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    Hillel Ticktin: world economy podcast The first of fortnightly podcasts on the world economy by Critique Journal's Hillel Ticktin

    Communist University 2013 - update Comrades’ minds are starting to focus on two important annual events for us - our annual school, the Communist University, and Summer Offensive, the two month fund drive that funds it and a great deal of other party work over the year.

    Weekly Worker legal appeal: Model letter and motion An appeal from the editor

      Weekly Worker 964 - Thursday May 30 2013

  SWP: In decay and in denial Peter Manson contrasts the speakers lists for Marxism 2013 and Counterfire

 A month or so later than usual, the timetable for the Socialist Workers Party’s annual school, Marxism, has finally been published. Titled ‘Exploring the world in turmoil’, Marxism 2013 will be held over what is virtually a long weekend - starting at 2pm on Thursday July 11, with the opening rally later that evening, and finishing at 1pm on Monday July 15. 



     Letters Platypus fuss; Boycott the host; No difference; EU withdrawal?; Unification?; Syria solidarity; Police agents; 

 Woolwich: A pretext for state repression The murder of a soldier highlights the irrationality of bourgeois politics - but also the failure of the left, argues Paul Demarty

Review: Method and the dialectic Mike Macnair completes his review of: Guglielmo Carchedi, 'Behind the crisis: Marx’s dialectics of value and knowledge'. Haymarket Books, 2012, pp303, £20

PCS: Dishonest debates Tina Becker reports from the May 21-23 conference of the Public and Commercial Services Union

Howler Robbie Rix's howler and one day to make up £188

Youth: A rounded view of sexuality Do children need to be protected from pornography? Christina Black looks at the latest official report

Anti-Semitism: Churchill and the Jewish question Paul Flewers replies to Eddie Ford

What kind of party?: Illusion is the first of all pleasures Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network calls for a broad party in which Marxists fight to build a revolutionary movement from the bottom up

Iran: Boycott sham elections Yassamine Mather advocates a boycott and stresses the need for regime change from below

Appeal from the editor 

      What it is to be human


   Marxism and religion

   Marxism and ecology

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