
coffee houseCoffee House

100 years on from Emily Davison’s death, her battle is not yet won

Suffragettes in Emily Davison's funeral procession in 1913. 'Fight on and God will give the victory'. Image: Getty

In April’s local elections, only one in three of those eligible to vote actually did so. What proportion of those voters were women? It’s difficult to get an exact percentage,… Continue reading



After Woolwich, what will change?

The decapitation of a British soldier on a street in London is the latest disgusting new low in this country’s experience of Islamist terror. But everything else in the aftermath… Read more

Men who propose in public should be shot


Never mind all this gay stuff — when is parliament going to get on with the marriage legislation we really need? I’m talking about the law banning men from proposing… Read more

Why I said sorry on Twitter


It was my first taste of free love — for the brain. A first visit to what Bill Clinton dubbed the ‘Woodstock of the Mind’. With just one afternoon at the… Read more

Crossrail: transport miracle or public sector folly?

Work Continues On The Multi Million Pound Crossrail Project

Phyllis has gone to Tottenham Court Road, but Ada is having a day off. In fact she’s slumbering deep below us, just south of Bond Street station with her head… Read more

Don’t jump, Felipe!


Peering over my son’s shoulder as he forced himself through a pile of practice IGCSE maths papers in readiness for this week’s exams, I was shocked both by the absence… Read more

It's madness to slash the British Museum's budget

Portrait of Cyrus II of Persia

The best argument in favour of state funding of the arts was made in the middle of the 18th century. In 1753 an Act of Parliament established the personal collection… Read more

Meet the greatest threat to our countryside: sheep


The section of the A83 that runs between Loch Long and Loch Fyne in western Scotland is known as the Rest and Be Thankful. It would be better described as… Read more

Notes on…the great English garden

The glory of Great Dixter

‘Write about the best English gardens,’ says the email from the deputy editor, ‘or what makes a good garden?’ That’s a bit like saying, ‘write about the best paintings, or… Read more