Understanding Differences between Kobudo and Gendai Budo
Learn about the differences between Kobudo and Gendai Budo in this ninjutsu video from How...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: Howcast
Understanding Differences between Kobudo and Gendai Budo
Learn about the differences between Kobudo and Gendai Budo in this ninjutsu video from Howcast. Subscribe the Howcast Health Channel: howc.st The Howcast Health Channel offers easy-to-follow instructions on all forms of exercise, both new and traditional, including water aerobics, Pilates, yoga, strength training, how to use an exercise ball, and various forms of mixed martial arts. Videos also include expert advice on health topics, such as chiropractic, cholesterol, massage therapy, meditation, sexual health, stress management, and vitamins. Plus, all the latest diet and nutrition information. Subscribe to Howcast's other YouTube Channels: Howcast Main Channel - howc.st Howcast Video Games Channel - howc.st Howcast Tech Channel - howc.st Howcast Food Channel - howc.st Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel - howc.st Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel - howc.st Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel - howc.st
published: 03 Jun 2012
views: 719
Kyudo -Japanese Archery-
Kyudo or Kyūdō , literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is...
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: cae12810
Kyudo -Japanese Archery-
Kyudo or Kyūdō , literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budō) and practitioners are known as kyudoka . It is estimated that there are approximately half a million practitioners of kyudo today.In 2005 the International Kyudo Federation had 132760 graded members,but in addition to this kyudo is taught at Japanese schools and some traditions refrain from federation membership. Many Japanese high schools and colleges have kyudo clubs (bukatsu) in which students gather after regular classes to practice kyudo. Recently these have begun appearing in junior high schools as well, but it is generally left until high school because of the extreme danger of the sport. Because of the maturity needed in both mind and body to handle a bow and arrow, Japanese culture tends to prevent teaching kyudo until the age of 15 or 16.
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: cae12810
views: 4161
Amazing Fight Series - Sumo vs Orangutan
The Terrific Fight ..... Fair Enough? Sumo is a competitive contact sport where two wrestl...
published: 11 Aug 2007
author: joestump85
Amazing Fight Series - Sumo vs Orangutan
The Terrific Fight ..... Fair Enough? Sumo is a competitive contact sport where two wrestlers called rikishi face off in a circular area. The sport is popular in Japan and is surrounded by ceremony and ritual. The Japanese consider sumo a gendai budō: a modern Japanese martial art, even though the sport has a history spanning many centuries. The sumo tradition is very ancient, and even today the sport includes many ritual elements, such as the use of salt for purification, from the days sumo was used in the Shinto religion.Sumo was mentioned in Nihon Shoki, one of the earliest texts in Japan, under its earlier name sumai, from the 8th century AD However, these early forms would not be sumo as it is known today, as in many cases the wrestling had relatively few rules and unarmed fights to the death were still referred to as "sumo".
published: 11 Aug 2007
author: joestump85
views: 45300
Martial Archery Training July 2012
Japan Archer Kyūdō ... Kyudo or Kyūdō (弓道?), literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Ja...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: CombatArchery
Martial Archery Training July 2012
Japan Archer Kyūdō ... Kyudo or Kyūdō (弓道?), literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budō) and practitioners are known as kyudoka (弓道家?). Martial Archery is to shoot very fast.. 4 arrows in 9 seconds..Time yourself..show me your video...Early monday morning shoot out.No Time to aim, cock and shoot, cock and shoot as fast as you can ..learn to get in your flow. If the first arrow don't stop them (it will) the next 4 will do some damage , I am armed and Dangerous, And ready to defend myself. Combat Archery.I was Bullied as a kid and grew up being messed with by some bully's. I took judo as a kid and other self defence class ..12 years ago I went to Mounted Martial Archery School.I am a 5 year Instructor of Martial Archery.I have had students all over the world...And all over the usa . I do not like the Bully.Turn the other cheek,What the lord says..run the other way,dont be ther. do not be around people that will mess with you, wrong place wrong time. Some one says lets fight say no and walk away..warn them . do not mess with me..warn them again and again ..4 time run like Hell...BUT, If they jump on you DEFEND YOURSELF, We were taught to kill in less that 3 seconds..why would you let it go on any longer than that.. Archery has been a part of martial training since before man had written language. It is one of the oldest casting weapons and is only predated by the Atlatl/spear and the thrown rock ...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: CombatArchery
views: 343
On the blog video-sport-total.blogspot.com you have the opportunity to be in touch with vi...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: alexxFighting
On the blog video-sport-total.blogspot.com you have the opportunity to be in touch with video news,matches updated in real time.
