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art-link-symbol-small-on-blue-tile-rev01.jpg Remus's photos what he took

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Ol' Remus offers his opinions as-is, where is. He rarely cites support for his opinions so they are, in that sense, unwarranted. He comes by them largely by having lived and watched and listened rather than by argument or persuasion. His opinions, not having been arrived at by debate are, therefore, not particularly vulnerable to debate. He entertains opposing opinion but he feels no inclination, much less obligation, to discuss or defend his own. Whatever usefulness or amusement readers may find in them is their own business.



Here at Yer ol' Woodpile Report all incoming email is automatically detected and deleted by instantaneously disconnecting before it arrives. Taking no chances, a clever device shreds Remus's hard drive into nanosize filaments and sinters them into a bust of Chopin. Meanwhile, from a hardened and very remote location, he sends a bot that deletes said email on your end by tricking your PC into self-immolation. Other devices vaporize every ISP that handled it and beam the resulting plasma into deep space. Then he sends a strike team of armed pre-med students to administer a prefrontal lobotomy so you can't remember your own birthday much less writing him an email. Finally, all persons in your zip code with the same last name as yours are put into the witness protection program. Now that's privacy.

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The content of Woodpile Report is provided as general information only and is not be taken as investment advice. Aside from being a fool if you do, any action that you take as a result of information or analysis on this site is solely your responsibility.

Links to offsite articles are offered as a convenience, the information and opinion they point to are not endorsed by Woodpile Report.

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You may copy and post an original article without prior permission if you credit the Woodpile Report, preferrably including a link. You may copy and post an original photo in a non-commercial website without prior permission if you credit the Woodpile Report .

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Woodpile Report does not maintain an archive. Some issues linger on the server until Remus gets around to deleting all but the previous three or four. Don't confuse Woodpile Report with a blog. It isn't. It's an olde tymme internet site made by hand and archives are a dispensable chore

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You're about to be lied to when they say-

a hand up
a new study shows
a poll by the highly respected
a positive step
are speaking out
at-risk communities
best practices
broader implications
climate change
commonsense solutions
comprehensive reform
cycle of poverty
cycle of violence
demand action
disparate impact
diverse backgrounds
economically disadvantaged
emerging consensus
experts agree
fair share
fiscal stimulus
fully funded
give back
giving voice to
greater diversity
growing support for
gun violence
have issues
high capacity magazine
history shows
impacted by
in denial
inclusive environment
investing in our future
linked to
making a difference
making bad choices
marriage equality
mean spirited
most vulnerable
mounting opposition to
non-partisan, non-profit
not value neutral
off our streets
on some level
oppressed minorities
our nation's children
people of color (sometimes, colour)
poised to
poor and minorities
positive outcome
public/private partnership
raising awareness
reaching out
reaffirm our commitment to
redouble our efforts
root cause
sends a message
shared values
social justice
solidarity with
speaking truth to power
statistics show
sustainable, sustainability
the American People
the bigger issue is
the failed ...
the larger question is
the more important question is
the reality is
the struggle for
too many
too often
touched by
underserved populations
undocumented immigrant
vibrant community
voicing concern
war on ...
working families

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You know what the media's saying by not saying it when they say -

at-risk students
low-income students
mob and rob
mobbing up
pack of teens
rival gang members
roving group
swarm mob
teen gang
teen mob
teen thugs
unruly crowd
urban youths
young people
young men
youth violence

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Tactics of the Left
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have

Never go outside the experience of your people.

Whenever possible, go outside the experience of the enemy.

Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon

A good tactic is one your people enjoy.

A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag.

Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period.

The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself.

Maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.

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Moscow Rules
via the International Spy Museum

Assume nothing.

Never go against your gut.

Everyone is potentially under opposition control.

Don't look back; you are never completely alone.

Go with the flow, blend in.

Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.

Lull them into a sense of complacency.

Don't harass the opposition.

Pick the time and place for action.

Keep your options open.

