- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 181
- author: ERDASINC

Hexagon 2012 Presentation: Portray Your Geography to the World
Geospatial organizations need to use and distribute volumes of geospatial data, but dispar...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: ERDASINC
Hexagon 2012 Presentation: Portray Your Geography to the World
Geospatial organizations need to use and distribute volumes of geospatial data, but disparate legacy information systems may hinder data-sharing. When depart...
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 181
- author: ERDASINC

Free Education Lectures on Geography Class VII
Extraminds, a free e-learning portal is offering free education lectuers on class VII geog...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: extraminds123
Free Education Lectures on Geography Class VII
Extraminds, a free e-learning portal is offering free education lectuers on class VII geography. The education portal offers geography lessons in videos and ...
- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 1941
- author: extraminds123

LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs ...
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: successcds1
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LONGITUDES - CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs Education SuccessCDs Education ( http://www.youtube.com/successcds1...
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 532
- author: successcds1

Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Naomi Roycroft
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to an...
published: 16 May 2012
author: sotoncomms
Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Naomi Roycroft
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to answer students' questions about their career paths. Organised by the...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 108
- author: sotoncomms

Exploring Iceland's geography and biodiversity - Geography and Environmental Management at UWE
http://www.uwe.ac.uk/whyuwe/uwestudentstories Tom and Bradley talk about getting close to ...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: BristolUWE
Exploring Iceland's geography and biodiversity - Geography and Environmental Management at UWE
http://www.uwe.ac.uk/whyuwe/uwestudentstories Tom and Bradley talk about getting close to the volcanic epicentre of Ejyafjallajokull and studying Iceland's d...
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 152
- author: BristolUWE

Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Anita Cresswell
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to an...
published: 16 May 2012
author: sotoncomms
Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Anita Cresswell
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to answer students' questions about their career paths. Organised by the...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 305
- author: sotoncomms

LATITUDES CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LATITUDES CBSE Class VI Social Science - GEOGRAPHY by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs Edu...
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: successcds1
LATITUDES CBSE Class VI Social Science - Geography
LATITUDES CBSE Class VI Social Science - GEOGRAPHY by Soma Mukhopadhyay for SuccessCDs Education Check out other Social Science Lessons here http://goo.gl/RP...
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 945
- author: successcds1

Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Tim Beckett
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to an...
published: 16 May 2012
author: sotoncomms
Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Tim Beckett
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to answer students' questions about their career paths. Organised by the...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 161
- author: sotoncomms

Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Steve Kinder
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to an...
published: 16 May 2012
author: sotoncomms
Voices of Experience: Geography Career Panel 2011 - Steve Kinder
"Voices of Experience Career Panels": Alumni return to the University of Southampton to answer students' questions about their career paths. Organised by the...
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 199
- author: sotoncomms

Free Online Geography Class For CBSE Class VIII
Extraminds, world's 1st free edusocial portal is offering free online CBSE class 8th study...
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: extraminds123
Free Online Geography Class For CBSE Class VIII
Extraminds, world's 1st free edusocial portal is offering free online CBSE class 8th study center on Geography. The online lecture follows CBSE syllabus and ...
- published: 26 Dec 2011
- views: 5329
- author: extraminds123

| Český Walkthrough Portal 2 | Kapitola 9 / Chapter 9 | HD / HQ |
Ahoj lidi, po dlouhé chvili jsem tu s Portal 2 ... kapitola 9 a konečně zníčímé Wheatleyho...
published: 01 Dec 2012
author: DingoZplaysCZECH
| Český Walkthrough Portal 2 | Kapitola 9 / Chapter 9 | HD / HQ |
Ahoj lidi, po dlouhé chvili jsem tu s Portal 2 ... kapitola 9 a konečně zníčímé Wheatleyho.. Nezapomeňte sub like comment.... ENJOY =) ...
- published: 01 Dec 2012
- views: 63
- author: DingoZplaysCZECH

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Imacr...
published: 16 Mar 2013
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Imacreeper46
Twitter : https://twitter.com/imacreeper46
CoD Own Syndicate Nova activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, sex, sexy, hot, love, porn, president, 2008, 2009, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, free, money, cash, movie, download, horny, quickscope, free, lobby, hard, scope, barrett, intervention, high, ******, 1600, microsoft, points, 10th, prestige, ak47, montage, sniper, m9, acr, m16, you, tube, rawr, lol, mp3, download, hillary, clinton, ohio, indiana, apple, banana, modern, warfare, leaked, info, gameplay, ninja, defuse, mw2, snd, optic, h3cz, sniper, montage, mp5k, 50cal, acog, Modern, Warfare, M16, footage, Sniper, Montage, by, OpTic, H3CZ, .50cal, m200, copycat, steady, aim, pro, nation, gaming, hecz, dtreats, hutchisyodaddy, zzirgrizz, topnotchmultimedia, waw, dogs, infinity, ward, tutorials,
- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 4

