
Videos | The Nation


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It's not just the government and corporations who are tracking your cell and computer use: politicians on the campaign trail are some of the biggest data snoopers around. 

Chris Christie isn't the moderate Republican he would like the public to think he is, but rather a union-busting bully with the corporate agenda in mind. 

What if creating a more just world requires a radical reimagining of our political and economic system?

Repression after 9/11 is nothing compared to what's come before, and our tools to fight it are greater.

In his film, Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill unveils America's extrajudicial, covert, transcontinental battlefield. 

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It's not just the government and corporations who are tracking your cell and computer use: politicians on the campaign trail are some of the biggest data snoopers around. 

What if creating a more just world requires a radical reimagining of our political and economic system?

Chris Christie isn't the moderate Republican he would like the public to think he is, but rather a union-busting bully with the corporate agenda in mind. 

Repression after 9/11 is nothing compared to what's come before, and our tools to fight it are greater.

In his film, Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill unveils America's extrajudicial, covert, transcontinental battlefield.