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: alexxFighting
views: 1310
Sophia @ Naginata SM
Naginata is a pole weapon that was traditionally used in Japan by members of the samurai c...
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: binslayer
Sophia @ Naginata SM
Naginata is a pole weapon that was traditionally used in Japan by members of the samurai class. A naginata consists of a wooden shaft with a curved blade on the end; it is similar to the Chinese Guan Dao or European glaive or Russian sovnya. Usually it also had a sword-like guard (tsuba) between the blade and shaft. The martial art of wielding the naginata is known as naginatajutsu. Most naginata practice today is in a modernised form, a gendai budō called atarashii Naginata meaning "new Naginata", in which competitions are held. Use of the naginata is also taught within the Bujinkan and in some koryū schools. Naginata practitioners may wear a form of the protective armour known as bōgu similar to that worn by kendō practitioners. Wearing the bogu means using a naginata that is a mix of light oak wood shaft, with a bamboo blade habu for atarashii Naginata. The naginata has become associated in modern Japan as a woman's weapon as it is studied by women more than men, whereas in Europe and Australia naginata is practiced predominantly by men—this is however simply a reflection of the martial arts demographics of Europe, where there is no historical association—as there is in Japan—that naginatajutsu is for women
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: binslayer
views: 678
Sumo contest @ 2010 Powell Street Festival
Sumo contest at the 34th Annual Powell Street Festival at Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver, B...
published: 02 Aug 2010
author: Sanjib Dutta
Sumo contest @ 2010 Powell Street Festival
Sumo contest at the 34th Annual Powell Street Festival at Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010.
published: 02 Aug 2010
author: Sanjib Dutta
views: 609
Yakın Dövüş Teknikleri, AİKİDO STREET Turkey
Aikido Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Aikido'da öne doğru atıştan bir örnek Dai Nikyo (Omote)...
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: Ey58Turkey
Yakın Dövüş Teknikleri, AİKİDO STREET Turkey
Aikido Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Aikido'da öne doğru atıştan bir örnek Dai Nikyo (Omote) İkinci öğreti (ön tarafı) Aikidō Aikidō (Japonca: 合気道) bir "Modern Japon savaş sanatı" (Japonca: 現代武道Gendai Budō) dır. Japonya'daki diğer savaş sanatları gibi aikido sadece kendini korumak için değil aynı zamanda ruhsal gelişim için de bir öğretidir. Aikido adı üç kanji'den oluşmaktadır: 合ai (birleşme, uyum) 気ki (veya çi)(yaşam gücü, ruh) 道dō (yol) Bir bütün olarak da anlamı "Yaşam Gücü İle Bütünleşme Yolu"dur. Aikidonun felsefesi insanın kendi yaşam gücünü geliştirmekten ibarettir. Yaşam gücünü geliştirmek ama kazanım ile veya yenilgi ile bağlanmamaktır. Aikido öğrencilerine aikidoka denir. Aikidonun savaş sanatı olarak ortaya çıkışı 1930-1960 yıllarına rastlar. Aikidonun kurucusu ve ilk hocası (bilindiği adıyla Ōsensei) Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) dır. Teknik anlamda aikidonun temelinde yatan savaş sanatları Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu ve Kenjutsu dur. Aikido eğitimlerinde üç tip silahın eğitimi temeldir.Bunlar jo,bokken,tanto dur.Aikido belirli teorik ve pratik bilgileri içinde barındırır.Teorinin ve pratiğin iç içe geçtiği yer ise antrenman yeri yani Dojo dur. Genelde aikido bir saldırı sanatı değil, bir savunma sanatı olarak anılır. Ancak bu yetersiz bir tanımlamadır. Aikido geleneksel Japon Budo'sunun bir örneğidir. Budo kelime anlamıyla mızrağı durdurmak anlamına gelirken, içeriği savaşçının yolunu kapsar. Budo kelimesinin karşılığı olarak savaş sanatı (martial arts ...