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Rules of Disinformation
via Proparanoid

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

Become incredulous and indignant

Create rumor mongers

Use a straw man

Sidetrack opponents with name calling, ridicule

Hit and Run

Question motives

Invoke authority

Play Dumb

Associate opponent charges with old news

Establish and rely upon fall-back positions

Enigmas have no solution

Alice in Wonderland Logic

Demand complete solutions

Fit the facts to alternate conclusions

Vanish evidence and witnesses

Change the subject

Emotionalize, antagonize, and goad

Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs

False evidence

Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor

Manufacture a new truth

Create bigger distractions

Silence critics


Remus's antidote: tell the truth as plainly as you can. Humor helps.

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email yer comments to ol Remus
gradient on blue texture
gradient on blue texture
gradient on blue texture
gradient on blue texture

Photographer for today


Apple Orchard, Half Dome, Yosemite
Ansel Adams 1933

Ansel Adams (San Francisco 1902 - Monterey 1984) was an accomplished musician, landscape photographer and in 1932 co-founder of Group f/64 to promote pure photography, defined as "possessing no qualities of technique, composition or idea derivative of any other art form." Group f/64's manifesto was aimed at Pictorialism art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif, which dominated 'serious' photography at the time and, incidentally, dominates now. Unlike other picture-takers in the pay of FSA he rejected using photography to promote social causes, although he was active in the conservation movement on his own dime.

Adams believed in having tight control over every variable of the process, which he largely accomplished with his Zone System art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif, an end-to-end discipline which optimizes the capabilities of both materials and equipment. Although it can be and usually is formidable in its specifics, the underlying concept is simple and direct. Even unfussy use of the Zone System presents the subject much more as the photographer intended.

Adams's portfolios sold well, but he depended on commercial assignments and teaching until the last decade of his life. At auction his better known prints now bring paydays in the half-million dollar range.

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art-remus-ident-04.jpg Bloodletting

Caution! Tedious DC machinations ahead! The ongoing Night of the Long Knives signals the opening of the long awaited Clinton Wing counterinsurgency. The Kapable Keepers of the Truly True Troof, resentful of life in the cadet dorms, tired of lights-and-curtain duty for the sorcerer's apprentice, are on the move. Obama's maneuvering of Hillary to take the full hit for Benghazi was the probable trigger, as "appropriate" as it is. The threat art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif to AP from Holder's shadowland is meant to remind wavering press apparachiks there's always room for one more at the Lubyanka booking desk. It may be too late for some, those to the right of Kos are doing tea with the targets and having the dreaded "what could we have been thinking?" talk. Hillary may be humdrum but we see now what the bizarre gets us, goes the head-nodder du jour.

As in all good stories there's a third player, the residual contaminant of loyal Americans in DC, acting from principle and intrinsically credible, if often played for 'useful idiots'. Having witnessed the truncated career opportunities for standup whistle blowers, they've chosen to open holes below the waterline, then let the Obama people entertain America with damage control pratfalls and frantic evasion maneuvers. Benghazi for one, where Obama's people ordered a plausible rescue attempt to stand down, which order was covered up, then disowned. For another, the IRS leaks. It's a sure fire winner of the "I told you so" sort, with a heaping helping of collateral damage at no extra charge. But the holing won't capsize the place, the IRS is too good a truncheon for principle to come into play. From the Obama Wing's viewpoint, the benefit is in hand and a kick in the shins was the price. But even this downside has a payoff, the brouhaha cripples revenge if control over IRS changes hands in the next election. In DC everybody's gotta win or they won't play.

There's also the matter of the "Virtual Freikorps", an officially nonexistent coalescence of below flag rank officers, career NCOs, much of law enforcement other than the political pay grades and nearly all of the retired military. Except for the mind-meld at the top, the military establishment is an outsider. Respected methods of corruption are tailored for insiders and wannabe insiders, they've largely failed, so DC's answer is high level purges, mandatory misfit quotas, effeminate sensitivity training, no-win social work, political correctness, exhausting deployments, betrayals and pointed humiliations, especially for veterans. These tactics are as desperate as they are perilous but they see no other way. A brotherhood built on manly honor and selflessness scares them like nothing else, partly from fear of the unknown.

