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  • The Hunger Scandal

    Britain is the seventh richest nation in the world yet we face a growing epidemic of hidden hunger, particularly in children.  The reality of parents unable to feed their children is one of the starkest examples of the cost of living crisis faced by...

  • What’s the answer to revitalising our High Streets? More legal loansharks, of course!

    Today’s news that the Government wants to slash red tape to revitalise our high streets seems, on the face of it, good news. Who needs all these tedious restrictions on what sort of businesses can operate out of a particular shop?  Surely we need...

  • The case for part-time MPs

    Earlier this week, Mark Ferguson espoused an entirely sensible – and extremely popular – viewpoint: “If you’re doing a second job, then you’re not giving your full attention to your first one. And all MPs have a duty of care to their constituency,...

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