The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


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Printed and published by TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

Telephone: 020 7702 8667


Press: 07984 027754


RMT President leads GLA electoral challenge

TUSC press release, 16 February 2012

President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) selected to lead new trade unionist and socialist electoral challenge for Greater London Assembly Elections in May 2012

Alex GordonThe Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)(1) has selected Alex Gordon President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) to lead its list for the London Assembly elections due to take place on 3 May 2012.(2)

TUSC believes that there is a real chance to get a candidate elected to the GLA who will be a voice for ordinary people against the deafening consensus in support of cuts to public services, privatisation and pay freezes. TUSC is supported by leading members of the RMT, including General Secretary Bob Crow, the London Region of the Fire Brigades Union and thousands of trade unionist and community activists across London.

Alex Gordon said:

“We believe ordinary Londoners should have the choice of an alternative to the political consensus in favour of public spending cuts, privatisation and pay freezes advocated by all the three main parties. Recent statements by Labour Party leaders that in government they would not reverse Tory/Lib Dem spending cuts confirms that they do not offer working-class people an alternative and cannot be a viable opposition to the attacks on our communities and our public services.”

TUSC candidates in the GLA elections Selected No 2 on the list, Nick Wrack, former chair of the Socialist Alliance and Respect, said:

“TUSC aims to speak for ordinary people struggling to live and work in London. Whether it’s worrying about losing your job or how to pay the rent or mortgage; already out of work or trying to survive on low pay; students facing massive tuition fees or pensioners worried about turning on the heating, TUSC will fight for all those suffering the consequence of the government’s austerity measures. Labour has abandoned its traditional supporters and we appeal to Labour voters to vote for us instead.”

Others standing on the TUSC list include Ian Leahair, FBU national executive, Steve Hedley, RMT London regional organiser, Joe Simpson, assistant secretary Prison Officers Association and Martin Powell-Davies, National Union of Teachers UT national executive member for London. A full list is available on our website:




For more information call Will McMahon on 07968 950223


Editors Notes


(1) The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition stands in opposition to public spending cuts and privatisation, calls for investment in public services and public ownership and control of the major utilities, the repeal of the anti-trade union laws, and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. For more information see:


(2) TUSC is standing only in the London-wide list section for the London Assembly Elections. It is not contesting for mayor or in the constituency section.