Istanbul Taksim Gezi Park #occupygezi

Istanbul's central area of Taksim is currently the scene of a fledging 'occupy movement' as people react to this morning's 5am teargassing of protestors opposed to unchecked gentrification in the...

A summary and examination of the environmental crisis and its causes, and how we think the problems can be solved.

A stray dog in Turkey wears a sign of protest

Just a few of the photos flying around of the streets dogs in Turkey and their recent reaction to events there.

The workers at the Vio.Me. Factory in Thessaloniki, Greece have quickly grown into a symbol of self-management internationally. After going on strike and occupying their factory, on February 12,...


An analysis of a major 1970s highpoint of class struggle in the UK; its character, implications and consequences.


A critical look at co-ops, worker-owned and collective businesses, ethical banking, the entrepreneurial spirit, competition, and “independent” contract work and the limitations of the concept and...