Nota Bene
The Talented Mrs. Shipley
A State Department bureaucrat of the early 20th century drew up a forerunner of the No Fly List, raising the same constitutional issues then as we face now.
- Jazz Journeys of Mind and Soul
Our Handwriting, Ourselves
Up in Arms
New Scholarly Books
Weekly Book List, May 24, 2013
Descriptions of the latest books, divided by category
Weekly Book List, May 17, 2013
Weekly Book List, May 10, 2013
Hot Type
Hot Off the (Library) Press
Scholarly publishing by college libraries takes wildly different forms at different institutions. A new coalition is trying to make connections and share expertise.
- 'Social Reading' Projects Bring Commentary Into the Text
Hot Type: Art Publishers Look to Yale Press for Glimpse of Digital Future
- Push for Open Access Goes Global