If we look at this en bloc, DC is reaffirming itself as a catch basin for those who can't succeed at anything other than Machiavellian make-believe. The founders did everything they could to discourage politics as a career and were, in retrospect, too sure of success. Example: the State of the Union report assumed Congress would be out of session much of the year and would need to be brought up to speed for the few weeks they'd be in town to dispose of their enumerated responsibilities. Recently a practicing medical doctor and Congressman was accused of conflict of interest, which says all that needs saying. DC has become a nonstop Baroque costume ball, a hall of mirrors, a rabbit warren bereft of all but self-awareness and the need to feed its replications. The rest is career-driven blather, as is the modern State of the Union report.

There's a Greek Revival building in the historic district of Philadelphia, the former Second Bank of the United States, which was the equivalent of today's Federal Reserve, vacated after president Jackson refused to renew its charter. This is the same Jackson whose portrait is on the twenty-dollar Federal Reserve Note, ironic because Jackson was nearly impeached for turning out the central bankers. His real memorial is not the empty building—although it's a satisfying sight, it's the hundred years of prosperity and sound money that followed. Alas, it ended abruptly in December of 1913 with the Third Bank of the United States, the dishonestly named Federal Reserve and their thuggish collection agency, the IRS. If we were the nation we imagine ourselves to be, the history books would tell of a tragic fire in January of 1914. As it is we've lived for a century under their insane manipulations, depressions, bubbles, inflation and disinformation. It's time to understand the Federal Reserve for the criminal enterprise it was meant to be.

The Constitution describes a brilliantly decentralized system; resilient and responsive yet limited and deliberative, and nimble where it has to be. It's designed to fit with human nature itself rather than its transitory ambitions and contrivances. It concerns itself with how society may affect the person, not vice versa, and so the list is short and its institutions few. They've inverted this, to our cost. Instead of the hulking Kremlin on the Potomac we should have a DC of largely empty buildings, its institutions resized to that of, say, Jackson's era. Doing time in Congress should once again be a duty by real people on periodic hiatus from the real world. Such a DC would be unattractive to the Holders and Pelosis, Schumers, Boxers, Feinsteins, Reids, et al, and for that reason alone the benefits are incalculable.



art-remus-ident-04.jpg Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder has compiled a record of deep corruption and routine lawlessness worthy of any hombre fuerte in any third world pest hole. He even looks the part, the guy Hal Wallis would use if he couldn't get Peter Lorre. There's something Medieval about him; the measured malevolence, the star chamber manner and, like his master, the simulated sincerity. It's an accomplishment to be a standout lowlife in DC yet the hits just keep on a-comin'. He's a one-man pandemic, not merely corrupt but corrupting, the inferable gravity well for crimes big and small, perhaps the first to gladly testify with a Contempt of Congress citation still in force, all while eligible for prison time under any reading of the RICO Act. Here's his record:

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing, Holder instructed FBI agents to recover from Terry Nichols any remainder of the explosives the Bureau had provided him and McVeigh. To the chagrin of Eric Holder, the explosives were later discovered by another agency, complete with the fingerprints of Nichols, McVeigh and 2 FBI agents. Holder had reportedly offered Nichols respite from the death penalty for his cooperation in recovering the explosives. Western Journalism

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Oklahoma City bombing - The conspirators needed to eliminate “loose ends” so they murdered Kenny Trentadue. They didn't realize Kenny Trentadue was an innocent man who looked like the man they were looking for and was NOT part of the conspiracy... The puppet master of the cover up was Eric Holder, Barack Obama's Attorney General. Congressman Tom Tancredo

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif People forget, but Holder was in charge of WACO under Janet Reno. They could have simply waited and arrested the leader who went to town all the time. No, Holder wanted to arrest everyone associated with him and that resulted in the death of all those children. Armstrong Economics

