The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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No more cuts!

TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


TUSC has had hundreds of declarations of support. You can sponsor TUSC as an individual trade unionist or socialist, or apply for your organisation to join TUSC.
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Printed and published by TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

Telephone: 020 7702 8667


Press: 07984 027754


Trade Union President speaking at election rally says ‘Downton Abbey’ budget demonstrates class hatred at the heart of the Coalition government.

Alex Gordon RMT PresidentSpeaking at the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (1) election rally this evening (2) Alex Gordon RMT President, and Trade Unionist and Socialist London Assembly candidate (3) will say:

"Today the coalition government unveiled a Downton Abbey budget as part of their policy of bringing back an Upstairs Downstairs Britain.

"Freezing the poverty-level national minimum wage for 16 to 18 year olds, while slashing corporation tax and knocking 5p off the top rate of income tax is the clearest possible demonstration of the class hatred at the heart of this government.

"What working people and communities suffering from this government's austerity, privatisation and job cuts are demanding is a political alternative to the vicious spiral of cuts and recession. That is why TUSC is standing candidates on the GLA London-wide list to lead a fight back against the parties that want to turn the clock back to Dickensian London.

"TUSC is calling for the £750bn hoarded by the banks and corporate sector to be invested in quality, union-organised jobs, apprenticeships and training for the unemployed and young people."

Chair of the TUSC Election Rally and TUSC list Candidate Nick Wrack will say:

“We believe that there is a better way to do things. A society in which production and services are owned by us all, and run democratically in the interests of all. But we need to begin that fight back. TUSC candidates are all committed to opposing the cuts. Not in word, but in deed.”


For more information call: Will McMahon 07968 950223

Notes to editors:

(1) The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition stands in opposition to public spending cuts and privatisation, calls for investment in public services, public ownership and control of the major utilities and the repeal of the anti-trade union laws. For more information see: . In London TUSC is standing only in the London-wide list section for the London Assembly Elections. It is not contesting for mayor or in the constituency section. See:

(2) The Public rally to launch London TUSC campaign event will take place on Wednesday 21 March 7.15pm at the Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP. The main speakers will be Bob Crow, general secretary rail union RMT; Matt Wrack, general secretary FBU; Alex Gordon, president RMT & TUSC candidate; Ian Leahair, FBU national executive & TUSC candidate; April Ashley, Unison national executive & TUSC candidate in a personal capacity; Jackie Turner, doctor and health campaigner & TUSC candidate; Chaired by TUSC candidate Nick Wrack

(3) The list of leading trade unionists and campaigners standing for TUSC in London can be found here: