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Television is indifferent to approval or love. It pursues its only goal with unblinking zeal: to be watched ... [more]

Even if the people who made cigarettes or cheap handguns were moral monsters, Wendy Kaminer argues, that wouldn't mean they were criminals ... [more]
Chance and necessity don't account for everything. Without discarded teleologies, entelechies, and vitalisms, we can still opt for intelligent design, argues William Dembski ... [more]
Computer-based learning is a high-priced sham, bound to stunt the emotional and intellectual growth of our children, argues William Rukeyser ... [more]
Playing fast and loose with Thomas Jefferson: a Library of Congress exhibit falsifies Jefferson's view of Christian theology and clergy ... [more]
Academic freedom has been twisted into a narrow, self-serving claim to privilege, power, and easy access to the public treasury, argues Thomas Sowell ... [more]
Everyday justice: a junior barrister of the Greenwich Magistrates Court helps his client apply for bail ... [more]
Riley Weston is 19 years old, though, here as elsewhere, it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is. Mark Steyn reports ... [more]
Media and public have fallen in love with the hucksters of acupuncture, homeopathy, chelation therapy, herbal concoctions, magnetic placebos ... [more]
Filling in the black holes of a college education means forgetting the postmodern ironists and returning to the library, says Camille Paglia ... [more]
Nude photos of Dr. Laura mark the fall of a grasping Tartuffe. Never mind: this yenta's credibility was built on shrewish hectoring, not morality ... [more]
Escape from Pleasantville! Sven Birkerts wonders if we can ever get back to reality ... [more]
Planning that Dream Wedding? If you think the ultimate joy is a day spent being the center of a big party, you're too young to get married ... [more]
Do electronic books spell the end of paper as the preferred book medium? Any optimism on behalf of trees is premature, says the Economist ... [more]
History belongs to everyone and to no one: hence its universal authority. This claim will be contested. But without it, we are in trouble ... [more]
Isaiah Berlin was a fox who'd rather have been a hedgehog. The themes of freedom and its betrayal were the obsessions of his life ... [more]
Corporate nomads: are the virtues of public and private life being corroded by the demands of a more ruthless economy? ... [more]
Richard Dawkins might have been a superb drill instructor, perhaps like the vicious Marine sergeant in Full Metal Jacket, murdered by a conscript he drove insane ... [more]
In their own eyes, the Stuarts were quite as modern as the Spice Girls. So what exactly is modernism? ... [more]
Was Spinoza the most lovable of men, or an emotional cripple, arrogant, consumed with sexual jealousy, and fiercely misogynistic? ... [more]
Antonia White (b. 1899) puts the sexual liberation of the 1960s to shame. Once upon a time, literary life was more fun ... [more]
The Merry Wives of Windsor is a scabrous exercise in sadomasochism, immensely popular forever on precisely that basis, says Harold Bloom ... [more]
The new anti-New York: Mayor Willie Brown's San Francisco is overrun with homeless people and criminals, its municipal budget skyrocketing ... [more]
E.O. Wilson's call for consilience between scientists and humanists has been likened to the Pope's invitation for all Christians to join the one true church ... [more]
It was the Dutch, not the English, who started the craze for tea. In 1610 the first shipment arrived in Amsterdam, turning Holland into a nation of addicts ... [more]
Monet's Waterlilies (1904), now seen in Boston, was apparently plundered by the Nazis in 1941 from French Jewish collector Paul Rosenberg ... [more]
Our kids are besieged by a cacophony of voices clamoring for attention. But the voice they must learn to hear above the din is their own ... [more]
"It is my nature's plague to spy into abuses." Kenneth Starr and the man "the rabble call lord" play out a Shakespearean drama ... [more]
From Proust's plump little madeleines to turkey and cranberry sauce, it's the next academic craze: Food Studies ... [more]
Cut, paste, and go to jail. The new copyright law may be less boon than boomerang to its entertainment industry supporters ... [more]
It's a demanding life to be an academic TV pundit for Bimblogio. But Prof. Jonathan Turley is a man for the job ... [more]