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Holder had little Elian Gonzales arrested, removed from the protective home of his family, and sent back to Fidel Castro in Cuba.  Eric Holder, the man who ordered the arrest and deportation of a defenseless little boy at gunpoint, is fixed in the minds of all those who support generations of Cubans and others who have sought refuge on our shores. Lubbock On Line

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif In a blunt assessment of race relations in the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder Wednesday called the American people "essentially a nation of cowards" in failing to openly discuss the issue of race... The nation's top law enforcement official vowed to "revitalize the Civil Rights Division" at the Justice Department but offered no specifics. CNN

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif In Fast and Furious, the ATF "walked" about 2,000 firearms into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. That means through straw purchasers they allowed sales to happen and didn't stop the guns from being trafficked even though they had the legal authority to do so and were fully capable of doing so. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens–estimates put it around at least 300–were killed with these firearms. Breitbart

It's said children are a parody of their parents, if so, we're seeing a Janet Reno lampoon. Holder practices her retroactive rule of law, it's an amazing thing to watch, the clever backfills of half-truths and omissions. If he ever 'came clean' there'd be nothing left, he'd evaporate before our eyes, shadow and all. He's a debit to the nation, perhaps even to Barbados if that's possible.

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Magazine ad for the 1949 Oldsmobile



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art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The only serious opposition to the Ruling Class is coming not from feckless Republicans but from what might be called the Country Party, and its vision is revolutionary, says Angelo Codevilla in this penetrating essay from 2010, America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution, at American Spectator. It's a long read but a real page-turner, and a return performance here at Woodpile Report. Yes, it's that good. An excerpt:

As bureaucrats and teachers' unions disempowered neighborhood school boards, while the governments of towns, counties, and states were becoming conduits for federal mandates, as the ruling class reduced the number and importance of things that American communities could decide for themselves, America's thirst for self-governance reawakened. The fact that public employees are almost always paid more and have more generous benefits than the private sector people whose taxes support them only sharpened the sense among many in the country class that they now work for public employees rather than the other way around. But how to reverse the roles? How can voters regain control of government?



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Buffett, Paulson, Soros and other billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks, and market research guru Robert Wiedemer knows why. Those newly printed dollars will eventually escape captivity, inflation will push interest rates into bond-killer territory and what's left of the real economy will implode. Wiedemer is looking at a 90% drop in the S&P. Wall Street is taking him seriously, says this article, Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why, at Money News.



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg We now live in a world where public servants informing the public about government behavior or wrongdoing must practice the tradecraft of drug dealers and spies. It's now become clear that simply leaking embarrassing information carries substantial risk. Any future Deep Throat needs to follow these sorts of procedures if he or she wishes to talk to the press, says Nicholas Weaver in this article, This Is How to Leak to the Press, at Wired.



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Criminals believe in coercion, violence, and theft. Unfortunately, they are naturally drawn to the state—which is institutionalized coercion. They concentrate there, and after a while they dominate it. They undermine and corrupt society by promising "free" goodies to society, which are stolen from the capitalists—which is to say the innovators and producers. It's hard for libertarians to counter that with esoteric and seemingly hard-hearted economic theories, however correct, says Doug Casey in this interview with Mark Wallace, The Virtues of Capitalism, at Capitalist Exploits.



Two takes on research into intelligence and race

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The Jason Richwine business has illustrated all over again for those who needed the reminder that even a society as technically sophisticated as ours is a great dark slough of ignorance and passion in which the small voices of reason and calm empirical inquiry must struggle to be heard above the bellowing of the night beasts. We have cut back on the harsher kinds of penalties, but otherwise there’s been little progress since the trial of Socrates, who, like Jason Richwine, "failed to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges," says John Derbyshire in this article, Ideological Castration, at Taki's Magazine.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Research on race and intelligence should simply be banned. I envision a federal prohibition against speech or publications supporting racial theories of intelligence. All papers, books and other documents advocating such theories will be burned, deleted or otherwise destroyed. Those who continue espousing such theories either publicly or privately will be detained indefinitely in Guantanamo until or unless a secret tribunal overseen by me says they have expressed sufficient remorse and can be released, says John Horgan of the Stevens Institute of Technology, in this article at Scientific American.



