Modern-day Jesus 'would go around making computers work'

IF Jesus were alive today he would travel from place to place doing IT miracles, it has been claimed.

Just don't make me go back to that shop, says Ikea monkey

THE monkey found in Ikea has issued a heartfelt plea not to be sent back there.

Companies that do boring things prefer 2:2 graduates

EMPLOYERS offering dull jobs favour graduates with 2:2 degrees.

Real Madrid cracks down on Bernabéu-walkers

DOZENS of footballers have been spotted loitering around Real Madrid’s ground touting for business.

London property market based on people pretending grim places are great

A SHIT flat in London now costs £500,000 thanks to widespread delusion about whether a property is really depressing.

Guardian Soulmates officially the middle class Page 3

THE Guardian website's dating section is Page 3 for middle earners, it has been confirmed.

Legal high industry running out of names

THE legal high industry is facing crisis as the stock of cool names for drugs approaches exhaustion.

Men still have feelings for Gillian Anderson

BRITAIN'S men never really got over Gillian Anderson, it has emerged.

Britain’s top aggro destinations revealed

A TOURISM body has produced a list of Britain’s best destinations for aggressive, anti-social behaviour.