The next LCF is on Saturday, May 25 from 12 noon in the Lucas Arms, Grays Inn Rd, WC1X (Kings Cross tube). The theme of the meeting is May ’68 and its lessons and - while we are yet to confirm all the details of this - the speaker for the CPGB will be Mike Macnair.
Important elements of the leadership of the contemporary revolutionary left cut their political teeth in this period and still, in many ways, work to a template drawn from it. Yet, as Mike has written, “an interpretation of 1968 has shaped the dominant politics of the modern far left - and led it into a blind alley. The events of the year 1968 were not, except in a very limited sense, a 1905, a dress rehearsal for a coming 1917 revolution of similar shape (either globally or in Europe). Rather, they were the upshot of the policies and political dynamics of the cold war, and part of the causes of the turn of international capital away from these policies”
Location: Lucas Arms, Grays Inn Rd, WC1X Map
Starts: 12:00, Saturday 25 May 2013
Ends: 17:00, Saturday 25 May 2013
Mosaic Rooms:
Location: Mosaic Rooms, Tower House, 226 Cromwell Road, London SW5 Map
Starts: 10:00, Friday 12 April 2013
Ends: 17:00, Friday 31 May 2013
Launch rally.
Location: Black Swan, 69 Westgate Road, NE26. Map
Starts: 18:30, Monday 20 May 2013
Ends: 20:30, Monday 20 May 2013
Launch rally. Central Hall, Oldham Street, M1.
Location: Central Hall, Oldham Street, M1 Map
Starts: 17:30, Tuesday 21 May 2013
Ends: 19:30, Tuesday 21 May 2013
‘Culture as creative refusal’. Speaker: David Graeber.
Session cost: £10 waged, £5 low-waged, £3 unwaged. Whole-term discounts.
Organised by Radical Anthropology Group:
Location: St Martin’s Community Centre, 43 Carol Street, London NW1 Map
Starts: 18:15, Tuesday 21 May 2013
Ends: 20:15, Tuesday 21 May 2013
Public meeting. Speakers include Katy Clark MP, Mark Serwotka and Owen Jones. £4 waged, £2 concessions.
Organised by Sussex Labour Representation Committee:
Location: Community Base (South Wing), 113 Queens Road, Brighton Map
Starts: 19:00, Wednesday 22 May 2013
Ends: 21:30, Wednesday 22 May 2013
Launch rally.
Room 6620, Level 6, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, S1.
Location: Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, S1 Map
Starts: 19:00, Wednesday 22 May 2013
Ends: 21:00, Wednesday 22 May 2013
Launch rally.
Organised by the People’s Assembly:
Location: Brighthelm Church and Community Centre, North Road, BN1 Map
Starts: 19:00, Thursday 30 May 2013
Ends: 21:00, Thursday 30 May 2013
Launch rally.
Organised by the People’s Assembly:
Location: The Twelve Pins, 263 Seven Sister’s Road, London N4 Map
Starts: 19:00, Thursday 30 May 2013
Ends: 21:00, Thursday 30 May 2013
Political board games. Collective playing of Francis Tresham's, 'Civilization'. Free entry.
Organised by Classwar games:
Location: Firebox, 108 Cromer Street, London WC1 Map
Starts: 13:00, Sunday 02 June 2013
Ends: 18:00, Sunday 02 June 2013
Conference. Central Hall, Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London SW1.
Organised by Coalition of Resistance:
Location: Central Hall, Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London SW1 Map
Starts: 09:30, Saturday 22 June 2013
Ends: 17:00, Saturday 22 June 2013
AGM. £6 entry.
Organised by the National Shop Stewards Network:
Location: Camden Centre, Judd Street, London WC1 Map
Starts: 11:00, Saturday 29 June 2013
Ends: 17:00, Saturday 29 June 2013