In a land far away and long ago

Original caption: Training in marksmanship helps girls at Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles, Calif., develop into responsible women. Part of Victory Corps activities there, rifle practice encourages girls to be accurate in handling firearms. 8/1942

Source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Suppose you are in a self-driving car going across a narrow bridge, and a school bus full of children hurtles out of control towards you. There is no room for the vehicles to pass each other. Should the self-driving car take the decision to drive off the bridge and kill you in order to save the children? Driving a car is not simply a technical operation, of the sort that machines can do more efficiently. It is also a moral operation, says Steven Poole in this article, Slaves to the algorithm, at Aeon Magazine.



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg There won't be any direct order found telling the IRS to go hassle Conservative groups.  That's not the way it works. Once a group is labelled and accepted (at least by your political followers) as such, you don't have to order people to harass them. They just do it, because they see it as the right thing to do, says Warren Meyer in this short article, Obama Didn't Need to Order IRS Crackdown on the Tea Party, at Coyote Blog.



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg If this doesn't get you all misty-eyed, nothing will. Article and video, Deployed dad makes surprise return — disguised as catcher while daughter throws first pitch, from Mike Oz at Yahoo Sports.



Kewl science stuff

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Compared with western North America—mountainous, volcanic, and earthquake-prone—the geologically quiescent East Coast has earned the appellation "passive continental margin." But new geologic models show that Earth's churning interior warps and bends this and many other so-called stable areas, at Science.


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Spears - Impact marks on the bones of ancient prey show that such sophisticated killing techniques go back at least 90,000 years ago in Africa and offers a new method of determining how prehistoric hunters made their kills, at Science


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The massive ball of iron sitting at the center of Earth is not quite as "rock-solid" as has been thought. By conducting experiments that simulate the immense pressures deep in the planet's interior, the researchers determined that iron in Earth's inner core is only about 40 percent as strong as previous studies estimated, at Phys Org.


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg An international team of physicists has now found the first direct evidence of pear shaped nuclei in exotic atoms. The findings could advance the search for a new fundamental force in nature that could explain why the Big Bang created more matter than antimatter, at Daily Galaxy.


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg A theory, if valid, would address important problems in particle physics: the early universe—which exploded from a single point—was one-dimensional before expanding to include two dimensions and then three. A paper describes a test that could prove or disprove this "vanishing dimensions" hypothesis, at Science News.



art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Here's a conspiracy theory almost unheard of in its radicalism, which has been propagating steadily through German academic circles since 1998. It alleges that the Gregorian calendar of 1582 added roughly three centuries that had never existed. It's called the the Phantom Time Hypothesis, and it goes a long way in taking the 'dark' out of the dark ages, says Jerry Glover in this article, Phantom Time, at Fortean Times.
(Hat tip: voxday.blogspot.com)

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The unlikliest partisan

In August 1942 the Polish town of Lenin's roughly 2000 Jewish residents were executed by Nazi forces, with the exception of about two dozen, including Faye Schulman. She was a photographer and was ordered to take and develop pictures of the mass execution.

She did so, including a second set in secret to keep herself. During a partisan raid she was able to escape into the forests and join the Molotava Brigade of Jews and escaped Russian POWs, where she served as nurse, photographer and fighter until the end of the war. She's lived in Canada since 1948.
Data and photo from Forgotten Weapons art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif


Winter of 1944 in the forests near Lenin Poland on the Russian-Polish border, now Belarus. Safe gun handling was not a priority.

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Note: Ol' Remus overhears imperfectly. Some folks say the most wonderful things, but they say it and say it and say it like some medieval barrister so Overheard takes a machete to superfluous subordinate clauses, annoying parenthetical asides and similar air bubbles. Triple dots indicate ellipses, but he's not perfectly reliable about using them. Don't assume these to be definitive quotes if your dissertation depends on it.


