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  • Petition: International Support for Women’s Campaign


    We the undersigned, representing international women’s groups and activists, human rights organizations and activists, university and academic centers, and social justice initiatives, would like to express our support for Iranian women in their effort to reform laws and achieve equal status within the Iranian legal system.


    Sign the petition

  • Women Gather Outside the Tehran Public Prosecutor’s Office, Enquiring about Nasrin Sotoudeh’s Condition

    (Change for Equality: Tens of women’s rights activists have expressed their concerns about Nasrin Sotoudeh’s deteriorating condition in a letter which they delivered in person to the Tehran Public Prosecutor’s Office on the morning of Sunday 2nd December. As of today, 3rd December, Nasrin Sotoudeh has been on hunger strike for forty-seven days. In the letter, addressed to the Public Prosecutor General for Tehran, Mr Jafari-Dowlatabadi, while declaring their support for Nasrin Sotoudeh’s (...))

    10 November 2012

    Update on the Situation of Nasrin Sotoudeh

    Change for Equality:: "As expected, Nasrin is very weak and has lost a significant amount of weight" says Reza Khandan From the Facebook of Reza Khandan, the husband of incarcerated human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh in solitary confinement and on the 20th day of a hunger strike at Evin prison We are extremely concerned for Nasrin’s well begin ever since we heard the news yesterday that she had been transferred from the general ward at Evin to solitary confinement at ward 209 [under the (...) read more

    2 November 2012

    Thirty-Three Female Prisoners Demand Apology From Evin Prison Chief in A Letter

    Change for Equality: According to the website Kalameh, 33 women currently serving their prison terms in Evin prison have written an open letter to the Chief of Evin Prison in Tehran, demanding an apology and acknowledgment of wrong doing in relation to a violent physical search, harassment of prisoners and search of the premises on October 31, 2012. Nine women have gone on hunger strike to protest his treatment, bringing the number of women prisoners on hunger strike at Evin to 10, (...) read more

    28 October 2012

    Iranian Rights Advocates Nasrin Sotoudeh and Jafar Panahi Receive Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought

    Change for Equality: European Parliament News:, reported on Friday October 26, 2012 that the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2012 goes to Iranians Nasrin Sotoudeh, an imprisoned human rights defender and lawyer, and Jafar Panahi, a film director who with his work called attention to the hardships suffered by Iran’s poor. EP president Martin Schulz made the announcement in plenary on Friday 26 October. Besides being a human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh is a women’s rights activists (...) read more

  • 23 April 2013 � International campaign to support the rights of Iranian workers

    The elimination of subsidies, the increasing economic sanctions, policies of economic adjustment, privatization, and the increasing growth of parasitic economics have resulted in the closure of many production plants, and the move of the industrial and agricultural production sector toward non-production activities are threating the lives and livelihood of millions of workers and their families in Iran.. The reports of the Economic Commission of the Parliament of the IRI, as reported by (...)  �Read more

  • 4 November 2012 � Iran: Female detainees begin hunger strike after degrading treatment

    The Iranian authorities must protect all detainees and prisoners from harassment and degrading treatment, Amnesty International said today, after nine female political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, started a hunger strike in response to alleged abuse by prison guards. The women, who are all held in Tehran’s Evin Prison include activists and journalists. They say they were subjected to humiliating and degrading body searches by female guards from the Prison Security Section (...)  �Read more

  • 11 November 2012

    Twently-Two Women’s Groups and 275 Activists from 35 Countries Call on Iranian Authorities to Ensure Health and Rights of Imprisoned Women Activists

    Change for Equality:International women activists and women’s organizations have issued a statement expressing grave concern over the health and wellbeing of ten female prisoners of conscience who started hunger strikes to protest illegal and inappropriate treatment in prison. Two-hundred and seventy five individuals and 22 organizations representing 35 countries, have called for the immediate release of these prisoners of conscience. They have also urged the Iranian authorities to ensure (...)read more

  • 17 October 2012

    A Letter of Hope, Courage and Love from Evin to Rajai Shahr Prison

    By: Jila Baniyaghoob, Imprisoned Journalist and Women’s Rights Activist

    Change for Equality: Jila Baniyaghoob, women’s rights activist and journalist who is currently serving her one year prison term in Evin prison, has written a letter to her journalist husband, Bahman Ahmadi Amouie, who is serving a 5 year prison term in Rajaee Shahr prison. The following is the translation of Jila’s letter to Bahman. My dearest Bahman, It has been two months since I last saw you; two months since that last visit at Rajai Shahr prison when I looked at you from behind (...)read more

  • 15 September 2012

    Women Who Pull Life Out From Under the Rubble

    By: Raha Asgarizadeh

    Change for Equality: Translated by: Salman Zia Ebrahimi The town of Varzaghan, located in the province of Eastern Azerbaijan in Iran, boasts the second highest copper deposits in Iran only after Kerman which has the highest copper deposits in the country. Mining this expensive metal has had no positive effect on the lives and welfare of the people here. The residents of the town of Varzaghan and its surrounding villages were grappling with poverty even before this earthquake. This is (...)read more

  • 9 January 2012

    Alieh’s Return in Pictures

    Change for Equality: Alieh Eghdam Doust, women’s rights activist was released from prison today on January 8, 2011 after serving a three year prison term. Upon her release from prison, Alieh was greeted by women’s rights and human rights activists who waited for her outside Evin prison. She was then taken to the home of one of the Campaign activists, where a party was held in her honor and to celebrate her release. Women’s rights activists, peace activists, human rights and student (...)read more

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