Portal 2 Episode 2 : NEW PORTAL GUN !
New and Improved portal gun!
Facebook : ...
published: 17 Mar 2013
Portal 2 Episode 2 : NEW PORTAL GUN !
New and Improved portal gun!
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Imacreeper46
Twitter : https://twitter.com/imacreeper46
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- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 12

Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia Launches Responsive Web Design Travel Portal
http://Barbados.org. The Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia launches a new responsive web desig...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: BarbadosTravel
Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia Launches Responsive Web Design Travel Portal
http://Barbados.org. The Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia launches a new responsive web design travel portal for Barbados as the most distinctively charming isl...
- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 479
- author: BarbadosTravel
Vimeo results:

The Poole & Purbeck Portal
The Poole & Purbeck Portal, a new online community created by the School of Applied Scienc...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: Poole & Purbeck Portal
The Poole & Purbeck Portal
The Poole & Purbeck Portal, a new online community created by the School of Applied Sciences at Bournemouth University in order to promote a better understanding of our region's unique natural and heritage assets without compromising progress. Learn more about your region and contribute your knowledge at www.pooleandpurbeckportal.co.uk

Sophie's Choice and Ivanka's Asset - ITSM weekly the podcast EPISODE 91
Show Notes & Links:
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: ServiceSphere
Sophie's Choice and Ivanka's Asset - ITSM weekly the podcast EPISODE 91
Show Notes & Links:
Show Notes:
ITSM Weekly Podcast Top of the World Premier
Hank Marquis looking for ITIL training (Jobs from Global Knowledge)
Evernote Activity Stream
Microsoft purchases Yammer vs Facebook purchasing Instagram
itSMF Fusion 2012, Where the heck are the MEGA sponsors?
IBM Pulse
Rejected from itSMF
What makes someone "ITSM Practitioner" Practitioner Radio, the REAL ITSM podcast?
Axios does Social IT webinar
Does Axios "borrow" a lot of material? Shame.
Who's bigger your internet fans or the LAW? How the Oatmeal is changing the game.
ITSM Extreme Make Over
Sophie Klossner Retires from HDI
Sophie Klossner on the Podcast (July 2010)
Send Sophie a note and thank her for her contributions.
IT Consultants don't create innovation Article
Nancy Regan and psychics
Dancy's World, the Blog helping to define and exploit the bull crap going on in the Social Web.
Apocalyptic Enthusiasms from the IT Skeptic
Dramatic Live Reading, Edict Five, Email is a full time JOB!
SDI Conference
Ovum ITSM Conference
The IT Service Desk / Help Desk of 2017-2050
James Timpson, Keynote
Barclay Rae at SDI
The Service Desk Inspector
The Real Gene Kim
itSMF New England Event
When IT Fails, Novel and Event
50 Shades of ITIL
Serena Software's Fake CIO account
Kanban for ITSM
The IT Skeptic is hot for Kanban
"Stop starting and start finishing."
The IT Skeptic, Service Catalog Meltdown Article
G2G3 Simulation
Dr. Suzanne Van Hove
ITSM Prism
ITSM Standard to show the metric of Value
What is DEVOPS, dramatic reading from Wikipedia.
Kinsight (Kinect tool for remote)
Ivanka Menken, Intanglible Assets tweets
The Ivanka Menken Blog on IT Assets
What is the DEEP security value to Social Media?
The new currency isn't money, it's access to information.
Windmill Ted Talk
Fiat Currency is wrecking the world economies
Best and Worst Cities to Work and Play CIO.com
Internet Explorer Tax? Pay more for using crappy browsers.
Dotted Line Reporting
After 17 years, I'm sleeping with the enemy
IT the World Streaming Conference
Big Shout out to Carlos Casanova
itSMF USA podcast
Show Transcription:
ITSM Weekly, the podcast bringing you news, insight, analysis, and information from the world of IT service management. Your hosts, Matthew Hooper, Chris Anthony, and Matt Baron. IT service managment weekly, the podcast starts now. Welcome to ITSM Weekly the podcast, episode 91 for the week ending, we'll make it June 20th, because we're always a little bit in the future.
Something like that. How are you guys doing?
I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.
Those are the 5 words I never want to hear.
Past 5 days have flown by for a clean June 20th.
Yes, well said.
We're going to go ahead and record today we have a very special guest on. That special guest is my invisible friend. No. Let's get going right with some news Darren, do you have anything for us?
Tons. We should mention Top of the World premier. Another podcast. You can listen to Aleruses' real voice, if you so choose. I thought Debilling did a pretty good job owning that. We'll see where that goes. It's kind of fun to listen to the Swedish accent or the Norwegian accent because I get a lot that around here in Minnesota.
Yes, I thought it was a very good show. I thought Ross did a nice music is custom for ITSM Weekly Top of the World edition. And somebody even made fun saying it reminded them of that old song "I'm on top of the world looking down on creation." Oh well.
Yeah, it was a good show. I do not know Hooper, you haven't had a chance to listen to it. You're still recovering from the drama that was, I don't know, the situation with math challenge.
In your new office that's kind of nice.
I'm in my new office, yes.
So, tell us a little bit about this office you're in now.
It's in Kabul, that's why in a tent.
You're in Kabul.
No, my new office is my back yard. Beautiful here.
That's nice.
What a beautiful day it is. As a kid did you ever camp in the back. Oh, wow. That was really nice. Maybe we should do a podcast completely outside once.
We should.
I'm down. Yeah. I'll go out right now.
Yeah, we used to do that as kids I grew up more in the city. So camping for me wasn't as much of an experience as it would be for my kids camping in this backyard.
Every time I camped as a kid, it always turned out awkward for everyone. Yeah. I'm sure.
Every time I've podcasted as an adult, it turned out awkward for everyone.
That's right. I would always hear,
...to wrestle you so freakin' bad. I want to wrestle you so freakin' bad.
It was just one of those things as a child it just never worked out well for anyone.
Yes. It's kind of like teaching ITIL.
Speaking of teaching ITIL, did you see [Hay Marquois] is looking for ITIL trainers?
No, I didn't. I missed that. Where is, where did he land right now? he's back at global knowledge we talked about it