If the testimony of the "whistle blowers" and such outstanding truth tellers as Pirro is true, the Benghazi incident is the Judas kiss of betrayal of an entire nation.  It is treachery at the deepest level. The wider the circle of betrayal, the worse is the perfidy that is treachery.  The traitor to a nation takes down a huge circle of people, people beyond his immediate family but nonetheless in a special relationship of trust to him.  He betrays those who have not only done him no harm, but who have given their oath to serve him.  Such have reserved for them the very lowest circle of hell.
Fay Voshell at americanthinker.com


Eleven years ago, when the Department of Homeland Security was formed, we were promised that it would merely be an umbrella organization that would just coordinate the activities of existing agencies, and have no policing powers of of it own. Well, look at what it has become. With more than 230,000 employees, DHS is now the third largest Cabinet-level Federal department. DHS now has legions of cyber sniffers, blue-gloved crotch gropers, and asset seizers. I suspect that internal DHS checkpoints will be coming soon.
James Rawles at survivalblog.com


What is perhaps most disturbing is the sheer effrontery of the administration. They seem unabashed and oblivious to the damage they are causing. They are telling lies that nobody can be expected to believe, almost as if the stranger hiding under the marital bed explains that he's looking for change he dropped there. He doesn't actually expect you to believe it. What he wants to know is whether you're man enough to call him on it.
Richard Fernandez at pjmedia.com


The ordinary modes of human thinking are magical, religious, social, and personal. We want our wishes to come true; we want the universe to care about us; we want the approval of those around us; we want to get even with that s.o.b. who insulted us at the last tribal council. For most people, wanting to know the cold truth about the world is way, way down the list.
John Derbyshire, We Are Doomed


Boston bombing - Whenever deathsquads are firing on me while I lie in a wooden boat, I find time to write a short letter detailing my manifesto and personal philosophy and be certain to leave it lying prominently about.
Texas Arcane at vault-co.blogspot.com


Sarah Hall Ingram, the IRS executive in charge of the tax exempt division in 2010 when it began targeting conservative Tea Party, evangelical and pro-Israel groups for harrassment, got more than $100,000 in bonuses between 2009 and 2012. More recently, Ingram was promoted to serve as director of the tax agency's Obamacare program office, a position that put her in charge of the vast expansion of the IRS' regulatory power and staffing in connection with federal health care.
Mark Tapscott at washingtonexaminer.com



The American people expect the Internal Revenue Service to violate them fairly and impartially, that one taxpayer not be garroted while another is but lightly strangled, that "service" be understood in the veterinary sense rather than the mortician's. The compact has been breeched. The nation pauses.

A simple request for tax-exempt status should not take years to complete, involve hundreds of pages of documentation, require hundreds of volunteer hours, and request private information we should never have to disclose. This grants the Federal Government the dangerous power to selectively stymie those voices with which they disagree, bogging them down in endless paperwork and compliance costs so that they are unable to spend time serving the principles they founded their organization to advance.
Richmond Tea Party press release via David Martosko at dailymail.co.uk

There is little question that one or more employees at the IRS stole our confidential tax return and leaked it to our political enemies, in violation of federal law. The only questions are who did it, and whether there was any knowledge or coordination between people in the White House, the Obama reelection campaign and the Human Rights Campaign.
National Organization for Marriage press release via Matt Lewis at dailycaller.com

The head of one national advocacy group has released documents which show that his group's confidential IRS information found its way into the hands of a staunch critic on the Left who also happens to be a co-chairman of President Obama's re-election committee. The only way this information could have been made public is if someone leaked it from inside the IRS.
Sen Mitch McConnell via via Matt Lewis at dailycaller.com

Mea culpa - The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year... In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved — meaning they were not supposed to be made public.
ProPublica via Patrick Howley at dailycaller.com

Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target Tea Party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a shady charity headed by the president's half-brother that operated illegally for years. Lerner approved the Foundation's tax status within a month of filing, an unprecedented timeline that stands in stark contrast to conservative organizations that have been waiting for more than three years, in some cases, for approval.
Charles Johnson at dailycaller.com

"I think that what happened here was that foolish mistakes were made by people who were trying to be more efficient in their workload selection," Miller said, calling the practices described in the inspector general's report as "intolerable" and a "mistake," but "not an act of partisanship."
Steven Miller, acting IRS commissioner, via Tom Cohen at cnn.com

IRS commissioner Sarah Ingram -The Internal Revenue Service official in charge of the tax-exempt organizations at the time when the unit targeted tea party groups now runs the IRS office responsible for the health care legislation.
John Parkinson at abcnews.go.com

A Republican leadership that is routinely inept suddenly had two breakthroughs; one in Benghazi and one in the IRS. The IRS material is being served up on a silver platter, suggesting that is a distraction. The two scandals cut different ways. Benghazi hurts Obama, but it hurts Clinton more. The IRS is all Obama. It can't be deposited at Clinton's door and its narrative serves her interests.
Daniel Greenfield at sultanknish.blogspot.com

Some of the letters asked for copies of the groups' Web pages, blog posts and social media postings — making some tea party members worry they’d be punished for their tweets or Facebook comments by their followers. And each letter had a stern warning about "penalties of perjury" — which became intimidating for groups that were being asked about future activities, like future donations or endorsements.
Nather, Parti and Tau at politico.com

The Internal Revenue Service's watchdog told top Treasury officials around June 2012 he was investigating allegations the tax agency had targeted conservative groups, for the first time indicating that Obama administration officials were aware of the explosive matter in the midst of the president's re-election campaign.
McKinnon, Hughes and Paletta at wsj.com

Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: 'Please detail the content of the members of your organization's prayers'. Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501 c3 applicant? The content of one's prayers?
Rep. Aaron Schock via Charlie Spiering at washingtonexaminer.com

Sen. Rob Portman on Sunday said he believed a special counsel to investigate the IRS targeting scandal would ultimately be “necessary."
Meghashyam Mali at thehill.com

News reports from the time indicate the now-chief counsel of the IRS, William Wilkins, helped a church connected to President Barack Obama's friend Rev. Jeremiah Wright get out of an IRS probe in 2008 while working as a private attorney.
Matthew Boyle at breitbart.com

The very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report.
Jeffrey Lord at spectator.org



The question isn't who edited what talking points. That is largely irrelevant.

Look, I can't speak to the law here. The law is irrelevant.

I don't remember what room the president was in on that night, and that's a largely irrelevant fact.
Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer via Daniel Halper at weeklystandard.com


Bernanke is flooding the world with dollar assets and the banks with excess liquidity, in preparation for the next crash.  Based on the scale of his preparations, its going to be a doozy. New S&P500 nominal highs are just an unintended consequence.
Spinone, comment 3571275 at zerohedge.com


I started looking around for a homemade eyeglass cleaning solution and the answer was surprisingly simple. 1 part water, 1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 drop soap.
Jillee at onegoodthingbyjillee.com


Bubonic Plague - This pandemic, named after the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, killed more than 100 million people. Some historians have suggested it contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire. To help solve this mystery, scientists investigated ancient DNA from the teeth of 19 different sixth-century skeletons from a medieval graveyard in Bavaria, Germany... They unambiguously found the plague bacterium Y. pestis there.
Charles Choi at huffingtonpost.com


Illegitimate people - A student's bid to become associate vice president of diversity and inclusion at Northwestern University was derailed last Wednesday over accusations that his status as a white heterosexual male would make it impossible for him to perform the position's duties.
Timothy Dionisopoulos at campusreform.org


Comrade Chancellor - Her father used the church to find dissidents and turn them into the Stasi in exchange for political favors which indeed may have put Ms. Merkel on the fast track to a collegiate career and ultimately a higher standing withing the East German Communist Party.
John Galt at Shenandoah johngaltfla.com


