I got a hankering for a bit of old school music today (started with listening to the B-52s and Lipps Inc. yesterday ), and I ran across an old undergraduate memory.
It was 1985, and I was partying ...
by chrississippi
1 Recs
Every so often, we all need a mental break with some frivolous diversion, especially when times are rough. One local source of that now, at least through near the end of June, is this . Having ...
by chingchongchinaman
0 Recs
The following remix would likely be a well-received speech in 2013, more than 100 years after the original speech was given. It is a great example of the fiery populist rhetoric that seems to have ...
by economy
0 Recs
Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz's entrance to the race for Governor of Pennsylvania has left the heavily-Democratic 13th Congressional District of Pennsylvania without an incumbent seeking re-election.
by DownstateDemocrat
7 Recs
Very often I submit comments with a preface that this or that comment has been ‘flagged by’ one Kossack or another. I do this because the comments I find aren’t found directly. They are ...
by BeninSC
32 Recs
more people would investigate more of the goings-on regarding the non-vote on marriage equality in Illinois.
In that light, it is imperative to know a little something about the Downstate Illinois ...
by Chitown Kev
2 Recs
We're going to win this race. We're DEFINITELY going to win it!
Nancy Worley, newly elected Chairwoman of the Alabama Democratic Party, is very certain Democrats in the state can mount a campaign ...
by pipsorcle
2 Recs
Without a hint of irony, the State Department rebuked Turkey for cracking down on citizens assembling in public to protest the razing of Gezi Park in Instanbul.
"We believe that Turkey's long-term ...
by The Troubadour
62 Recs
I am not part of the 47%. I have paid Federal Income Tax for years. I am military retired and although many people think (for some odd reason) military retirement is exempt from Federal Income ...
by This old man
5 Recs
Mark Holden, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for Koch Industries: "We’re not asking for empathy or sympathy – we’re big boys and we can take it."
Let it be clear: If ...
by pipsorcle
5 Recs
There were no chain drugstores in Northampton when I was in college.
Strange though this may sound in a day when Walgreen's, CVS, and Rite-Aid seem to have the local pharmacy market neatly ...
by Ellid
13 Recs
Friends, reading Reuters News this morning revealed an interesting item. It was the announcement that the U.S. is imposing new petrochemical sanctions on Iran.
Reuters reports: “ The United ...
by David Gee
3 Recs
Florida's 3rd Congressional District
To all Kossacks: Please take note that these Congressional District Information Diaries are not meant to evaluate whether or not the districts are beatable. ...
by pipsorcle
2 Recs
Welcome to Sunday Puzzle Warm-Up , a weekly opportunity to have a little fun and to get your brain in gear for the regular Sunday Puzzle (which now posts on Friday ).
It's now June, so Mystery ...
by Nova Land
2 Recs
So.. my recent problem.. how do you treat pain when you can’t get the cause diagnosed properly?
Sure, I could just live on Tylenol, but I’d really rather not thanks, that has side effects of ...
by FloridaSNMOM
34 Recs
I wrote it in 2004.
by Candy Randy
0 Recs
_You've been hanging onto it_
_And I sure would like a hit_
Bien venidos, mis amigos...The Salsa Bar is open. I'll share a few recipes here for both salsa and a few other hot condiments. Some are ...
by Keith930
33 Recs
I'm starting to really like Fox News Host Megyn Kelly, after her standing her journalistic ground against Karl Rove's insistence that he had the "real Ohio numbers" and "that it wasn't over yet" -- ...
by jamess
29 Recs
Darth Issa: Lord Vader, you have nothing to fear. I have complete control over the 49th Congressional District of California. This group will never win over the climate change argument.
Darth ...
by pipsorcle
12 Recs
June 1, 2013 ...
by Tom Begnal
56 Recs
By now, even the most politically disinterested have heard something of the incredible backlog of cases awaiting adjudication at the Veteran's Administration.
I hope.
But for those who would like ...
by Susan from 29
31 Recs
I loved the duet by Blake Shelton and Usher singing "Home" at the fundraiser for the Oklahoma tornado victims. This is what we do for each other as Americans (well, except for Katrina): everyone ...
by webacknow
11 Recs
the proposed laws.
Too often we see the debate about guns turn into a shouting match, tossing of counter-numbers from skewed polls/data sets/etc, and personal attacks. We see people using the same ...
by DrillSgtK
14 Recs
Posted earlier in a nouvelle-neo-neo-liberal/north-centrist haze at Krebsycle.