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: Ey58Turkey
views: 4623
Kendo documentario - Documental de Kendo (parte 1/2)
Il Kendō (剣道) è un'arte marziale giapponese, evolutasi come versione sportiva delle tecnic...
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: hadronica2
Kendo documentario - Documental de Kendo (parte 1/2)
Il Kendō (剣道) è un'arte marziale giapponese, evolutasi come versione sportiva delle tecniche di combattimento con la katana anticamente utilizzate dai samurai nel kenjutsu. Kendō significa letteralmente "La via (dō) della spada (ken)". El kendō (剣道) es un gendai budō, un arte marcial japonés moderno, en el que se utiliza una armadura (bōgu) y un sable de bambú (shinai) o un sable de madera (bokken). El nombre proviene de ken: sable y dō: camino, vía. Sus orígenes derivan del kenjutsu, arte marcial que se realizaba con katana, o sable japonés. Debido a la cantidad de accidentes que se producían ya que el uso de armas de fuego comenzaba a extenderse, la disciplina derivó hacia una forma de entrenamiento incruento. La invención del shinai se atribuye a Kamiizumi Hidetsuna, y consta de cuatro láminas de bambú que se mantienen juntas mediante distintas piezas de piel. Se dice que el bōgu, o armadura, fue inventado por el maestro Nakanishi Chuzo de Edo en 1750. Las diferentes partes que lo componen sufrieron constantes modificaciones a partir de la armadura de guerra tradicional de la época feudal hasta la primera parte del siglo XIX, para llegar al uniforme fuerte y altamente refinado que se utiliza en la práctica del kendō moderno.
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: hadronica2
views: 4183
Kendo documentario - Documental de Kendo (parte 2/2)
Il Kendō (剣道) è un'arte marziale giapponese, evolutasi come versione sportiva delle tecnic...
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: hadronica2
Kendo documentario - Documental de Kendo (parte 2/2)
Il Kendō (剣道) è un'arte marziale giapponese, evolutasi come versione sportiva delle tecniche di combattimento con la katana anticamente utilizzate dai samurai nel kenjutsu. Kendō significa letteralmente "La via (dō) della spada (ken)". El kendō (剣道) es un gendai budō, un arte marcial japonés moderno, en el que se utiliza una armadura (bōgu) y un sable de bambú (shinai) o un sable de madera (bokken). El nombre proviene de ken: sable y dō: camino, vía. Sus orígenes derivan del kenjutsu, arte marcial que se realizaba con katana, o sable japonés. Debido a la cantidad de accidentes que se producían ya que el uso de armas de fuego comenzaba a extenderse, la disciplina derivó hacia una forma de entrenamiento incruento. La invención del shinai se atribuye a Kamiizumi Hidetsuna, y consta de cuatro láminas de bambú que se mantienen juntas mediante distintas piezas de piel. Se dice que el bōgu, o armadura, fue inventado por el maestro Nakanishi Chuzo de Edo en 1750. Las diferentes partes que lo componen sufrieron constantes modificaciones a partir de la armadura de guerra tradicional de la época feudal hasta la primera parte del siglo XIX, para llegar al uniforme fuerte y altamente refinado que se utiliza en la práctica del kendō moderno.
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: hadronica2
views: 1591
Aikido - El arte de la defensa personal.