In the 1942 Wickard v. Filburn case, the Supreme Court ruled that laws regulating how much wheat a farmer could grow on his land apply even to grain grown for consumption at his own dinner table, because if he had not grown it, he would have had to buy it, thus "affecting commerce." Since then, incredibly, the perversity has only grown worse. The Supreme Court has ruled, at the federal government's behest, that since homegrown marijuana reduces demand for marijuana commerce—which Congress has already decreed must not be engaged in any way—interstate commerce is "affected," and Congress has a right to regulate it.
Kurt Hofmann at examiner.com


Any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect in no uncertain terms to make no statement to the police under any circumstances.
Chief Justice Robert Jackson


Boston bombing - We already know that terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was shot up by Boston’s finest as he cowered in a boat without a weapon. Now we have confirmation that the cops shot up the wrong vehicle (but couldn’t shoot straight enough to hit the innocent citizens) the police officer wounded and nearly killed in the shootout with the Tsarnaev brothers wasn't shot by the poorly-equipped terrorists, but was instead blasted by other poorly-trained cops.
Bob Owens at bob-owens.com


The greatest variations in language occur directly in proportion to drop in native intelligence. As people get dumber, unable to master the language their parents spoke they have few other options but to invent new forms they can comprehend. This leads to language drift.
Texas Arcane at vault-co.blogspot.com


Don't tell Chuck Schumer or Steve Israel, but you can bypass most of the problems with a printed gun by printing it to common PLA plastic and then using the PLA part as a pattern for a mold. Add a couple of wax sprues and risers and embed the whole megillah in a plaster-sand mixture. You then melt the PLA out, and cast metal in. One of the real applications for these printers is in printing casting patterns.


If you thought the crash of 2008 was bad, think again. The crash that is coming—I cannot put a date on it, but it is not far away now—will be orders of magnitude worse.
Lord Monckton at wnd.com


I want to draw your attention to the recent drop in corporate revenues at a number of corporations including Proctor and Gamble, Starbucks, AT&T, CB Richard Ellis, Safeway, American Express, IBM... If you look at the real economy, things are getting worse and worse. When even Wal-Mart reports that people are spending less (remember that corporate email that February sales were a "disaster"?) you KNOW things are bad. Folks, something awful is brewing in the economy. And yet, against this backdrop, stocks continue to rally hard. This bubble is worse than anything I've seen in my career, including the 2007 top.
Graham Summers, Phoenix Capital Research via zerohedge.com


Bank crime doesn't seem to appear on the Obama Administration's radar, and it doesn't seem to interest the Holder Justice Department. That means local law enforcement spends a lot more time evicting homeowners—including the victims of illegal foreclosure—than it does arresting lawbreaking bankers. They're wiretapping reporters and jailing leakers,while letting executive-suite criminals go free.
Richard Eskow at huffingtonpost.com


Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett was seated at the head table along with several other big-name politicians and a handful of high-ranking military officials. As an officer sporting several stars walked past Jarrett, she signaled for his attention and said, “I’d like another glass of wine.”
Mike Riggs at dailycaller.com

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1933. Loyston, Tennessee. The Stooksbury home, interior.



1933. Mrs. Watson at her spinning wheel, Gatlinburg Tennessee



1940. Dubuque Iowa, foraging for food in the city dump.


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For adjusting your monitor

Woodpile Report 321 - 21 May 2013




Notate Bene

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.
Ayn Rand

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Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants and debt is the money of slaves.

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The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Ayn Rand

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Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
George Orwell, 1984

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There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Ayn Rand

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The socialist ideal eventually goes viral, and the majority learns to game the system. Everyone is trying to live at the expense of everyone else. In the terminal phase, the failure of the system is disguised under a mountain of lies, hollow promises, and debts. When the stream of other people's money runs out, the system collapses.
Kevin Brekke

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When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you … you may know that your society is doomed.
Ayn Rand

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Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics ... It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.
Vaclav Havel

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Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.
H. L. Mencken

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