In Meridian Mississippi, where 4 of every 10 kids lives below the poverty line the public schools have been routinely ...
by citizen k
10 Recs
This is my latest LTE. Are Americans starting to tune out the GOP? I think they are and here is why.
The decline of the Republican party can be directly tied to Newt Gingrich and a memo he wrote to ...
by Jlukes
6 Recs
I saw this on Slashdot just now.
Certainly makes you think about priorities.
..and is worth a discussion here.
by Arrow
2 Recs
This week's image is courtesy of The TSA Blog , and features six of the 29 guns discovered by TSA agents at airports across the country this week. That's how many Responsible Gun Owners TM ...
by David Waldman
28 Recs
Why won't the current members of our Congress listen to the sane voices of rational reasoning, instead of constantly squandering valuable time bickering on non-essential issues --- while millions ...
by Bud Meyers
3 Recs
News that MSNBC talk shows – Maddow, Matthews, Hayes and the others – took a ratings dive recently underscores my own frustration and “issues fatigue.”
We watch MSNBC to share feelings of ...
by laborlou
18 Recs
Another year has passed, and China is still under a dictatorship. Students who braved bullets on Tiananmen Square 24 years ago are now in their middle ages. Most of the younger generation in China ...
by xgz
6 Recs
So Gabriel Gomez's (R. MA) campaign is in such rough shape that this guy had to come in and help him:
by poopdogcomedy
17 Recs
CNN ran a story about Yosef Abramowitz on its show Next List, hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. I just heard about the story from Rabbi Barry Leff of Rabbis for Human Rights, who is friends with Yosef and ...
by ramara
9 Recs
We're living under a dictatorship: A two-party dictatorship.
Jesse "The Body" Ventura is wasting no time to start talking about 2016.
by pipsorcle
1 Recs
Actress, most noted for her role as Edith Bunker in "All In The Family", has passed away today at age 90.
by Jeremimi
132 Recs
What Proof do Republicans offer in support of their accusations? Other than the Regressive Parties standard list of I think this and I think that...
by StanleyYelnats dotcom
0 Recs
Eric Cantor, in a memo written to colleagues on Friday , pledged to aggressively focus on Obama administration scandals in the months ahead.
Via Politico:
Republicans held more than 100 hearings ...
by The Troubadour
7 Recs
In the state of Washington, a Catholic priest is pulling the church's support for a boy scout troop because the scouts are now accepting gay young people into their ranks.
And it gets worse:
Fr. ...
by varii
13 Recs
This is the experience of Sagar Patagundi in DC as part of the 11 Million Dreams campaign.
by celsom3
1 Recs
Nothing is funnier than watching the Right bitch about independent women. I mean, seriously, if you believe it is about anything else, you are kidding yourself.
Come on, do you really think that ...
by CT Smarter
6 Recs
The police are still out in huge numbers in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, and Antalya - it must be 50,000 or more police officers.
They have been much more restrained this afternoon and tonight ...
by InAntalya
26 Recs
Conservatives are up in arms about a new superhero cartoon called SheZow that aired its first episode today.
The first episode, as usual, explains how the super powers are acquired. A woman ...
by TrueBlueMajority
10 Recs
In brief: Scientists are hesitant to say that Climate Change will lead for increases in Tornadoes (They have "low confidence" in such a direct cause and effect linkage.)
Partially because the ...
by jamess
11 Recs
Back in 2002, Ann Romney revealed, "I truly want Mitt to fulfill his destiny, and for that to happen, he's got to do politics." As it turned out, Mitt Romney's destiny was to ...
by Jon Perr
117 Recs
Sometimes scientific measurements provide inconvenient results. Newly reported measurements from the Curiosity Rover mission will force NASA to design better radiation shielding for manned Mars ...
by LeftOfYou
15 Recs
Rewarding donors and punishing enemies is what Scott Walker does and he's good at it, too. His open war on Milwaukee just hit its peak when he signed a bill that limits the power and cuts the ...
by Puddytat
37 Recs
If you have not had a chance to read and rec SantaFeMarie's diary on the Rec List, I encourage you to do so. It has a very important message re. the ongoing Extreme Weather suffered by those in ...
by SeaTurtle
6 Recs
Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We have just moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Jenny; however I grew up with both ...
by triciawyse
70 Recs
A discussion on punishment in a recent diary started me thinking about the subject in general, and as some remarks I wanted to make became too unwieldy for the comment section, I decided to express ...
by disinterested spectator
2 Recs
You..ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age. Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Monday June 1, 1903
Philadelphia, ...
by JayRaye
8 Recs
A mentally ill man gets hold of a gun and kills his mother. Nothing unusual in gun-crazy USA, right? Hardly worth even mentioning.