Human rights are real: the postmodern cultural theories so adored by academics and the brute fact of political oppression don't mix, argues Xiaorong Li ... [more]
American Indian journos are battling for basic First Amendment rights: free speech doesn't always sit well with tribal elders ... [more]
Salman Rushdie understands far better than most cultural colonization, the need to refresh and reinterpret faith and tradition, the search for authenticity ... [more]
Tampering with the words of a science-celebrity such as Stephen Hawking might not sound the most heinous of crimes, but people expect more honesty from environmentalists ... [more]
Belief in God is "a gigantic waste of time and a waste of life. It would be a joke of cosmic proportions if it weren't so tragic," writes Richard Dawkins ... [more]
Martin Gardner's mind is philosophical, at home with the most abstract concepts, yet his thinking and writing crackle with clarity -- lively, crisp, vivid ... [more]
Jonathan Freedland believes that America should be the rightful, shining city to inspire Britian ... [more]
Charles Rosen's enthusiasm for good food is nearly as boundless as his love of great music and literature ... [more]
Simone de Beauvoir's affair with Nelson Algren started with ardour and ended in bitterness--the "only truly passionate love in my life" was later repudiated as "a lie" ... [more]
Russian students have been characterized as apolitical and generally pro-market. That may be changing ... [more]
Sydney Smith once saw two women quarreling from attic windows across a narrow street. They'll never agree, he said. "They are arguing from different premises." But even sharing premises ... [more]
They didn't confuse him with Karl, but the FBI really did want to know if Groucho Marx was a member of the Communist Party ... [more]
James Murray, editor of the OED, did not know that his best contributor was incarcerated, both mad and a murderer ... [more]
The right has drawn most Darwinian ideas. It's time for the left to abandon its dream of the perfectibility of man and build on the enlightened self-interest inherent in our evolved nature, argues Peter Singer ... [more]
The U.S. is on its way to becoming a sort of economic and cultural junction point for the world's most talented peoples -- a duty-free zone for cultural interaction ... [more]
Though blacks score lower than whites on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, this gap is not an inevitable fact of nature ... [more]
Steven Pinker's How the Mind Works has been hailed as magnificent and damned with political smears and personal innuendo. Pinker answers two of his most vociferous critics ... [more]
David S. Landes argues that countries become rich through hard work, efficiency, clever management, and respect for market forces. Like the message or not, he shores it up with hundreds of pages of facts and reasoned argument ... [more]
The Supreme Court is broken into unyielding factions that have largely given up on a meaningful exchange, resorting to transparently deceitful and hypocritical arguments ... [more]
Here's a school where students are taught graffiti -- a rich artistic expression, so long as it's on someone else's property .... [more]
Madame Lewinsky: the Starr report owes much to 19th-century novels of adultery--Effie Briest, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, and Therese Raquin ... [more]
If the American Left could heal itself, then it might heal America. That's the belief that drives Richard Rorty's appeal for a real politics: a left-liberal politics ... [more]
Donald Foster caused a stir when he identified Joe Klein as the author of Primary Colors. Now he's turning his computer skills on Shakespeare ... [more]
Love and lies in the academy. What happens when a student and her professor fall for each other? ... [more]
The New Yorker's Tina Brown will be a lot happier making movie deals and creating hype for the wiseguys of Celluloid City ... [more]
With our media culture now fair game for exploitation, we can look forward to the full-scale commercialization of ... [more]
Stephen Glass was a bright, prolific writer and prodigious reporter, with an eye for detail, an ear for language, and one fatal flaw ... [more]
Looking for an internship at an elite East Coast magazine? Read this first ... [more]
The sad irony is that liberal devotees of high-minded civic discourse have left the field almost entirely to conservatives... [more]


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