

Paul Cockshott                   

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Teaching stuff
Advanced Programming
4th yr compilers 
2nd yr assembler
General Readings in CS
Topics in C S
Digital Image Proc
Notes on Latex
Graphics Multimedia
Computer fundamentals

 Research topics
Array Compilers
Hyper computation
Fractal Artworks
Economic computation
Image processing
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to do post graduate research here
About Glasgow

Paul is a member of the  Computer Vision and Graphics group

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W Paul Cockshott wpc@dcs.gla.ac.uk,

Me in Stockholm

Brief Biography

Educated at McMaster , Manchester, Heriot Watt and Edinburgh Universities . Trained originally as an economist and continues to be interested in the area. Later studied computer science, obtaining PhD in same from Edinburgh University. Has worked in industry for ICL on hardware verification and for Memex on the design of database machines. Has been a research worker or lecturer at the universities of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Glasgow and Strathclyde. Currently reader in computer science at University of Glasgow .

Current Research

  1. Array compilers. I have developed the Vector Pascal vectorising multi-core compiler, and am supervising a number of students working on this and on vectorising Fortran compilers for chips like the Cell or the Larrabee. This also includes work on the new Intel SCC processor.
  2. Econophysics. I work with researchers  internationally on applying insights from information theory and algorithmic complexity theory to the study of economics. You can see a web page that computes the equilibrium rate of profit for different countries using a model we have developed. This work is summarised in the book Classical Econophysics.
  3. Physical Foundations of Computability. I am interested in the way the material world sets limits on what can an can not be computed. This is in conjunction with Lewis and Greg. This is the basis of a forthcomming book.

Previous Research

Much of my research at Glasgow has involved the building of moving stereo models of people and their faces.


Part of a EU integrated project to develop technology for the digital film industry. The Glasgow component has involved the development of compressed representations for digital film.

3D TV Studio

Developed under SHEFC Michaelangelo grant, extended under RACINE-S.
24 Video Cameras along with 16 cpus build 3D moving models of actors using stereo vision techniques.
was used in 3 follow on research grants in association with film/TV industry.
User information tiki here.

Paul Cockshott and J-C Nebel were presented with the A.H. Reeve Premium for their paper Experimental 3-D TV Studio. The award was presented by IEE President John O’Reilly FREng FIEE.

Process involved

Example facial models
· Don Whiteford Video
· Don Whiteford VRML requires cosmo player


Project to apply GRID technology to 3D capture
NESC funded in collaboration with EPCC and Peppers Ghost Ltd
Uses 3d Studio
Grid parallelism of 3D Vision
Advanced cartoon animation using 3D studio
Click here for demonstration of captured 3D data
· Captured sequence
· Markup of Landmarks
· Conformed sequence
· Conformed sequence (with mesh structure)
· Conformed sequence using previous frame
· Conformed sequence using previous frame (with mesh structure)

To play

Full Size

(640x480 8.16MB)
(320x240 2.24MB)

A sequence captured using our dynamic 3D capture studio and then conformed to a generic mesh. This animated mesh was then processed by a high frequency filter to smooth the motion between frames based on vertex positions from adjacent frames. The mesh was then imported into 3D Studio Max® where materials and textures were added before the final animation was rendered.

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Page Editor: Information Officer
Last Update: 21 Feb 2011