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Ben Gummer for Ipswich

I will fight for you here in Ipswich and in Westminster
Images of Ben Gummer

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Ben's priorities for Ipswich

Ipswich Trains

Ben uses the train regularly and knows firsthand how they are expensive and all too often late, dirty and slow. So Ben is working with other local MPs to ensure our town has the rail service it deserves, with improved punctuality, better rolling stock, increased capacity and a regular 60 minute service to London.

Ipswich Infrastructure

Ipswich is the fastest growing town in the East of England, yet there has been only limited investment in infrastructure. Ben will fight to ensure that expansion does not take place without the new roads, schools, surgeries and community amenities that the town needs. Ben has already won tens of millions of pounds of investment in the town's infrastructure but there is still much to be done. Ben will continue to battle for better roads, bus services,trains and flood protection.

Ipswich Hospital

Ben’s campaign to defend Ipswich Hospital from massive service cuts has won him the support of many people across the town. Ben has fought to keep vital cancer and heart services at Heath Road. He ensured the hospital will soon gain a new heart centre. Ben’s priority is to ensure that Ipswich people have the best possible local hospital treatment.

Ipswich Schools

Ipswich has some wonderful schools but they need more support, more freedom and some better buildings. Ben has already secured funding for a new Ipswich Academy but much, much more needs to be done. In visiting every school in the constituency and keeping in constant contact with parents, head teachers, pupils and staff, Ben is doing all he can to ensure Ipswich has the schools it deserves.

Contact Ben

Ben's Office address

9 Fore Street

Tel: 01473 232 883

Ben's recent activity in Ipswich