El Aikidō es un gendai budō o arte marcial tradicional del Japón. Fue desarrollado inicial...
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: kellydelagente
Aikido - El arte de la defensa personal.
El Aikidō es un gendai budō o arte marcial tradicional del Japón. Fue desarrollado inicialmente por el maestro Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), aproximadamente entre los años de 1930 y 1960. La característica fundamental del aikido es la búsqueda de la neutralización del contrario en situaciones de conflicto, dando lugar a la derrota del adversario sin dañarlo, en lugar de simplemente destruirlo o humillarlo. El Aikido busca formar a sus practicantes como promotores de la paz.
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: kellydelagente
views: 2165
Jodo championships world 11.13.2011
Jodo championships world 11.13.2011 source : www.digisport.ro...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: alexxFighting
Jodo championships world 11.13.2011
Jodo championships world 11.13.2011 source : www.digisport.ro
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: alexxFighting
views: 73
Sensei Arnold - Gendai Aikido
Small montage of Sensei Arnold in class and Randori...
published: 04 Jun 2009
author: GendaiAikido
Sensei Arnold - Gendai Aikido
Small montage of Sensei Arnold in class and Randori
published: 04 Jun 2009
author: GendaiAikido
views: 1510
Kyokushin Uchi Deshi (2 of 3)
For all those interested in Gendai Budo....
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: BakuninistKarateka
Kyokushin Uchi Deshi (2 of 3)
For all those interested in Gendai Budo.
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: BakuninistKarateka
views: 9004
Youtube results:
AIKIDO,Aikido styles, gendai budo,kendo,karate do,kobudo,kyudo, ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO Dr
Soy Médico General Cirujano soy Deportista y Atlético soy Alto mido 1,85 metros, Rubio, de...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo
AIKIDO,Aikido styles, gendai budo,kendo,karate do,kobudo,kyudo, ÁLVARO MIGUEL CARRANZA MONTALVO Dr
Soy Médico General Cirujano soy Deportista y Atlético soy Alto mido 1,85 metros, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, ojos claros, cabellos Rubios castaño, Inteligente y de Buenos Sentimientos. Sé el Idioma Alemán, Inglés-Inglesa, Americana; también conozco y tengo caracteres de la Filosofía de la Cultura China las Artes Marciales, Yoga, Meditación, Budismo. Soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida con Salud Pura y Verdadera y evitar las Enfermedades. SALVAR VIDAS ES MI DEBER Y AYUDAR. La VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sola Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos. La NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla. El Amor es lo Más Importante en la Vida para estar Felices y Vivirla Plenamente, Disfrutarla con Emoción y Alegría con todas las Cosas Bellas que Existen en el Mundo y en cada País de nuestras Ciudades, Naturaleza, Bosques y todo lo Bello. ME GUSTA LO QUE SOY MI FORMA DE SER ME ENCANTA LO QUE SOY YÓ MI FÍSICO, MENTE, PENSAMIENTOS, ALMA Y CUERPO, FÍSICO. Y VIVIR LA VIDA, NATURALEZA LA BELLEZA Me gusta la Naturaleza y la Vida. VIVIR LA VIDA RESPETANDO A LOS DEMÁS CHICAS Y CHICAS A TODAS LAS PERSONAS LES RESPETO Y ...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Álvaro Miguel Carranza Montalvo
views: 126
The KAZU TIME Show-Kitaoka Kyūdōjō: 北岡弓道場!
The KAZU TIME Show -HOPE- Kitaoka Kyūdōjō: 北岡弓道場At Kitaoka Nature Park Kumamoto, Japan May...
published: 27 May 2010
author: TheKAZUTIMEshow
The KAZU TIME Show-Kitaoka Kyūdōjō: 北岡弓道場!
