The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


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18 February 2013

Labour stops debate on Southampton rebel councillors’ no cuts budget

Southampton council protest

Picture: protest outside council

LABOUR-CONTROLLED Southampton city council voted for £16m cuts and service charge hikes at its budget-making meeting on February 13 – and refused to even discuss an alternative anti-cuts budget submitted by the two ‘rebel councillors’, Keith Morrell and Don Thomas.

Keith MorrellPicture: Councillor Keith Morrell

The Rebel Two’s proposals met the legal requirements of a balanced budget at least for the 2013-14 financial year – it was not a ‘deficit budget’. But the council’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) judged it as not being a ‘prudent budget capable of implementation’. Consequently council officers advised the Mayor – an elected Labour councillor – to make a chair’s ruling that the amendment would not be debated at the council’s budget-making meeting and, backed by the Labour group, that’s what he did.

But the no cuts budget could have been debated. Before the meeting Keith and Don wrote to every Labour councillor answering the CFO’s objections and asking the councillors to use the legal power they had to at least allow the amendment to be debated before the public in the council chamber. But it was not to be. 

Don ThomasPicture: Councillor Don Thomas

Councillors have a choice. There are alternatives to implementing the cuts. But Southampton’s Labour councillors chose not to take them – or even debate them.  However, as Keith and Don told the local Southampton Echo after the budget meeting, “the fight is just beginning” as more and more council workers and local residents realise that cuts are not inevitable.


The rebel councillors’ alternative budget proposals are available at Budget amendment. The letter to Labour councillors can be read at Letter to the Mayor & Labour Group