated lead acid battery and in a desulfated battery. This is an excel...- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 35794
- author: njsharkracer

Sealed Lead Acid Battery Repair - how to repair a sealed lead acid battery
In this video I try to show how to repair a sealed leac acid battery.
I got this battery ...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Sealed Lead Acid Battery Repair - how to repair a sealed lead acid battery
Sealed Lead Acid Battery Repair - how to repair a sealed lead acid battery
In this video I try to show how to repair a sealed leac acid battery. I got this battery from a friend, who used it in a portable Flash lighting unit and he has unfortunately charged up this battery for too long, so it was overcharged and dry and did not accept any charge anymore.. This type was a 12 Volts 12 Amphour battery with 6 cells. Normally these batteries only dry out after a while due to overcharging and the electrolyte´s water just evapourates and leaves only more concentrated sulfuric acid inside the cells which can eat the lead plates away. If such a battery has only dried out, you just open up the top plate which is just glued onto the main battery case and just remove the rubber filling cup lids and add again freash new destilled water to each cell and afterwards charge them up with a Bedini or Joule Thief type puls charger... But in this case I just realized that 2 cells were damaged as there had already built up a bulge internally, that pushed the plastic cover up on one cell. So this was probably done by overcharging. So this battery can not be revived this easily and it needs now to be opened up completely and see inside the defective cells, if these can be fixed somehow...Maybe remove some lead dust or powder which shorts one of the cells... If I can find the time I will do this in the near future... Hope this helps. Regards, Stefan.- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 631

How to Desulfate a Lead Acid Battery | NOCO Genius®
Battery Sulfation accounts for roughly 80% of all battery failures. However, Battery Sulfa...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: wickedsmart
How to Desulfate a Lead Acid Battery | NOCO Genius®
How to Desulfate a Lead Acid Battery | NOCO Genius®
Battery Sulfation accounts for roughly 80% of all battery failures. However, Battery Sulfation can be reversed. This video provides you a step-by-step guide ...- published: 29 Jun 2011
- views: 144483
- author: wickedsmart

12V / 5-10 Amp Capacitive Lead Acid Battery Charger
You won't see too many of these on Youtube. This is a fairly safe transformerless 12V char...
published: 01 Jul 2013
author: myvideoisonutube
12V / 5-10 Amp Capacitive Lead Acid Battery Charger
12V / 5-10 Amp Capacitive Lead Acid Battery Charger
You won't see too many of these on Youtube. This is a fairly safe transformerless 12V charging circuit that I put together. This circuit is light weight(comp...- published: 01 Jul 2013
- views: 459
- author: myvideoisonutube