Spring 2013: vol. 12, no. 2
Democracy and Science
Alan Sokal: What Is Science and Why Should We Care?
Margaret C. Jacob: The Left, Right and Science: Relativists and Materialists
Philip Kitcher: Plato’s Revenge: An Undemocratic Report from an Overheated Planet
Michael Ruse: Democracy and Pseudo-Science
Barbara Forrest: Rejecting the Founders’ Legacy: Democracy as a Weapon Against Science
Lawrence Davidson: Fundamentalist Christians, Science, and the Democracy
Stanley Aronowitz: Reversing the Labor Movement’s Free Fall
Stephen Eric Bronner: Utopia
Leonard Quart: Gentrifying Brooklyn: Two Documentaries
Vivian Demuth: In the Middle of the Watershed
William Heyen: The Moon
Elvira Basevich: On Talking to a Crowd Always Ready to Deflate Large Balloons
Jonas Mekas: First Idyll: Old Is This Rushing of Rain
Review Essays
David Curry: Vietnam: Flashing Back and Forward
Abe Peck: The Life and Times of the Underground Press
Christopher Hayes, The Twilight of the Elites
Reviewed by Robin Melville
Amy J. Binder and Kate Wood, Becoming Right: How Campuses Shape Young Conservatives
Reviewed by Aaron Leonard
Napoleon Chagnon, Noble Savages. My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes
Reviewed by Jeremy F. Walton