Except the story of how this clearly deranged man bought the ...
by DowneastDem
39 Recs
I have been working on this diary for a while now and I am happy to finally release it. Even though she hasn't announced her candidacy, the NRSC is already going after Michelle Nunn (D. GA):
by poopdogcomedy
18 Recs
At an impromptu news conference today, Senator John McCain revealed that he had just returned from the Monroe Republic where he met with a prominent rebel leader.
I had several fruitful discussions ...
by greggp
6 Recs
May 2013 Celebrating another month of incredible work from the White House Photographers. A look inside the White House for the month of April. All photographs were taken by the White House ...
by bsegel
36 Recs
I keep saying that the bastids tried to kill me.
I mean the hospital that totally screwed up my right leg with their complete incompetence. Deep vein thrombosis, (they called it "extensive" and "...
by pale cold
17 Recs
If you were invited to have a beer with Obama (or Pelosi, or Boehner), what would you two talk about?
If you are like me, there are many topics you'd like to personally discuss with the ...
by samlowry
5 Recs
If you subscribe to HBO, you can go over any time to "HBO GO" online and take a look at a recent film about the life of Liberace , the iconic Las Vegas entertainer and closeted homosexual.
As a ...
by commonmass
145 Recs
Breaking - Creamer Media, an on-line mining news publication is reporting this morning that the newly-minted liberal Canadian government has rejected authorizing a pipeline from Alberta to British ...
by scottsvine
7 Recs
All you have to do is ‘like’ ShelterBox Canada on Facebook. Starting from 22 May through to the end of Big ShelterBox Week, if they gain 5,...
by TexMex
7 Recs
A couple of tweets from a White House reporter have the feel of a trial balloon leak:
White House mulling the idea of approving #KeystoneXL - but extracting concessions on clean energy/climate ...
by RLMiller
98 Recs
Much of the soil in Oklahoma, including the Keystone XL route, is red clay -- a porous substance that makes foundations settle and basements and underground tornado shelters leak."That's the reason ...
by SantaFeMarie
129 Recs
Currently being featured in a big front-page splash at Huffington Post's Gay Voices veritical is the story of 11-year old Marcell Neergaard, who has endured so much bullying for identifying as gay ...
by Scott Wooledge
81 Recs
by Ojibwa
32 Recs
"Just Checking" the new ad rolled out by General Mills for its much beloved cereal brand Cheerios has caused a stir. The new ad features a white mother, a black father, and their biracial daughter.
by mommiro
41 Recs
by jotter
19 Recs
Congressional Democrats released a study on Thursday that suggests Walmart likely costs taxpayers millions of dollars a year because their wages are so low, many of their workers must rely on food ...
by pierre9045
37 Recs
Well as many of you know, we folks at the Daily Kos fund raised over $130,000 for ShelterBox during the Haitian earthquake. Many of you have remained supporters of ShelterBox since then.
by TexMex
11 Recs
Good morning!
This is the weekly DKos Asheville open thread where we try to get together every Saturday morning around eleven, and then drift in and out throughout the day. We hope this group ...
by davehouck
15 Recs
(Cross-posted at Elliot Politics )
(Note, I started this diary a little while ago when there seemed to be a bit of a deluge of commentators arguing about how we can't underestimate Gomez and about ...
by NMLib
19 Recs
Every day is a new day and with that, a new opportunity.
EVERYONE is welcome and please join us each morning at 7:30 AM PACIFIC
to tell us what you're working on, share your show & tell , vent, ...
by catilinus
90 Recs
This is sort of a meta diary/update to my last diary . In this diary I would like to address what some people perceive as me being shrill and abrasive toward others who are allegedly in the ...
by Obamalover20122
8 Recs
In the past month alone (see "Bloody Iraq") , 1000 have died in the aftermath of the Iraq War. Whether you call 1000 dead an "aftermath" is of course debatable.
Violence has increased sharply in ...
by Rizzo
5 Recs
New York State Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been an unwavering voice emphasizing the importance of environmental protections. The mother of two young boys, she has pointed to the connection between ...
by Marcia G Yerman
4 Recs
by joanneleon
30 Recs
I’ve been particularly interested in Pennsylvania recently. I’m not entirely sure why this is, but Pennsylvania is a very politically diverse state with its two most populous geographical areas ...
by ProudNewEnglander
3 Recs
When most people think about homophobia in Africa, the first thing that usually comes to mind is Uganda's "kill the gays" bill. But Nigeria may be about to enact a law that is almost as odious. ...
by Christian Dem in NC
9 Recs