By Tamara Alrifai, May 30, 2013

Reconciliation based on justice should guide the transition in Syria, rather than exclusion and revenge.

By Scott Nicol, May 30, 2013

We need a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants instead of more environmentally destructive border walls and the waiving of laws to build them.

By Rebecca Kemble, May 30, 2013

“When are we going to start talking about getting people back to work instead of kicking them when they’re down?”

By Matthew Rothschild, May 29, 2013

She said Obama turned the Middle East into what?

Progressive Radio

My final guest on Progressive Radio is the great Latin American writer, Eduardo Galeano, author most recently of "Children of the Days."

"The half-hour interviews on Progressive Radio ceased production at the end of May, 2013."


Progressive Matt

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Dose of Durst

The revelations on Benghazi have been as startling as mint jelly on lamb. Tragic violent events occurring in the Middle East? Oh no! Not that. Perpetual infighting amongst government agencies? That couldn’t happen here, could it? Republicans accusing a Democratic administration of not being patriotic enough? What are the odds?

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