This poem is a pond & Opposites attract
by Krishnakumar Sankaran
[ poetry - april 13 ]
Foundering Father, Number theory, Reining in my heart & The Emperor’s old clothes
by Jesse H McKnight
[ poetry - april 13 ]
Broken Eggs, Deciphering worth, You have managed it all & Time in front of the Bore Hole
by Sonnet Mondal
[ poetry - april 13 ]
Catalan history, Barbie’s cash register, Bible Belt: piety on the move & Hard answers
by Carol Hamilton
[ poetry - april 13 ]
Finding Sister Eva Jean, Mayonnaise queen, Chagall playground & Boyhood friends
by Jan Ball
[ poetry - april 13 ]
Recommended reading
Baptizing dead people for fun and profit: organized religion's most imaginative scam
by Tom Bradley
[ strangeness - june 02 ]
The Mormons have an interesting take on celestial vote-rigging.
Lowest Court Law: Cases And Commentaries
by Ronald J Stone
[ fiction - june 10 ]
"In this book, Stone has done for Lowest Court Law and Jurisprudence what Moby Dick previously did for porpoises. Many kudos to you, Judge Stone."
My temporary son
by Timeri N Murari
[ people - february 05 ]
An orphan's tale.
Rip off the ears: searching for Demosthenes’ secret in Mexico
by John-Ivan Palmer
[ places - january 08 ]
"It's difficult to find privacy in Mexico, least of all if you're traveling with a low-budget female impersonator show."