Rice ceremony in Jatiluwih (Bali)
This is a short excerpt from a rice ceremony at Jatiluwih (Bali), 10th August 2011. The vi...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: Paul Catteeuw
Rice ceremony in Jatiluwih (Bali)
This is a short excerpt from a rice ceremony at Jatiluwih (Bali), 10th August 2011. The village of Jatluwih is UNESCO heritage. You can see the most wonderful sights and rice terraces there. Ceremonies are kept alive until today, though not exploited for tourists.
Link: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.php-URL_ID=9815&URL;_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL;_SECTION=201.html

In order to help students examine history through the Persia+GT lens in social studies, we...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: michelle luhtala
In order to help students examine history through the Persia+GT lens in social studies, we compiled a student-generated list of keywords for each of the following:
We posted an easel in the library for two weeks and asked students to contribute to a growing list of words for each category. The we posted a draft of the list on Google Docs, and invited students to edit. We sent the edited version to faculty for final contributions and then created interactive word clouds for each. The word clouds now reside on our instructional portal (Blogger). Now, when students complain that "There is no information about religion for the Shinto!" we direct them to the word cloud for religion so they can use alternative search terms.
Youtube results:

Magnetism - CBSE NCERT Class VI Science lesson
SuccessCDs Education ( https://www.youtube.com/successcds1 ) is an online channel focused ...
published: 25 Dec 2012
author: successcds1
Magnetism - CBSE NCERT Class VI Science lesson
SuccessCDs Education ( https://www.youtube.com/successcds1 ) is an online channel focused on providing education through Videos as per CBSE, ICSE and NCERT s...
- published: 25 Dec 2012
- views: 1776
- author: successcds1

Portal - Gameplay/Walkthrough #2
Check out GMG which has very cheap games! : http://www.greenmangaming.com/?gmgr=moqajupi T...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: eqqeJ
Portal - Gameplay/Walkthrough #2
Check out GMG which has very cheap games! : http://www.greenmangaming.com/?gmgr=moqajupi Tags: activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-hist...
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 8
- author: eqqeJ

Nancy O'Hare (Wormsloe Fellow, Department of Geography, CRMS)
A video filmed for the Wormsloe Institute for Environmental History featuring Nancy O'Hare...
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: AthensVideoInc
Nancy O'Hare (Wormsloe Fellow, Department of Geography, CRMS)
A video filmed for the Wormsloe Institute for Environmental History featuring Nancy O'Hare, a Wormsloe Fellow from the University of Georgia Department of Ge...
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 8
- author: AthensVideoInc

Portal 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4
Portal 2 Walkthough Chapter 4 For more Portal 2 or other gaming video's subscribe to our c...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: ACgamingEU
Portal 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4
Portal 2 Walkthough Chapter 4 For more Portal 2 or other gaming video's subscribe to our channel. If you want to play coöp with me you can add me on steam : ...
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 16
- author: ACgamingEU