The KAZU TIME Show -HOPE- Kitaoka Kyūdōjō: 北岡弓道場At Kitaoka Nature Park Kumamoto, Japan May 12th, 2010 熊本市立北岡自然公園弓道場です。熊本市の中心から徒歩で15分ほどの北岡自然公園の一角にあります。道場は、熊本で一番古い道場とか。先生方の中には元弓道全日本チャンピオンの方もおられ、熊本県代表として弓道の全日本大会にも出場されているとても優秀な先生方や生徒さん達です。皆さんとても親切で、お会いしたばかりなのに弓道についてご丁寧に説明してくれたり練習風景を見せてくれました。今回始めて弓道を生で見せて頂き、皆さんの集中力が素晴らしく見ていてとても良い勉強になりました。帰り際にはわざわざ玄関まで見送りに来られて、美味しい採りたてのイチゴを頂きました。道場も人も良く温かく、歴史を感じさせる風格のある北岡自然公園弓道場です。 Kyūdō (弓道), literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budō) and practitioners are known as kyūdōka (弓道家). It is estimated that there are approximately half a million practitioners of kyūdō today. Welive on this beautiful planet, Mother Earth, breathe the same air, and drink the same water. We are all brothers and sisters and members of the human family. Life is a precious gift to enjoy, celebrate, and appreciate! Life is a choice, and we need to choose to be happy! We make things happen by wishing them! Ask, Believe, then Receive! Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated! Thank you! I appreciate the people who can respect our differences and can treat others with ...
published: 27 May 2010
author: TheKAZUTIMEshow
views: 916
Granadilla acoge el II Open Nacional de Kendo
Granadilla 17 de Mayo de 2008 Granadilla acoge el II Open Nacional de Kendo. Se celebrará ...
published: 17 May 2008
author: eldigitalsur
Granadilla acoge el II Open Nacional de Kendo
Granadilla 17 de Mayo de 2008 Granadilla acoge el II Open Nacional de Kendo. Se celebrará del 30 de Mayo al 1 de Junio en el Pabellón de Deportes Municipal de Granadilla de Abona Nueve equipos se concentrarán este próximo 30, 31 de Mayo y 1 de Junio en el Pabellón de Deportes Municipal de Granadilla de Abona para celebrar el II Open Nacional de Kendo, una disciplina de la esgrima. El vento fue presentado ayer por el concejal de deportes del consistorio granadillero, Pedro Ángel Miranda, que explicó la dinámica del evento. "El 30 de Mayo habrá entrenamiento de los participantes niños y adultos, el 31, en horario de mañana, se realizará la competición infantil y en la tarde la de adultos. El 1 de Junio habrá entrenamiento y se hará la despedida de los maestros y los equipos". Los equipos participantes confirmados hasta la fecha son de Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Tenerife, gran Canaria, Mallorca Andorra, Ceuta, Zaragoza. Los más destacados, según el concejal de deporta son el campeón de Cataluña, la subcampeona de España, algunos miembros de la selección española femenina, y varios campeones de Canarias. Por otro lado, los maestros más destacados en este evento son Antonio Gutiérrez, maestro especialista nacional de Zaragoza, Pedro Soler, seleccionador nacional, viene de Mallorca, Oscar Serrano, maestro nacional proveniente de Andorra, entre otros. El edil señala que "la participación estimada va ser 75 adultos y 30 niños. El coordinador del II Open de Kendo, Antonio Lara ...
published: 17 May 2008
author: eldigitalsur
views: 1602
Alfonso Espinosa se adjudica el Campeonato Autonómico de Kendo
Espectáculo puro fue el que se ofrecía en el Guillermo Molina con la celebración del Campe...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: CeutaTelevision
Alfonso Espinosa se adjudica el Campeonato Autonómico de Kendo
Espectáculo puro fue el que se ofrecía en el Guillermo Molina con la celebración del Campeonato Autonómico de Kendo, que se adjudicaba Alfonso Espinosa. Este arte marcial japonés, moderno o camino del sable, es un gendai budō que nos ha dejaba mu bellas imágenes
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: CeutaTelevision
views: 13